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   Daily Blog - Tiger Software

                   January 30, 2008

    1.  Interest Rate Cuts Won't Fix What's
   Wrong about American Economy.

    2. Extraordinary Income Inequality in US
   Is The Real Cause of The US Malaise.

    3. The Best GOLD and SILVER Stocks
  To Buy and Trade as the Dollar
  Goes Down and Down.

William Schmidt, - Tiger Software's Creator
      (C) 2007 William Schmidt, Ph. D.  - All Rights Reserved. 

      No reproductions of this blog or quoting from it
      without explicit written consent by its author is permitted.

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      to william_schmidt@hotmail.com



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                               3% INTEREST RATES BOOST GOLD

                        The dramatic Federal Reserve Rate cuts are doing exactly what they are really intended to do, help
          "financials"  make more money, boost their depressed stock prices and avert a need for a Federal bailout
          of a major bank, like Northern Rock in the UK last year.  The drop in interest rates puts strong downward
          pressure on the Dollar.   Higher interest rates prevail overseas.  So, hot money moves away from the US.
          Americans on fixed incomes should investigate the returns they can get from overseas utilities.

       wpe4B.jpg (18322 bytes)    The Dollar Index is flirting with making a new all-time low  wpe4F.jpg (7866 bytes)
         against a basket of foreign currencies.   Gold is making more record new highs. Gold is a haven for those
         concerned about currency volatility.   Since its upturn in 2002, it has provided a positive  return, unlike real
         interest rates (annual interest minus inflation) and it provides safety to those who have read about the collapse
         of currencies.  I have written about the collapse of the German Mark in the 1920s and the Argentina's Peso
         in 2002.  Yes, it most certainly could happen here. 

        -------- As The Dollar Goes Down, Gold Rises Inversely --------------
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        ----------------------- GOLD ETF MAKES NEW HIGHS -----------------------------
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        ----------------- SILVER ETF MAKES NEW HIGHS -----------------------
                   I believe that before the precious metals' markets uptrend finally ends, Silver will rise spectacularly
           as it did in early 1980.   Then in tripled, from $15 to $50/ounce.  While there are limits on the number
           of futures' contracts an individual trader can buy, thereby preventing some like the Hunt Brothers from
           "cornering" the silver market to run in the shorts, the existence of Exchange Traded funds makes the
           buying of gold and silver an easy commodity to speculate in.  And most extreme markets end in "bubbles
           of wild speculation".   The metals market have not begin to approach the wild final phase. 
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        ================= Gold Stocks Index (XAU) ===================================

                      Should you buy Gold or Gold Stocks?  Gold is less volatile. The two have tracked each other
           quite closely. You can use a relative strength tool like Tiger's, RSQ - Relative Strength Quotient -
           and plot the quotient of GLD (gold bullion) divided by the XAU Index of Gold and Silver stocks.
           It will show you uptrends and downtrends.  Draw trendlines to capture these swings.  But also notice
           the floor of support of the RSQ for XAU/GLD at current levels.  This makes Gold Stocks attractive
           now, it seems to me.  I will take up the matter of finding the right gold and silver stocks further below.
           But first I want to raise questions about the very suitability of the Fed's monetary as a solution for
           the coming recession.

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         =========  Rate Cuts Won't Fix What Is Broken about The US Economy =========

                    The US Dollar's previous low was set in 1974 as Nixon resigned.  Some might see this as a sign that
           things can only get better.   But the Dollar decline will eat up those on fixed incomes as import prices rise.
           And with so many manufacturing jobs already gone overseas, it is not clear how much more the US
           will export.  Watch to see if the interest on your bank and credit loans do, in fact, go down.  So, cuts in
           interest rates and a lower Dollar are not even a trade-off.  They won't increase exports and they will
           encourage hot capital (including US savings) to leave the US.

                  They are being set out as an economic stimulus. In reality, they only help shore up the US stock markets
           until the Presidential Election is over.  Next year, all bets will be off.  The basic problems remain
           untouched by monetary (interest rate) palliatives.  Bush's $2 trillion blunder - the Iraq war - continues
           on and on.  For what?   To help him save face.  Because he is stubborn.  Because he wants his cronies
           to get all they can while they can and leave the US Federal Deficit so over-drawn, there will be little
           a new White House can do, except to cut spending when they come into office.  If they tax the wealthy,
           they will only ensure a deeper bear market with all the attendant political risks. The truth is Bush's was
           has benefited only the zero-bid and hugely wasteful military industrial complex and those who are content
           that hatred for the US is spreading so that more military spending will be justified. 

                   The rate cut does very little to help bring back the millions and millions of white collar and manufacturing
          US jobs that have been outsouced for the sake of higher multinational profits.  Though productivity is rising,
          real wages have been declining since 1973, and the  trend is now worsening. 
                           "During the 17 years after 1973, real wages declined to 86 percent in 1995 and recovered
          to only 92 percent of real wages in 2000 during the "economic boom" of the late 1990s. "If 'free trade' had
          been a better policy. . . their real wages in 2000 should have been significantly more than 175 percent of 1973
          --not a reduction,"  http://www.nikutai-to-kageboushi.com/uspovrty.html

                     "Americans earned a smaller average income in 2005 than in 2000, the fifth consecutive year that
         they had to make ends meet with less money than at the peak of the last economic expansion." 

         wpe51.jpg (13509 bytes)     Real income growth here was calculated using BLS data measures
        of CPI. It’s even worse than this in reality, as we have long demonstrated that CPI does not accurately
        measure inflation.  So the true, after inflation, "Real Income,"  is actually far, far worse.   Perhaps this explains
        why 2/3rds of the people interviewed in a WSJ/NBC survey believe that we are either in a recession or will
        be within a year.   Also, it is no secret:that income growth has been concentrated in the highest few percentile:
        "The growth in total incomes was concentrated among those making more than $1 million. The number of such
        taxpayers grew by more than 26 percent, to 303,817 in 2005, from 239,685 in 2000. "These individuals, who
        constitute less than a quarter of 1 percent of all taxpayers, reaped almost 47 percent of the total income gains
        in 2005, compared with 2000. People with incomes of more than a million dollars also received 62 percent of the
       savings from the reduced tax rates on long-term capital gains and dividends that President Bush signed into law in
        2003, according to a separate analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice, a group that points out policies that it says
        favor the rich.  The group’s calculations showed that 28 percent of the investment tax cut savings went to just
        11,433 of the 134 million taxpayers, those who made $10 million or more, saving them almost $1.9 million each.
        Over all, this small number of wealthy Americans saved $21.7 billion in taxes on their investment income as a
        result of the tax-cut law."  (Source: http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2007/08/real-income-fai.html )

                  By all measures, poverty is dramatically on the rise. Sickness and suffering are on the rise, too, because
         health insurance is pricing itself beyond the reach of 40 million Americans.  And millions more can afford only
         very high deductibles, $5,000 a year, and so avoid going to doctors for basic tests.    Math and science education
         suffer; because college education is made more and more impossibly  expensive.  Tuition is 36 times higher now
         than when I went to school in the 1960s.  

                 Meanwhile, the greed and insider trading of corporate CEOs knows no bound.  But Federal trade and
         government deficits are now so big, there is no money to rebuild American infrastructure and provide unemployed
         American workers decent jobs.  So, most Americans go deeper and deeper in debt and work longer and longer
         hours.  When their equity in their house goes to zero, they walk away from it.  That's what CEO and business
         schools teach.  So, I can't see how lowering interest rates will help much, except in the short run. 

                 The income inequality in the US is the greatest its been since the 1920's.  It is also the greatest
         threat to the American economy and American Democracy.   The Keynesians were correct.  Under consumption
         led to the Great Depression, not mixed up monetary policies, as Friedman and his pupil Ben Bernacke would
         have us believe.  With many credit markets receiving emmergency bail-out remedies, we should, I think, go
         back over the records of FDR's Federal Reserve Chairman, Marriner Eccles. In the late 1920s, before
         the Crash, Eccles gave speeches to other bankers in which he warned about the dangers inherent in the
         then widening gap of wealth. He was laughed at!

                     "We sustained high levels of employment in that period with the aid of an exceptional expansion
         of debt
outside of the banking system. This debt was provided by the large growth of business savings as well as
         savings by individuals, particularly in the upper-income groups where taxes were relatively low. Private debt outside
         of the banking system increased about fifty per cent. This debt, which was at high interest rates, largely took the
         form of  mortgage debt on housing, office, and hotel structures, consumer installment debt, brokers' loans, and
         foreign debt.  The stimulation to spending by debt-creation of this sort was short-lived and could not be
         counted on to sustain high levels of employment for long periods of time. Had there been a better
         distribution of the current income from the national product -- in other words, had there been less savings
         by business and the higher-income groups and more  income in the lower groups -- we should have had far
         greater stability in our economy.
Had the six billion dollars, for instance, that were loaned by corporations and
         wealthy individuals for stock-market speculation been distributed to the public as lower prices or higher wages and
         with less profits to the corporations and the well-to-do, it would have prevented or greatly moderated the economic
         collapse that began at the end of 1929.".
        ( http://www.tpmcafe.com/discussiontables/economics_table/2007/dec/03/income_inequality_caused_depression_marriner_eccles#comment   )
                                        Politicians Have Learned Little from The 1920s

                     "The Roaring Twenties were an era dominated by Republican presidents: Warren Harding (1920-1923),
         Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933). Under their conservative economic philosophy
         of laissez-faire ("leave it alone"), markets were allowed to operate without government interference. Taxes and
         regulation were slashed dramatically, monopolies were allowed to form, and inequality of wealth and income
         reached record levels. The country was on the conservative's preferred gold standard, and the Federal Reserve
         was not allowed to significantly change the money supply.

                     "The fact that the Great Depression began in 1929, then, on the Republicans' watch, is a great
         embarrassment to conservative economists. Many try to blame the worsening of the Depression on Hoover,
         for supposedly betraying the laissez-faire ideology."  (Or the Federal Reserve for not dropping interest rates.)
         But much more importantly, the economy was clearly turning downward even before Hoover took office in 1929.
         Entire sectors of the economy were depressed throughout the decade, like agriculture, energy and mining. Even the
         two industries with the most spectacular growth -- construction and automobile manufacturing -- were contracting
         in the year before the stock market crash of 1929. About 600 banks a year were failing. Half the American people
         lived at or below the minimum subsistence level. By the time the stock market crashed, there was a major glut of
         goods on the market, with inventories three times their normal size."

                    "A depression, Keynes believed, is an especially severe recession in which people hoard money no
         matter how much the central bank tries to expand the money supply. In that case, he suggested that government
         should do what the people were not: start spending. He called this "priming the pump" of the economy. Indeed,
         most economists believe that only massive U.S. defense spending in preparation for World War II cured the
         Great Depression."    (Source: http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/Causes.htm )

                   With the Dollar falling, rich Americans are smart enough to know to buy overseas precious metal stocks
        and get higher real interest rates by sending their money overseas.   
        wpe53.jpg (35008 bytes)
       (Source: http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/faculty/hodgson/Courses/so11/stratification/income&wealth.htm )

        For historical trends in distribution of wealth see:

                                               Comparisons among Countries
                                            Wealth Owned by Top Ten Percent

                                                             US           70%
                                                             France      61%
                                                             Sweden    59%
                                                             UK           56%
                                                             Canada     53%
                                                             Norway    51%
                                                             Germany   44%
                                                             Finland      42%

               What Gold Stocks Should You Buy?
                Past trends do tend to continue in the stock market.  If you had bought the top best performing
         five stocks of 2006, you would have gained about 37.4% for the last 12 months.   If you had bought
         the next five best,  you would have gained  29.5%.  If you had bought the five highest Tiger Accumulation
         Index stocks, you would have gained 50.8%. 
Buying the top 5 Power-Ranked (which is a 3-6 months'
         out tool, you would have gained 13.7%.  
Interestingly, if you had bought the next highest 5 Power-Ranked
         stocks, you would have gained 54.7% for the last 12 months. 

                So what are the highest Accumulated Gold Stocks now. 

        Top 10 Accumulation Index
       AZS           174         17.81
       GLD           167         91.15
       IAU            159         91.19
       GOLD       156         46.72
       MVG          144         13.50 

               What are the best performing Gold stocks for the last year?

        Top 5 Percent Change
        Last 250 Days

        SA          103%          24.77
        GOLD     98%           46.72
        MVG       98%          13.50
        ABX         79%          53.23
        KGC         65%         21.97

        Second Five Power Ranked
        GOLD   359       46.72
        GLD      348       91.15
        RIC       325         3.3
        GDX      311        50.7
        GG          264        37.72

    -------- HISTORICAL STUDY ------------------------------------


       Top 10 Percent Change
        250 Days
        12/28/2005 to 12/26/2006                 1/29.2007      Pct Change
        ====================             =======      ========
       AZK    +112%           3.13                     4.10                +31.0%
       AEM   +106%           40.41                  62.73                +55.2%
       SSRI     +98%           30.26                  34.93                +15.4%
        AUY    +92%           12.65                  16.27                +28.6%
        SLW    +83%           10.42                  16.31                +56.5%

          HL     +76%             7.32                    9.45                +29.1%
        MFN   +51%             8.20                   11.50               +40.2%
        GOLD  +39%           22.77                  46.72             +105.2%
          CEF   +38%             9.23                   12.01              +30.1%
          GRS   +37%           16.07                     6.91              -56.8%

        Top 10 Accumulation Index
        12/28/2005 to 12/26/2006                1/29/2007      Pct Change
        ====================             =======      ========
        AUY 161         12.65                             16.27               +28.6%
        AZS  153         12.15                              17.81              +46.6%
        GLD  136         61.98                              91.15             +47.1%
        GBN  136          1.63                                3.01             +84.7%
        IAU    127        62.05                              91.19             +47.0%
        Top 10 Power Ranked
        12/28/2005 to 12/26/2006               1/29/2007      Pct Change
        ====================            =======      ========
        AUY   278        12.65                            16.27          +28.6%
        AZS    235         12.15                           17.81           +46.6%
        XAU  165       139.34                           187.36          +34.5%
        GRS   163         16.07                               6.91          -56.8%
        SSRI  156         30.26                             34.93          +15.4%

            HL  135          7.32                                  9.45        +29.1%
          GLD   92         61.98                                91.15       +47.1%
          AEM  83         40.41                                62.73        +55.2%
        GOLD  80        22.77                                 46.72       +105.2%
             GG  62        27.52                                 37.72       +37.1%

         Pct. Gains Using Optimized
         Trading System when Stochastic
         Is Best System, 12/26/2006
                                Long   & Short  Buy Next Day's Opening
                                                        Sell   Next Day's Opening
        ----------          --------------   --------------------------
         ABX                 71.5%              40.1%
         AEM               206%                77.2%
         AU                    87.8%              33.6%
         AZK               146.4%             139.5%
         CEF                 91.5%                51.4%
         GBN                77.3%                47.4%
         GDX                76.2%                31.4%
         GFI                  85.5%                33.6%
         GLD                52.4%                 25.1%
          GOLD           126.7%                73.1%
           HL                251.9%              130.5%
           IAG              112.3%                 52.0%
           KGC              84.3%                 30.6%
           MFN            236.6%                 85.1%
           NEM             75.8%                  28.4%
           SIL               121.3%                 30.5%
           SLW             159.7%                 61.2%
           SSRI             124.1%                 78.2%
           XAU              11.3%                  57.0%

        Top 10 Percent Change
        Last 250 Days
        SA          103%          24.77
        GOLD     98%           46.72
        MVG       98%          13.50
        ABX         79%          53.23
        KGC         65%         21.97
        GBN         61%           3.01 
        AEM         55%         62.73
        SLW         51%          16.31
        AZS          47%          17.81
        GLD          40%          91.15

       Top 10 Accumulation Index
       AZS           174         17.81
       GLD           167         91.15
       IAU            159         91.19
       GOLD       156         46.72
       MVG          144         13.50

       Top 10 Power Ranked
        AZS       174       17.81
        IAU         159      91.19
        XAU      398     187.36
        AZK      364         4.1
        GBN      360        46.72

        GOLD   359       46.72
        GLD      348       91.15
        RIC       325         3.3
        GDX      311        50.7
        GG          264        37.72



                  TigerSoft's Red Buys and Sells will help you trade
      the volatility and trading ranges that Presidential Election
      years usually produce.  Here are the gold and silver stocks
      that have traded best for the last two year.   Often the trading
      gains are much moe than Buying and Holding.   By way of
      illustration, look at the effectiveness of SLW's buys and sells.

SLW.BMP (627702 bytes)

       Stocks to trade using TigerSoft tools.  Come back here and I will post more examples.
       See http://tigersoft.com/--3--/Explanation/index.html  

         Pct. Gains Using Optimized
         Trading System when Stochastic
         Is Best System, 1/28/2006
                                Long   & Short  Buy Next Day's Opening
                                                        Sell   Next Day's Opening
        ----------          --------------   --------------------------      
        ABX                     93.7%          99.6%
         AEM                 232.9%         105.4%
          AU                  181.3%           56.9%
         AUY                157.1%           86.1%
         AZS                 186.4%         115.5%
         CDE                104.5%           50.3%
         GDX                 98.3%            46.4%
         GFI                   66.0%           19.2%
          GG                   92.0%           70.7%|
          HL                 140.4%            58.1%
          IAG                126.1%           76.3%
          KGC               253.5%         106.7%
          MFN               111.9%           36.5%
          PAAS              129%              58.6%
          SLW                190.5%        131.4%
          SSRI                130%             64.8%
           SWC               136.4%          57.6%
           XAU                 85.7%          55.2%  

         Pct. Gains Using Optimized
         Trading System when Stochastic
         Is Best System, 12/26/2006
                                Long   & Short  Buy Next Day's Opening
                                                        Sell   Next Day's Opening
        ----------          --------------   --------------------------
         ABX                 71.5%              40.1%
         AEM               206%                77.2%
         AU                    87.8%              33.6%
         AZK               146.4%             139.5%
         CEF                 91.5%                51.4%
         GBN                77.3%                47.4%
         GDX                76.2%                31.4%
         GFI                  85.5%                33.6%
         GLD                52.4%                 25.1%
          GOLD           126.7%                73.1%
           HL                251.9%              130.5%
           IAG              112.3%                 52.0%
           KGC              84.3%                 30.6%
           MFN            236.6%                 85.1%
           NEM             75.8%                  28.4%
           SIL               121.3%                 30.5%
           SLW             159.7%                 61.2%
           SSRI             124.1%                 78.2%
           XAU              11.3%                  57.0%


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