How To Reply To That
Question: "How Old Are You?"
A Lady might reply:
(Sarcasm) Look
sweetly into his eyes, flutter your eyes,
and say: "If you really loved me, age
would not matter".
(With False huffiness) You've just ruined a
perfectly fine relationship!
(With a straight face) You mean in earth
(With a devliish smile) Way too young for
(With feigned surprise) I was 38 in July
(don't say which July).
(Quickly) Why couldn't you ask me this
last week?
(With a big smile) Thirty three. I don't
look it, do I?
(Angrily) Old enough to know not ask a
question like that!
(Answer inaudibly and then after a pause
say) "Oh you're hard of hearing....
For a moment I forgot how much older you
are than me."
A woman walked up to a little old man
rocking in a chair on his porch.
"I couldn't help noticing how happy
you look," she said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?"
"I smoke three packs of
cigarettes a day," he said. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty
and never exercise."
"That's amazing,"
the woman said. "How old are you?'
"Twenty-six," he
Eating some peanuts, there was an
old man whose family could no longer afford to take care of him.
So the family decided that a
nusring for the aged would be appropriate.
Of course the old man
rejected the idea, but no sooner he was convinced that it was the right thing to do. On
his first day
at the home, he spent most of
his time laying in bed reflecting on life, feeling lonely. A while later, an orderly
stopped by
to see how the old man's
first day was going.
"How you doing
today?", she said to the old man, "First day I see". The Old man replied
with a nod.
In no time
the two began talking up a storm. As the conversation began to drag on, the orderly
was eyeing
the room filled with fresh flowers, cards and balloons from friends and relatives.
She noticed
a bowl full of peanuts sitting on top of the table next to the bed, and help herself to a
As the two
continued to converse with each other, the orderly kept eating more helpings of the
She look at
her watch and noticed that nearly 2 hours had passed and said, "My goodness, the time
has gone by
quickly. I have to tend to other people here too." "That's okay.", said the
old man, "I feel so
much better
being able to talk to someone." Looking into the bowl the orderly said, "I feel
awful! I ate almost
all of your
peanuts!" The old man responded, "That's okay. Ever since I got these false
teeth, all I could do
was suck the
chocolate off of them anyhow.