----  TIGERSOFT/PEERLESS HOTLINE ----------------
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(C) 1985-2017 William Schmidt, Ph.D.  www.tigersoft.com    

All rights strictly reserved.  

Tiger Software  858-273-5900   PO Box 22784   San Diego, CA 92192 Email william_schmidt@hotmail.com  
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         Hotlines: 2/4/2017 - 2/15/2017  
             These have somehow become corrupted. Some graphs may be missing.

          A Guide To Profitably Using The Tiger Nightly HOTLINE
             Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
            Peerless Buy and Sell Signals: 1928-2016
 Individual Peerless signals explained:
 Explanation of each Peerless signal. http://www.tigersoft.com/PeerInst-2012-2013/
 Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators
-----> More HELP LINKS
              Documentation for TigerSoft Automatic and Optimized Signals.
              How reliable support is the DJI's rising 200-day ma? 

              SPY Charts since 1994: Advisory Closing Power S7s, Accum. Index, 65-dma, Optimized Signals.

1/19/2016 ---> Corrections,Deeper Declines and Bear Markets since 1945.
1/21/2016  ---> High Velocity Declines since 1929
2/12/2016  ---> Presidential Elections Years and Bullish IP21 Positive Non-Confirmations at Lower Band.
2/12/2016  ---> OBV NNCs on DJI's Rally to 2.7% Upper Band when DJI's 65-dma is falling.
11/6/2016  --->  
Killer Short Selling Techniques:   ===> Order Here ($42.50)
It's As Easy as 1,2,3  
                TigerSoft "Combination" Short-Selling...  Easy as 1-2-3 Short Sales

                Earlier Q-Answers

             QuickSilver Documentation (1/11/2016)
             Our Different Signals
Better understand the difference between Peerless DJI-based signals,
                                        the one-year optimized red Signals and the fixed signals based
                                        on technical developments.

Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators   

New TigerPeerless Installation and Basic Uses' Instruction (11/25/2016)
 See the re-written materials on TigerSoft Buys and Sells. 
                          A few more pages will be added.  But users could print this
                          main Installation and Uses' Page for reference.

- Trading SPY WITHOUT Peerless -  Some Guidelines.
                                                When completed this will be a new Tiger Trading E-Book. 
- Examples of "Hands above the Head" top patterns.
9/3/2017 TigerSoft (not Peerless) charts of Major Tops as they occurred.

 ===> Please report any broken or out-of-date links. william_schmidt@hotmail.com
The very quick recovery from the 10% sell-off continues.  In trading range recoveries,
                       prices move very quickly back to the old highs.  That suits Peerless. 
The median gain in the
                       DJI after past Buy B5s was 10.5%.
  Such a gain here would take the DJI to a nominal
                       new high at 26730 at the time of the next Peerless Sell. 
Today, SPY closed decisively
                       above its now rising 65-dma, following the lead of the DJI, NASDAQ and QQQ.  It was a
                       another good breadth day.  There were 1043 more up then down on the NYSE and the A/D
                       Line now shows an uptrend.  The same goes for all the items we have data on.  And see how the
                       their percentage above the 65-dma has now moved up to a more respectable 44%.

 Can we keep on rising in this fashion all the way back to 26500?  The answer appears to be
                       "YES" based on the four earlier cases where DJI fell 10% and then very quickly rose right
                       back above its 21-dma.  But after that, it will depend on whether Peerless gives a Sell signal,
                       This will be based on the P-I and IP21 readings.

 The DJI has quickly risen back above its 65-dma after falling 10%.
                                       What has happened after these developments in the past.

    December 1928-January 1929 - DJI rose to new highs, stopping only after S9/S12 when FED raised rates.
    September 1938 - DJI rose to new highs, stopping only after an S12 way above 21-dma.
    June-July 1956 - DJI rose back to old highs and topped out after S2 and A/D Line uptrend-break.
    December 1980-January 1981 - DJI rose to nominal new high closing and S9/S12.

                    Buy B5s' History    N=14    Avg.=13.2%  Median Gain = 10.5% Avg  Paper Loss=0.7%

                                                            Charts 2/15/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/15/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
Table 1             COLOR-CODED   QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/15/18
DIA       252.5    3.2       242.03        282.8%   ----      BLUE   .072     -----
COMPQX    7256.43    112.81  6874.49       344.4%   Bullish   BLUE   .096     .032
SPY       273.03    3.44     261.5         291.7%   Bearish   BLUE   .04    -.005
QQQ       165.7    3.02      156.1         387.3%   Bullish   BLUE   .042     .046
MDY       345.11    3.73     331.03        265.2%   ----      BLUE   .096    -.038
IWM       152.8    1.65      146.77        248.6%   ----      BLUE   .105    -.036
FAS       71.23    1.55      63            825.6%   ----      BLUE   .153     .021
RETL      37.69    1.19      34            635.4%   Bullish   BLUE   .169     .055
SOXL      155.22    5.53     133.44        1199.4%  Bearish   BLUE   .036     .151
TECL      126.68    6.66     107.03        1133.5%   ----     BLUE   .026     .175
IBB       110.76    1.03     105.67        275.6%   Bullish   BLUE   .095     .026
GLD       128.38    .15      124.77        135%     ----      ----  -.046     .021
OIL       6.77      .12        6.43          146%   ----      BLUE   .082     .06
OIH       24.2   -.14        23.84         0%       Bearish   RED   -.103    -.087
GASL      18.67    .08       16.55         522.7%   Bearish   BLUE  -.093    -.235
UGA       30.75    .31       30.26        -38%      Bullish   BLUE   .022    -.032
UUP       23.13   -.1       W23.62        -100.1%   Bearish   RED   -.034    -.085
IEF       101.77    .03     W102.22       -30.8%    Bearish   ----  -.201    -.077
XLU      49.68    1.08       48.56         218.3%   ----      BLUE  -.094    -.153
WEAT      6.47    .08        6.27          78.2%    Bullish   ----   .159     .024
YINN      39.97    2.95      32.73         1059.7%  Bearish   BLUE   .076     .205
RSX       23.37    .3        21.67         414.8%   Bearish   BLUE   .035     .037
AAPL      172.99    5.62     156.41        553.4%   ----      BLUE  -.038    -.02
GOOG      1089.52  19.82    1037.78        422%     Bullish   BLUE   .076     .052
MSFT      92.66    1.85      88.18         431.8%   Bullish   BLUE   .015     .104
AMZN      1461.76  10.71    1339.6        400.7%    Bearish   RED    .096     .25
FB        179.96    .44      176.11        238.9%   ----      RED    .078     .011
NVDA     246.5     5.08      232.08        629.1%   Bullish   BLUE   .089     .282
BA        356.46    11.61    332.83        395.4%   ----      BLUE  -.066     .244
GS        267.68    5.1      249.3         420.9%   Bullish   BLUE   .268     .029
HD        185.27    .58      184.12        110.3%   Bearish   RED    .086    -.037
CAT        159.98    1.92    149.21        460.5%   ----      BLUE   .102     .092
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180215
NEWHIGHS       158    A quick recovery into healthy territory.
NEWLOWS        34 

MAXCP          136    Professionals are bullish.
MINCP          35 

TTTNH          76 
TTTNL          79 

FASTUP         422    Many more long plays by swing traders. 
FASTDOWN       78 

CPCROSSA       92 
CPCROSSD       83 

BIGVOLUP       3 
BIGVODN        6 
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
               Date = 180215
               No.           NHs           Pct.
BIGMIL         6             3             50 %
HACKERS        24            6             25 %
SOFTWARE       66            11            17 %
NIFTY          30            4             13 %
MILITARY       38            5             13 %
JETS           9             1             11 %
COAL           10            1             10 %
DOWJONES       30            2             7 %
SP-100         96            7             7 %
INFRA          35            2             6 %
INDEXES        194           9             5 %
BIOTECH        385           19            5 %
RUS-1000       837           42            5 %
NASD-100       100           5             5 %
TRANSP         20            1             5 %
SOLAR          21            1             5 %
BEVERAGE       20            1             5 %
FINANCE        93            4             4 %
GAMING         28            1             4 %
INDMATER       90            4             4 %
SP500          485           20            4 %
COMPUTER       23            1             4 %
RETAIL         53            2             4 %
REGBANKS       33            1             3 %
MORNSTAR       238           6             3 %
INSURANC       32            1             3 %
CHEM           62            1             2 %
ELECTRON       178           4             2 %
SEMI           130           3             2 %
CHINA          64            1             2 %
ETFS           67            1             1 %
OILGAS         140           1             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 %
COMODITY       70            1             1 % 
Others                      None
Table 4
 Bullish = 26
 Bearish = 20
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             .833          .833          1             .833          1 
BIGBANKS       .857          .714          .571          .571          .285          .285 
FOOD           .8            .666          .6            .533          .533          .6 
MILITARY       .763          .605          .421          .421          .315          .368 
ETFS           .761          .582          .388          .268          .223          .149 
INDEXES        .752          .623          .391          .35           .288          .293 
HOSPITAL       .75           .75           .625          .75           .75           .625 
SOFTWARE       .727          .651          .5            .484          .409          .287 
RETAIL         .679          .641          .509          .452          .528          .396 
COMODITY       .671          .657          .442          .428          .414          .5 
GOLD           .647          .686          .333          .313          .215          .235 
FINANCE        .645          .602          .451          .43           .344          .268 
NASD-100       .64           .5            .37           .37           .38           .3 
NIFTY          .633          .4            .333          .333          .3            .233 
CHINA          .625          .468          .312          .218          .234          .171 
REGBANKS       .606          .575          .363          .333          .333          .181 
MORNSTAR       .596          .508          .357          .352          .231          .168 
HACKERS        .583          .583          .541          .5            .458          .333 
EDU            .571          .285          .142          .142          .142          .142 
COMPUTER       .565          .347          .347          .26           .217          .26 
DJI-13         .538          .384          .384          .461          .153          .153 
BIOTECH        .524          .501          .446          .42           .376          .376 
INDMATER       .522          .533          .388          .377          .211          .2 
SP-100         .52           .447          .322          .333          .25           .218 
SP500          .513          .463          .354          .34           .276          .214 
N= 24
TRANSP         .5            .4            .4            .3            .3            .3 
RUS-1000       .491          .44           .345          .327          .253          .201 
INFRA          .485          .428          .428          .342          .228          .171 
INSURANC       .468          .437          .187          .218          .187          .093 
DOWJONES       .466          .4            .366          .4            .266          .166 
GAMING         .464          .392          .321          .357          .357          .357 
JETS           .444          .333          .555          .333          .333          .333 
PIPELINE       .428          .428          .428          .428          .142          .142 
GREEN          .419          .354          .225          .258          .129          .193 
COAL           .4            .5            .4            .4            .1            .4 
ELECTRON       .393          .303          .202          .179          .123          .112 
SEMI           .369          .3            .207          .169          .107          .092 
AUTO           .35           .325          .275          .4            .325          .3 
BEVERAGE       .35           .25           .2            .3            .2            .15 
OILGAS         .321          .364          .278          .285          .192          .207 
SOLAR          .285          .19           .142          .142          0             .047 
CHEM           .258          .274          .145          .161          .096          .08 
HOMEBLDG       .235          .235          .235          .176          .176          .176 
UTILITY        .162          .162          .139          .162          .093          .069 
REIT           .044          .039          .033          .028          .033          .028 
BONDFUND       0             .018          .018          0             0             .018 
N = 19


 The median gain in the DJI after past Buy B5s was 10.5%.  If the DJI gains as much
                       here, we should see it reach 26730 at the next Peerless Sell. 
This is not so outlandish.
                       After all, the September Buy B21 brought almost exactly the 17.5% gain it had averaged
                       in the past. 

                       The DJI, NASDAQ and QQQ each closed decisively above their now rising 65-dma. today
                       Simultaneously, the NYSE A/D Line has broken above its steep downtrend-line. This is a bullish
                       combination and makes it seem that they are setting up broad trading ranges, bounded by the
                       resistance at their highs at the end of January and their lows 10% down from that a few days
                       ago.  If this chart interpretation is correct, expect prices to fairly easily rise until we reach the
                       necklines of the quickly formed head/shoulders patterns at the recent tops.

                       Of course, this assumes that the round number 25,000 can quickly be surmounted.  Making
                       the market rally now are two Labor Department reports that just came out yesterday.  The
                       first pegs the CPI (Inflation Rate) at 2.1% annualized.  3.2% is the level history suggests we
                       have to worry about.  The second is that real wages actually declined in January.  For the last
                       30 years, there is ample evidence in the Fed's own FOMC deliberations that shows they|
                       often sought to raises rates only when rising real wages themselves posed a threat to corporate

                      That we may be on our way back to the recent highs, the DJI moved up 1% today.
                      As expected, the leaders today in the DJI-30 were its 3 highest priced components:
                      BA ( 343.11 +8.42), GS (269.03 +3.35) and MMM (252.36 + 4.67).  But it was
.                     also a broad advance today, as there were 1145 more up than down on the NYSE. 
                      Tomorrow we will want to see follow-trough strength that lifts the SP-500, NYSE,
                      OEX and Russell-2000 above their 65-dma, too.



                                                        Charts 2/14/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/14/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                Augmented Buy B20s  
See how well Buy B20s timed entrance into long positions for top 2017 stocks.
Table 1
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/14/18
ETF      CLOSE   CHANGE     PIVOT-PT     5-dmaAROC   CL-PWR      CANDLE  IP21    ITRS
DIA       249.3    2.73      238.67        11%       Bearish      BLUE   .069     ----
COMPQX    7143.62    130.11  6777.16       66%       Bullish      BLUE   .085     .015
SPY       269.59    3.59     257.63        36.4%     Bearish      BLUE   .03    -.009
QQQ       162.68    2.99     153.45        78.3%     Bearish      BLUE   .021     .025
MDY       341.38    6.14     327.4         42.9%     ----         BLUE   .082    -.039
IWM       151.15    2.67     145.44        44.3%     ----         BLUE   .09    -.04
FAS       69.68    3.5       60.51         135.5%    Bullish      BLUE   .137     .025
RETL      36.5    1.94       33.31        -20.3%     Bullish      BLUE   .149     .108
SOXL      149.69    9.42     122.3         357.3%    Bearish      BLUE   .026     .036
TECL      120.02    6.34     101.51        272.2%    Bearish      BLUE  -.004     .066
IBB       109.73    2.19     104.86        15%       Bullish      BLUE   .082     .01
GLD       128.23    2.15     124.98        137.4%    ----         BLUE  -.088     .026
OIL       6.65    .21        6.58         -107.1%    Bearish      BLUE   .036     .032
OIH       24.34    .36       24.2         -215.7%    Bearish      BLUE  -.119    -.07
GASL      18.59    1.43      16.85        -176.8%    Bearish      BLUE  -.111    -.263
UGA       30.44    .52      W30.98        -147.8%    ----         BLUE  -.001    -.056
UUP       23.23   -.18      W23.6         -78.5%     Bearish      RED    .018    -.067
IEF       101.74   -.62     W102.4        -27.9%     Bearish      RED   -.191    -.068
XLU      48.6   -.55         47.56         51.6%     Bearish      RED   -.107    -.167
WEAT      6.39   -.06        6.37         -39.1%     Bullish      ----   .144     .007
YINN      37.02    2.99      32.74        -102.2%    Bearish      BLUE   .074     .124
RSX       23.07    .61       21.53         211.4%    Bearish      BLUE   .002     .047
AAPL      167.37    3.03     155.15        245.3%    ----         BLUE  -.056    -.05
GOOG      1069.7    17.6     1001.52       101.7%    ----         BLUE   .067     .031
MSFT      90.81    .98       85.01         67.9%     Bullish      BLUE   .009     .049
AMZN      1451.05    36.54   1350.5        124%      Bearish      BLUE   .07     .22
FB        179.52    6.37     171.58       -18.8%     ----         BLUE   .053    -.003
NVDA     241.42    8.79      217.52        277%      Bullish      BLUE   .101     .193
BA        344.85    1.69     329.66       -48.2%     Bullish      BLUE  -.047     .242
GS        262.58    7.05     246.35        108.6%    Bullish      BLUE   .2     .026
HD        184.69    .97      181.22       -178.5%    Bearish      BLUE   .117    -.005
CAT        158.06    4.09    145.99        123%      ----         BLUE   .045     .089
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 2018-02-14

NEWHIGHS               118
NEWLOWS                  87

MAXCP                      141 Professionals have turned bullish
MINCP                         36

TTTNH                       117 Day Traders have turned bullish
TTTNL                          94

FASTUP                     177 More fast-movers up for swing traders.
FASTDOWN              105

CPCROSSA               389 Ratio shows today was significant. 12:25 AM 2/15/2018
CPCROSSD                 40

BIGVOLUP                   3
BIGVODN                     9 Small scale dumping now.
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180214
               No.          NHs            Pct
BIGMIL         6             2             33 %
HACKERS        25            4             16 %
COAL           10            1             10 %
MILITARY       38            3             8 %
SOFTWARE       66            4             6 %
INFRA          35            2             6 %
RETAIL         53            3             6 %
BIOTECH        385           17            4 %
REGBANKS       33            1             3 %
NIFTY          30            1             3 %
SP-100         96            3             3 %
INSURANC       32            1             3 %
RUS-1000       837           23            3 %
CHINA          64            2             3 %
FINANCE        93            2             2 %
INDMATER       90            2             2 %
INDEXES        194           4             2 %
MORNSTAR       238           4             2 %
SP500          485           12            2 %
NASD-100       100           2             2 %
ELECTRON       178           2             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 %
COMODITY       70            1             1 %
Others         none  
Table 4
 Bearish = 27
 Bullish = 17
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         .833          .833          1             .833          1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .625          .75           .75           .625          .75 
BIGBANKS       .714          .571          .571          .285          .285          .571 
GOLD           .686          .333          .313          .215          .235          .274 
FOOD           .666          .6            .533          .533          .6            .533 
COMODITY       .657          .442          .428          .414          .5            .614 
SOFTWARE       .651          .5            .484          .409          .303          .469 
RETAIL         .641          .509          .452          .528          .396          .66 
INDEXES        .608          .391          .35           .288          .293          .5 
MILITARY       .605          .421          .421          .315          .368          .421 
FINANCE        .602          .451          .43           .344          .268          .537 
HACKERS        .6            .56           .52           .48           .36           .4 
ETFS           .582          .388          .268          .223          .149          .388 
REGBANKS       .575          .363          .333          .333          .181          .424 
INDMATER       .533          .388          .377          .211          .2            .4 
MORNSTAR       .508          .357          .352          .231          .176          .47 
BIOTECH        .501          .446          .42           .376          .376          .48
COAL           .5            .4            .4            .1            .4            .3 
NASD-100       .5            .37           .37           .38           .3            .48
CHINA          .468          .312          .218          .234          .171          .343 
SP500          .463          .354          .34           .276          .222          .457 
SP-100         .447          .322          .333          .25           .229          .479 
RUS-1000       .44           .345          .327          .253          .209          .42 
INSURANC       .437          .187          .218          .187          .093          .281 
INFRA          .428          .428          .342          .228          .171          .457 
PIPELINE       .428          .428          .428          .142          .142          .571 
DOWJONES       .4            .366          .4            .266          .2            .466 
NIFTY          .4            .333          .333          .3            .233          .4 
TRANSP         .4            .4            .3            .3            .3            .5 
GAMING         .392          .321          .357          .357          .357          .571 
DJI-13         .384          .384          .461          .153          .153          .538 
OILGAS         .364          .278          .285          .192          .207          .371 
GREEN          .354          .225          .258          .129          .193          .193 
COMPUTER       .347          .347          .26           .217          .26           .26 
JETS           .333          .555          .333          .333          .333          .333 
AUTO           .325          .275          .4            .325          .325          .375 
ELECTRON       .303          .202          .179          .123          .112          .207 
SEMI           .3            .207          .169          .107          .1            .184 
EDU            .285          .142          .142          .142          .142          .142 
CHEM           .274          .145          .161          .096          .08           .258 
BEVERAGE       .25           .2            .3            .2            .15           .3 
HOMEBLDG       .235          .235          .176          .176          .176          .294 
SOLAR          .19           .142          .142          0             .047          .095 
UTILITY        .162          .139          .162          .093          .069          .116 
REIT           .039          .033          .028          .033          .028          .033 
BONDFUND       .018          .018          0             0             .018          .018 
N = 27


 The current Peerless Buy B5 predicts more than a 9% jump in the DJI by the
                                 time of the next Peerless Sell signal, assuming the median rise after this signal
                                 plays out.  True, the Closing Powers and 5-day moving averages are still falling
                                 for DIA, SPY, QQQ and the NASDAQ and true the DJI and the other key
                                 indexes must still get past their 65-dma, but Buy B5s have always been profitable. 

                                 As usually happens, it is up to the DJI to lead the market up.  But we have to be
                                 impressed today that there were more than 600 advancers on the NYSE as well as
                                 how the most Bullish MAXCPs are doing.  Note, we still do not see enough Bullish
                                 MAXCP stocks, however, to be complacent.  So stay short a few of the Bearish
                                 MINCPs is my counsel. 
We definitely want to be buyers of some the augmented
                                 B20 special situations.  See their amazing success in 2017-2018.

                                                       Positive OBVPct with DJI below the Lower Band
                                 There's another interesting statistic now that we may be able to learn from by looking at
                                 its history.  The DJI closed 3.7% below its 21-day ma and the OBVPct stands at a
                                 positive +.143.  See Table A below.  The conclusion I reach looking at all 12 past
                                 cases is that
these technical characteristics usually brings an excellent rally after
                                 some minor weakness but only when the DJI is still in a bull market and above a rising
                                 200-day ma
.  Otherwise, a positive OBVPct when the DJI is below its 200-day ma
                                 can be a very bearish sign, notably in 1930 and 2008.

                                 The CPI figures, just out, show that the 12-month rate of inflation is holding steady
                                 at 2.1%.  This is 1% less than the level that my research shows is dangerous.
                                    ( https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm )

                                 Watch the "la/ma" number.  We need to see it rise above .965 to show that the
                                 DJI is coming back within our normal 3.5% bands.


  Augmented Buy B20s  (Takeoff velocity reached)

                                 When we look at the best performing stocks of 2017, we find, as usual, that about
                                 75% show flat top breakouts with the Accumulation Index either bulging above +.375
                                 in the month or two before the breakout or during the breakout.  This we have found
                                 to be true in all our yearly studies of super stocks going back to the 1980s. 

                                 One important additional finding should be noticed.  A Tiger Buy B20 occurred early on,
                                 in a  very timely manner, for nearly all of 2017's super-stocks.  As a result, I want to start
                                 showing the best of the Tiger Buy B20s here several times a week.  By downloading
                                 BIG17 (that is the name I have given the 48 top performing stocks of 2017) from our
                                 Tiger Data Page, you can readily replicate these findings.  Because of this study's
                                 significance, you can now also download the full list of BUYB20s for the last two
                                 weeks, too, and inspect them more closely. 

                                 Here are the next best 12 best performing stocks of 2017. All but one had
                                 nearly perfect Buy B20s at the start of their move.  I'm quite stunned by their
                                 success here.  This is quite amazing.  You can readily replicate these results yourself.


                                                        Charts 2/13/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/13/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                                    Augmented Buy B20s
 Table A               Special Study

                            DJI is below the 3.5% lower band and the OBVPct is above +.12
                            In addition, the P-I and IP21 were negative, as now. 

                                 Date                  DJIA                   LA/MA               P-I                      IP21
 1            19290524       305.6         .961         -98.4         -.071
               RISING 200 DMA.  Bull market.
               DJI fell from 305.6 to 293.4 on 5/27/1929. DJI then rallied to 381 on 9/3/29.
 2            19300428       276.9         .959         -74.9         -.028 
               DJI began a long bear market.
 3            19300609       250.8         .93          -52           -.123
               DJI turned down again and fell sharply.
 4            19300814       221.1         .95          -67           -.046
               DJI immediately rallied from 221.1 to 244.3 on 9/9/30. 
 5            19320602       47.3          .899         -103.9        -.084 
               DJI based and 3 wks later rose dramatically from 42.8 to 79.9 on 9/7/32.
 6            19340502       98.8          .95          -32.3         -.038
               DJI fell immediately to 91.8 on 5/14/34. 
 7            19390810       137.3         .965         -19.8         -.05
               DJI fell immediately to 131.3 on 8/24/1939. But then jumped to 155.9 on 9/12/1039 
 8            19730814       870.71        .956         -142.1        -.035 
               DJI fell immediately to 851.9 on 8/22/1973. But then jumped to 987.06 on 10/26/73. 
 9            19860717       1781.78       .962         -82.8         -.034
               RISING 200 DMA.  Bull market.      
               DJI fell to 1766.87 on 7/29/1986. But then jumped to 1919.71 on 9/4/86. 
 10           20070803       13181.91      .965         -428.6        -.071
               RISING 200 DMA.  Bull market.         
               DJI fell to 12845.78 on 8/16/2007. But then jumped to 14164.53 on 10/9/2007.
 11           20080104       12800.18      .958         -103.9        -.077 
               DJI fell to 11971.19 on 1/22/2008. 
 12           20080915       10917.51      .956         -256          -.046 
               DJI fell to 8451.19 on 10/10/2008.
Table 1
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/13/18
DIA       246.57    .4      W248.76       -48.8%   Bearish      BLUE   .017    -----
COMPQX    7013.51    31.55  W7051.98      -73.5%   Bearish      BLUE   .01     .005
SPY       266    .66        W267.67       -59.2%   Bearish      BLUE  -.023    -.012
QQQ       159.69    .82     W160.21       -82.8%   Bearish      BLUE  -.043     .014
MDY       335.24    .99     W338.52       -55.4%   Bearish      BLUE   .026    -.046
IWM       148.48    .32     W149.84       -40.9%   Bearish      BLUE   .007    -.049
FAS       66.18    .94      W67.93        -139.4%  Bearish      BLUE   .061    -.011
RETL      34.56    .6       W36.64        -131.2%  Bearish      BLUE   .042     .041
SOXL      140.27   -.21      140.02       -354.5%  Bearish      BLUE  -.023    -.053
TECL      113.68    .76     W114.04       -230.5%  Bearish      BLUE  -.069     .006
IBB       107.54    .19     W109.41       -84.8%   Bearish      BLUE  -.003     .006
GLD       126.08    .71      124.79        28%     Bearish      BLUE  -.108     .026
OIL       6.44    0         W6.79         -458.1%  Bearish      BLUE  -.006     .035
OIH       23.98   -.32      W25.39        -445.9%  Bearish      RED   -.196    -.04
GASL      17.16   -.73      W19.21        -1020.4% Bearish      RED   -.232    -.271
UGA       29.92    .17      W31.34        -343.3%  Bearish      BLUE  -.066    -.057
UUP       23.41   -.13      W23.6         -2.1%    Bullish      ----   .025    -.048
IEF       102.36    .17      102.31       -12.2%   Bearish      BLUE  -.164    -.047
XLU      49.15    .22        48.1          84.9%   Bearish      BLUE  -.096    -.147
WEAT      6.45   -.02        6.44          141.4%  Bullish      ----   .145     .044
YINN      34.03   -.01      W37.72        -1417%   Bearish      BLUE   .008     .015
RSX       22.46    .28       22.14        -86.1%   Bearish      BLUE  -.098     .021
AAPL      164.34    1.63     159.54        41.1%   Bearish      BLUE  -.123    -.059
GOOG      1052.1    .16      1048.58      -136.5%  Bearish      BLUE   .015     .015
MSFT      89.83    .7        89.61        -84.6%   Bearish      BLUE  -.062     .052
AMZN      1414.51    28.28  W1416.78      -102.1%  Bearish      BLUE   .009     .187
FB        173.15   -3.26    W180.18       -341.7%  Bearish      RED   -.037    -.038
NVDA     232.63    4.6       228.8         155.7%  Bearish      BLUE   .045     .144
BA        343.16   -.64     W348.12        33.2%   ----         BLUE  -.093     .224
GS        255.53    2.37    W257.1        -62.7%   Bullish      BLUE   .151     .017
HD        183.72   -.34     W191.29       -196.4%  Bearish      BLUE   .044     .006
CAT       153.97   1.68     W154.34       -80.4%   Bearish      BLUE  -.003     .075
Table 2    Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180213
NEWHIGHS       43 
NEWLOWS        75   Many stocks remain vulnerable.
MAXCP          30 
MINCP          114  Professionals are still net bearish
TTTNH          46 
TTTNL          223  Day Traders who fade the market are still dominant.
FASTUP         123 
FASTDOWN       178 
CPCROSSA       103 
CPCROSSD       15 
BIGVOLUP       3 
BIGVODN        6 
Table 3       New Highs by Sector
Date = 180213
               No.          NHs            Pct/
BIGMIL         6             1             17 %
HACKERS        25            4             16 %
SOFTWARE       66            3             5 %
MILITARY       38            1             3 %
INDEXES        194           3             2 %
BIOTECH        386           8             2 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
ELECTRON       178           1             1 %
RUS-1000       837           6             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 % 
(Others show no highs)
Table 4
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         .833          1             .833          1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .625          .75           .75           .625          .75           .75 
FOOD           .6            .533          .533          .6            .533          .6 
BIGBANKS       .571          .571          .285          .285          .571          .571 
HACKERS        .56           .52           .48           .36           .4            .36 
JETS           .555          .333          .333          .333          .333          .333 
RETAIL         .509          .452          .528          .396          .66           .622 
SOFTWARE       .5            .484          .409          .303          .469          .484 
FINANCE        .451          .43           .344          .268          .537          .526 
BIOTECH        .448          .422          .378          .378          .487          .463 
COMODITY       .442          .428          .414          .5            .614          .685 
INFRA          .428          .342          .228          .171          .485          .428 
PIPELINE       .428          .428          .142          .142          .571          .571 
MILITARY       .421          .421          .315          .368          .421          .421 
COAL           .4            .4            .1            .4            .3            .4 
TRANSP         .4            .3            .3            .3            .5            .45 
INDEXES        .391          .35           .288          .293          .505          .572 
ETFS           .388          .268          .223          .149          .402          .656 
INDMATER       .388          .377          .211          .2            .4            .433 
DJI-13         .384          .461          .153          .153          .538          .538 
NASD-100       .37           .37           .38           .3            .48           .55 
DOWJONES       .366          .4            .266          .2            .466          .466 
REGBANKS       .363          .333          .333          .181          .393          .363 
MORNSTAR       .357          .352          .231          .176          .47           .495 
SP500          .354          .34           .276          .222          .457          .482 
COMPUTER       .347          .26           .217          .26           .26           .304 
RUS-1000       .345          .327          .253          .209          .42           .422 
GOLD           .333          .313          .215          .235          .274          .372 
NIFTY          .333          .333          .3            .233          .4            .5 
SP-100         .322          .333          .25           .229          .479          .541 
GAMING         .321          .357          .357          .357          .571          .571 
CHINA          .312          .218          .234          .171          .328          .578 
OILGAS         .278          .285          .192          .207          .371          .464 
AUTO           .275          .4            .325          .325          .375          .45 
HOMEBLDG       .235          .176          .176          .176          .294          .176 
GREEN          .225          .258          .129          .193          .193          .129 
SEMI           .207          .169          .107          .1            .192          .23 
ELECTRON       .202          .179          .123          .112          .213          .247 
BEVERAGE       .2            .3            .2            .15           .3            .3 
INSURANC       .187          .218          .187          .093          .281          .281 
CHEM           .145          .161          .096          .08           .258          .274 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .142          .142          .142 
SOLAR          .142          .142          0             .047          .095          .095 
UTILITY        .139          .162          .093          .069          .116          .116 
REIT           .033          .028          .033          .028          .033          .033 
BONDFUND       .018          0             0             .018          .018          .009 
N= 38

The Futures show another decline is shaping up.  We need to see the DJI refuse
                                 to zig-zag much below 24000 and then start another rally.  That, however, is not
                                 what happened in the past when a Buy B5 took place below a flat 65-dma.
                                 In the two cases this happened, in 1935 and 1955, the DJI had to make another
                                 new low before it could rally significantly.  But then it did rally nicely. 

                                 The President's Infrastructure Spending plan is far more private than public, says
                                 the NY Times tonight.  It is quite unlike Eisenhower's interstate highway plan,
                                 which was a powerful stimulus in the 1950s and 1960s.  Instead, we will see more
                                 partisan Congressional fighting, a longer delay and in the end, probably just
                                 a token effort to deal with the crumbing US infrastructure.  This will give the
                                 market an excuse to sell-off a bit here.  But, little more should have been expected.
                                 The federal budget's deficit is already very big. If I am right, and Trump's proosals
                                 here are not much of a surprise, then the DJI should shrug this news off. 
                                 Watch CAT, though, to see how it reacts.
                                 (See https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/12/business/trump-infrastructure-proposal.html?emc=edit_th_180213&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=58223894 )

The DJI and leading stocks took a nice step forward in repairing the technical
                                 damage of last week's decline.  But it is still below its flat 65-dma and still is not
                                 within its normal bands.  There appears to be lots of resistance overhead up to
                                 25,000 on the Dow.  From Table 1, we see that almost all the 31 items there
                                 are below their 5-dma pivot point and show falling Closing Powers.  From Table 1,
                                 we note that only 4 of our 46 sectors show a majority of their stocks above the
                                 65-dma.  There are many more stocks below the resistance of their 65-dma than
                                 above its support.  There is a great deal of pressure on the strongest and highest
                                 priced DJI-30 stocks, BA, GS, UNH, CAT...  They need to hold up.

But for one day, at least, breadth was good and we do now have  a Peerless Buy B5
                                 as the operative Peerless signal.  After more base-building,  the DJI should able to
                                 stabilize the market and then make new highs again in a month or two.  All the political-
                                 economic factors that made the market soar last year are still in effect.  Today the NY Fed
                                 said it believed Inflation is not yet a serious threat.  Bond holders apparently did not believe
                                 him.  Bonds and REITs rallied very little.  We will be eager to see the latest CPI numbers
                                 later this week.  
Right now, 24000 should be considered support and 25000 considered resistance.
                                 Owning some of the few bullish MAXCPs and holding short some of the bearish MINCPs
                                 would seem to be prudent and offer a high chance for a profit.

                                                          Charts 2/12/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/12/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
Table 1
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/12/18
   Only 5  of the 31 ETFs and leading stocks below are above their 5-day pivot points:
                            These include NVDA and BA
   Only 2  of the 31 ETFs and leading stocks have "Bullish" Closing Powers:
                            WEAT and GS   
DIA       246.17    4.14    W248.96        59.3%   Bearish      BLUE   .017    ----
COMPQX    6981.96  107.47   W7115.88       10.4%   Bearish      BLUE   .018    -.005
SPY       265.34    3.84    W269.13        26.7%   Bearish      BLUE  -.016    -.018
QQQ       158.87    2.77    W162.31        23.7%   Bearish      BLUE  -.036     .004
MDY       334.25    3.22    W338.94       -19%     Bearish      BLUE   .013    -.056
IWM       148.16    1.39    W149.69        8.1%    Bearish      BLUE  -.021    -.062
FAS       65.24    2.24     W67.99         16.2%   Bearish      BLUE   .07    -.02
RETL      33.96   -.04      W35.47         206.4%  Bearish      RED    .054    -.003
SOXL      140.48    7.04    W150           163.5%  Bearish      BLUE  -.033    -.046
TECL      112.92    5.89    W118.79        156.6%  Bearish      BLUE  -.077     .012
IBB       107.35    1.68    W109.36        7.9%    Bearish      BLUE  -.009     .007
GLD       125.37    .6      W125.38       -53.5%   Bearish      BLUE  -.091    -.001
OIL       6.44    .01       W7.05         -478.8%  Bearish      RED    .015     .019
OIH       24.3    .46       W26.19        -299%    Bearish      BLUE  -.167    -.021
GASL      17.89    1.34     W20.89        -631.9%  Bearish      BLUE  -.208    -.202
UGA       29.75   -.51      W32.04        -446.9%  Bearish      RED   -.087    -.077
UUP       23.54   -.08       23.42         36.1%   ----         RED    .008    -.057
IEF       102.19   -.03     W102.61       -42.4%   Bearish      ----  -.178    -.064
XLU      48.93    .37        48.33        -13.5%   Bearish      BLUE  -.143    -.161
WEAT      6.47    .2         6.27          221.9%  Bullish      BLUE   .077     .032
YINN      34.04    1.31     W44.32        -1066.5% Bearish      BLUE   .004    -.022
RSX       22.18    .51      W22.84        -20.4%   Bearish      BLUE  -.111    -.011
AAPL      162.71    6.3     W163.03        196.7%  Bearish      BLUE  -.13    -.068
GOOG      1051.94    14.16  W1080.6       -18.5%   Bearish      BLUE   .043     .001
MSFT      89.13    .95      W91.33         63.9%   Bearish      BLUE  -.068     .041
AMZN      1386.23    46.63  W1442.84      -13.6%   Bearish      BLUE   .016     .166
FB        176.41    .3      W185.31       -135.6%  Bearish      RED   -.007    -.021
NVDA     228.03   -4.05      225.58        320.5%  Bearish      RED    .018     .133
BA        343.8    10.97     340.91        222%    Bearish      BLUE  -.051     .248
GS        253.16    3.86    W258.7         80.3%   Bullish      BLUE   .156     .021
HD        184.06   -.06     W91.04         25.5%   Bearish      RED   -.003     .01
CAT        152.29    3.08   W156.41        40%     Bearish      BLUE  -.005     .075
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180212
NEWHIGHS       31 
NEWLOWS        71 

MAXCP          14 
MINCP          159    Professionals are in no hurray to play this rally
                      with most stocks.

TTTNH          25 
TTTNL          359    Day Traders will keep playing fades from higher openings
                      for a while longer.

FASTUP         126 
FASTDOWN       146 

CPCROSSA       69 
CPCROSSD       28 

BIGVOLUP       7 
BIGVODN        9      Dumping has largely stopped.
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180212
HACKERS        25            1             4 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
INDEXES        194           2             1 %
ELECTRON       178           2             1 %
BIOTECH        386           3             1 %
   All other have none... 
Table 4
   Bearish = 41
   Bullish = 5
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             .833          1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .75           .625          .75           .75           .75 
BIGBANKS       .571          .285          .285          .571          .571          .285 
FOOD           .533          .533          .6            .533          .6            .533 
HACKERS        .52           .48           .36           .4            .36           .36 
SOFTWARE       .484          .409          .303          .469          .484          .439 
DJI-13         .461          .153          .153          .538          .538          .23 
RETAIL         .452          .528          .396          .66           .622          .452 
FINANCE        .43           .344          .268          .537          .537          .408 
COMODITY       .428          .414          .5            .614          .685          .671 
PIPELINE       .428          .142          .142          .571          .571          .571 
BIOTECH        .422          .378          .378          .487          .466          .417 
MILITARY       .421          .315          .368          .421          .473          .447 
COAL           .4            .1            .4            .3            .4            .4 
DOWJONES       .4            .266          .2            .466          .466          .3 
AUTO           .384          .307          .307          .358          .435          .333 
INDMATER       .377          .211          .2            .4            .433          .388 
NASD-100       .37           .38           .3            .48           .55           .44 
GAMING         .357          .357          .357          .571          .571          .607 
MORNSTAR       .352          .231          .176          .47           .495          .348 
INDEXES        .345          .288          .293          .505          .603          .396 
INFRA          .342          .228          .171          .485          .428          .342 
SP500          .34           .276          .222          .457          .482          .377 
JETS           .333          .333          .333          .333          .333          .333 
NIFTY          .333          .3            .233          .4            .5            .4 
REGBANKS       .333          .333          .181          .393          .393          .303 
SP-100         .333          .25           .229          .479          .541          .364 
RUS-1000       .327          .253          .209          .42           .43           .35 
GOLD           .313          .215          .235          .274          .372          .431 
BEVERAGE       .3            .2            .15           .3            .3            .35 
TRANSP         .3            .3            .3            .5            .45           .4 
OILGAS         .285          .192          .207          .371          .464          .407 
ETFS           .268          .223          .149          .402          .656          .507 
COMPUTER       .26           .217          .26           .26           .347          .304 
GREEN          .258          .129          .193          .193          .161          .129 
CHINA          .218          .234          .171          .328          .578          .515 
INSURANC       .218          .187          .093          .281          .281          .281 
ELECTRON       .179          .123          .112          .213          .258          .191 
HOMEBLDG       .176          .176          .176          .294          .176          .117 
SEMI           .169          .107          .1            .192          .238          .176 
UTILITY        .162          .093          .069          .116          .093          .093 
CHEM           .161          .096          .08           .258          .274          .177 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .142          .142          .142 
SOLAR          .142          0             .047          .095          .095          .047 
REIT           .028          .033          .028          .033          .033          .028 
BONDFUND       0             0             .018          .018          .009          .018 
Bearish = 41

It is extremely rare for the DJI to drop more 10% from its highs after
                                 just the first Sell S9.  The current Buy B15 is not abated. hindered or denied
                                 by the recent Sell S9. But the flat 65-dma and its resistance up to 25000
                                 is apt to be a problem for the rebound which the new B5 and the Futures are
                                 producing.  Unless Up-Volume surges dramatically, possibly because
                                 Fed Chairman Powell speaks out dovishly, more basing will probably be needed.
                                 The DJI needs to get back within its normal 3.5% bands and stay there for a
                                 few weeks to show what happened last week was just a aberration.  My opinion
                                 is that until all the VIX-related leveraged derivatives are eliminated from the market,
                                 most traders will be nervous and they will be quick to take rebound profits.  Others
                                 will use these VIX-related derivatives right up to the very last day that they
                                 are allowed.  And as we have seen, these tools are a double-edged sword.  They
                                 can cut down share prices very quickly.

                                 It's nice to see that the bulls still have enough fire-power to turn the market around. 
                                 The DJI could not be forced down Friday.  In the last two hours the key major market
                                 indexes all reversed.  Instead of a Buy B19 (two-day reversal day Buy signal),
                                 Peerless gave us a new Buy B5. 
This is reliably bullish even when it occurs
                                 with the DJI looking quite scary.  See all the cases of past B5s below in Table A.
                                 and all the charts of the past B5s.
  But in the two prior cases when the B5 occurred
 below a flat 65-dma, the DJI's recovery was short-lived, could not get past
                                 its 65-dma and needed to build a better base by making more minor lows. Those
                                 were the cases of 1935 and 1956.

The new Buy B5 is bullish.  Watch the NYSE A/D Line.  It needs to move up,
                                 at least a little.  But, the worst of the decline may now be over...unless, of course,
                                 the FED under Chairman Powell is going to more aggressively raise rates or more
                                 aggressively dispose of its $5 trillion in Debt Instruments.  Assuming, this is not so,
                                 I would think the market will gradually calm down over the next month.  Of course,
                                 there might still be another rogue influence on the market.  But I do not see any big
                                 banks about to collapse.  It's true that General Electric looks very weak.  A plunge
                                 downward by it now would certainly spook the market and that could set off another
                                 leg down in the DJI and SP-500 as all the computerized sell programs again kick in.

                                 So, it looks like the DJI will try to rally the market back up to the 65-dma
                                 now at 24728.  That level is likely to offer too much resistance and the DJI
                                 will most likely then need to fall back to 23730 and build a better base
                                 from which to rally.  That would also give the market time to show that the
                                 recent volatility is subsiding.  That would give the DJI time to come back
                                 within its normal 3.5% bands and rally after then testing its lower 3.5% band.
                                 perhaps like occurred in October-November 1989. 
What the DJI does, so
                                 will the NASDAQ, SP-500 and QQQ do.  They are all moving in lock-step,
                                 again showing the dominant influence of computerized trading

                                                           New Buy B5 CAN reverse S9,
                                              especially when the S9 was first in 10 Months.

                                                            Closest Parallels
with Now
 3/11/1935 -  DJI was below a flat 65-dma, DJI needed to drop to new news before rallying above 65-dma.
 10/7/1956 -  DJI was below a flat 65-dma, DJI needed to drop to new news before rallying above 65-dma.
 2/9/2014   -  DJI was below a flat 65-dma.

           Past Peerless Buy B15s:

Date          Signal     DJI       Gain       Paper Loss
#1 19281212      B5         266.8     .172       none 
                     Key Values                                  
.949	-.123	-29	-6	-.004	-535	.048	.103   .37   (type 1)
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#2 19321101      B5         60.2      .09        none        0          (type 1)     
.952	-.123	-29	-6	-.004	-535	.048	.103   .37
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#3 19330616      B5         89.2      .121       none        0          (type 4) 
1.002    .886   85     -36       .092    194    .237    .436   1.41
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#4 19350311      B5         99.4    .356       96.7     -.010    3/14 (type 4) 
.967    -.093   -47      -2     -.027   -103    .065    -.032  -.130  
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#5 19481116      B5        176.2      .023       171.2    -.028    11/30 (type 4) 
.961    -.538   33      -1     -.114   -88    .154    -.018    -.07
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#6 19551007      B5        458.2      .132       438.6    -.048    10/11  (type 4)
.969    -.425   -30    -30      .074   -343    .094    -.005    -.02
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#7 19631122      B5        711.5      .320       none       0             (type 1)  
.953    -.557  -151    -40     -.141  -1021    .016    -.006    -.03
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#8 19780627      B5        817.31     .107       none       0             (type 4)   
.970    -.203  -114     3     -.11     -1     .072     .08     .28
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#9 19860717      B5       1781.78     .032       1769.97  -.005      8/4  (type 4)
.963    -.539  -83     +29      -.034     -11     .151   -.016    -.06
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#10 19870414      B5       2253.98     .039       2230.54  -.010      4/27  (type 4)
.966     .028 -203     -48     .108     -17     .213    .121     .42
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#11 19880328      B5       1998.34     .056       none       0              (type 4)
.964    -.252 -35     -38      .08     -6     .005    .013     -.05
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#12 19891013      B5       2569.26     .094       perfect    0              (type 1)
.947    -.419 -73     -36      .007    -7     .143    .014     .05
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#13 20090623      B5       8322.91    .237       perfect    0               (type 4)
.968     .063  36     -14      .011   -115    .032    .143     .48
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
#14 20111123      B5       11257.55    .075       none       0              (type 1)  
.946    -.449  -153     -17      .001   -152    .042    .007     .02
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc
     N=14    Avg.=13.2%  Median Gain = 10.5% Avg  Paper Loss=0.7%
20180209      B5       24190.90                                           (type 4)
.941    -.545  -314    57       .003   -127    .139    .027     .09
lowest         lowest  highest 
la/ma   aroc    P      p-cha    IP21    V-I     OP      65d-up 65-aroc


                       What Will Boost The DJI To New Highs.

                                       (From our San Diego Tiger User Group Meeting on Saturday.)

                                                   Charts 2/9/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/9/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
Table 1       
             QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/09/18
  Only 2 of these closed above their 5-dma pivot points: Dollar (UUP and Wheat) 
  Only Wheat shows rising Closing Powers,
  but RETL, UUP, MSFT, NVDA, BA, GS and HD have closed above they 5-dma pivot-points.   
DIA       242.03    3.36    W243.27       -261.2%   Bearish      BLUE   .015     0
COMPQX    6874.49    97.33  W6967.53      -260.6%   Bearish      BLUE  -.006    -.021
SPY       261.5    3.87     W263.93       -261.5%   Bearish      BLUE  -.013    -.021
QQQ       156.1    2.65     W158.12       -266.4%   Bearish      BLUE  -.041    -.019
MDY       331.03    3.63    W335.52       -256.8%   Bearish      BLUE   .017    -.049
IWM       146.77    1.33    W147.92       -236.4%   Bearish      ----  -.016    -.055
FAS       63    2.49        W65.03        -878.7%   Bearish      ----   .086    -.018
RETL      34    .69          32.54        -318.6%   Bearish      BLUE   .112     .087
SOXL      133.44    11.14   W136.02       -836.1%   Bearish      BLUE  -.038    -.205
TECL      107.03    5.52    W109.47       -779.6%   Bearish      BLUE  -.09    -.094
IBB       105.67    .81     W107.18       -297.9%   Bearish      BLUE  -.005     .003
GLD       124.77   -.21     W126.71       -64.5%    Bearish      BLUE  -.085     0
OIL       6.43   -.15       W7.09         -617.8%   Bearish      RED   -.045     .018
OIH       23.84   -.36      W25.8         -582.1%   Bearish      RED   -.145    -.023
GASL      16.55   -.3       W20.26        -1423.3%  Bearish      RED   -.211    -.245
UGA       30.26   -.72      W32.56        -469.8%   Bearish      RED   -.103    -.064
UUP       23.62    .02       23.37         74.6%    Bullish      ----   .032    -.042
IEF       102.22   -.18     W03.06        0%        Bearish      BLUE  -.164    -.054
XLU      48.56    1         W49.06        -135.8%   Bearish      BLUE  -.181    -.154
WEAT      6.27   -.1         6.19          15.9%    Bullish      RED    .052     .024
YINN      32.73   -.01      W42.13        -1571.5%  Bearish      BLUE  -.009    -.105
RSX       21.67    .14      W22.27        -293%     Bearish      ----  -.096    -.043
AAPL      156.41    1.26    W156.49       -128.7%   Bearish      RED   -.166    -.112
GOOG      1037.78    36.26  W1055.8       -349.7%   Bearish      BLUE   .057    -.025
MSFT      88.18    3.17      88           -201.9%   Bearish      BLUE  -.063     .023
AMZN      1339.6   -10.9    W1390         -321.3%   Bearish      RED    .005     .107
FB        176.11    4.53    W181.26       -389.9%   Bearish      BLUE  -.041    -.05
NVDA     232.08    14.56     213.7        -32.2%    Bearish      RED    .04      .086
BA        332.83    3.17     328.88       -237%     Bearish      RED   -.041     .226
GS        249.3    2.95      249.11       -211.2%   ----        RED    .163      .026
HD        184.12    2.9      183.11       -261.8%   Bearish      BLUE   .065     .027
CAT        149.21    3.22   W151.08       -270.5%   Bearish      BLUE   .007     .058
Table 2     Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180209




Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = Date = 2018.02.09 
                No.          NHs             Pct.   
HACKERS        25            2             8 %
SOFTWARE       66            2             3 %
INDEXES        194           3             2 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
ELECTRON       177           1             1 %
BIOTECH        386           2             1 %
All the rest have none. 
Monday, we may have to switch to showing
the percent of SECTORS at new 12-month lows. 
Table 4
 Bullish = 42
 Bearish = 4
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         .833          1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .625          .75           .75           .75           .875 
FOOD           .533          .6            .533          .6            .466          .733 
RETAIL         .528          .396          .66           .622          .49           .698 
HACKERS        .48           .36           .4            .36           .36           .6 
COMODITY       .414          .5            .614          .685          .657          .771 
SOFTWARE       .409          .303          .469          .484          .439          .712 
NASD-100       .38           .3            .48           .55           .44           .69 
BIOTECH        .378          .378          .487          .466          .419          .536 
GAMING         .357          .357          .571          .571          .607          .714 
FINANCE        .344          .268          .537          .537          .419          .774 
JETS           .333          .333          .333          .333          .333          .555 
REGBANKS       .333          .181          .393          .393          .333          .696 
AUTO           .325          .325          .375          .45           .35           .6 
MILITARY       .315          .368          .421          .473          .447          .736 
NIFTY          .3            .233          .4            .5            .4            .666 
TRANSP         .3            .3            .5            .45           .4            .75 
INDEXES        .288          .293          .505          .603          .402          .824 
BIGBANKS       .285          .285          .571          .571          .285          .857 
SP500          .276          .222          .457          .482          .381          .645 
DOWJONES       .266          .2            .466          .466          .333          .733 
RUS-1000       .253          .209          .42           .43           .354          .608 
SP-100         .25           .229          .479          .541          .375          .77 
CHINA          .234          .171          .328          .578          .515          .64 
MORNSTAR       .231          .176          .47           .495          .365          .752 
INFRA          .228          .171          .485          .428          .371          .571 
ETFS           .223          .149          .402          .656          .507          .865 
COMPUTER       .217          .26           .26           .347          .304          .652 
GOLD           .215          .235          .274          .372          .431          .49 
INDMATER       .211          .2            .4            .433          .4            .566 
BEVERAGE       .2            .15           .3            .3            .35           .6 
OILGAS         .192          .207          .371          .464          .407          .514 
INSURANC       .187          .093          .281          .281          .281          .562 
HOMEBLDG       .176          .176          .294          .176          .117          .235 
DJI-13         .153          .153          .538          .538          .307          .692 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .142          .142          .142 
PIPELINE       .142          .142          .571          .571          .571          .571 
GREEN          .129          .193          .193          .161          .129          .483 
ELECTRON       .118          .107          .209          .254          .186          .389 
SEMI           .107          .1            .192          .238          .184          .33 
COAL           .1            .4            .3            .4            .4            .5 
CHEM           .095          .079          .253          .269          .174          .349 
UTILITY        .093          .069          .116          .093          .093          .162 
REIT           .033          .028          .033          .033          .028          .067 
BONDFUND       0             .018          .018          .009          .018          .018 
SOLAR          0             .047          .095          .095          .047          .142 

  How do we explain today's 1000-point decline?  Strictly speaking, right
                                 after the DJI, SPY and the NASDAQ broke their 65-day moving averages,
                                 numerous computerized Sell programs were triggered.  All this was just too much
                                 highly leveraged selling on down-ticks for buyers to be found except when the
                                 DJI had fallen
exactly 10% from its highs.  We closed at the key support.

                                 Now the Futures are bouncing up a bit.  But recent rallies have shown an over-whelming
                                 tendency to fail and all the leveraged tools to sell short on down-ticks are
                                 sure to be employed again when the rally peters out.  So be very careful.

There's another explanation for the current sell-off.  Wall Street is a "cry-baby".
                                 (Read about the 1907 Crash, for example, and how JM Morgan and Rockefeller
                                 threatened President Theodore Roosevelt with a market panic and recession if
                                 he did not cease his plans to break up the biggest Steel and Banking trusts of the
                                 day.  Or read how President Kennedy's threats against US Steel started the 1962
                                 bear market even before the Cuban Missile Crisis). Wall Street is simply whining for
                                 more of the mother's milk of Federal Reserve subsidies.  Unfortunately, the Fed seems
                                 loathe now to oblige. It says it is committed to 3 rate hikes in 2018.

So, hold onto your hats (and your cash), this elevator acts like an Express
                                 going down.  It's stopped at the 10% down level today, but the Street
                                 level is 20% down from the highs and below that is a very dark bear market-
Exaggeration?  I hope so.  But the simple truth is that this extreme
                                 volatility now makes the market very risky to be long.  When the volatility
                                 returns to normal we can more safely go long again. 

                                                 The TigerSoft Volatility Index here simply shows the
                                                 daily percent change and plots a 10-dma. of it.
                                                 This much downside volatility usually occurs
                                                 at the start of a bear market or a much deeper
                                                 correction than we have seen so far.  More on this

                                                 I think that it's highly significant that the VIX-related hedging
                                                 may be taken away from traders next month.  These tools are suddenly
                                                 in too much demand and way too hot to safely handle.   Just
                                                 by themselves, they can make a 1000 stocks plunge 10% in two hours.
                                                 Perhaps, even more.  History shows that the NYSE, SEC and FED
                                                 are not willing to curb the use of leverage derivatives, because
                                                 Wall Street keeps insisting on them despite their dangers to the
                                                 whole system.  So, my advise is watch out BELOW if the
                                                 10%-down support gives way.                        
                                ( https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=rXx9WoOOIMeP0gKEpr34CA&q=vix+volatility+etf+to+be+abolished&oq=vix+volatility+etf+to+be+abolished&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2904.30147.0.30461. )

Why Should We Trust A Bounce?

                                 What happens if the DJI fails to hold here?  All this volatility is new and extremely
                                 dangerous.  The misgivings I reported about the Buy B19 seem justified.
I would
                                 formally withdraw the recent Buy B19 (because of the 30:1 down-volume to
                                 up-volume ratio on the day before the signal.) and consider the Sell S9
                                 not yet reversed.

                                 True the DJI is down 10%. 
But the Federal Reserve offers no reassurances
                                 of support if there is more weakness.  That is what Wall Street wants to hear.

                                 Without such FED guarantees of injections of new money into the market via the
                                 big Banks, there is way too much risk. This is a bull market going on nine years old. 
                                 People are rightly nervous.  It will not take much more price weakness  to cause
                                 another wave of selling, some of it by computers and some of it by investors
                                 who want to grab their profits while they still can.  Most of us have been schooled
                                 into thinking that it was the Fed more than anything else that gave us the long bull market. 
                                 Now they may be able to take it all away.  As a result, Wall Street now bears the
                                 burden on proof that its can be safely weaned away from Federal Reserve largesse
                                 without tantrum and a dangerous panic. 
The evidence, so far this month, given how
                                 many ways there are to hedge with leveraged short  ETFs, is that Wall Street
                                 cannot easily abide the withdrawal of virtually free FED money. 

So stay short lots of our Bearish MINCPs Limit your long exposure until the market
                                 calms down, to the best Bullish MAXCPs that still show a "bullish" rated Closing Power. 
                                 Above all, be very  wary of overnight trading traps and remember how sell-offs on
                                 Fridays very often spill-over dramatically to Mondays.

   Another Peerless Change

                                               Peerless will now have be revised so that
no B19s (two day reversals) are
                                               allowed when the first day (the down day) has 30 times more
                                               down-volume on NYSE than up-volume and the DJI is still not down
                                               at least 5.5% from the 21-dma  When a B19 occurs with this much
                                               downside volume, we so not want to "chase" and deploy the B19
                                               when there is no "headroom". 

                                               The only case where there was this much downside selling on the first
                                               day of the B19 pair of days was in October 1997.  As you can see just
                                               below the the successful B19 there occurred at a lower level in relation
                                               to the 21-dma, there was less an increase in volatility than now and
                                               the DJI still had to fall to 13.5% below its peak.  If we take this case
                                               as a model, there should be more of a decline than just to the 10%
                                               "correction" level.  Accordingly,  the revised Peerless code will allows
                                               a very lop-sided first day down IF it occurs with the DJI closing on the
                                               second day below the 5% lower band.  (More information on this

                                                                  1997's B10 Worked but at a lower level
                                                                  and only when volatility calmed down.                                               


                                                          Charts 2/8/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/8/2018   Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
Table 1   
                                QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/08/18
  Only 2 of these closed above their 5-dma pivot points: Dollar (UUP and Wheat) 
  Only 2 show rising Closing Powers: These are the leaders: Dollar (UUP and Wheat) 
ETF      CLOSE   CHANGE     PIVOT-PT   5-dma AROC   CL-PWR     CANDLE   IP21    ITRS
DIA       238.67   -10.09    254.93       -456.2%   Bearish      RED   -.051     ----- 
COMPQX    6777.16   -274.82  7240.95      -425.5%   Bearish      RED    .037    -.027
SPY       257.63   -10.04    275.45       -441%     Bearish      RED   -.059    -.022
QQQ       153.45   -6.76     164.61       -446.1%   Bearish      RED   -.086    -.03
MDY       327.4   -11.12     348.38       -409.8%   Bearish      RED   -.057    -.043
IWM       145.44   -4.4      153.83       -376.3%   Bearish      RED   -.054    -.046
FAS       60.51   -7.42      74.82        -1349.6%  Bearish      RED    .052    -.004
RETL      33.31   -3.33      36.22        -841.9%   Bearish      RED    .105     .166
SOXL      122.3   -17.72     157.03       -1625.1%  Bearish      RED   -.091    -.271
TECL      101.51   -12.53    124.76       -1469.6%  Bearish      RED   -.147    -.131
IBB       104.86   -4.55     112.14       -413%     Bearish      RED   -.061     .001
GLD       124.98    .19      126.39       -122.4%   Bearish      BLUE  -.082     .005
OIL       6.58   -.21        7.29         -589.2%   Bearish      RED   -.025     .045
OIH       24.2   -1.19       26.83        -722.2%   Bearish      RED   -.158     .001
GASL      16.85   -2.36      22.21        -1964.8%  Bearish      RED   -.338    -.218
UGA       30.98   -.36       33.27        -421.9%   Bearish      RED   -.083    -.049
UUP       23.6    0          23.27         100.6%   Bullish      BLUE   .03    -.036
IEF       102.4    .09       102.22       -9.8%     Bearish      BLUE  -.113    -.05
XLU      47.56   -.54        49.88        -272.8%   Bearish      RED   -.239    -.165
WEAT      6.37   -.07        6.25          47.7%    Bullish      ----   .207     .04
YINN      32.74   -4.98      45.45        -1713.5%  Bearish      RED   -.046    -.081
RSX       21.53   -.61       22.98        -441.7%   Bearish      RED   -.134    -.043
AAPL      155.15   -4.39     160.5        -391.1%   Bearish      RED   -.196    -.121
GOOG      1001.52   -47.06   1111.9       -760.3%   Bearish      RED    .009    -.062
MSFT      85.01   -4.6       91.78        -508.3%   Bearish      RED   -.125     .001
AMZN      1350.5   -66.28    1429.95      -139.7%   Bearish      RED   -.001     .117
FB        171.58   -8.6      190.28       -578.2%   Bearish      RED   -.081    -.075
NVDA     217.52   -11.28     233.52       -503%     ----         RED    .041     .003
BA        329.66   -18.46    348.91       -395.6%   ----         RED   -.057     .229
GS        246.35   -10.75    260.04       -498.8%   ----         RED    .142     .035
HD        181.22   -10.07    193.97       -486.8%   Bearish      RED   -.004     .028
CAT        145.99   -8.35    157.49       -519.8%   Bearish      RED   -.031     .052
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 2018.02.08

NEWHIGHS              17
NEWLOWS            363

MAXCP                    12
MINCP                    596  Professionals are much more bearish than bullish.

TTTNH                      30
TTTNL                     473  Day traders quickly switched to selling on weakness.

FASTUP                    75
FASTDOWN         1000+  Dumping in abundant evidence.

CPCROSSA             15
CPCROSSD           362  Professionals quickly switched to new selling.

BIGVOLUP               7
BIGVODN              63   Dumping ratio is 9:1.  Urgent need felt to sell.

Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = Date = 2018.02.08
               No.          NHs             Pct.   
INDEXES        194           13            7 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
The other have none.  Monday, we have to switch to showing
the percent of SECTORS at new 12-month lows.


Table 4
  Bullish = 3
  Bearish = 42  Almost every group has most of its stocks below the resistance
                of its 65-dma.
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIG MILITARY   100%          1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .625          .75           .75           .75           .875          1 
FOOD           .6            .533          .6            .466          .733          .8
COMODITY       .5            .614          .685          .657          .771          .828 
COAL           .4            .3            .4            .4            .5            .6 
RETAIL         .396          .66           .622          .49           .698          .754 
BIOTECH        .378          .487          .466          .419          .541          .585 
MILITARY       .368          .421          .473          .447          .71           .763 
HACKERS        .36           .4            .36           .36           .6            .64 
GAMING         .357          .571          .571          .607          .714          .785 
JETS           .333          .333          .333          .333          .555          .777 
AUTO           .325          .375          .45           .35           .6            .75 
SOFTWARE       .303          .469          .484          .439          .696          .757 
NASD-100       .3            .48           .55           .44           .69           .79 
TRANSP         .3            .5            .45           .4            .75           .8 
INDEXES        .293          .505          .603          .402          .824          .927 
BIGBANKS       .285          .571          .571          .285          .857          .857 
FINANCE        .268          .537          .537          .419          .774          .817 
COMPUTER       .26           .26           .347          .304          .652          .608 
GOLD           .235          .274          .372          .431          .47           .764 
NIFTY          .233          .4            .5            .4            .666          .766 
SP-100         .229          .479          .541          .375          .77           .843 
SP500          .222          .457          .482          .381          .645          .756 
RUS-1000       .209          .42           .43           .354          .609          .721 
OILGAS         .207          .371          .464          .407          .514          .692 
DOWJONES       .2            .466          .466          .333          .733          .866 
INDMATER       .2            .4            .433          .4            .555          .677 
GREEN          .193          .193          .161          .129          .483          .548 
REGBANKS       .181          .393          .393          .333          .696          .787 
HOMEBLDG       .176          .294          .176          .117          .235          .352 
MORNSTAR       .176          .47           .495          .365          .756          .861 
CHINA          .171          .328          .578          .515          .656          .718 
INFRA          .171          .485          .428          .371          .571          .742 
DJI-13         .153          .538          .538          .307          .692          .846 
BEVERAGE       .15           .3            .3            .35           .6            .8 
ETFS           .149          .402          .656          .507          .865          .925 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .142          .142          .285 
PIPELINE       .142          .571          .571          .571          .571          .714 
ELECTRON       .112          .213          .258          .191          .382          .483 
SEMI           .1            .192          .238          .184          .323          .438 
INSURANC       .093          .281          .281          .281          .562          .625 
CHEM           .078          .25           .265          .171          .328          .546 
UTILITY        .069          .116          .093          .093          .162          .232 
SOLAR          .047          .095          .095          .047          .142          .238 
REIT           .028          .033          .033          .028          .073          .112 
BONDFUND       .018          .018          .009          .018          .018          .036 




The DJI and NASDAQ held above their 65-dma today.  But we see
                                 in Table 1 nearly all the key ETFs and stocks we follow each night are still
                                 below their falling 5-day moving averages and pivot points AND show
                                 bearish Closing Power 21-day trends.  The Futures have just turned weak
                                 again. This is troublesome.

                                 If the 65-dma for the DJI and NASDAQ again can hold the DJI up, look for
                                 the operative B19 to bring a rebound led by the leading stocks listed just below.
                                 Their job will be to hold the market up.  A great deal is at stake for Wall Street
                                 and for the Administration.  But the rise in interest rates is ominous and the
                                 contagion of fear in the Utilities, REITs and Bond funds is spreading much more
                                 widely.  Stick with the short MINCPs, for sure.

                                 Make no mistake about it, the broader market has been hit hard. 
                                 There are 3x more sectors with the majority of their stocks below the resistance
                                 of their 65-dma than than sectors with most of their stocks holding above this
                                 key support. 
This means that we should require more proof that the market has found
                                 reliable support.  And even if there is a rally, after a few days up, expect it to be
                                 narrow and soon bring another test of the rising 65-dma. 

                                 It is the job now of the leading stocks below to rise up to and then get past
                                 the resistance of the 5-day ma pivot points, as shown below.  Watch them.
                                 Understand that any strength they show may only be a costume to maintain
                                 the appearance that all is well with this 9 year old bull market

Market Leaders:
 2/6                     Warning           5-dma      Closing   Candle    IP21     ITRS
                                       below 5-dma   AROC      Power    Stick

FB        180.18   -5.13    W193.09       -179.1%    Bullish    RED   -.022     -.071
NVDA     228.8    3.22      W240.5        -366.7%    Bullish   RED    .142     -.002
BA        348.12    7.21    W356.94       -90.3%     Bullish   BLUE   .023      .253
GS        257.1   -1.6      W272.23       -206.2%    Bullish   BLUE   .183      .033
HD        191.29    .25     W199.9        -248%      Bullish   BLUE   .075      .054
Bear Markets usually start only after there have been several sets of
                                Peerless Sells S9s.  A single S9 only sets the stage for a bigger decline
                                a few months later.  I've counted 22 first S9s in 8 months.  Only in
                                case, 7/1/1998, did the DJI fall more than 10%.  So, the odds are
                                very good that the DJI will not drop below its recent intra-day lows
                                before there are more new highs and subsequent Sell S9s.

   What To Do

                                I see no reason to cover any of the Bearish MINCP stocks, but now
                                would go long a few of the Bullish MAXCPs.  These have held up
                                and should show more strength if a rising DJI and NASDAQ can bolster
                                confidence.  At least, that is in the minds of the Professionals who pushed
                                up their Closing Powers to new highs.

                                                        Charts 2/7/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/7/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
Table 1
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/07/18
  Only 3 of the 31 items below closed above their 5-dma pivot points.
  Only WEAT and the Dollar (UUP) are above their 5-dma
  Only 7 show rising Closing Powers: These are the leaders:
        FB, NVDA, BA, GS and HD 
  Expect the pivot-points to be resistance levels, from which prices
  may fall back in order to re-test support.
DIA       248.76   -.2      W261.62       -249.6%    ----      BLUE   .062    ----
COMPQX    7051.98   -63.9   W7385.86      -248.8%    ----      RED    .09     -.033
SPY       267.67   -1.46    W281.58       -259.3%    Bearish   RED    .023    -.028
QQQ       160.21   -2.1     W167.96       -279.4%    ----      RED    .003    -.031
MDY       338.52   -.42     W355.54       -237.7%    Bearish   BLUE   .028    -.056
IWM       149.84    .15     W156.85       -213.2%    Bearish   BLUE    0      -.064
FAS       67.93   -.06      W79.7         -741.8%    ----      BLUE   .115     .071
RETL      36.64    1.17     W39.38        -553.4%    ----      BLUE   .138     .243
SOXL      140.02   -9.98    W171.34       -1074.8%   Bearish   RED   -.051    -.239
TECL      114.04   -4.75    W137.02       -909.3%    Bearish   RED   -.097    -.066
IBB       109.41    .05     W113.98       -209.7%    Bullish   BLUE   .03     -.006
GLD       124.79   -.59     W128.07       -112.7%    Bearish   RED   -.057     -.036
OIL       6.79   -.26       W7.42         -311.7%    ----      RED    .04      .011
OIH       25.39   -.8       W28.02        -385.3%    Bearish   RED   -.092     -.009
GASL      19.21   -1.68     W25.33        -1281.5%   Bearish   RED   -.232     -.201
UGA       31.34   -.7       W33.73        -345%      ----      RED   -.019     -.082
UUP       23.6    .18        23.13         75.1%     Bullish   BLUE  -.006     -.078
IEF       102.31   -.3      W102.6        -48.2%     Bearish   RED   -.217     -.094
XLU      48.1   -.23        W50.24        -295.7%    Bearish   RED   -.219     -.196
WEAT      6.44    .17        6.31          95.7%     Bullish   BLUE   .236     -.004
YINN      37.72   -6.6      W47.63        -1315.8%   ----      RED    .006     -.033
RSX       22.14   -.7       W23.54        -293.2%    Bearish   RED   -.026     -.072
AAPL      159.54   -3.49    W167.78       -242%      Bearish   RED   -.14      -.145
GOOG      1048.58   -32.02  W1167.7       -543.1%    ----      RED    .081     -.049
MSFT      89.61   -1.72     W94.26        -293.2%    Bearish   RED   -.066      .02
AMZN      1416.78   -26.06   1390         -120%      ----      RED    .071      .138
FB        180.18   -5.13    W193.09       -179.1%    Bullish   RED   -.022     -.071
NVDA     228.8    3.22      W240.5        -366.7%    Bullish   RED    .142     -.002
BA        348.12    7.21    W356.94       -90.3%     Bullish   BLUE   .023      .253
GS        257.1   -1.6      W272.23       -206.2%    Bullish   BLUE   .183      .033
HD        191.29    .25     W199.9        -248%      Bullish   BLUE   .075      .054
CAT        154.34   -2.07   W162.24       -267.1%    Bearish   RED    .031      .067
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180207
NEWHIGHS       34 
NEWLOWS        150
MAXCP          65 
MINCP          102

TTTNH          119   Very, very short-term buyers here.
TTTNL          70 

FASTUP         86 
FASTDOWN       454
CPCROSSA       125   Professionals have turned bullish
CPCROSSD       60 

BIGVOLUP       4 
BIGVODN        44    Big Money Dumping continues unabated.
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = Date = 180207
               No.          NHs             Pct.   
HOMEBLDG       17            1             6 %
HACKERS        25            1             4 %
FINANCE        93            2             2 %
SOFTWARE       66            1             2 %
BIOTECH        386           6             2 %
RETAIL         53            1             2 %
INDEXES        194           2             1 %
ELECTRON       178           1             1 %
The others have none.
Table 4
 There are 3x more sectors with the majority of their stocks below
 than their 65-dma than the 11 sectors where the majority are
 above their 65-dma.
 Bullish = 11
 Bearish = 34
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .75           .75           .875          1             1 
RETAIL         .66           .622          .49           .698          .754          .792 
COMODITY       .614          .685          .657          .771          .828          .785 
BIGBANKS       .571          .571          .285          .857          .857          .857 
GAMING         .571          .571          .607          .714          .785          .785 
PIPELINE       .571          .571          .571          .571          .714          .714 
DJI-13         .538          .538          .307          .692          .846          .769 
FINANCE        .537          .537          .419          .774          .817          .806 
FOOD           .533          .6            .466          .733          .8            .6 
INDEXES        .505          .603          .402          .824          .927          .927
N = 11 
TRANSP         .5            .45           .4            .75           .8            .85
BIOTECH        .487          .466          .419          .541          .582          .585 
INFRA          .485          .428          .371          .571          .742          .771 
NASD-100       .48           .55           .44           .69           .79           .83 
SP-100         .479          .541          .375          .77           .843          .864 
MORNSTAR       .47           .495          .365          .756          .861          .869 
SOFTWARE       .469          .484          .439          .696          .757          .757 
DOWJONES       .466          .466          .333          .733          .866          .833 
SP500          .457          .482          .381          .645          .75           .779 
MILITARY       .421          .473          .447          .71           .763          .763 
RUS-1000       .42           .43           .354          .609          .719          .735 
ETFS           .402          .656          .507          .865          .925          .94 
HACKERS        .4            .36           .36           .6            .64           .6 
INDMATER       .4            .433          .4            .555          .677          .722 
NIFTY          .4            .5            .4            .666          .766          .766 
REGBANKS       .393          .393          .333          .696          .787          .696 
AUTO           .375          .45           .35           .6            .75           .775 
OILGAS         .375          .468          .404          .51           .695          .695 
JETS           .333          .333          .333          .555          .777          .666 
CHINA          .328          .578          .515          .656          .718          .765 
BEVERAGE       .3            .3            .35           .6            .75           .75 
COAL           .3            .4            .4            .5            .6            .7 
HOMEBLDG       .294          .176          .117          .235          .352          .352 
INSURANC       .281          .281          .281          .562          .625          .625 
GOLD           .274          .372          .431          .47           .764          .764 
COMPUTER       .26           .347          .304          .652          .608          .608 
CHEM           .25           .265          .171          .328          .546          .593 
ELECTRON       .213          .258          .191          .382          .483          .455 
GREEN          .193          .161          .129          .483          .548          .516 
SEMI           .192          .238          .184          .323          .438          .43 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .142          .285          .285 
UTILITY        .116          .093          .093          .162          .232          .279 
SOLAR          .095          .095          .047          .142          .238          .238 
REIT           .033          .033          .028          .073          .112          .162 
BONDFUND       .018          .009          .018          .018          .036          .027 
N = 34


Crazy Computerized Trading! I'd blame them but that's what we are using, too,
                                 though I hope with some added human judgment, experience and perspective.

But there's more to this decline than program trading.  See how the Utilities are
                                 falling and short-term rates made a new recovery high today.  Most of the major
                                 ETFs and market leading stocks still show falling 5-day moving averages.  Now 3/4
                                 of the 46 sectors shown in Table 4 have more stocks below than above the
                                 broken support of their 65-dma.  For all 6000 stocks and ETFs we follow
                                 only 37% are above that key support.  This means momentum is still down
                                 and there will be considerable resistance overhead if he the market does rally.
                                 I suspect the market is waiting to hear from Powell.  I'm not sure it will like
                                 what it hears then.  Interestingly, the NY Times is now taking up this theme
                                 of the importance of tighter money. See its lead article tonight.                                

The Era of Easy Money Is Ending, and the World Is Bracing for Shocks

    Today Peerless did give a reversing Buy B19.

                                              The B19 was based on a very good day following a very bad day.
                                              Most likely the B19 establishes a trading range market bounded
                                              by 24000 and 27000.  Tomorrow watch to see if the DJI can
                                              close above 24693, where its rising 65-dma is.
 A closing down
                                              more than 220 would rupture the 65-dma and that
                                              could easily set up another decline to 24000.   Interestingly,
                                              the DJI tonight did drop 220 points but has recovered from
                                              the support at its 65-dma. 

                                                              Peerless DJI Chart


The NASDAQ and QQQ bullishly rose
                                                     above their 65-dma.  They show rising Closing
                                                     Powers and lots of blue Accumulation (big money
                                                     buying on weakness).  They can be bought if they
                                                     stay above their 65-dma.  Use a Sell stop below
                                                     Monday's low.

  How Much Should We Trust the New Peerless B19?

    Peerless gave a reversing Buy B19 today as the DJI swung back up and gained 567.
                                 Despite this a successful test of Monday's low should be the best place to buy
                                 the major market ETFs.  Table A below shows the median gain for a B19 after an S9
                                 is only +2.75% on the DJI and the median paper loss is 1.95%.  B19s are much
                                 less powerful when they seek to reverse a S9 than when they reverse other signals
                                 or reinforce an existing Peerless Buy signal. See the most recent study of all B19s.
                                 Did we we have a true reversal today?  It was only enough to meet the Buy B19's
                                 minimal requirements, I would say.  That means a successful retest of yesterday's
                                 closing of 24345.75 would be more constructive and likely prove a safer place to buy.

All of today's came in the last two hours. Programmed buys kicked in when the
                                 DJI and NASDAQ rose back above their rising 65-dma.  The 500+ point rebound
                                 was impressive, but we need to put it in perspective.  From Friday high to Monday's
                                 intra-day low, the DJI plunged 2000 points.   Secondly, Up Volume on the NYSE
                                 was 4x down volume today.  That looks good until, you look back and see that
                                 the Down Volume Monday was 30x greater than Up Volume.  Thirdly, Breadth
                                 was not nearly so good today as it was bad Monday. Today the ratio of NYSE
                                 advances to declines was 2183/850 ( 2.57) pales to Monday's ratio of declines to
                                 advances (2739/324 or 8.45).

  So, though last last two day's numbers satisfied the minimal Peerless requirements
                                 for a Buy B19 two-day reversal-up, we should, I think be waiting for another
                                 successful test of Monday's closing before acting on the Buy B19 in any significant
                                 way. This conclusion is supported not on the more modest sized average B19
                                 gains when it reversed a Sell S9.

                                 Tables 1-4 below and the chart for all 6000 stocks adds to the caution.


                        Reversing B19s: 1929-2018
                   Blue shows the B19 reversed a Sell S9
 Date                    DJI       Gain       Maximum Paper Loss
19290314      S9         316.3     .041        319.7    -.0107   3/15
19290327      B19        303.2     .029        299.1    -.0135   4/9
19300417      S9         294.1     .169        perfect 0 
19300506      B19        268.8     .023        none 0 
19460110      S9        199.2      .085        206.6    -.0371    2/5
19460218      S6        201.6      .03         none 0 
19460221      B19       195.6      .086        186.0    -.049    2/26
19560404      S5        518.7      .079        521.1    -.0046    4/6
19560409      S2        518.5      .079        none 0 
19560529      B19       477.7      .091        475.3    -.005    6/8
19650513      S7        938.9      .075        939.6   -.0007     5/14
19650630      B19       868.04     .135        none 0 
19870406      S9       2405.54     .051        perfect 0 
19870415      B19      2282.95     .026        2230.54 -.0229        4/27
19940203      S4       3967.66     .074        none 0 
19940405      B19      3675.41     .016        3598.71 -.0208        4/20
19970929      S12       7991.43     .062       8178.31 -.0233      10/7
19971028      B19       7598.32     .225       7381.67 -.0285      10/30
20020719      S13      8019.26     -.021       none 0 
20020724      B19      8191.29      .064       none 0 
20040220      S19      10619.03     .036       10678.1 -.0055      3/1
20040312      B19      10240.08     .031       10048.2 -.0187      3/24
20050308      S4       10912.47     .064       none 0 
20050421      B19      10218.6      .133       10070.3 -.0145      4/28
20080102      S14      13043.96     .059       none 0 
20080123      B19      12270.17     .023       11740.1 -.0431     3/10
20090106      S12      9015.1       .087       none 0 
20090121      B19      8228.1      -.01        8077.56 -.0182     1/23
20120321      S1       13124.62     .024       13264.4 -.0106     4/2
20120411      B19      12805.39     .037       none 0 
20130604      S19      15177.54     .027       15318.2 -.0092     6/18
20130625      B19      14760.31     .047       none 0 
20130715      S5       15484.26     .034       15658.3 -.0112     8/2
20130822      B19      14963.74     .015       14776.1 -.0125     8/27
All Cases:    Avg Gain = 6.01%  Median Gain = 3.4%
              Avg Paper Loss = 1.54%  Median Paper Loss = 1.4%
B19s after S9:
              Avg Gain = 4.1%  Median Gain = 2.75%
              Avg Paper Loss = 2.3%  Median Paper Loss = 1.9%
                                                         Charts 2/6/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/6/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
Table 1        
                            QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/06/18
        Only UUP (Dollar is above its 5-dma pivot-point.
        Only UUP, BA and AMZN show a rising 5-dma.
        13 rising Closing Powers and 12 falling Closing Powers
DIA       248.96    5.69    W261.44       -227.4%     ----       BLUE   .115    ------
COMPQX    7115.88  148.35   W7411.48     -196.8%      Bullish    BLUE   .261    -.022
SPY       269.13    5.2     W281.9        -228%       Bearish    BLUE   .102    -.023
QQQ       162.31    4.19    W169.4        -192.8%     Bullish    BLUE   .122    -.016
MDY       338.94    3.42    W355          -239.4%     Bearish    BLUE   .09    -.056
IWM       149.69    1.77    W156.36       -242.5%     Bearish    BLUE   .017    -.067
FAS       67.99    2.96     W78.8         -645.5%     ----       BLUE   .166     .072
RETL      35.47    2.93     W40.72        -840.1%     ----       BLUE   .172     .187
SOXL      150    13.98      W173.91       -605.3%     ----       BLUE   .02    -.16
TECL      118.79    9.32    W136.84       -578.1%     Bearish    BLUE  -.024    -.011
IBB       109.36    2.18    W114.08       -306.5%     ----       BLUE   .029    -.009
GLD       125.38   -1.33    W127.65       -55.9%      Bearish    RED   -.023    -.036
OIL       7.05   -.04       W7.24         -82.9%      Bullish    ----   .092     .073
OIH       26.19    .39      W27.46        -278%       Bearish    BLUE   .049     .02
GASL      20.89    .63      W25.04        -969.8%     Bearish    BLUE  -.146    -.127
UGA       32.04   -.52      W33.62        -156.4%     Bullish    RED    .051    -.048
UUP       23.42    .05       23.25         30.1%      Bearish    RED   -.052    -.092
IEF       102.61   -.45     W103.3        -32.1%      Bearish    RED   -.193    -.094
XLU      48.33   -.73       W51.04        -214.4%     Bearish    RED   -.143    -.192
WEAT      6.27    .08       W6.32         -119.1%     Bullish    BLUE   .173    -.047
YINN      44.32    2.19     W49.79        -395.9%     ----       BLUE   .089     .114
RSX       22.84    .57      W23.49        -90.9%      ----       BLUE   .06    -.044
AAPL      163.03    6.54    W167.43       -120.2%     Bearish    BLUE  -.109    -.127
GOOG      1080.6    24.8    W1169.94      -366.4%     Bullish    BLUE   .148    -.016
MSFT      91.33    3.33     W95.01        -76.3%      Bullish    BLUE  -.015     .04
AMZN      1442.84    52.84  W1450.89       17.7%      Bullish    BLUE   .139     .189
FB        185.31    4.05    W186.89       -48.2%      Bullish    BLUE   .036    -.034
NVDA     225.58    11.88    W245.8        -364.3%     Bullish    BLUE   .178    -.009
BA        340.91    12.03   W354.37        46.3%      Bullish    BLUE   .033     .227
GS        258.7    9.59     W267.89       -194.2%     Bullish    BLUE   .181     .036
HD        191.04    7.93    W200.9        -274.8%     Bullish    BLUE   .077     .052
CAT        156.41    5.33   W162.78       -230.5%     Bearish    BLUE   .107     .075
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180206

NEWHIGHS       20
NEWLOWS        156   Dangerously high when this close to a DJI high.
MAXCP          66 
MINCP          73    Pros are still more bearish than bullish.
TTTNH          95 
TTTNL          138   Pros are shorting openings, still 
FASTUP         66 
FASTDOWN       466   More downside trader plays.
CPCROSSA       479 
CPCROSSD       31
BIGVOLUP       5 
BIGVODN        58   Dumping continues.
Table 3  - Quite dismal!
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180206
               No.          NHs            Pct.        
HACKERS        25            1             4 %
MILITARY       38            1             3 %
SOFTWARE       66            1             2 %
BIOTECH        386           7             2 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
INDEXES        194           2             1 %
All others no highs 
Table 4
 Bullish = 15
 Bearish = 30
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .75           .875          1             1             1 
COMODITY       .685          .657          .771          .828          .785          .8 
ETFS           .656          .507          .865          .925          .94           .94 
RETAIL         .622          .49           .698          .754          .792          .83 
INDEXES        .603          .402          .824          .927          .927          .932 
FOOD           .6            .466          .733          .8            .6            .6 
CHINA          .578          .515          .656          .718          .765          .734 
BIGBANKS       .571          .285          .857          .857          .857          .857 
GAMING         .571          .607          .714          .785          .785          .785 
PIPELINE       .571          .571          .571          .714          .714          .714 
NASD-100       .55           .44           .69           .79           .83           .82 
SP-100         .541          .375          .77           .843          .864          .885 
DJI-13         .538          .307          .692          .846          .769          .923 
FINANCE        .537          .419          .774          .817          .806          .817
NIFTY-30       .5            .4            .666          .766          .766          .733 
MORNSTAR       .495          .365          .756          .861          .869          .873 
SOFTWARE       .484          .439          .696          .757          .757          .727 
SP500          .482          .381          .645          .75           .777          .787 
MILITARY       .473          .447          .71           .763          .763          .815 
OILGAS         .468          .404          .51           .695          .695          .702 
BIOTECH        .466          .419          .541          .582          .582          .637 
DOWJONES       .466          .333          .733          .866          .833          .9 
AUTO           .45           .35           .6            .75           .775          .875 
TRANSP         .45           .4            .75           .8            .85           .85 
INDMATER       .433          .4            .555          .677          .722          .766 
RUS-1000       .43           .354          .609          .719          .734          .747 
INFRA          .428          .371          .571          .742          .771          .857 
COAL           .4            .4            .5            .6            .7            .7 
REGBANKS       .393          .333          .696          .787          .696          .727 
GOLD           .372          .431          .47           .764          .764          .725 
HACKERS        .36           .36           .6            .64           .6            .6 
COMPUTER       .347          .304          .652          .608          .608          .652 
JETS           .333          .333          .555          .777          .666          .777 
BEVERAGE       .3            .35           .6            .75           .75           .8 
INSURANC       .281          .281          .562          .625          .625          .625 
CHEM           .265          .171          .328          .546          .593          .578 
ELECTRON       .258          .191          .382          .483          .455          .483 
SEMI           .238          .184          .323          .438          .43           .438 
HOMEBLDG       .176          .117          .235          .352          .352          .411 
GREEN          .161          .129          .483          .548          .516          .516 
EDU            .142          .142          .142          .285          .285          .285 
SOLAR          .095          .047          .142          .238          .238          .238 
UTILITY        .093          .093          .162          .232          .279          .255 
REIT           .033          .028          .073          .112          .162          .123 
BONDFUND       .009          .018          .018          .036          .027          .018 


2/5/2018        Peerless remains on a Sell S9.  This S9 variant in on-going bull markets typically brings a DJI significantly below the lower band.  This means there could  be much more weakness.  Of course, we do have an oversold market.  So a  rebound could occur.  But don't trust it is my advise.  Each short-term rally has  been sold into and smothered by heavy, impatient selling.  Early over-night strength                                  cannot be trusted.  The speed of this decline on not very heavy volume, so far, suggests to me the path of least resistance is still down.  With the DJI's 65-dma penetrated,                                  it seems likely today's low at 24000 will soon be re-tested and if that does not hold,                                  a decline to 23000 may then be in the cards, and in short order.  Below that, who knows? Under 21,000 will be in bear market territory.

                                 I believe the primary reason the market is falling so fast is because the FED is indicating through the mouths of Yellen and Jamie Dimon that it will not step in                                  to support stock prices until it has fallen 15%-20%.

                                 When the DJI dropped below 25000 today, it fell below the 3.5%  lower band. The more important support that I had suggested was the rising 65-dma, at approximately 24500.  But the high velocity of today's sell-off led to its clear penetration  at the close and that has prevented Peerless from getting a reversing Buy signal there.  So, for now we have to wait and hold our bearish MINCP short positions.  Trading ETFs is much trickier.  I would suggest being patient here unless you trade in the Futures market at night.                                  At one point today the DJI was down as much as 1600 points intra-day. If you add to that the 660 points it fell on Friday, we can say that the DJI had has now had a 9% correction in just two days.  That is similar to what happened in October 1989.  This case proves that itis possible for the DJI to quickly recover after a Sell S9.  But see below how the DJI's one-day plunge back then did not even reach its rising 65-dma.  (This was a decline that was also triggered by crazy computerized Sell programs plus the failure of a big merger.) 

                                 It's my judgment that too much technical damage has been done in our case.                                  Look at the "sea of red" key values in Table 1, at how lopsided the number                                 of negative stocks were today compared to the number of positive stocks (Table 2)                               and then see in Table 4 that there are now only 7 industry groups with the majority of their stocks still above the support of the 65-dma.

Wanted: Aggressive and Nimble Day Traders Who Like Gambling

                                 If you are a short-term trader, no doubt you will now be tempted to buy QQQ or the
                                 NASDAQ futures as they have only retreated to their rising 65-dma and their
                                 Accumulation Index readings are positive.  That's fine buy only if you place a sell stop
                                 just below today's close.  This is a risky venture without a Peerless Buy signal.

As in October 1987, it appears that Computerized trading caused today's 1600 point sell-off.  But we can't know that for sure.  So more caution and patience are needed I would say, especially since the FED is showing that they are in rate-rising mode and not presently willing to come to the rescue of Wall Street.  They still wince at all the criticism they got for this back in 2008 and 2009. 
There was no particular news to account for today's 1600 point drop. Irrational public selling was not the reason. The Public is still bullish.
Rather the speed of the decline almost certainly owed to crazy computerized hedging using all the clever new leveraged short ETFs, puts and Futures now available.  These programs kicked in when support levels, round numbers and key moving averages were penetrated.  For now, they may have done their damage.
But we just can't be sure there will not be another even bigger selling wave.  Stay short and avoid the long side remains my advise.   
The last two days' decline is quite reminiscent of what happened on the
Friday and Monday in October 1987 Crash.  (The major difference between 
then and now, however, was the the market's bottom then was down a whopping 
34% in just 3 weeks. So, this parallel may not hold.)
After the Crash in 1987, on the following Tuesday, the DJI jumped up at the 
Opening but could not make any additional headway and a re-test of the lows 
soon followed. That was a much better place to buy.  I like the idea of 
buying on a successful re-testing of the lows here, too.  See in the chart 
below how how the DJI needed to	retest its 65-dma before its was able to make 
a recovery in late September 1987 back up to the upper band.
        Don't Expect The Fed To Save The Market  
The DJI closed today only down a little more than 8% below its recent peak.
If this as far down as the DJI will go in February, it would be a very minimal
correction.  Without Fed intervention or the public assurances of such intervention,
the odds favor a deeper decline.  What saved Wall Street in October 1987 after
its love affair with computerized leveraged hedging almost plunged the market 
into an abyss of chaos, was Fed Chairman Greenspan's willingness to supply                
unlimited funds to market  makers to stabilize the market. It is not yet clear 
that Fed Chairman Powell is willing to do this.  Janet Yellen told us as she 
left office, to paraphrase, "Yes, evaluations are excessive, but the Economy 
is very strong" and she did not foresee any need for a bailout of  Wall	Street 
in the event of a correction.  Until Powell tells us otherwise, I would assume
his Fed will not intervene for now. 

                                                     Charts 2/5/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/5/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
Table 1
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/05/18
                     We have a sea of red here.  Extreme caution advised.
DIA       243.27   -11.66   W260.62       -400.9%   Bearish      RED   -.002    ----
COMPQX    6967.53   -273.42 W7402.48      -338%     Bearish      RED    .246    -.017
SPY       263.93   -11.52   W281.76       -369.1%   Bearish      RED    .005    -.017
QQQ       158.12   -6.49    W168.7        -356.2%   Bearish      RED    .026    -.015
MDY       335.52   -12.86   W355.7        -336.9%   Bearish      RED   -.11     -.041
IWM       147.92   -5.91    W157.18       -344.2%   Bearish      RED   -.067    -.053
FAS       65.03   -9.79     W77.7         -963.9%   Bearish      RED    .113     .037
RETL      32.54   -3.68     W41.88        -1515.6%  Bearish      RED    .151     .122
SOXL      136.02   -21.01   W169.56       -1306%    Bearish      RED   -.061    -.233
TECL      109.47   -15.29   W133.63       -1047%    Bearish      RED   -.122    -.071
IBB       107.18   -4.96    W116.27       -492.2%   Bearish      RED   -.084     .003
GLD       126.71    .32     W126.8        -25.1%    ----         RED    .058     .011
OIL       7.09   -.2        W7.17         -171.4%   Bullish      RED    .129     .134
OIH       25.8   -1.03      W27.7         -414.6%   Bearish      RED    .027     .042
GASL      20.26   -1.95     W25.48        -1555.4%  Bearish      RED   -.229    -.095
UGA       32.56   -.71      W33.08        -199.9%   Bullish      RED    .099    -.006
UUP       23.37    .1       23.28         10.8%     Bearish      ----  -.039    -.075
IEF       103.06    .84     W103.27       -21.8%    ----         BLUE  -.139    -.06
XLU      49.06   -.82       W50.48        -131.9%   Bearish      RED   -.188    -.153
WEAT      6.19   -.06       W6.42         -71.2%    Bullish      ----   .115    -.034
YINN      42.13   -3.32     W48.01        -864.9%   Bearish      RED    .054     .09
RSX       22.27   -.71      W23.26        -227.3%   Bearish      RED   -.004    -.027
AAPL      156.49   -4.01    W166.97       -345.2%   Bearish      RED   -.17    -.128
GOOG      1055.8   -56.1    W1163.69      -517.3%   ----         RED    .088    -.011
MSFT      88   -3.78        W92.74        -316.4%   Bearish      RED   -.097     .019
AMZN      1390   -39.95     W1437.82      -97.1%    ----         RED    .088     .188
FB        181.26   -9.02    W187.12       -125.1%   Bullish      RED    .001    -.035
NVDA     213.7   -19.82     W242.72       -685.3%   ----         RED    .117    -.043
BA        328.88   -20.03   W337.71       -171.7%   ----         RED   -.003     .2
GS        249.11   -10.93   W268.94       -435.5%   Bearish      RED    .113     .015
HD        183.11   -10.86   W201.81       -544.4%   Bearish      RED    .019     .027
CAT        151.08   -6.41   W163.76       -355.4%   Bearish      RED    .046     .066
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
                Date = 2018.02.05






Table 3
Table 4

    Bullish = 7
    Bearish = 39
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .75           .875          1             1             1             .875 
COMODITY       .657          .771          .828          .785          .8            .8 
GAMING         .607          .714          .785          .785          .785          .785 
PIPELINE       .571          .571          .714          .714          .714          .714 
CHINA          .515          .656          .718          .765          .75           .75 
ETFS           .507          .865          .925          .94           .94           .97 
RETAIL         .49           .698          .754          .792          .83           .867 
FOOD           .466          .733          .8            .6            .6            .666 
MILITARY       .447          .71           .763          .763          .815          .789 
NASD-100       .44           .69           .79           .83           .82           .85 
SOFTWARE       .439          .696          .757          .757          .727          .787 
GOLD           .431          .47           .764          .764          .725          .725 
BIOTECH        .419          .541          .582          .582          .632          .691 
FINANCE        .419          .774          .817          .806          .817          .827 
OILGAS         .404          .51           .695          .695          .702          .773 
INDEXES        .402          .824          .927          .927          .932          .938 
COAL           .4            .5            .6            .7            .7            .8 
INDMATER       .4            .555          .677          .722          .766          .788 
NIFTY          .4            .666          .766          .766          .733          .8 
TRANSP         .4            .75           .8            .85           .85           .8 
SP500          .381          .645          .75           .777          .787          .814 
SP-100         .375          .77           .843          .864          .885          .906 
INFRA          .371          .571          .742          .771          .857          .885 
MORNSTAR       .365          .756          .861          .869          .873          .894 
HACKERS        .36           .6            .64           .6            .6            .68 
RUS-1000       .354          .609          .719          .734          .75           .776 
AUTO           .35           .6            .75           .775          .875          .9 
BEVERAGE       .35           .6            .75           .75           .8            .8 
DOWJONES       .333          .733          .866          .833          .9            .9 
JETS           .333          .555          .777          .666          .777          .666 
REGBANKS       .333          .696          .787          .696          .727          .757 
DJI-13         .307          .692          .846          .769          .923          .923 
COMPUTER       .304          .652          .608          .608          .652          .739 
BIGBANKS       .285          .857          .857          .857          .857          1 
INSURANC       .281          .562          .625          .625          .625          .625 
ELECTRON       .191          .382          .483          .455          .488          .539 
SEMI           .184          .323          .438          .43           .446          .5 
CHEM           .171          .328          .546          .593          .578          .64 
EDU            .142          .142          .285          .285          .285          .285 
GREEN          .129          .483          .548          .516          .516          .58 
HOMEBLDG       .117          .235          .352          .352          .411          .47 
UTILITY        .093          .162          .232          .279          .255          .232 
SOLAR          .047          .142          .238          .238          .238          .38 
REIT           .028          .073          .112          .162          .123          .129 
BONDFUND       .018          .018          .036          .027          .018          .036 

 2/2/2018        Peerless is now on a Sell S9.  In on-going bull markets, the original 2007
           bull market Sell S9 variant dropped the DJI below the lower band in
7 of 11 past cases when it
           would have been applied in January and February.  With the DJI not having had a bear market's
           18% or more DJI decline since March of 2009, lots of investors are now worried that
           a 8.5%-14% correction, at least, is now under way.  Certainly, I would expect Friday's very
           steady deep decline to spill over to Monday and beyond.

I have added this Sell S9 variation to the regular Peerless.  It will be available to Elite Subscribers
           on Monday.
  Here is its track record and its coded requirements. 

           I suspect the DJI will not rebound much until it reaches its rising 65-dma, about 800 points
           below Friday's close.   A successful double-test of the rising 65-dma did take place in September
           1987, whereon the DJI rallied to its upper band with all negative internals.  This is what generated
           the October 1987 S9.  The DJI then utterly collapsed after the newly appointed Fed Chairman, Alan
           Greenspan, went ahead with a rate hike to defend the Dollar. 


           A comparison of the DJI's recent top now with the one in August 1987 seems appropriate. 
           Then like now, there had been a long bull market and a correction was also long over-due.  Then
           like now, the Dollar had turned quite weak and this invited the FED to raise interest rates.  Then,
           too, we had a new Federal Reserve Chairman.  He got his baptism in fire when the stock market
           cried like a baby for a hand-out after falling 37% in just two months. 

                                       1987 Support at Rising 65-dma

           True, our internals are not so negative as in 1987, but certainly the political situation now is much more
           divided and dangerous for investors, I would judge.  Republicans in 2018 will need to prevent a deep
           decline if they wish NOT to lose many Congressional seats in the Fall Election.  As of a week ago,
           their polls seemed to be rising as the stock market's gains were lifting 401K retirement accounts.  But a
           serious decline now would change this.  The problem now is it's not clear how they can go about the
           fiscal pumping up of the market any more.  Of course, the FED could provide lot of new liquidity, but
           Trump campaigned against this.  Even quickly passing a big Infrastructure spending bill may not do
           the job if the bond market tanks as a result of Debt and Inflation concerns.   Far-sighted investors
           have no choice but to be quite cautious now.  So should we.

Conclusion:  Stay clear of the major market ETFs unless you are already short them. 
           If you have not already, Sell any stock whose Closing Power uptrends are violated.  Add more
           bearish MINCPs short sales.

Weaker Openings Now Cannot Be A Good Sign

           For years the DJI has been boosted by higher openings.  If that pattern changes now, I would
           fear this will be a very bad sign for the stock market.

                                 Lower Openings Have Led The DJI Down This Last Week,
                                              Don't Fight This Down-Trend.

 "Buy at the Close and Sell at the Opening." (Rising Opening Power and Falling Closing Power)
 At long last, the New York Times has finally taken note of our findings.  Now that they have,
           I would suggest that this Tiger short-term trading technique may no longer work:

              Since SPY's inception in 1993, "
all of ...(its) price gain since 1993 has come outside regular trading hours...
If you had bought the SPY at the last second of trading on each business day since 1993 and sold at the
               market open the next day — capturing all of the net after-hour gains — your cumulative price gain
               would be 571 percent. On the other hand, if you had done the reverse, buying the E.T.F. at the first
               second of regular trading every morning at 9:30 a.m. and selling at the 4 p.m. close, you would be down
               4.4 percent since 1993. "


                                                      Charts 2/2/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/2/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
 Table 1               QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/02/18
DIA       254.93   -6.69    W264.16       -208.9%   ----      RED    .109     ----
COMPQX    7240.95   -144.91 W7466.51      -178.1%   ----      RED    .208    -.022
SPY       275.45   -6.13    W284.68       -196.4%   ----      RED    .146    -.022
QQQ       164.61   -3.35    W170.1        -186.5%   ----      RED    .159    -.019
MDY       348.38   -7.16    W359.43       -197.5%   Bearish   RED    .004    -.053
IWM       153.83   -3.02    W158.7        -182.9%   Bearish   RED    .037    -.06
FAS       74.82   -4.88     W80.11        -432.8%   ----      RED    .169     .158
RETL      36.22   -3.16     W44.85        -1038.5%  Bearish   RED    .21     .146
SOXL      157.03   -14.31   W180.55       -687.4%   Bearish   RED    .025    -.133
TECL      124.76   -12.26   W137.52       -597.2%   Bearish   RED    .048     .04
IBB       112.14   -1.84    W118.5        -253.9%   ----      RED   -.006     .002
GLD       126.39   -1.68    W127.35       -65.8%    ----      RED    .098    -.047
OIL       7.29    -.13      W7.34         -102.4%   Bullish   ----   .185     .126
OIH       26.83   -1.19     W28.09        -337.5%   Bearish   RED    .144     .029
GASL      22.21   -3.12     W28.11        -1408%    Bearish   RED   -.13    -.068
UGA       33.27   -.46      W33.9         -129.1%   Bullish   BLUE   .174    -.023
UUP       23.27    .14      W23.32         2.2%     Bearish   ----  -.043    -.137
IEF       102.22   -.38     W103.51       -75%      Bearish   RED   -.173    -.124
XLU      49.88   -.36       W50.39        -114.5%   Bearish   RED   -.155    -.192
WEAT      6.25   -.06       W6.28          55.5%    Bullish   ----   .096    -.074
YINN      45.45   -2.18     W50.48        -836%     ----      RED    .124     .22
RSX       22.98   -.56      W23.33        -134.4%   ----      RED    .181    -.036
AAPL      160.5   -7.28     W167.96       -327%     Bearish   RED   -.083    -.145
GOOG      1111.9   -55.8    W1175.58      -273.1%   Bullish   RED    .181     .003
MSFT      91.78   -2.48     W93.92        -121.3%   Bearish   RED   -.019     .023
AMZN      1429.95    39.95   1417.68       98.3%    ----      RED    .091     .181
FB        190.28   -2.81     185.98        7.4%     Bullish   RED    .035    -.024
NVDA     233.52   -6.98     W246.85       -201.2%   Bullish   RED    .128     .002
BA        348.91   -8.03     340.82        82.1%    ----      RED    .015     .23
GS        260.04   -12.19   W272.48       -150%     Bullish   RED    .14     .003
HD        193.97   -5.93    W204.92       -326.7%   ----      RED    .121     .049
CAT        157.49   -4.75   W162.58       -292.3%   Bearish   RED    .077     .062


Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180202

NEWHIGHS         42
NEWLOWS         256      So many new lows just a week from the DJI's new high is not good.
MAXCP          26 
MINCP          405   Professionals have turned quite bearish.
TTTNH          44 
TTTNL          551   
FASTUP         77 
FASTDOWN       515   There is a lot of institutional dumping going on.
CPCROSSA       27 
CPCROSSD       187 
BIGVOLUP       5 
BIGVODN        50 

Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180202
               No.           NHs           Pct
INDEXES        194           12            6 %
RUS-1000       837           52            6 %
GAMING         28            1             4 %
AUTO           40            1             3 %
SOFTWARE       66            2             3 %
NASD-100       100           3             3 %
BIOTECH        387           8             2 %
FINANCE        93            1             1 %
MORNSTAR       238           2             1 %
SP500          485           5             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 %
Others: None
Table 4
 Bullish = 34
 Bearish = 11
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       .875          1             1             1             .875          .875 
ETFS           .865          .925          .94           .94           .97           .97 
BIGBANKS       .857          .857          .857          .857          1             1 
INDEXES        .835          .927          .927          .932          .938          .927 
FINANCE        .774          .817          .806          .817          .827          .827 
COMODITY       .771          .828          .785          .8            .8            .828 
SP-100         .77           .843          .864          .885          .895          .906 
MORNSTAR       .756          .861          .869          .873          .894          .92 
TRANSP         .75           .8            .85           .85           .8            .85 
DOWJONES       .733          .866          .833          .9            .9            .9 
FOOD           .733          .8            .6            .6            .666          .733 
GAMING         .714          .785          .785          .785          .785          .821 
MILITARY       .71           .763          .763          .815          .789          .763 
RETAIL         .698          .754          .792          .83           .867          .867 
REGBANKS       .696          .787          .696          .727          .757          .787 
SOFTWARE       .696          .757          .757          .727          .772          .818 
DJI-13         .692          .846          .769          .923          .923          .923 
NASD-100       .69           .79           .83           .82           .85           .88 
NIFTY          .666          .766          .766          .733          .8            .8 
CHINA          .656          .718          .765          .75           .75           .796 
COMPUTER       .652          .608          .608          .652          .739          .739 
SP500          .645          .75           .777          .787          .812          .845 
RUS-1000       .609          .719          .734          .75           .774          .802 
AUTO           .6            .75           .775          .875          .875          .9 
BEVERAGE       .6            .75           .75           .8            .8            .85 
HACKERS        .6            .64           .6            .6            .68           .72 
INFRA          .571          .742          .771          .857          .885          .942 
PIPELINE       .571          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
INSURANC       .562          .625          .625          .625          .625          .656 
INDMATER       .555          .677          .722          .766          .8            .855 
JETS           .555          .777          .666          .777          .666          .666 
BIOTECH        .542          .583          .583          .633          .687          .697 
OILGAS         .514          .7            .7            .707          .778          .8
N= 34
COAL           .5            .6            .7            .7            .8            .8 
GREEN          .483          .548          .516          .516          .58           .548 
GOLD           .47           .764          .764          .725          .725          .862 
ELECTRON       .382          .483          .455          .488          .533          .573 
CHEM           .328          .546          .593          .578          .64           .671 
SEMI           .323          .438          .43           .446          .5            .553 
HOMEBLDG       .235          .352          .352          .411          .47           .647 
UTILITY        .162          .232          .279          .255          .232          .232 
EDU            .142          .285          .285          .285          .428          .714 
SOLAR          .142          .238          .238          .238          .38           .333 
REIT           .073          .112          .162          .123          .129          .179 
BONDFUND       .018          .036          .027          .018          .036          .081 

The evidence from tonight's research is compelling that we should consider a
                    revised Sell S9 to have occurred on Tuesday's close.  See below.  There have
                    been 11 of these revised S9s in January and February in rising markets since 1929. 
                    All 11 brought declines to the lower 3% band.  7 of the 11 brought declines below
                    the lower 3.5% band.   The Futures are already dropping sharply.  This probably
                    has something to do with the necklines of head/shoulders being broken.  It has to do with
                    Trump's political difficulties.  But there is a lot more at stake, as I discuss below. 
                    A DJI decline back to its 65-dma and the lower 3% next seems highly likely. There
                    should be very good support there.

All this week I have suggested we should expect the DJI to retreat from its very
                    overbought position.  In particular, I noted that the recent rally has brought a
                    gain that more than matches the average gain after a September Buy B21 and
                    so profits should be taken, rather than be too greedy.  The deterioration of
                    breadth was mentioned as a bearish factor.  Monday and Tuesday both were
                    days when the number of NYSE decliners was more than 4 times the number of
                    advancers.  As a result, on January 30th, the P-I and the V-I turned negative. 
                    Since the DJI closed down at only the 1.3% upper band, no Peerless S9 was given
                    on January 29th.  But back in the days before 2008, Peerless also used its
                    hypothetical high in relation to the 21-day ma.  I believe that is why a Sell S9
                    using the 2007 version of Peerless was given. 

 I do not have the source code for the 2007 version of Peerless.  But I tested the
                    following parameters for January and February when the DJI was near its 12 month
                    highs and not in a bear market:
                                         1) Close/21-dma must be above 1.013
                                         2) Theoretical High/21-dma must be above 1.026
                                         3) P-Indicator must be negative.
                                         4) V-Indicator must be negative.

                    There were 11 of the 2007-like variations on our classic Sell S9.  All brought declines to
                    at least the 3% lower band.  Six saw paper losses, all under 5%.  But most significantly,
                    7 of the 11 produced a DJI decline below the lower 3.5% band.

                           1) 1/30/1929  312.64  
DJI rallied to 322.1 and then fell to lower 3.5% band.
                           2) 2/28/1929  317.4   
 DJI fell directly to the lower 3.5% band.
                           3) 2/15/1935  104.7    
DJI rose to 107.2 and then fell to lower 3.5% band.
                           4) 2/11/1937   190.3   
DJI rose to 194.4 (3/10) and then fell below lower 3.5% band.
                           5) 1/3/1939     153.6   
DJI fell directly below lower 3.5% band.
                           6) 1/9/1946     197.37 
DJI rose to 206.6 and then fell below lower 3.5% band.
                           7) 2/1/1955     409.7   
DJI rose to 419.7 and then fell below lower 3.5% band.
                           8) 1/3/1973     1939    
DJI fell directly far below lower 3.5% band.
                           9) 2/13/1980   903.84 
DJI fell directly far below lower 3.5% band.
                          10) 1/13/1999 9349.55
DJI fell directly to lower 3.0% band.
                          11) 1/7/2000  11522.56
DJI rose to 11722.98 and then fell far below the 3.5% lower band.

    What To Do?

                           Take profits in longs.  Do not let a gain turn into a loss.  Sell when the steep Closing Power
                           uptrends are violated.  Sell some of the bearish MINCP stocks short.  Because of Boeing's
                           unduly large impact on the DJI, I am reluctant to suggest shorting DIA. 

        January's JOBs' Numbers Are Unusually Important

The Fed's postponing a rise in interest rates until March did not help dividend stocks.
                    Investors again quickly unloaded utilities' stocks, REITs and bond funds Thursday. 
                    The explanation is simple.  Rates have been very, very low.  Now they will almost
                    certainly be going up.  Trump's tax cuts and increased spending on the military, domestic
                    security and, possibly, infrastructure has many big investors in bonds really spooked.

But there is a much bigger storm approaching.  It has to do with the Trump's wager
                    on the strong and the power of "trickle-down" economics. What if the Economy does not
                    get as big a boost as Republicans are expecting from Trump's economic agenda?  That
                    could cause a big turnover in Congressional seats.  It conceivably could even cause the
                    Democrats to regain control of the House of Representatives.  That has to be on Republican
                    investors' minds.  I believe this is why the DJI, SP-500, Mid-Caps, QQQ and NASDAQ
                    have all quickly formed compact little head/shoulders price patterns.

If I am right, then tomorrow's Jobs' numbers for January have taken on a special significance.
                    They wobble and fluctuate, of course, month to month.  But anything short of a really good
                    number, say above 210,000 for new jobs could be politically troublesome. Ordinarily, a
                    low number, one that is less than 12 months ago and also the previous month,
                    can sometimes be viewed as a cause for the Fed to delay raising interest rates.  But not
                    only has the Fed largely guaranteed a raise in short-term rates in March, now a low number
                    of new monthly jobs, below, say 150,000 would mean economic Growth is probably not
                    good enough to boost Republicans' political fortunes, especially in the Midwest "rust belt".

                    So tomorrow's January Jobs' numbers will be important for partisans and for the stock
                    market, too.  The new numbers will be reported an hour before the NYSE opens.   Below are
                    current numbers which we will use for comparison.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007 240 89 190 80 143 75 -34 -20 88 84 114 98
2008 17 -84 -78 -210 -186 -162 -213 -267 -450 -474 -766 -694
2009 -793 -702 -823 -687 -349 -471 -329 -213 -220 -204 -2 -275
2010 23 -68 164 243 524 -137 -68 -36 -52 262 119 87
2011 43 189 225 346 77 225 69 110 248 209 141 209
2012 358 237 233 78 115 76 143 177 203 146 132 244
2013 211 286 130 197 226 162 122 261 190 212 258 47
2014 190 151 272 329 246 304 202 230 280 227 312 255
2015 234 238 86 262 344 206 254 157 100 321 272 239
2016 126 237 225 153 43 297 291 176 249 124 164 155
2017 216 232 50 207 145 210 138 208 38 211 252(P) 148(P)
P : preliminary




                                                  Charts 2/1/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks     
(new)  A/D Line for SP-500 Stocks
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ

2/1/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
Table 1        
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 02/01/18
 Bullish:  Closing Power Rising = 15  Falling = 12 
          Below Pivot-Points = 26 of 31
          5-dma Falling = 20  Rising = 11
DIA       261.62    .18     W265.91       -40.5%   Bullish      BLUE   .226    ------
COMPQX    7385.86   -25.62  W7505.77      -17%     Bullish      BLUE   .307    -.032
SPY       281.58   -.32     W286.58       -30.3%   Bullish      BLUE   .273    -.029
QQQ       167.96   -1.44    W170.93       -11.5%   Bullish      RED    .288    -.03
MDY       355.54    .54     W362.51       -75.1%   ----         BLUE   .087    -.06
IWM       156.85    .49     W159.6        -68.9%   ----         BLUE   .103    -.064
FAS       79.7    .9        W81.71        -30.7%   Bullish      BLUE   .268     .22
RETL      39.38   -1.34     W45.02        -509.8%   ----        RED    .253     .264
SOXL      171.34   -2.57    W181.13        169.4%   ----        BLUE   .141    -.041
TECL      137.02    .18     W141.15        70.5%   Bullish      BLUE   .214     .132
IBB       113.98   -.1      W118.04       -113.5%  Bullish      BLUE   .095    -.022
GLD       128.07    .42     *128.07        3.9%    Bullish      BLUE   .125    -.079
OIL       7.42    .18       W7.44          89.1%   Bullish      BLUE   .224     .105
OIH       28.02    .56      W28.72        -115.5%   ----        BLUE   .241     .04
GASL      25.33    .29      W29.74        -779%    Bearish      BLUE  -.08     .005
UGA       33.73    .11      W34.14         3%      Bullish      ----   .181    -.047
UUP       23.13   -.12      W23.26        -38.7%   Bearish      RED    .015    -.171
IEF       102.6   -.7       W103.77       -71.4%   Bearish      RED   -.161    -.155
XLU      50.24   -.8        W51.04        -75.8%   Bearish      RED   -.144    -.221
WEAT      6.31   -.01        6.18          183.8%  Bullish      ----   .147    -.108
YINN      47.63   -2.16     W53.8         -240%    Bullish      RED    .221     .292
RSX       23.54    .05      W23.61        -55.3%   Bullish      BLUE   .3    -.048
AAPL      167.78    .35     W171.51       -98.5%   Bearish      BLUE  -.014    -.135
GOOG      1167.7   -2.24    W1175.84      -11.4%   Bullish      BLUE   .303     .025
MSFT      94.26   -.75       94.06         103.1%  Bullish      RED    .06     .023
AMZN      1390   -60.89     W1402.05       42.5%   Bullish      RED    .194     .109
FB        193.09    6.2      190           149.6%  Bullish      BLUE   .108    -.042
NVDA     240.5   -5.3       W243.33        85.4%   Bullish      BLUE   .205     .017
BA        356.94    2.57     343.22        201.1%  Bullish      BLUE   .068     .24
GS        272.23    4.34     268.14        59.4%   Bullish      BLUE   .174     .023
HD        199.9   -1        W207.23       -134%    Bullish      BLUE   .205     .071
CAT        162.24   -.54    W167.06       -215.9%  Bearish      BLUE   .135     .071
Table 2
                       Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
                                          Date = 180201

NEWHIGHS     196
NEWLOWS      156

MAXCP              84
MINCP              223

TTTNH               83
TTTNL              281

FASTUP             75

CPCROSSA     211
CPCROSSD      71

BIGVOLUP         5
BIGVODN         21  

Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
               No            NHs           Pct.
BIGMIL         6             4             67 %
BIGBANKS       7             2             29 %
DJI-13         13            3             23 %
MILITARY       38            8             21 %
GAMING         28            6             21 %
DOWJONES       30            5             17 %
FINANCE        93            14            15 %
EDU            7             1             14 %
HOSPITAL       8             1             13 %
COMODITY       70            8             11 %
NIFTY          30            3             10 %
SP-100         96            10            10 %
INSURANC       32            3             9 %
NASD-100       100           8             8 %
SP500          485           34            7 %
RUS-1000       837           52            6 %
AUTO           40            2             5 %
INDEXES        194           10            5 %
MORNSTAR       238           11            5 %
TRANSP         20            1             5 %
BEVERAGE       20            1             5 %
BIOTECH        387           16            4 %
REGBANKS       33            1             3 %
ETFS           66            2             3 %
CHEM           64            1             2 %
SEMI           130           3             2 %
SOFTWARE       66            1             2 %
INDMATER       90            1             1 %
ELECTRON       178           2             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 %
Table 4

Bullish = 38
Bearish = 8
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       1             1             1             .875          .875          .875 
INDEXES        .927          .927          .932          .938          .927          .927 
ETFS           .924          .939          .939          .969          .969          .969 
DOWJONES       .866          .833          .9            .9            .9            .9 
MORNSTAR       .861          .869          .873          .894          .92           .911 
BIGBANKS       .857          .857          .857          1             1             1 
DJI-13         .846          .769          .923          .923          .923          .923 
SP-100         .843          .864          .885          .895          .916          .927 
COMODITY       .828          .785          .8            .8            .8            .742 
FINANCE        .817          .806          .817          .827          .827          .849 
FOOD           .8            .6            .6            .666          .6            .4 
TRANSP         .8            .85           .85           .8            .85           .8 

NASD-100       .79           .83           .82           .85           .89           .86 
REGBANKS       .787          .696          .727          .757          .787          .757 
GAMING         .785          .785          .785          .785          .821          .857 
JETS           .777          .666          .777          .666          .666          .666 
NIFTY          .766          .766          .733          .8            .8            .766 
GOLD           .764          .764          .725          .725          .862          .823 
MILITARY       .763          .763          .815          .789          .763          .789 
SOFTWARE       .757          .757          .727          .772          .818          .742 
RETAIL         .754          .792          .83           .867          .867          .867 
AUTO           .75           .775          .875          .875          .9            .875 
BEVERAGE       .75           .75           .8            .8            .85           .85 
SP500          .75           .777          .787          .812          .851          .841 
INFRA          .742          .771          .857          .885          .942          .914 
RUS-1000       .719          .734          .75           .774          .805          .801 
CHINA          .718          .765          .75           .75           .796          .781 
PIPELINE       .714          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
OILGAS         .7            .7            .707          .778          .8            .8 
INDMATER       .677          .722          .766          .8            .855          .855 
HACKERS        .64           .6            .6            .68           .72           .68 
INSURANC       .625          .625          .625          .625          .687          .75 
COMPUTER       .608          .608          .652          .739          .739          .739 
COAL           .6            .7            .7            .8            .8            .9 
BIOTECH        .583          .583          .633          .687          .695          .684 
GREEN          .548          .516          .516          .58           .548          .58 
CHEM           .546          .593          .578          .64           .671          .671 
ELECTRON       .483          .455          .488          .533          .573          .511 
SEMI           .438          .43           .446          .5            .553          .469 
HOMEBLDG       .352          .352          .411          .47           .647          .647 
EDU            .285          .285          .285          .428          .714          .714 
SOLAR          .238          .238          .238          .38           .333          .333 
UTILITY        .232          .279          .255          .232          .232          .209 
REIT           .112          .162          .123          .129          .179          .235 
BONDFUND       .036          .027          .018          .036          .081          .099 
N= 8

I have suggested doing some profit-taking and waiting for a pullback by the DJI
                     to buy again.  In this way, we can again be positioned long to be consistent with
                     the still active September Buy B21.  That the 10-day Down Volume has risen above the 10-day
                     Up Volume suggests this seems a good plan.  So does the break in the NYSE
                     A/D Line uptrend, which warns us that interest rates are on the rise.  It remains
                     to be seen if the DJI will decisively break below the near-term support at 25800;
                     such is the power of an accelerating uptrend.  So patience seems warranted as
                     far as the DJI goes.  A continued decline in Crude Oil and oil stocks would contribute
                     to a bigger DJI sell-off, so watch them now.

Should We Have Gotten an S9 on Tuesday?

An alert subscriber just emailed me, saying that the 2006 version of Peerless would
                     have given a Sell S9 yesterday.  There is no time tonight to back-test it for January
                     and February.  And I lost the source code for this version of Peerless some time ago.
                     But the current version gives no such Sell S9 and  I would trust the current Peerless because
                     I know how many hours went into back-testing all of its signals.  See 2006 version's chart.
                     Still, tomorrow I will show this old S9's track record for this time of the year.  No time

I still doubt if rising interest rates are ready to bring a much bigger decline.
                     The bad breadth on the NYSE, so far, owes mostly to weak dividend plays, bond
                     funds, REITs and utilities.  I would suggest that an economic slow-down is not in the
                     cards, judging from the still rising A/D Line for the SP-500 stocks shown below.

 The leading tech stocks (NVDA, GOOG, MSFT and AMZN) seem not to be
                     bothered by the prospects of higher interest rates.  And so the NASDAQ and
                     QQQ show very high levels of underlying Accumulation.  This suggests ample
                     support and only a limited pullback at this time.  These stocks, QQQ and the
                     NASDAQ are "tightly held".  Because of this,
I would Buy QQQ if it makes a
                     run now and destroys its bearish-looking head/shoulders pattern.  This will
                     bring on another short-covering burst upwards.

There are a number of very special biotech situations that look bullish.  We see
                     them in the Bullish MAXCPs tonight. 
The star performer is Madrigal.  Its preliminary
                     trials for a novel way to treat fatty livers not caused by drinking has had a high degree of
                     success.  While trials are always limited. the stunning results its drug is getting
                     would occur less than once in 10,000 randomized samples.  It used to be a $300
                     stock.  It is still only half of that price. We will watch to see who makes a bid for it.
                     It epitomizes what we always hope to find using our Explosive Super Stock screens.
                     If someone came up to me and wanted one stock to buy, this is what I would pick
                     for him.



                                                           Charts 1/31/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks                           
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ (Square)

1/31/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
Table 1      QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 01/31/18
 Bullish:  Closing Power Rising = 21   Falling = 5
          5-dma Falling = 21  Rising = 11 
DIA       261.44    .82     W263.75       -21.5%   Bullish       RED    .231    -----
COMPQX    7411.48    9       7411.16      -2.4%    Bullish       RED    .373    -.022
SPY       281.9    .14      W283.3        -22.5%   Bullish       RED    .325    -.023
QQQ       169.4    .7        168.35        29.2%   Bullish       RED    .364    -.017
MDY       355   -.7         W360.93       -85.8%   ----          RED    .173    -.051
IWM       156.36   -.82     W159.03       -82.2%   ----          RED    .118    -.055
FAS       78.8    1.1       W80.19        -99.4%   Bullish       BLUE   .228     .204
RETL      40.72   -1.16     W43.79        -404.9%   ----         RED    .303     .428
SOXL      173.91    4.35     165.44       -17.5%   ----          RED    .2    -.031
TECL      136.84    3.21     135.09        31.1%   Bullish       BLUE   .264     .117
IBB       114.08   -2.19    W116.63       -77.7%   Bullish       RED    .152    -.012
GLD       127.65    .85     W127.97       -46.2%   ----          BLUE   .133    -.061
OIL       7.24    .07       W7.29         -122.7%  Bullish       BLUE   .21     .123
OIH       27.46   -.24      W28.67        -260.3%  ----          RED    .24     .042
GASL      25.04   -.44      W29.63        -1036.7% Bearish       RED   -.022     .049
UGA       33.62    .54      W33.71        -66.6%   Bullish       BLUE   .114    -.023
UUP       23.25   -.03      W23.31        -6.4%    Bullish       ----   .051    -.16
IEF       103.3    .03      W104.08       -26.5%   Bearish       RED   -.071    -.139
XLU      51.04    .56        51.01         80%     Bearish       BLUE  -.117    -.205
WEAT      6.32   -.1         6.08          201.4%  Bullish       ----   .161    -.087
YINN      49.79    1.78     W50.05        -225%    Bullish       RED    .28     .34
RSX       23.49    .23      W23.8         -61.6%   Bullish       ----   .337    -.028
AAPL      167.43    .46     W171.11       -199.3%  Bearish      BLUE   .017    -.134
GOOG      1169.94    6.25   W1170.37       24.4%   Bullish       RED    .331     .02
MSFT      95.01    2.27      92.33         171.6%  Bullish       BLUE   .104     .029
AMZN      1450.89    13.07   1377.95       333.8%  Bullish       RED    .31     .163
FB        186.89   -.23     W187.48        9.1%    Bullish       RED    .106    -.072
NVDA     245.8    3.08       236.35        207.5%  Bullish       ----   .257     .049
BA        354.37    16.66    343.11        289.5%  Bullish       RED    .087     .231
GS        267.89   -1.05    W269.03        41.1%   Bullish       RED    .135     .006
HD        200.9   -.91      W205.37       -129.7%  Bullish       RED    .159     .086
CAT        162.78   -.98    W169.37       -167.2%  Bearish       RED    .114     .081
Table 2
Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180131
NEWHIGHS       119 
NEWLOWS        102 

MAXCP          41 
MINCP          267 

TTTNH          54 
TTTNL          403 

FASTUP         74 
FASTDOWN       234 

CPCROSSA       37 
CPCROSSD       119 

BIGVOLUP       6 
BIGVODN        28 
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180131
               No.          NHs            Pct
BIGMIL         6             4             67 %
DJI-13         13            3             23 %
JETS           9             2             22 %
NIFTY          30            6             20 %
MILITARY       38            7             18 %
GAMING         28            5             18 %
DOWJONES       30            5             17 %
BEVERAGE       20            2             10 %
INSURANC       32            3             9 %
NASD-100       100           9             9 %
FINANCE        93            6             6 %
SP-100         96            6             6 %
SOFTWARE       66            4             6 %
AUTO           39            2             5 %
SP500          485           23            5 %
RUS-1000       837           38            5 %
HACKERS        25            1             4 %
MORNSTAR       238           9             4 %
BIOTECH        393           17            4 %
COMPUTER       23            1             4 %
GREEN          31            1             3 %
CHINA          64            2             3 %
INDEXES        194           4             2 %
RETAIL         53            1             2 %
INDMATER       90            1             1 %
ELECTRON       178           1             1 %
SEMI           130           1             1 %
REIT           178           1             1 %
------------------ None -------------------------------------
Table 4
 Bullish = 38
 Bearish = 8
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       1             1             .875          .875          .875          .875 
ETFS           .939          .939          .969          .969          .969          .954 
INDEXES        .927          .932          .938          .927          .927          .938 
MORNSTAR       .869          .873          .894          .92           .911          .92 
SP-100         .864          .885          .895          .916          .927          .927 
BIGBANKS       .857          .857          1             1             1             1 
TRANSP         .85           .85           .8            .85           .8            .9 
DOWJONES       .833          .9            .9            .9            .9            .933 
NASD-100       .83           .82           .85           .89           .86           .86 
FINANCE        .806          .817          .827          .827          .849          .849 
RETAIL         .792          .83           .867          .867          .867          .867 
COMODITY       .785          .8            .8            .8            .742          .757 
GAMING         .785          .785          .785          .821          .857          .821 
SP500          .777          .787          .812          .851          .841          .83 
INFRA          .771          .857          .885          .942          .914          .914 
AUTO           .769          .871          .871          .897          .871          .871 
DJI-13         .769          .923          .923          .923          .923          1 
NIFTY          .766          .733          .8            .8            .766          .833 
CHINA          .765          .75           .75           .796          .781          .781 
GOLD           .764          .725          .725          .862          .803          .901 
MILITARY       .763          .815          .789          .763          .789          .763 
SOFTWARE       .757          .727          .772          .818          .742          .757 
BEVERAGE       .75           .8            .8            .85           .8            .8 
RUS-1000       .734          .75           .774          .805          .802          .8 
INDMATER       .722          .766          .8            .855          .855          .855 
PIPELINE       .714          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
COAL           .7            .7            .8            .8            .9            .9 
OILGAS         .7            .707          .778          .8            .8            .814 
REGBANKS       .696          .727          .757          .787          .757          .818 
JETS           .666          .777          .666          .666          .666          .777 
INSURANC       .625          .625          .625          .687          .75           .687 
COMPUTER       .608          .652          .739          .739          .739          .782 
FOOD           .6            .6            .666          .6            .4            .466 
HACKERS        .6            .6            .68           .72           .72           .72 
CHEM           .593          .578          .64           .671          .671          .687 
BIOTECH        .587          .631          .689          .689          .676          .651 
GREEN          .516          .516          .58           .548          .58           .645 
ELECTRON       .455          .488          .533          .573          .505          .601 
SEMI           .43           .446          .5            .553          .461          .576 
HOMEBLDG       .352          .411          .47           .647          .647          .882 
EDU            .285          .285          .428          .714          .714          .714 
UTILITY        .279          .255          .232          .232          .209          .162 
SOLAR          .238          .238          .38           .333          .333          .38 
REIT           .162          .123          .129          .179          .235          .23 
BONDFUND       .027          .018          .036          .081          .081          .081 

The Peerless September Buy B21 has not been reversed.  But a bigger pullback than
                        we have seen so far would seem healthy and likely.  Tomorrow's recovery will be
                        partisan-inspired.  The State of The Union Message is mostly a political cheer-leading
                        event.  For this reason, the DJI may stall out soon after it closes the downside gap in
                        today's trading.  A run up to 26400 would do this. 

                        Bulls, the animal that is, are actually color-blind like most four-legged animals. So, it is the
                        movement of the cape that gets them in trouble, not the color.  We should not be fooled now by
                        a sudden lurch upwards.  Buying on a decent pullback will be safer unless Peerless first
                        generates a Sell signal. That could happen. We might get a Sell at DJI-26600 later this
                        week since both the the P-Indicator and V-Indicators are now negative.  As the DJI is
                        currently 1.3% over the 21-dma, a 300 point rally up from here on poor breadth and
                        low up-volume could bring a Sell S9.

                        Possibly good earnings this week for tech stocks, AAPL, GOOG and AMAZON will lift
                        the NASDAQ, though profit-taking on the positive news seems just as likely.  Trump's
                        promise to take on the Drug Companies and their high prices may bring about some weakness
                        on the NASDAQ, too. 

                        Did you know that the City of New York is suing fossil fuel companies for keeping to
                        themselves knowledge of their role in causing man-made global warming?   Seems far-fetched,
                        right?  But oil stocks have turned weak.

                        I am always ruminating on historical parallels.  Trump's tax cut and de-Regulation are right
                        out of the 1920s, from the play-books of Harding and Coolidge.  The policies' parallels here
                        are quite close.  Along with low interest rates and margin requirements, these policies
                        produced the extraordinary bull market of the 1920s.  But there are two important differences.
                        The first is the absence now of many, many new consumer goods.  In the 1920s cars, radios,
                        refrigerators, washing machines... were all relatively new.  The second difference is in the area
                        of consumer credit.  At the start of the 1920s boom, consumer credit was relatively new and
                        consumers were not as tapped out as they are now.  This means the dangers of over-production
                        and lack of consumer demand do over-hang the market.  Most people need credit, a lot of
                        it, to buy a new car.  We should watch Ford's stock. See below.  If tariffs on auto imports are
                        not enacted, Ford is in trouble.  The American market is already shrinking because credit
                        is harder to get now than in the past.

                        On balance, the bullish parallels are still much more weighty. The tax cuts have not yet had a
                        chance to work their "voo-doo" magic and there has not yet been a take-over binge.  So, let's
                        plan to buy on a 5%-7% dip from here.

                        Today was the second day in a row when the ratio of NYSE decliners to advancers
                        was more than 4:1.  This should reinforce our resolve not to chase the market at this
                        point.  So should the fact that there were substantially more new lows than new highs
                        today on the NYSE and the NASDAQ.
See Table 2.


                                                       Charts 1/30/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks                           
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                              

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ (Square)

1/30/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
 Table 1    
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 01/30/18
 Bullish:  Closing Power Rising = 24  Falling = 5
          5-dma Falling = 26  Rising = 6
          Red candle-stick = 20  Blue candle-stick = 12
ETF      CLOSE   CHANGE     PIVOT-PT  5-dma AROC   CL-PWR       CANDLE  IP21     ITRS
DIA       260.62   -3.54    W262.57       -23.7%    Bullish       RED    .226     ----
COMPQX    7402.48   -64.03  W7415.06      -38.8%    Bullish       BLUE   .354    -.015
SPY       281.76   -2.92    W283.18       -26.9%    Bullish       RED    .295    -.02
QQQ       168.7   -1.4       168.41       -23.9%    Bullish       BLUE   .308    -.013
MDY       355.7   -3.73     W361.18       -88.6%    ----          RED    .102    -.044
IWM       157.18   -1.52    W158.97       -87.3%    Bullish       RED    .114    -.039
FAS       77.7   -2.41      W80.39        -110.7%   Bullish       BLUE   .207     .191
RETL      41.88   -2.97     W44.28        -378.6%   Bullish       RED    .326     .558
SOXL      169.56   -10.99   W174.52       -502.2%   Bullish       RED    .184    -.017
TECL      133.63   -3.89    W135.99       -203.2%   Bullish       RED    .196     .131
IBB       116.27   -2.23     115.9        -23%      Bullish       RED    .176     .02
GLD       126.8   -.55      W128.83       -18.8%    ----         RED    .066    -.074
OIL       7.17   -.17       W7.42         -34.1%    Bullish       ----   .174     .105
OIH       27.7   -.39       W28.94        -281.8%   ----         ----   .302     .039
GASL      25.48   -2.63     W31.01        -968.2%   Bearish      RED   -.041     .074
UGA       33.08   -.82      W34.07        -120.8%   Bullish       RED    .045    -.06
UUP       23.28   -.04      *23.28        -49.3%    Bullish       BLUE   .068    -.164
IEF       103.27   -.24     W103.85       -37.6%    Bearish      RED   -.075    -.147
XLU      50.48    .09        50.23        -5.9%     Bearish      BLUE  -.19     -.223
WEAT      6.42    .14        6.07          392.8%   Bullish      BLUE   .209    -.083
YINN      48.01   -2.47     W52.08        -315.3%   Bullish       RED    .279     .363
RSX       23.26   -.07      W23.78        -67.7%    Bullish      RED    .28     -.031
AAPL      166.97   -.99     W174.22       -292.1%   Bearish      BLUE  -.02     -.131
GOOG      1163.69   -11.89  W1164.24      -26.8%    Bullish       RED    .296     .021
MSFT      92.74   -1.18      91.82         45.3%    ----         RED    .028    -.001
AMZN      1437.82    20.14   1357.51       272.1%   Bullish      BLUE   .365     .157
FB        187.12    1.14     186.55       -59.3%    Bullish       BLUE   .116    -.067
NVDA     242.72   -4.13      235.8         79.3%    Bullish      BLUE   .255     .037
BA        337.71   -3.11     334.69        31.2%    Bullish      RED    .12      .166
GS        268.94   -3.54     265.68        165.7%   Bullish      RED    .144     .013
HD        201.81   -3.11    W206.22       -75.1%    Bullish       BLUE   .145     .101
CAT        163.76    1.18   W168.34       -169.4%   Bullish       BLUE   .13      .102
 Table 2
Date = 180130
            Number in Key Directories
NEWHIGHS               73
NEWLOWS               159   More new lows than new highs just 2 days away from a DJI high is bearish.

MAXCP                       87
MINCP                      250  Professional selling was quite dominant.

TTTNH                        59
TTTNL                       346

FASTUP                       83
FASTDOWN             225

CPCROSSA                51
CPCROSSD                95

BIGVOLUP                  5
BIGVODN                  40
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180130
BIGMIL         6             1             17 %
HOSPITAL       8             1             13 %
MILITARY       38            2             5 %
BEVERAGE       20            1             5 %
GAMING         28            1             4 %
INDEXES        194           7             4 %
AUTO           39            1             3 %
FINANCE        93            3             3 %
NIFTY          30            1             3 %
MORNSTAR       238           6             3 %
CHEM           64            1             2 %
BIOTECH        387           9             2 %
SP500          485           12            2 %
RUS-1000       837           15            2 %
NASD-100       100           2             2 %
RETAIL         53            1             2 %
UTILITY        43            1             2 %
SP-100         96            1             1 %
INDMATER       90            1             1 %
SEMI           130           1             1 %
 Table 4
 Bullish = 38
 Bearish = 8
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
HOSPITAL       1             .875          .875          .875          .875          .875 
ETFS           .939          .969          .969          .969          .954          .954 
INDEXES        .932          .938          .927          .927          .932          .907 
DJI-13         .923          .923          .923          .923          1             1 
DOWJONES       .9            .9            .9            .9            .933          .933 
SP-100         .885          .895          .916          .927          .927          .937 
MORNSTAR       .873          .894          .92           .911          .92           .924 
AUTO           .871          .871          .897          .871          .871          .871 
BIGBANKS       .857          1             1             1             1             1 
INFRA          .857          .885          .942          .914          .885          .942 
TRANSP         .85           .8            .85           .8            .9            1 
RETAIL         .83           .867          .867          .867          .867          .849 
NASD-100       .82           .85           .89           .86           .86           .89 
FINANCE        .817          .827          .827          .849          .849          .903 
MILITARY       .815          .789          .763          .789          .736          .736 
BEVERAGE       .8            .8            .85           .8            .8            .8 
COMODITY       .8            .8            .8            .742          .757          .7 
SP500          .787          .812          .851          .841          .83           .839 
GAMING         .785          .785          .821          .857          .821          .821 
JETS           .777          .666          .666          .666          .777          1 
INDMATER       .766          .8            .855          .855          .855          .844 
CHINA          .75           .75           .796          .781          .781          .796 
RUS-1000       .75           .774          .805          .802          .799          .808 
NIFTY          .733          .8            .8            .766          .833          .866 
REGBANKS       .727          .757          .787          .757          .787          .848 
SOFTWARE       .727          .772          .818          .742          .757          .818 
GOLD           .725          .725          .862          .803          .901          .862 
PIPELINE       .714          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
OILGAS         .702          .773          .794          .794          .808          .815 
COAL           .7            .8            .8            .9            .9            .8 
COMPUTER       .652          .739          .739          .739          .782          .826 
BIOTECH        .633          .687          .695          .682          .653          .702 
INSURANC       .625          .625          .687          .75           .687          .718 
FOOD           .6            .666          .6            .4            .466          .333 
HACKERS        .6            .68           .72           .72           .72           .68 
CHEM           .578          .64           .671          .671          .687          .687 
GREEN          .516          .58           .548          .58           .645          .677 
N= 20
ELECTRON       .488          .533          .573          .505          .595          .646 
SEMI           .446          .5            .553          .461          .569          .6 
HOMEBLDG       .411          .47           .647          .647          .882          .882 
EDU            .285          .428          .714          .714          .714          .714 
UTILITY        .255          .232          .232          .209          .162          .139 
SOLAR          .238          .38           .333          .333          .38           .38 
REIT           .118          .124          .175          .231          .225          .248 
BONDFUND       .018          .036          .081          .081          .081          .099 
N= 8


Let's not be too greedy in here.  That could get us in trouble.  Take some
                    profits.  There are many big "Red Popsicles" in Table 1.  Table 2 shows us
                    that Professionals are doing a lot of dumping now.  MINCPs outnumber
                    MaxCPs by a wide margin and the number of new lows is quite high
                    considering that the DJI is only one day away from its high.  It is even conceivable
                    that a new Peerless Sell signal could be devised that tests well and fit in here.
                    The ratio of declining stocks to advancing stocks was 4.4 today.  This shows
                    a big rush to sell by Professionals.  What are they afraid of?

 Peerless has given no Sell signal, but how can taking some very ripe profits hurt?
                    That seems only prudent, I admit.  So go ahead.
  But understand that we may
                    only be able to re-enter at a higher price.

 Today the number of NYSE decliners (2467) were 4.429 times the number of
                    advancers (557).  Clearly there was a rush to sell dividend shares.  But it was more
                    than that.  Interest rates rising are only one explanation.  Another is that Trump is now
                    in deeper political trouble than before  A third is that investors are afraid of a bad surprise from
                    Trump's State of The Union message Tuesday night.  Adding some bearish MINCPs
                    short sales to hedge with will help. 

                    There is a good chance that the DJI will fall no further than the 21-dma.  Of course, that
                    is still a 3% decline.
 Such a poor breadth ratio like we saw today with the DJI so far above
                    the 21-day ma, 3% now, is quite rare.  Only once in the five earlier cases with the DJI more
                    than 2% over the 21 day ma, did the DJI break below the 21-dma by as much as the 3% lower
                    band.  So, the odds of a 6% or more decline now are, perhaps, only 20%.
This would
                    seem to suggest that we should ride out the current decline.  But why take a chance?
                    You have nice profits from the Buy B21, take them.  As of today's close, the September
                    B21 has gained +18.6% on the DJI.  This is a percent higher than they have averaged
                    in the past.  Let's not be greedy.



                    A decline is certainly indicated.  Below see all the cases of such poor breadth when the
                    DJI was simply above the 21-dma.  Only in 34% of the cases, did the storm of selling
                    quickly pass.  In 55% of the cases, such poor breadth was followed by a decline to
                    at least the 2% lower band, but sometimes much lower..   

Below are all the cases of such a poor breadth ratio since 1945.  Note that "la/ma" shows
                    how far the DJI is above the 21-dma.   "Bad" means this case would have failed as a sell signal
                    because the DJI advanced significantly without even a decline to the 21-dma.  "Good" means
                    a sell signal here would have brought a decline to the lower 2% band, at least.  "Flat" means
                    a sell signal here would have stopped the rally for 3 weeks or more.

                    There have been 38 cases of such poor breadth since 1945 with the DJI above the 21-dma.
                    in 21 (55%) cases, the DJI fell at least to the lower 3% band but in 13 (34%) instances, the DJI
                    quickly rallied significantly.  In the remaining 4, the DJI hesitated for a few weeks and then
                    rose significantly.   This would seem to argue for some profit-taking now, especially when our
                    profits are so big.

Sell?        Date            la/ma    outcome

BAD       8/20/1945    1.002    DJI rallied
GOOD   12/12/1945   1.011   DJI fell to lower 2% band
                            GOOD    8/14/1946     1.008  Bear market followed.
                            GOOD   10/17/1947    1.01    DJI fell to lower 3.5% band.
                            GOOD   1/10/1948      1.006  DJI fell to 3% lower band.

GOOD   5/6/1948        1.013  DJI fell to lower 3.5% band
                            GOOD   9/8/1948        1.004  DJI fell to lower 2% band
                            GOOD   10/24/1948    1.01    DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
                            GOOD   12/26/1948    1.001    DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
BAD       10/17/1949    1.009   DJI rallied.
                            BAD       8/25/1950      1.011   DJI rallied
                            BAD       1/10/1951      1.027  DJI rallied  

STOP      1/5/1955        1.002  3-weeks sidewise.
                            GOOD    8/6/1956        1.001  DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
 BAD        12/10/1962    1.008  DJI declined only to ma and then rose.
                            GOOD    9/21/1966      1.003 DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.

BAD        2/25/1975      1.002 DJI rallied
GOOD    10/16/1978    1.001 DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
                            GOOD     10/8/1979     1.002  DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.               

                            STOP       8/18/1980     1.009  DJI stopped rallying and went sidewise.

                            BAD        10/25/1982    1.024  DJI fell only to 21-dma and rise sharply.
                            BAD        12/28/1988    1.021  DJI fell only to 21-dma and rose sharply.
                            BAD         3/17/1989      1.001 slight 4 day decline and then strong rally.

GOOD     4/13/2004      1.007  DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
                            GOOD    5/24/2007      1.008  After a run to upper band, DJI fell below LB


                            GOOD     7/24/2007      1.003  DJI fell below lower 3.5% band.
                            GOOD     12/11/2007    1.017  Bear market began.
                            GOOD     7/24/2008      1.001  Bear market followed.

 BAD         3/30/2009      1.042  New bull market continues.
                            BAD         5/13/2009      1.011  Bull market continues

                            STOP       11/19/2009     1.026 DJI went flat for a month. .
BAD         10/19/2010
GOOD      7/11/2011      1.023  DJI fell below lower band.
                            GOOD      11/1/2011      1.008  DJI fell below lower band.  (No Peerless Sell here).

BAD          4/15/2013      1.001  DJI fell slightly and then rallied strongly.

                            GOOD      7/17/2014      1.002 DJI fell to lower band.
                            GOOD      9/22/2014      1.004 DJI fell below lower band.

                            STOP        8/19/2017      1.002 DJI went sidewise for a month.
  UNDECIDED 1/29/2018  1.030

                                                      Charts 1/29/2018

 PEERLESS DJI, Signals, Indicators    Daily DJI Volume   10-DayUp/Down Vol   V-Indicator
                              Hourly DJIA    A/D Line for All Stocks                           
                              NASDAQ   S&P    OEX    NYSE    COMPQX   DJI-15   DJI-20   DJI-30 
                              DIA   SPY   QQQ   MDY  
IWM     TNA     

                              CrudeOil    FAS   GLD  BBH  IBB  JETS  JNUG  KOL  NUGT  OIH   OIL   RSX   RETL  
                              SDS  SLV   SOXL   TECL   TMF   TNA   UGA 
(gasoline) XIV  YINN

                               Commodities:  JJC
, NIB, CHOC  CORN, WEAT  UUP (Dollar)                                                                               

                                AAPL  ADBE  ALXN  AMAT  AMGN  AMD AMZN   BA  BABA BAC  BIDU   CAT  CVX   DE
                                FB  GOOG   GS  HD   IBM  JPM  M (Macy's)  MSFT   NFLX  NVDA   QCOM   TSLA  TXN   XOM  WMT

                                ANDV (refinery), CMG (Chipotle), LRCX,  SWKS,   TOWN   Also  SPPI  WATT   SQ (Square)

1/29/2018   Bullish MAXCPs     Bearish MINCPs
 Table 1                
                     QUICKSILVER on ETFS - 01/29/18
DIA       264.16   -1.75     261.87        41.4%   Bullish      RED    .319     ----
COMPQX    7466.51   -39.26   7460.29       39.3%   Bullish      RED    .378    -.019
SPY       284.68   -1.9      283.29        35.1%   Bullish      RED    .376    -.023
QQQ       170.1   -.83       169.51        58.6%   Bullish      RED    .299    -.018
MDY       359.43   -3.08    W362.1        -27.9%   Bullish      RED    .177    -.046
IWM       158.7   -.9       W159.96       -23.5%   Bullish      RED    .165    -.042
FAS       80.11   -1.6       79.48         82.4%   Bullish      RED    .258     .216
RETL      44.85   -.17      W45.26        -42.5%   Bullish      BLUE   .413     .677
SOXL      180.55   -.58     W187.42       -76%     Bullish      BLUE   .241     .015
TECL      137.52   -3.63    W139.23        18.2%   Bullish      RED    .23     .129
IBB       118.5    .46       116.81        127.8%  Bullish      BLUE   .233     .038
GLD       127.35   -.72      127.28        27.4%   Bullish      RED    .137    -.08
OIL       7.34   -.1         7.22          178.3%  Bullish      ----   .203     .117
OIH       28.09   -.63      W29.32        -220.7%   ----        RED    .261     .027
GASL      28.11   -1.63     W31.28        -399.1%  Bearish      RED    .047     .155
UGA       33.9   -.24        33.9          67.9%   Bullish      RED    .228    -.054
UUP       23.32    .06      W23.51        -53.5%   Bearish      ----   .055    -.171
IEF       103.51   -.26     W104.05       -11.5%   Bearish      ----  -.056    -.15
XLU      50.39   -.65       W50.54         32.6%   Bearish      RED   -.178    -.241
WEAT      6.28    .1         5.94          239.6%   ----      ----   .181    -.123
YINN      50.48   -3.32     W51.26         156.2%  Bullish      RED    .323     .374
RSX       23.33   -.28      W23.58        -44.4%   Bullish      RED    .322    -.057
AAPL      167.96   -3.55    W177.04       -259.5%  Bearish      RED   -.076    -.147
GOOG      1175.58   -.26     1169.97       84.7%   Bullish      RED    .35     .018
MSFT      93.92   -.14       91.9          125.1%  Bullish      RED    .041    -.01
AMZN      1417.68    15.63   1362.54       330.9%  Bullish      BLUE   .311     .119
FB        185.98   -4.02    W189.35        16.2%   Bullish      RED    .07    -.083
NVDA     246.85    3.52      238.91        276.9%  Bullish      BLUE   .242     .025
BA        340.82   -2.4      335.59        41.6%   Bullish      RED    .12     .174
GS        272.48    4.34     260.09        206.9%  Bullish      BLUE   .17     .021
HD        204.92   -2.31     204.9         11.2%   Bullish      RED    .069     .092
CAT        162.58   -4.48   W169.43       -245.8%  Bearish      RED    .115     .055


Table 2
               Count of Stocks in Key Tiger Directories
                            Date = 180129
NEWHIGHS            225
NEWLOWS             130   
This is a lot of new lows when the DJI is only 1 day from its high.

MAXCP                    96
MINCP                    252    Professionals are much more bearish than bullish.

TTTNH                      71
TTTNL                     360

FASTUP                   119
FASTDOWN           135

CPCROSSA              47
CPCROSSD            122

BIGVOLUP                3
BIGVODN                31   There is big rush for the exits here!
Table 3
Count of Stocks and New Highs in Key Tiger Directories
Date = 180129
BIGMIL         6             3             50 %
JETS           9             3             33 %
BIGBANKS       7             2             29 %
MILITARY       38            9             24 %
GAMING         28            6             21 %
NASD-100       100           16            16 %
TRANSP         20            3             15 %
RETAIL         53            8             15 %
EDU            7             1             14 %
DOWJONES       30            4             13 %
NIFTY          30            4             13 %
HOSPITAL       8             1             13 %
SP-100         96            11            11 %
BIOTECH        386           44            11 %
INFRA          35            4             11 %
SP500          485           52            11 %
INDEXES        194           19            10 %
FINANCE        93            8             9 %
MORNSTAR       238           22            9 %
DJI-13         13            1             8 %
RUS-1000       837           68            8 %
COMODITY       70            5             7 %
HOMEBLDG       17            1             6 %
SOFTWARE       66            4             6 %
INSURANC       32            2             6 %
BEVERAGE       20            1             5 %
COMPUTER       23            1             4 %
REGBANKS       33            1             3 %
AUTO           39            1             3 %
OILGAS         141           4             3 %
CHINA          64            2             3 %
CHEM           64            1             2 %
ELECTRON       178           3             2 %
SEMI           130           2             2 %
INDMATER       90            1             1 %
Table 4
 Bullish = 39
 Bearish = 6
Directory     Current       day-1         day-2         day-3         day-4         day-5
BIGBANKS       1             1             1             1             1             1 
BIGMIL         1             1             1             1             1             1 
ETFS           .969          .969          .969          .954          .954          .954 
INDEXES        .938          .927          .927          .932          .907          .907 
DJI-13         .923          .923          .923          1             1             1 
DOWJONES       .9            .9            .9            .933          .933          .966 
SP-100         .895          .916          .927          .927          .937          .947 
MORNSTAR       .894          .92           .911          .92           .928          .911 
INFRA          .885          .942          .914          .885          .942          .885 
HOSPITAL       .875          .875          .875          .875          .875          .875 
AUTO           .871          .897          .871          .871          .871          .923 
RETAIL         .867          .867          .867          .867          .867          .867 
NASD-100       .85           .89           .86           .86           .89           .87 
FINANCE        .827          .827          .849          .849          .903          .881 
SP500          .812          .851          .841          .83           .837          .835 
BEVERAGE       .8            .85           .8            .8            .8            .85 
COAL           .8            .8            .9            .9            .8            .8 
COMODITY       .8            .8            .742          .757          .7            .7 
INDMATER       .8            .855          .855          .855          .844          .855 
NIFTY          .8            .8            .766          .833          .866          .866 
TRANSP         .8            .85           .8            .9            .95           .9 
MILITARY       .789          .763          .789          .736          .736          .789 
GAMING         .785          .821          .857          .821          .821          .821 
RUS-1000       .774          .805          .802          .799          .806          .799 
OILGAS         .773          .794          .794          .808          .815          .815 
SOFTWARE       .772          .818          .742          .757          .818          .787 
REGBANKS       .757          .787          .757          .787          .848          .909 
CHINA          .75           .796          .781          .781          .796          .796 
COMPUTER       .739          .739          .739          .782          .826          .826 
GOLD           .725          .862          .803          .901          .862          .862 
PIPELINE       .714          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
BIOTECH        .689          .696          .683          .655          .699          .681 
HACKERS        .68           .72           .72           .72           .68           .72 
FOOD           .666          .6            .4            .466          .333          .266 
JETS           .666          .666          .666          .777          .888          .777 
CHEM           .64           .671          .671          .687          .687          .687 
INSURANC       .625          .687          .75           .687          .718          .687 
GREEN          .58           .548          .58           .645          .677          .741 
ELECTRON       .533          .573          .505          .595          .657          .64 
SEMI           .5            .553          .461          .569          .6            .623 
HOMEBLDG       .47           .647          .647          .882          .882          .882 
EDU            .428          .714          .714          .714          .714          .714 
SOLAR          .38           .333          .333          .38           .38           .428 
UTILITY        .232          .232          .209          .162          .139          .116 
REIT           .124          .175          .231          .225          .248          .163 
BONDFUND       .036          .081          .081          .081          .099          .081