TigerSoft Blog
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PO Box 22784- San Diego, CA 92192 - 858-273-5900 - william_schmidt @hotmail.com
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How TigerSoft detects Insider Buying and
New - Excerpts from my forthcoming
How To Profit from The
Secret Life of Wall Street:
William Schmidt,
- Tiger Software's Creator
(C) 2018 William Schmidt, Ph. D. - All Rights Reserved.
PLEASE. No reproductions of this blog or quoting from it without
acknowledgement of its author is permitted. Send any comments
or questions to william_schmidt@hotmail.com
People have asked me to write a
Daily Blog. They seem to want
me to give them a thought or two once in a while. About what?
Well, we'll just have to wait and see. As, I see it, a blog is a
personal statement. I will try to make it entertaining and relate
it mostly to the stock market and insider trading.
As we look at the forces that effect stock prices, we are
immediately drawn into "political economy", the study of
the choices governments make based upon the pressures
brought to bear on them. Many of these choices are more than
debatable. Many are highly offensive to my sense of compassion.
There are no "sacred cows" here.
I do promise not to belabor the obvious. So, I hope these thoughts,
reflections and finds are worth your time. I will give you my best.
Here we follow the
money trail to see the real news that the regular media won't touch or hides
and underplays.
Never underestimate how unscrupulous Wall
Street is. TigerSoft indicators let you see what the manipulators
and corporate insiders are doing, so that
you won't be mislead by their misinformation campaigns.
Because we monitor insider trading and
are not required to get corporate approval for what we write,
many of these articles
have proven remarkably prescient. See TigerSoft Predictions
Read about my
Peerless Stock Market Timing
and TigerSoft Buys / Sells
Hint - Google "tigersoft" and a subject. Often you can most
see what we have said about a subject in this manner.
Example - Google - "tigersoft" + "insider selling" + "short selling"
all on the same line.
or "tigersoft" + "housing bubble" + "outlook"
Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote
historians ought to be precise, truthful, and quite unprejudiced, and
neither interest nor
fear, hatred nor
affection, should cause them to swerve
from the path of truth, whose mother is history, the rival
of time, the
depository of great actions, the witness of what is past, the example and
of the present, the monitor of the future."

"I'm mad as hell and not
going to take it anymore" from
movie Network
First, an unsolicited recommendation on my part:
A mobile Car Mechanic in San Diego I recommend.
Reliable, affordable and trustworthy
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Listing of TigerSoft Blogs
May 5, 2010
- SPY Head and Shoulders Patterns: 1983-2010
(Hot Line Subscribers only) |
May 2, 2010
- How Best To Find Bearish Head and Shoulders
Patterns with TigerSoft's Power-Ranker.
(Hot Line Subscribers only) |
February 26, 2010
And right-wingers call him a
Obama's next book will be called "PROFILES IN COWARDICE". He campaigned on
providing a public health
insurance option similar to the ones that members of
Congress have. so as to provide more competition in the health
insurance market
that is dominated by a handful of corporations who now control 1/6 of the whole US
economy. But he has been backing away from that campaign pledge ever since
2008. Last year he called the public option an irritating "sliver"/
This year
he has chosen to take it out altogether from his latest health insirance
With typical TREACHEROUS SHIFTINESS, he has forsaken his campaign pledges
and stabbed his earlier supporters in the back.

(Source: http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Healthcare-Cartoons/Public-Option.0rlb.htm )
Obama's treachery is not a matter of political expedience. Many
members of his own party in
even Nancy Pelosi, believe, the public option may very well have the
51 votes in the Senate if "reconciliation" is used.
Under Obama's sell-out to private
health insurance companies, all Americans will be
required to buy health insurance AND pay whatever companies like Well-Point choose
to charge. Their monopolistic position goes unaddressed by the backboneless
President and his Whute House Corporate toadies. Well-Point this month raised
their premiums by 39% on many Californians. People cannot afford this. They
being forced off health insurance or to switch to very, very high deductibles.
After paying such premiums, many people just have no money left for basic
preventative health care exams. Obama, you give spineless jellyfish a bad
If you bought Well Point's stock on the last dip below 58, betting that Obama would
protect the company's monopoly profits, you did very well.
Professionals knew Obama would boost WLP's stock, once the shock of the
39% boost in premium prices to California Blue Cross wore off.
January 18, 2010
Behavior In Nascent Bull Markets Following Bear Markets.
Hotline Subscribers' Only. |
December 19, 2009
So Many Questions about The
Senate's New Health Insurance Reform Bill.
Howard Dean called it "Crap". The Senate Does What The Highest Bidders
Tell Them To Do. The CEO of Aetna Gets $24 million a year. He gets paid
more in one week than the average General Practitioner is paid in a year.
America - What A Country. How Many More Must Die Because of Greedy,
Bought and Paid for Political Hacks Masquerading as Statesmen? |
December 3, 2009
"BIGGEST MORAL HAZARD" The Bernanke Confirmation Hearings
show how afraid Obama and most Democrats are of their Wall Street masters.
Meanwhile joblessness is 17% and what few Dollars the working poor have
quickly disappear because of the consequences of Bernanke's bankers' bailout. |
September 17, 2009
Obama Is Wall Street's
Tool. Shareholders Should Applaud Him.
Peerless Stock Market Timing and The Tiger Blog Pegged Him Right,
but Citizens Should Consider How Much He Has Increased and Worsened
1) Extremes of Wealth and Poverty in America,
2) Opaque and Irresponsible Government, especially by Backing Bernanke and,
3) Inflation and US Government Indebtedness.
Gold Is Breaking Out To Important New Highs. How We Are Playing It. |
August 17, 2009
Obama's lack of backbone was never clearer as he vascillates back and
forth on the
need for a public health care option. Sunday he called it a "sliver" of
his plan and the next day
the White House called it "fundamental" to the plan. He was
uncharacteristically silent Monday
and again on Tuesday. I have already pointed out his starchlessness many
times. So,
for now I'll spare readers my hurricaine like-feelings.
August 7, 2009
How To Find Each New Bull Market's Explosive
Super Stocks: 1990-2009
The many cases here should make very clear the pattern we look for in finding
these stocks, year after year, but particularly after a bear market.
(This is available only to subscribers.) |
August 4, 2009
Savvy Insiders Are
Right Again.
15 More Reasons To
Buy TigerSoft. |
August 2, 2009
TigerSoft's Keys To
Profitable Investing - INSIDER WATCH
The Truth Is That TigerSoft's Success Rests on How Predictably Criminal
Many CEOs Behave When It Comes To Concealing What's Really
Happening with Their Company and Then Trading Their Own Stock
and Passing Along Non-Public Information To Their Financial Cronies.
------- MANY MORE EXAMPLES ---------------- |
July 10, 2009
And Shoulders Patterns in the DJIA since 1915.
Reliability And Trading Recommedations.
(Not Public - For Hotline Subscribers only.) |
July 4, 2009
The Corporate Hall of Shame
Is Getting Crowded.
Corporate Insider
Trading Is Rampant. Fight Back with TigerSoft.
Like Rats Leaving A Ship, Not like The Captains They Pretended To Be,
Obscenely Over-Paid CEOs and Executives Sold Their Stock Holdings in 2007-2008
at Over-Inflated Prices to The General Public.
They Knew They Had Built Over-Leveraged Houses of Cards.
They Took Dire Risks with Other People's Money To Get Those Fat Bonuses.
Obama says NO crimes were committed. He also won't allow a criminal
fraud investigation. Plutocracy and Extreme Mal-Distribution of Wealth
Led to the Great Depression. We May Get Their Yet. |
June 26,
2009 Head and Shoulders Patterns in the DJIA: 1915-2009
(This Blog is reserved for TigerSoft Hotline Subscribers.) |
15, 2009 Obama is 98% Fraud and 2%
To The Folks Who Voted for Him, Obama Brings A
New Disappointment Most Every Day.
How Long Will He Get away with Such Disloyalty to His Supporters? |
April 5, 2009 Techniques Using Tiger's Power-Stock-Ranker: Including Tiger's
Tahiti System
and Confirming the "First Out of The Gate" Stocks with Matching Internal
Strength Rankings.
(TigerSoft Data Subscribers only). |
March 26, 2009 What 1930s Charts Can Teach Us Now. (Hotline Sunscribers only) |
March 23, 2009 Towards A Trading Strategy for Newmont Mining
Simple Trading Rules Applied to NEM: 1990-2009
(For Data Subscribers only.) |
March 23, 2009
Finance Obama
Obama's Biggest Wall Street Contributors Fleeced
Shareholders on The Way Down
And Now Will Fleece Taxpayers on The Way Up. |
March 4, 2009
Lesssons of The 1930s: Part 1
How To Call The Important Bottoms.
How To Distinguish The
Bear Market Rallies from The Rallies That Start A New Bull Market.
(For Hotline Subscibers only.) |
October 31, 2008
Predicting the QQQQ Using TigerSoft's Unique Indicators
Makes for Stress-Free and Very Profitable Trading.
QQQQ: 1999-2008
This Blog is only available to Elite Stock Professional subscribers.
March 28, 2008
Radio Shack's Sad Decline: A Microcosm for What's Happening To America.
Ignorant, Cynical, Over-Paid
CEOs and Under-Paid Workers.. |
January 27,
2008 Stock Market Behavior in Presidential Election Years: 1940-2008.
Reserved for our Hotline Subscribers. |
January 12, 2008 Buying at The Brink. Reserved for Hotline Subscribers.
contact us for more information. |
October 9, 2007 Using All-Time Highs: Biotechs.
(Data/Hotline Subscribers Only) |
July 4, 2007 Maine Memories:
"Have You Lived Here All Your Life?"
Reply" "Not Yet".
Staffing Companies Give A Glimpse into Stock Market's Future. (See
bottom of 6/30/2007 Blog) |
Headlines Arranged
1929 Top: Could it Happen Again? Yes - Absolutely. (June 24, 2007)
1929 To Be Revisited in China if Massive Insider Selling Is A Guide (November 27,
2007's Best and Worst Performing Stocks: The Differences Early On. (August 30, 2007)
All Short Selling
Should Be Halted Now. (November 19, 2008)
America Cannot Afford Its Empire or Its Military Industrial Complex (July 13, 2008)
American Hubris and the Iraqi Nemesis (September 18, 2007)
American Labor's
Untold Story. "Which Side Are You On, Boys?"
(September 1, 2008)
American Turquoise: Each Mine Has Its Own Variety of Native Blues and Greens (April 2,
Amgen's Take Off: Spotting The Insider Buying Pays off Nicely: 1990-1991.
Another Conspiracy Theory That Should Just Go Away: FDR and Pearl Harbor (December 7,
Automobile Bailout
versus Wall Street's Bailout:
3 Million Jobs
or A Depression. Will Congress Get This One Right (December 8,
Bankers Flex
Their Control over US Government. (November 23, 2008)
Bank Failures. "More Are Coming", says Bernanke (March 9, 2008)
Baseball's Huge Home
Field Advantage: Are Catcher's Signs Being Stolen? What's Up? (Aug.
27. 2008)
Bear Markets Are Best Predicted by This Stock (February 21, 2008)
Bear Markets in The US (the DJI: 1914-2008) and How To Trade Them.
Bear Raiders and The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) (July 18, 2008)
Bear Stearns Collapse: Lessons To Be Learned and What Investors Should Do. (March
16, 2008)
Bear Stearns' Shareholders' Sad and Angry Messages on Yahoo (March 17, 2008)
Bearish Cartoons (August 14, 2007)
Bernanke's Billions for Big Banks (May 7, 2008)
Bernanke Has The Banks Addicted To His Handouts. Billions for Bankers. Zilch for
Homeowners (March 29,2008)
Bernanke Is A Willing Scapgoat for George Bush's Many Failures. (March 15, 2008)
Bernanke Has Studied Monetary Mistakes of FED under Greenspan and in The Great Depression
(February 3, 2008)
Best Earlier Example of Rapid And Dramatic Cut in Doscount Rate. (February 3, 2008)
Best Bush Joke (June 14, 2007)
Big Declines Always Occur in Years ending in "7" (June 22, 2007)
Biggest Gainers of 2007. How Might We Best Spot These Early-on? (December 31,2007)
Biggest Losers since Peerless Major Sell on July 17, 2007 (August 2, 2007)
Beating Biotech's Game of Roulette with Tiger's Power Stock Ranker. (September 21, 2007).
Biggest Gainers and Losers Can Tell Us Lots about Using TigerSoft Trading Tools (February
16, 2007)
Biggest US Banks Now Are Planning To Reduce Credit
Card Buying Power
by Two Trillion Dollars. With Their Monopoly
Power, Their Refusal To Lend
Willl Turn The Recession into A Depression.
December 26, 2008
Biggest U.S.
Stock Market Declines: 1915-2008 (October 28, 2008)
Blackwater: A Dagger Pointed at American Democracy (October 3, 2007)
British Pound Makes A 25 Year High And Poses Dangers for US Market (July 3, 2007)
Building Tiger Indexes of Selected Stocks. (January 26, 2008)
Bush and the Languishing Biotechs : Stem Cell Research Veto (June 20, 2007)
Bush's Attack on Iraq Started The Decline in The US Dollar. (July 12, 2007)
Bush Corruption and
Cronyism Reach Dizzying Heights in Paulsen's Plan
for US Tax Payers To Spend A Trillion Dollars Buying
Mortgages from Private US Banks.
(September 19, 2008)
Bush Is A
One-Man Wrecking Machine of Retirement Accounts (October 10, 2008)
Bush on The Coach: Hubris and Nemesis (September 18, 2007)
Bush's Iraq/Iran Policies Menace US Dollar and Millions on Fixed Incomes (October 29,
Bush OK's Outing of CIA Agent To Silence Critics of His Lies Going into Iraq War. (May 29,
Bush Tells Investors Not To Worry. (8/10/2007)
Causes of
the 2008 Stock Market Crash (October 28, 2008)
Carl Bernstein's Comparing Bush and Nixon (June 14, 2007)
Carlyle Group Bailout? You Bet. American Socialism Is for The Rich and Connected.
(March 15, 2008)
Causes of the Crash
of 2008. (October 19, 2008)
CEO Greed Hurts Shareholders, Consumers and Invites A New Era of Governmental
Intervention. (May, 1, 2008)
Cheney's Office, a $140,000 pay-off and Duke (The Felon) Cunningham (March
4, 2008)
Cheney and Halliburton: The Biggest Thieves in American History. (March 1, 2008)
China and Global Bull Market: (June 17, 2007 and June 18,2007)
China Now Controls America's Financial Destiny (August 9. 2007)
Chipotle's (CMG) Great Food and Modest
Prices. (November 3, 2008)
Citigroup Gets
Another $25 Billion without Promising New Loans (November
23, 2008
Class Warfare and The Presidential Election of 2008 (June 13, 2008)
Come-Backs To Bullies and Mean-Spirited Jerks Are Not The Answer. (October 15, 2008)
Coming of Summer: Seasonality and The Markets (June 22, 2007)
Complete Failure of American Leadership (July 13, 2008)
Corn, Wheat, Cocoa, Coffee and Soybeans, TigerSoft Profits, Global Warming and Famine.
(February 26, 2008)
Cost Of Bush's Iraq War Estimated To Be $7 Trillion. Small Wonder Dollar Is
Collapsing and
A Recession Looms Ahead. What $7 Trillion Could Buy. (March 7, 2008)
CPI = Crock of Perpetual Illusions about US Inflation (November 29, 2007)
CRASH''s Timeline Shows That "Miserable Failure" Is A Better Explanation.
(Oct 24, 2008)
The Credit Crunch Is Worsening. Use TigerSoft To Find the Best Short Sales among
Bank Stocks (6-4-2008)
Cuban Trade Embargo and Anti-Communist Exiles in Miami. (December 11, 2007)
Curse of Cassandra: With Peerless You Will See The Future, but No One Will Believe You.
(July 25,2007)
Is for Dahlia's, Nature's Fireworks. (July 4, 2008)
Danse Macabre as Performed by George Bush and Philip Morris (September 28, 2007)
Spiral? Another Depression? Not if We Learn The Lessons
of Past
Depressions and Delfations. Should We Sell NOW?
(October 23, 2007)
Don't Expect
Obama To Clean House at The US Treasury. (November 10, 2008)
Disney Looks Like A Good Short Sale. (August 14, 2007)
Dodd's Sweatheart Housing Bill Bails Out Mortgage Lenders,
Props Up Bloated Housing Prices and Makes Housing Less Affordable. (July 27, 2008)
Dollar's Decline Is Getting Serious. Bush's Attack on Iraq Started The Decline.
(July 12, 2007)
Dollar's Coming Collapse, Gold and Interest Rates (9/13/2007)
Dollar: The Real Story behind the Run on The Dollar ( 10/31/2007)
Don't Be A Deer in the Headlights (August 5, 2007)
Don't Confuse
High Volume Reversal Days with High Volume Break-Away Moves.
The Cases
of Bank of America and Washington Mutual. Watch SSRI, (September
11, 2008
Delight" Roses. The Most Fragrant of All Roses. (December 3, 2008)
Draw Simple Trendlines with Silver (March 22, 2008)
Easily Spot Key
Insider Selling Using TigerSoft. Compare The Insider Selling
Shown on The
TigerSoft Charts of Citibank with Those of Bear Stearns,
Lehman Brothers,
Washington Mutual, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Trump,
Northern Rock and
General Motors. ( 11/25/2008)
Eerie Parallels between 1973 and 2007 (July 29, 2007)
Erik Sirri, The SEC's Top Insider Trading Regulator Dismisses
The Desirability of Regulating
Insider Trading. (January 8, 2008)
End to War in Iraq will be bullish: (June 14, 2007)
Ex Nasdaq
President, Bernie Madoff Has Made Off with $50 BILLION.
Despite A
Dozen Red Flags, The SEC Gave Madoff Its OK in 2007. (
Exxon Is The Icon for Corporate Greed. (August 1, 2008)
Ferdinand Pecora: Amercian Hero. Oh,
How We Need Him Now. (March 9, 2009)
FOREX Euro Trading with TigerSoft (December 14, 2007)
Evaluating Stock Breakouts: A Case Study of Silver Stock SSRI (October 29, 2007)
False Breakouts: Spotting and Surviving These Dangerous Patterns (November 15, 2007)
Reserve Fraud Is Massive. Cover-Up by Bernanke Cannot Continue Much Longer
(April 25, 2009)
Foxes from Goldman Sachs Should Not Be Running The Henhouse (the
US Treasury). ( October 20, 2008 )
Full Disclosure Goes against McCain's Grain (August 13, 2008)
Global Climate Crisis. The "Tipping Point" Is Now. (July 20, 2008)
Gold Bug's Fear
Tactics Now Seem "Self-Serving" And "Strained"
in This
Deflationary Environment with Rising Unemployment. (December 17,
Gold Stocks' Index Achieves Historical Breakout (September 19, 2007)
Goldman Sachs:
The Greed Connection between Wall Street and Washington (April 2009)
Gold Mining's High Environmental Cost: The Case of Newmount Mining around The World. (Feb
14, 2008)
Great White Sharls, Protected Seals and Swimming at La Jolla Cove (December 4, 2007)
"De-Regulation" of Banking and The Abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act
of 1933,
Has Led Directly to the 2007-2008 Bear Market (September 18,
Guide To
Obama's Orwellian Double-Speak about "Good Banks" and "Bad Banks"
(January 27, 2009)
Guy Fawkes Day in England - "Remember, remember the fifth
of November..." (November 5, 2007)
GTXI: Biotech Profits Are As Easy as 1 2 3. (September 8, 2007)
Hank Williams and My Musical Friends (December 1, 2007)
Harlequin Black Opals - Australia's Magical Light Show. (April 29, 2008)
History of Federal Reserve Discount Rate Cuts Shows Strong Partisan Bias. (August
18, 2007)
Historical Parallels: 2007, 1974 and 1998. (August 6, 2007)
Housing Correction Continues. No Bottom In Sight, Yet (June 28, 2007)
How Close
Are We To A Bottom (October 10, 2008)
How Much Risk Is Counterfeiting To The US Dollar.(October 20, 2007
How Peerless Lets You Profit from Violent Swings in Stock Market Trading Ranges: 1965-2007
(October 20, 2007)
The Stock Market Treated FDR, JFK and Clinton in The Presidential
Election Year
and The Year After The Election. (October 24, 2008)
How To Call Bear Market Bottoms: 1915-2008 (July 14, 2008)
How To Spot New Best Performing Stocks Using TigerSoft's Accumulatin Index (4/13/2008)
How To Trade Best Performing Stocks Using TigerSoft's Fixed Rule Buy and Sell Signals
How To
Trade Silver (SLV) and Silver Stocks ( PAAS and SSRI ) Much More Profitably (9/4/2008)
Hypocritical US
Senate Declares Class War on American Workers. (December 11, 2008)
Impeachment: Nancy Pelosi Needs A Lesson on The Constitution (October 5, 2007)
Income Inequality Threatens The US with A Depression (January 29, 2008)
Insider Buying in Clinical Data ( CLDA ). Evaluating Biotechs with Drugs in
Trials.(September 13, 2007)
Insider Selling at Imclone (September 17, 2007)
Insider Selling Lawsuit: Santa's Toy Makers May Go To
Mattel (MAT) Hides Toy Recalls until Insiders Can Sell. (December
28, 2007)
Insider Selling at Qwest. Unbridled CEO Greed. "To Hell with The Wndows and
Orphans". (December 27, 2007)
Selling at Washington Mutual and Citigroup Should Make Investors "Mad as Hell".
(December 29, 2007)
Insider Trading:: The Case of Imclone (June 28, 2007)
Insider Trading at Bear Stearns (BSC) and How TigerSoft Spots and Trades It. (January 4,
Insider Selling Crunches Shoe Stocks: CROCS (CROX) and Brown Shoes (BWS)
(January 8, 2008)
Insider Selling by Dow Jones Insider Only Brings SEC Insider Trading Charges against
The "Little Guys" (January 3, 2007)
Insider Selling: British Style. Is Northern Rock The Tip of The UK
Ice Berg? (Secember 26, 2007)
Insiders Are Betting Outsourcing Will Continue Strong in US.
(April 7, 2008)
Insider Trading Is Widespread: Case of AHM - American Home Credit, TRMP (August 2,
Interest Rate Reductions Make Gold Stocks Attractive, but Fails To Treat What Really Ails
America. (January 30, 2008).
Investing in A Perfect Financial Storm(2) Buy Gold (GLD), Silver
(SLV) ,
Great Basin Gold and Foreign Currencies, especially the Euro (July 15, 2008)
Investors, Be Afraid of A Republican Fall (August 28, 2007)
Iran Gives Bush Another Chance to Push His Crazy Armageddon Agenda.(October 25, 2007)
Is It Time To Panic? (August 6, 2007)
Is Washington Mutual The Next Bear Stearns or Northern Rock? (May 14, 2008)
Jimmy Rogers
Calls It "American Communism" (September
8, 2008 )
Jobs and The Stock Market: Using TigerSoft To Get A Job. (April 9, 2009)
Job Seekers Would Do Well Calling on The Companies with The Best Performing Stocks
Just Say "NO" To Your Boss. (September 24, 2007)
Rove Blames Obama for The Stock Market Collapse of 2008
King Coal's Super Stocks and How TigerSoft Spots Them Early-On. (6/3/2008)
KTEC - High Accumulation - Key Technologies. A Case of Institutional Buying from Insiders
Labor Day. Organized Labor's Contributions Should Not Be Forgotten (September
3, 2007)
Currency and Forex Profits: TigerSoft Techniques in An Age of Profound
US Dollar Weakness. The Lessons of Master Currency Speculators:
John Meynard Keynes and George Soros. (November 28, 2007)
Lessons for The US from The Collaspe of
Argentina's Currency in 2002. ( November 29, 2007 )
of The Japanese Stagnation: 1990-2003. (February 25, 2009)
The Limits of Monetary Policy: Will The "Stagflation" of The
1970s Reappear?
Part III in Series on Monetarists versus The Kenesians (February 4, 2008)
Learning How To
Spot Tops in Stocks Using TigerSoft Is Easy (October 29, 2008)
Long US Wars Also Are Deadly for The Stock Market (March 18, 2008)
Lowering Interest Rates Lowers The Dollar and Boosts Gold Prices but Does Little To Get at
Income Inequality,
which Poses Biggest Threat to US Economy. (January 29, 2008)
New Job Interview? Impress Them with What
TigerSoft Can Show. (October 5, 2008)
Crude Oil's Roller Coaster Ride: 2006-2008 Was Easy with TigerSoft's Tools
That Show You
What Insiders Are Doing (November 26, 2008)
Maine Memories: Down East Humor (July 4, 2007)
McCain Dis-Respects Veterans. His Rage Problems Scares Insiders. But Goes
Un-Reported (May 26, 2008)
McCain's Problems Are Wall Street's. (June 13, 2008)
Media Blackout on Cheney Impeachment Proceedings (November 7, 2007)
Media Taboos: Baseball's Spitting and Bush's Sado-Masochistic Tendencies (July 31, 2007)l
Momentum Investing Works if You Use TigerSoft (July 17, 2007)
Finance Capitalism and Wall Street Are Dangerously Out of Control.
(September 21, 2008)
Movie Reciew: "No Country for Old Men" (December 23, 2007)
Music, Musical Stocks and Music of the Stock Market (June 25, 2007).
Nancy Pelosi Needs A Lesson in The US Constitution (October 5, 2007)
Nancy Pelosi Chooses To Serve amd Protect The Powerful and Their Priotities.
(November 8, 2007)
New Mexico: Some Pictures and A Story: (June 29, 2007)
The"BAD" Banks Now. That's The Answer (February, 10,
Nicholas Darvas System Reversed for Short Selling (November 6, 2007)
No More Tax Payer Money for
Big Banks. (December 25, 2008)
NYU Economist
Nouriel Roubini - "Dr. Doom" or Prescient Cassandra?
(November 1, 2008)
Obama's Costly
Toadying of Wall Street Subsidizes Insider Goldman Sachs (April 7,
Obama Protects and Defends Wall Street Crooks
(March 19, 2009)
Obama Has The
Spine of A Jellyfish. Despite Public Opposition Outnumbering
Supporters 20
to 1, Obama Fully Supports The $700 Billion Bailout of Bankers...
(September 28, 2008)
Bailouts for "Zombie Banks" Will Cost Americans Trillions. (February
25, 2009)
Obama, Wall Street and Main Street. Only 14% of Americans approve Bush's Economics
(February 20, 2008)
Appointments Should Satisfy Wall Street Cry Babies (November 23,
Obama is 98%
Fraud and 2% Backbone (May 15, 2009)
Obama's TARP Is
Part Trap and 100% Crap. (January 27, 2009)
Obama's Scare
Tactics Stop The Santa Claus Rally Cold. (January 11, 2009)
Oil Prices and The Stock Market: 1970-2006: (July 23, 2007)
Oil Stocks Are Going Wild. How TigerSoft Can Find You The Best Oil Stocks To Trade.
(May 20, 2008)
Major Sell Signals Impact on Foreign Markets (July 29, 2007)
Media Taboos: Baseball Spitting and Questions about Bush's Mental Health (July 31, 2007)
Paulson Is A Crook! Tell
Paulson To "Go To Hell". Stop His Scare Tactics!
(December 25, 2008)
Paulson Proves
He Is A Thief in The Night. ( November 10, 2008)
Picking The Best Performing Stocks Year after Year. What's behind TigerSoft's
Success? (June 18, 2008)
Poachers for Profit are Pushing Tigers into Extinction ( November 20, 2007)
Penny Oil Stocks. How To Hit A Big Gusher using TigerSoft's Accumulation Index (June
23, 2008)
Perfect Financial Storm (July 13, 2008(
Petrodollar Currency Warfare: The Untold Story. (October 31, 2007)
Platinum and South Africa's Power Outages. (February 23, 2008)
Playing The World Bull Market in October 2007 (October 15, 2007)
PRO Football's
Dirty Little Secret. Are AFC / NFL Officals on The Take?
(September 15, 2008)
Real Estate Jobs Are Being Sacrificed to SEC's Ideology on Non-Regulation. (August 15,
Resistance: Recognize It and Profit from It. (August 27, 2007)
RadioShack's Sad Decline: A Microcosm for What's Happening To America (March 28,
Rhetoric Aside, The
Real Obama Is A Friend of Wall Street. (February 25, 2009)
Rhetoric Aside,
Obama Is Wall Street's Best Protector. (March 25, 2009
Rice's Doubling Was Predicted by TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and Its Power-Ranker.
(April 18, 2008)
Rice Hoarding, Riots and The Very Real Danger of Mass Starvation
(April 29, 2008)
Right Wing Extremists in White House and Israel Plot War with Iran. (June 8, 2008)
The Rise and Fall of
Commodities' Hedge Funds (October 19, 2008)
The Role of
Ultra ProShares ETFS in The Bubble and The Crash.
(November 19, 2008)
Rules for Trading Food Commodities and TigerSoft (October 7, 2007)
Running in The Shorts When Island Reversal Consolidations Start Appearing (January 24,
San Diego: Tiger Software's Home. How To Start Looking for a Job Here. (June 30, 2007)
Scottish Humor (July 4, 2007)
Seasonality: Fourth Quarter's before A Presidential Election Year (September 26, 2007)
Securities and Exchange Commission Bears A Heavy Responsibility for 2007 Crash. (August
15, 2007)
The SEC and The FED Have Worsened US Financial Woes, as They Aided
Their Favorite
Clients onl Wall Street To Make Huge Insider Trading Profits. (July 17, 2008, July 18, 2008)
of Biden as VP Shows Obama Is No Agent of Change. (August 23, 2008)
Shame on George Bush (August 4. 2007)
Short Selling Techniques. (August 7, 2007, August 13, 2007)
Short Selling Techniques and Systems (November 6, 2007)
Short Squeeze Profits: DNDN (September 12, 2007)
Sierra Clubs Names for The New Ford Tank SUV. (June 6, 2008)
Silver Is Starting To Tarnish (June 26, 2007)
Silver Breakout over $15/ounce Is Coming: Buy SSRI (November 2, 2007)
Silver Has Moved above $17. "All-Aboard". Next Stop $20.
Silver Short Seller Manipulation, Doubts about ETF - SLV's Silver Stash. (March 22, 2008)
Sleepless in San Diego. So Are Zero-Compassion Public Policies and Abuse of The
Homeless. (March 9. 2008)"
Socialism for The Rich: The Fed's $650 Billion in
Dangerously Unconditional Loans to Elite Banks
who Offer only Poor Quality Collateral. The Banks are thus free to make the same
mistakes again and again. We have no assurance that these uncondional loans will
trickle down to working people or prevent a further financial collapse (March 18, 2008)
(July 15, 2008)
Spot Blatant Non-Confirmation at The Upper and Lower Bands To Make Money in The Stock
Market (4/3/2008)
Spotting Key
Insider Buying and Selling Is Easy with TigerSoft:
The Cases of
GM and EBS in 2008. (December 8, 2008)
Spotting Insider Buying Is The Best Way To Find The Next Explosive Super Stock. (April 13,
Spotting Very Vulnerable Stocks? (May 14, 2008)
Staffing Companies Give A Glimpse into Stock Market's Future. (June 30, 2007, August
Stock Choices When Federal Reserve Injects Billions into Banking System:
August/September 2007.
(September 27, 2007)
Stock Market in Years That End in "7": (June 19, 2007)
Stock "s9" Signals: Top Tips for Traders (July 9,
Systemic Failures: The "Free Market" Is Too Expensive.
(October 19, 2008)
The 80 Best
Performing Stocks since the November Bottom (February 3, 2009)
Tiger's Blue-Chip Tahiti System Keeps Making More than 20%/year (June 15, 2007)
TigerSoft Charts of GM: 1998-2008
(December 8, 2008)
TigerSoft's Many Unique Tools Advise You What Professionals Intend for Your Stocks.
(August 8, 2008)
Tips for Trading The QQQQ (July 8, 2007)
Top Performing Stock for The Last 12 Months (4/13/2008)
Trading Opportunities in Over Looked Staffing Stocks (August 29, 2007)
Trading Stocks in Trading Ranges ( October 22, 2007)
Tribute To San Diego Chargers' Antonio Cromartie, Master of Open Field Running. (January
16, 2008)
Turkish Genocide of One Million Armenians: Lest We Forget (October 11, 2007)
Two-Year Notes Call The Tune for Housing and Finance Stocks. (June 27, 2007)
Use OBV New Highs and Lows ahead of Price To Spot Insider Trading.(January 3, 2008)
Using Peerless Major Sell Signals (July 29,
The US Senate Is A
Dangerous National Disgrace (February 7,
Wall Street Bribes
Larry Summers with $7 million for A Few Weeks' Work.
He Is Obama's
Chief Economic Advisor (April 6.
Wall Street
versus Main Street. (November 19, 2008)
Watch Apple's Stock and Use Tiger's Accumulation Index To Catch The Next Major Top (July
6, 2007)
We Warned You
That Washington Mutual Would Fail. September
26, 2008
Weakest Stocks of 2008: Use TigerSoft's Accumulation Index To Find Them (January 13,
Weak Stocks for Short Seling (March 2, 2008)
We're Doomed with
Paulson in Charge. (November 14, 2008)
Wells Fargo Just
Took Another $25 Billion Out of Your Pocket. (November 10, 2008)
What America Has Not Been Told about Georgia (August 21, 2008)
What A New Bush War Will Mean for The Stock Market and America (June 21, 2008)
What if A Democrat Becomes President? (July 22 2007)
What Is America's Destiny? (July 27, 2007)
What We Can Learn from the Market's Behavior in 1920, 1969m 1976m 1992 (June 13, 2008)
What Bear Market (June 18, 2008)
behind Biden's Veneer? (August 23, 2008)
What Would Warn
Us That The US Will Experience A Depression? (November 1, 2008)
When The Market's Tide Is Low, Use TigerSoft To Find The Stars. (February 13, 2008)
What Will The Nationalization of Home Mortgages Cost?
(September 8, 2008)
Where Are The High Tech Jobs Going? (July 2, 2007)
Why Does Treasury
Secretary Paulsen Look So Frightened? (September 8, 2008)
Why Is Bank of
America So Happy? (September 8, 2008)
Why Is The Stock
Market Rallying? (March 25, 2009)
Will Nationalizing
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Turn Housing, Stock and The Economy Around?
(September 8, 2008)
Will US Generals Obey An Illegal Presidential Command To Bomb Iran? (June 8, 2008)
With US Jobs Disappearing, What Stock Goes up? Outsourcing
Specialist - HEW (April 7, 2008)
Who's Guarding The Investors' Hen House?. (June 27, 2007)
World Bull Market Is Ending according to Numerous Head and
Shoulders' Top Patterns. (November 22, 2007)
World Market's
Catch Pneumonia from US's Avoidable Financial Mess. (November 3, 2008)
"Yes", People Are Bitter. They Are Tired of Being Shafted and Their
Representatives Ignoring Their Interests. (April 20, 2008)
