TigerSoft Hotline
(C) 2016 William Schmidt, Ph.D.

wpe1AA.jpg (45235 bytes)

       This address will change this weekend

       Look for an EMAIL from us giving the new address

Previous Addresses -

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  A number of your email accounts are putting emails from me
 using william_schmidt@hotmail into the Junker folder.  Please
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 of address information regarding new Hotline links.

 A Guide To Profitably Using The Tiger Nightly HOTLINE
 Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
 Peerless Buy and Sell Signals: 1928-2016
 Individual Peerless signals explained:
 Explanation of each Peerless signal. http://www.tigersoft.com/PeerInst-2012-2013/
 Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators
 Peerless Signals and DJI Charts  - version 7/4/2013
              1965  1965-6    1966   1966-7    1967    1967-8    1968   1968-9   1969      1969-70   1970   1970-1 1971
              1971-2  1972  1972-3    1973   1973-4   1974     1974-5     1975   1975-6     1976    1976-7     1977 1977-1978
              1978  1978-79     1979   1979-80   1980    1980-1   1981    1981-2   1982     1982-1983     1983    1983-1984
              1984  1984-1985 1985 1985-1986    1986  1986-1987  1987    1987-8  1988 1988-9   1989    1989-90
              1990  1990-1  1991   1991-2  1992   1992-3    1993   1993-4   1994   1994-5   1995     1995-1996   1996
              1996-7    1997   1997-8    1998    1998-1999   1999    1999-2000   2000      2000-1   2001   2001-2   2002
              2002-3    2003   2003-4    2004   2004-5     2005   2005-6    2006    2006-7    2007    2007-8    2008    2008-9
              2009      2009-10    2010    2010-11    2011    2011-12     2012     2012-2013

 Documentation for TigerSoft Automatic and Optimized Signals.
 How reliable support is the DJI's rising 200-day ma? 

 SPY Charts since 1994: Advisory Closing Power S7s, Accum. Index, 65-dma, Optimized Signals.

Previous Hotlines -  www.tigersoft.com/55HL55/INDEX.html

1/19/2016  ---> Corrections,Deeper Declines and Bear Markets since 1945.
1/21/2016  ---> High Velocity Declines since 1929
2/12/2016  ---> Presidential Elections Years and Bullish IP21 Positive Non-Confirmations at Lower Band.
2/12/2016  ---> OBV NNCs on DJI's Rally to 2.7% Upper Band when DJI's 65-dma is falling.

 Earlier Q-Answers

                  New QuickSilver Documentation (1/11/2016)

                 Our Different Signals
Better understand the difference between Peerless DJI-based signals,
                                        the one-year optimized red Signals and the fixed signals based
                                        on technical developments.

Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators   

                                          Peerless/TigerSoft Hotlines and Links |

             9/15/2016            The DJI has held above 17880 but has not been able to close above 18400,
                                         above the neckline in its head/shoulders pattern or even above its 65-dma
                                         at 18268. Today it closed at 18212 and is down overnight about 50.  The
                                         NYSE A/D Line is still falling.  I think the DJI will need to test 18000 again
                                         before recovering.  I suspect that there is more to this decline than worry
                                         about rising interest rates.  But next week, assuming the DJI holds above 18000,
                                         I would expect QQQ, TECL and SOXL to challenge their highs as the general
                                         market rallies in anticipation of Thursday's decision by the FOMC to keep rates

                                                         Could Clinton's Health Be The Big Uncertainty Now?

                                          There is some alarming evidence that Hillary has Parkinson's Disease.  This would
                                          make her becoming President seem very risky, of course.  Perhaps, this is what
                                          is scaring the market rather than the possibility that Fed will raise rates. 
                                          Listen or read the evidence about Hillary here and judge for yourself if this just
                                          partisan conspiracy-mongering.  My feeling is that Hillary would not be running
                                          for President if she had received this diagnosis.  Is that unreasonable?  Or could
                                          hubris and a lust for Power cause her to over-reach her health limits?  Most likely,
                                          Trump's rising poll numbers are what is spooking the Wall Street establishment.

                                                     Without  A Rate Hike, Technology ETFs "Should" Do Well.
                                                     Today they closed above their "pivot-points" and now show rising
                                                     Closing Powers and very positive Accumulation Index readings,
                                                     I believe that they should be bought on weakness tomorrow  (Friday)
                                                     They are much stronger than the DJI and way above their 65-dma.
                                          A boost to interest rates in September would seem to have become much less likely today as a
                                          result of the new Producers' Price Index numbers which came out before Thursday's opening.
                                          Producer Prices were shown to have been essentially flat last month.  The "Hawks" on
                                          the FOMC will be hard-pressed to make a case now that Inflation is a significant
0.1% Producer Price Index Increase  Short-term rates fell today noticeably.


                                          The good news for the various INDEXES and ETFs we follow is that unless there
                                          is a really big decline tomorrow and Monday, nearly all the major ETFs we follow
                                          will have rising 5-day moving averages.  Next week might be expected to rally as
                                          the market anticipates the FED's decision on Thursday to leave rates alone.  This
                                          should permit the tech laden ETFs (TECL, SOXL and QQQ) to challenge their
                                          recent highs.  These now show rising 5-day mvg. averages, rising Closing Powers
                                          and a very positive IP21 and ITRS.   

                                          Links to Charts

Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                          DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                          Short-Term Rates   DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                          SOXL  TECL   FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with volatile ETFs in this enviroment.
                                          Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                          Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                          Bullish MAXCPs 
    Bearish MINCPs  
                                          ETFS:  BBH, BRZU, DIA, DUST,  FAS, GASL, GLD, IWM,  JETS, JNUG, KOL, MDY,NUGT
                                          OIH, OIL, RETL,  RSX, SLV, SOXL, TECL,  TMF, TNA, UGAZ, UPW,  VGK, YINN

             9/14/2016            I take the operative Peerless Signal to be a
Judged S10  based on the
                                         DJI's suddenly completed head and shoulders pattern.  This is also an aitomatic
                                         "Tiger S5" here using "Indicators-1" and "User Set Defined Tiger Signal "+ "S5").

                                         However, the history of Judged S10s or Tiger S5s where there was no previous Peerless
                                         sell signal suggests from this point on we will at most see only a modest additional
                                         decline, as in 1944, not a big decline or Crash.
  Note that the NASDAQ, TECL
                                         and QQQ are still well above their 65-day ma.  This gives me the feeling that
                                         the DJI is being manipulated downward to scare folks into selling and makes me
                                         believe that next week there will be no interest rate increase.  Short-term rates
                                         did not breakout today.  Instead, they retreated from resistance.  More importantly,
                                         I believe that Trump's efforts to pressure the FED to raise rates will probably have
                                         the opposite effect.
  The FOMC will not want to appear to be weak and easily
                                         pushed around.  

                                         So, we want to review now what it would take to make us buy DIA or SPY again.
                                         I think that there is still too much risk to by QQQ, SOXL or TECL.  Their
                                         5-dy moving averages are still falling. 

                                                What Would Get Us To Buy DIA or SPY?

                                                   1) A break in the NYSE downtrend.
                                                   2) A break in the down-trending Closing Power for DIA and SPY
                                                   3) A rise by the DJI back above its 65-dma
                                                   4) a new Peerless Buy signal.


                                                   What's Really Going on in Washington and Wall Street?

                                         Suddenly completed Head and Shoulders patterns do warn of unexpected bearish
                                         developments suddenly impacting the market.  I've mentioned some of the possibilities
                                         in recent Hotlines.

                                         Right now, the biggest immediate threat is that the Fed will raise short-term interest
                                         rates next Thursday and that this will start the unwinding of seven years of pumping
                                         up the stock market by means of low interest rates and massive Open Market purchases
                                         of public and private debt from Big Banks.  The supposed danger in this, of course, is
                                         that without such FED subsidies of Banks and the markets, the whole financial house
                                         of cards will come tumbling down. 

                                         Many in the FOMC believe such fears are well-founded. By hesitating to raise interest
                                         rates year after year, the FED seems to be showing that they do fear a repeat of
                                         1929, 1931, 1932, 1937, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1987 and 2000.  These were years when
                                         the FED tightened and thereby caused a market Crash or Bear Market.  In 2008,
                                         they sat on their hands as the financial Crash developed around them.  

                                         It is to Wall Street's interest to be a "cry baby" and to reinforce FED fears that they
                                         might cause a Crash
.  Why else would the DJI dive down so quickly and so much when
                                         anyone in the FED even mentions the possibility of higher interest rates.  If this cynicism
                                         has merit, the argument now would be that the DJI will be artificially held down for the
                                         the next week just to worry the FED.

                                        Now Donald Trump is saying: it's time to call Wall Street's bluff and chance a big stock
                                        market plunge.  He says that he wants the FED to stop "playing politics"and boosting the market
                                        while the Democrats control the White House and who is the Chairperson of the FED.
                                        But my guess now is that the FED cannot allow itself to appear to pressured by such criticism. 
                                        As a result, they will not raise interest rates in September.  And that, in  turn, will cause the
                                        market to spring back upward.

                                         Links to Charts

Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                          DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                          Short-Term Rates   DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                          SOXL  TECL   FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with volatile ETFs in this enviroment.
                                          Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                          Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                          Bullish MAXCPs 
    Bearish MINCPs  
                                          ETFS:  BBH, BRZU, DIA, DUST,  FAS, GASL, GLD, IWM,  JETS, JNUG, KOL, MDY,NUGT
                                          OIH, OIL, RETL,  RSX, SLV, SOXL, TECL,  TMF, TNA, UGAZ, UPW,  VGK, YINN

                                                 When QQQ and TECL close back above their
                                                 pivot-points, they will again appear bullish enough
                                                 to buy.  Right now, I would wait.


            9/13/2012             I take the operative Peerless Signal to be a Judged S10 based on the
                                         DJI's suddenly completed head and shoulders pattern.  (As in April 2010,
                                         one can produce an automatic Tiger S5 here using "Indicators-1" and "User
                                         Set Defined Tiger Signal "+ "S5").  Suddenly completed Head and Shoulders
                                         patterns are the way the market responds to unexpectedly very bearish
                                         news.  We ignore these patterns at our own peril.

                                                 2010 Flash Crash and Judged S10 (TigerSoft Sell S5)

                                         Without a prior Peerless Sell signal, the few earlier Judged S10s tell us to be patient
                                         while waiting for a new Buy signal.  (See the charts in the 9/12/2016 Hotline.)
                                         Based on these three cases, we can guess that the DJI could decline another 3% or 4%
                                         over the next week to a month before enough base-building will have been completed
                                         to permit a run to new highs.  We can also postulate from these cases that before the DJI
                                         can recover, the NYSE A/D Line will need to start zig-zagging upwards and not
                                         downwards, as now. 

                                         Another short-term rally attempt from 18000 seems likely.  Wall Street's biggest
                                         banks and the Federal Reserve understand the importance now of trying to prevent
                                         the market from breaking the 18000 support.  This is the nesting or juxtaposition of
                                         three different supports derived from technical analysis:  (1) the DJI's rising green
                                         price uptrend-line, (2) the round-number 18000 well-tested resistance back in much
                                         of 2015 has now turned into support and (3) the 3.5% lower Peerless Band at 17820.
                                         Unfortunately, the loose monetary policies of the FED are now seen by more and more
                                         experts and also the general Public, to have failed to build a robust economy while increasing
                                         many of the very forces most antithetical to a healthy economy or stable stock market.  As
                                         a result, the "Doves" on the FOMC will have a tough fight on their hands.  It is also not
                                         even clear that the Fed will be able to hold the market up at these levels if selling pressures
                                         continue at the levels of intensity seen recently



                                                             Why Are Big Investors Dumping Stocks
                                                                   without even Waiting for A Rally?

 DJI           Advances/Declines
 9/8/2016       18479.91    1377 / 1656`
                                                       9/9/2016        18085.45      173 / 2951
                                                       9/12/2016      18325.07    2204 /   855
                                                       9/13/2016      18066.75      338  / 2756    (The DJI was down 200 after 30 minutes
                                                                                                                        of trading.)    

                                         Today's dramatic reversal down today is scary.  The sell-off today took place
                                         after what seemed like a decent rally yesterday.  Again, we must ask "Why are big
                                         investors in such a hurry to sell that they choose not to wait even to see if there is
                                         any follow-through?
"  We now assume that their biggest reason for selling is the fear
                                         of an interest rate rise and a reversal of 7 years of exceptionally low interest rates and
                                         that the whole "house of cards" the Fed has created may come tumbling down.  That
                                         is certainly ample reason to sell.  But now Donald Trump tells us the FED must stop
                                         all its politically biased "nonsense", presumably thereby just letting the stock market collapse.

                                         That is pretty scary!  But even this is not all.  The market's typhoon-in-the-making also now
                                         includes much more bearish news: Hillory's ill health, Trump's rise in the polls,
                                         North Korean nuclear blackmail, the US Navy being forced to leave the Phillipines,
                                         and China's direct challenge to the pre-eminence of the Dollar.  

                                                                             What To Do?

                                         At least, being amply hedged with some of Bearish MINCPs seems a minimal response
                                         to what is happening now.  All the key ETFs, of course, show falling 5-day mvg.avgs.
                                         The "pivot-points" are now so far above current prices, no "QuickSilver" looms likely
                                         for now.

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                                              DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                                              Short-Term Rates   DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                              SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with volatile ETFs in this enviroment.
                                                              Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                                              Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                              Bullish MAXCPs 
    Bearish MINCPs  


            9/12/2012             This is a tricky market. We need more time to determine the likely
                                         next big move.  The head and shoulders patterns still place resistance
                                         overhead, at 18400.  But the rising 65-dma shows bullish momentum and
                                         the former resistance at 18000 offers support for the time being.

                                         Continue to watch Short-Term Treasury rates.  They are
                                         probably our best way to guess what the FOMC will do.  Yellen's
                                         silence suggests to me that she is not willing to aggressively
                                         defend against those who want to see the Fed raise rates.

                                         The Major ETFs all are substantially below their 5-day ma
                                         pivot-points.  We should therefore wait before buying them, I think.   On the
                                         other hand, we nearly got a Buy B19 today and Judged S10s with
                                         patterns like ours now do not bring big declines when they try to reverse
                                         operative Peerless Buys.

                                         Despite today's recovery, I think traders still have to consider the
                                         Peerless signal to be a weak judged S10.  Today's rally did NOT quite meet the
                                         qualifications for a Buy B19 (two day reversal).   This means that there
                                         will probably be more backing and filling between 17980 and 18350
                                         while the market waits to see whether the Doves or the Hawks
                                         will prevail at next week's FOMC meeting. 

                                                See how today's NYSE advance/decline ratio was less than on
                                                previous B19s since 2009.  Buying at the close today also would
                                                have meant "chasing", in that the DJI closed nearer the 21-day ma than in
                                                any of the cases of B19s since 2009 in a rising bull market.

LA/MA     Adv/Decl        Subseq. Gain   Max Paper Loss
               rising bull market   3/17/2011       .973       2232/819     +8.8%             -1.0%
              rising bull market    4/11/2012       .976       2433/645     +3.7%             none
              rising bull market    6/25/2013       .923       2493/620     +4.8%             none
              rising bull market   8/22/2013       .974       2605/505     +1.5%             -1.3%
                         correction      9/2/2015         .967       2344/834    +8.4%             -2.3%
                         correction    1/26/2016        .972       2618/543                             none
                         correction    2/16/2016       1.008      2583/603     +11.7%             none
             rising bull market    6/28/2016        .981       2656/465     open                none
             rising bull market    9/12/2016        .992       2204/844     open

                                                Should A Judged S10 Be Allowed
                                                So Suddenly To Reverse Active Peerless Buys?

                                         How much value does the judged S10 have historically when it
                                         tries to reverse an operative set of Peerless Buys?  There are very
                                         few cases like this.  See them below.  Accordingly, we should
                                         probably treat a "judged Sell S10" as only a temporary expedient,
                                         especially when the NYSE A/D Line and the momentum of the 65-dma
                                         are as strong as they are now.   See all the cases of half-sized S10s
                                         trying to reverse an otherwise active Peerless Buy.  Big declines just do
                                         not follow in any of these cases, though it sometimes takes a month
                                         or two for the market to build a base to permit to make new highs. The
                                         DJI in these cases moves up when the A/D Line shows clearly it is no
                                         longer in a down-trend.


                                             Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                             DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with volatile ETFs in this enviroment.
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs 
    Bearish MINCPs    

                                         The rally today mostly owed to a "dovish"speech by Democrat Lael Brainard, one of the
                                         voting members of the FOMC.  It was interesting how suddenly her speech was
                                         announced on Friday, making it seem that it was an emergency effort by the Doves
                                         to show the stock market that the Doves would not simply roll over and
                                         let the Inflation-Hawks control the FOMC meeting on Sept. 20-21. 
                                         But will the Doves prevail?  Or will the Hawks prevail in seeking
                                         to strengthen the Dollar in order to show the World and China that the Dollar
                                         is the most secure country in the world?  I take Yellen's loud silence to be a
                                         a sign that the Hawks will win. 

            9/9/2012               The completed head/shoulders pattern in the DJIA that we see now
                                         must be treated as a Peerless Sell S10, even though:
                                                1)  there is no Peerless Sell,
                                                2)  the Head/Shoulder pattern now in DJIA shows a right shoulder
                                                only about half the width of the left shoulder and
                                                3)  the NYSE A/D Line has only slightly broken in its 6-month uptrend. 

                                         Judged  Sell S10?   See Past Cases of Judged Sell S10 since 1929 when right
                                         right shoulder was about half the width of left shoulder.

                                         I have written a lot about Head/Shoulders patterns' role as warnings of
                                         severely bearish circumstances suddenly intersecting with the stock
                                         stock market.  See in the four links below some of important H/S tops in the past
                                         that appeared right before really bad things happened to the stock market.  This
                                         makes the present market look quite risky. 

                                               Judged S10s http://www.tigersoftware.com/TigerBlogs/May-8-2010-/index.html
                                               Stock H/S  http://www.tigersoftware.com/2014-KSS/HShoulders/index.htm

                                                         DJIA  - H/S with half-size right shoulder

  Tiger Index of DJI-30 - Normal H/S

                                                         Tiger Index of SP-500 Stocks:
                                               Only 41% are still above their key 65-dma.

                                                                   TECL - False Breakout is bearish
                                                                           This traps a lot of traders.


                                                                  What To Do Now?

                                         Staying long here now seems quite risky, even though we MAY get a Buy signal near 17700
                                        (5% down from the peak) in the next few days or possibly a Buy B19 if it turns out that the
                                         FED is not going to raise rates.  That is a big gamble considering how dependent the
                                         stock market has become on the FED.
                                         I've now suggested selling all the ETFs.  SOXL and FAS, as of Thursday night. were the only ones
                                         still recommended as "longs".  These should have been closed out Friday as they fell way below their
                                         5-day ma pivot-points.   All are on Sells on this basis now and all show falling Closing Powers. 
                                         They cannot easily become Buys again very soon.

                                         It you are still long, at least hedge with some short sales in Bond Funds, MINCP stocks or
                                         stocks in the SP-500 that show completed head/shoulders patterns.   

                                    What hit the market so hard on Friday?  
                                                                   It was a perfect cyclone.


                                         1) North Korea successfully tested an A-Bomb bigger than the ones dropped on Japan.
                                             It is only a matter of time before they miniaturize the bombs and put them on their
                                             own rockets.  The West Coast of the US is 5000-6000 miles away.  An ICBM can
                                             go between the US and Moscow in 15 minutes.  The US must find a better way to
                                             safeguard itself from N Korean nuclear blackmail.  Isolation and War have not worked
                                             well considering the Cuban and Iraq experiences, so"talk" would seem the only option.
                                             But will Clinton and Trump advocate "talk" in a Pres. Election year.  Probably, they
                                             will try to appear "tough" and that will surely cause more high nuclear anxiety this Fall.

                                          2) The Fed may well raise rates this month.  Why else would Gold and Silver decline so
                                          much on Friday?  Why else would Utilities and Bonds have completed Head/Shoulders
                                          patterns?  Why else would short-term rates be so close to breaking out to new highs?

                                          3) Hillary's coughing fits, it turns out were pneumonia.  She did not disclose this publicly
                                          last week after being told by her doctors.  Instead, she claimed that she had a simple allergy
                                          attack and was over-heated.  Not so.  And she undoubtedly told daughter Chelsea, who then
                                          probably told her husband on Friday.  Hence the sell-off.  He is a big hedge fund player. 
                                          Will this come out?  I doubt it.  But a weakened Hillary is a stronger Donald Trump!  This also
                                          has the potential of adding  greatly to the public doubts about her trustworthiness and makes
                                          Donald's warnings about her weak health look positively insightful.  A stronger Trump in the
                                          polls will probably produce a deeper market decline, thus reflecting the mainstream media's
                                          view that Trump is a wild, loose canon who could do almost anything if elected.

                                         4) Head and Shoulders patterns suddenly are dangerously plentiful now.  We know these bearish
                                         patterns are self-fulfilling, especially when prices fall below their 65-dma.  But more than that, they
                                         often appear when the stock market must deal with unexpected news, like that of
                                         a sick Hillary or a sudden change of positions by the FED or a new threat of war or
                                         attack.  We have all three of these now! 

                                                                     12 of the 30 DJIA Stocks Now Show H/S Patterns.
                                                               This was also true before the intermediate-term declines
                                                                                  of 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2015
                                         Lots of new H/S pattern.  See the charts of the DIA, the Tiger Index of 30-DJI stocks,
                                         OEX, Retail (RETL)Military (DJUSDN) , Health Care (DJUSHC) and the many
                                         H/S patterns among DJI and SP-500 stocks.

                                                                    "Wall Street's Pre-Eminent Position in
                                                          International Finance Can Best Be Maintained
                                                    by Making The Dollar The Strongest of All Currencies."

                                        With the DJI up so far, and so dependent on low interest rates and the FED not yet selling
                                        any of its trillions and trillions of Dollars worth of government securities and long-term
                                        bonds, its very easy to see the risks now that the Chinese Yuan is about to become a
                                        reserve currency.  The World must be taught that the Dollar is #1.  Historically, the FED
                                        has nearly always exaggerated inflation risks in order to protect the Dollar, whose strength
                                        gives the big New York banks their central role in world finance. 

                                        With such motivation operating now, the Fed very well choose to raise rates in September
                                        to strengthen the Dollar, thus also protecting the pre-eminent position of the big banks that
                                        also pick most of the FED's Board of Governors.

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                             DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with volatile ETFs in this enviroment.
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   

                                             Bearish MINCPs   Bearish Bonds/Reits 
                                             Bearish Stocks in SP-500 with Head/Shoulders with drops below 50-day ma.

                                                       "CRUN50" finds the stocks thus falling below 50-dma.  The ones with H/S were
                                                       gleaned from the resulting CRUN50 charts.
                                    DJI-30 with H/S Shoulders Patterns (12)
                                        This is the same number that has occurred before each of the last four 13.5%
                                                      VZ and WMT
                                    Charts of Key ETFs

                                                                                           ETFS Report

Each of the 6 key ETFs shown below closed sharply below their 5-day
                                             ma pivot points for Friday.  This caused their 5-day ma to be falling at
                                             the close on Friday.  As a result, none of these should be held at Friday's close.  Each
                                             also showed a Falling Closing Power, making their sells more emphatic.  Five of the
                                              6 now show both Opening and Closing Power Falling.  With a very negative IP21
                                             (current AI) below -.15, we would have to recommend these as short-sales
                                             using QuickSilver rules.  But none show such low IP21s.  So, they are not
                                             recommended here as short sales. 

                                                              Close            Pivot-Point     Pivot-Point    5-day ma Trends   CP
                                                                                     for 9/9            for 9/12 
                                                  DIA     180.91             184.1              184.86            Falling                Both Falling       
                                                  SPY     213.28             217.39            218.37            Falling                Both Falling
                                                  QQQ   114.28             116.74            116.12            Falling                 Both Falling
                                                  IWM   121.25            123.32             125.51            Falling                 Both Falling
                                                  SOXL  42.14                44.16              43.92            Falling                  Closing Pwr is falling
                                                  TECL  46.19 -1.09      46.41               46.99            Falling                  Both Falling
                                                  FAS     31.1 -.16          30.64               31.18            Falling                  Both Falling


            9/8/2016         I mentioned that short-term interest rates are threatening to make
                                   a breakout to new highs on their own.  Perhaps, the FED really is
                                   willing to risk an economic slow-down and a stock market sell-off in
                                   a Presidential Election Year.  They may guess, perhaps, that the DJI
                                   is up so very far, that it cannot drop much in the next two months compared
                                   to how far it has risen since March 2009.  Or they may want to remind the
                                   Chinese and the World that the Dollar is still the strongest currency now
                                   that the Chinese Yuan will assume reserve currency status by IMF rules
                                   on October 1st.  Such considerations could explain why short term
                                   interest rates are rising this week despite last mediocre Friday's Job report. 
                                   And this could explain the potential head and shoulders patterns in the DJI
                                   and OEX along with the very negative Tiger OBV-Pct readings.  Such negative
                                   readings at the 2% upper band would certainly be bearish.  But right now
                                   the DJI is simply sitting on its 21-day ma. 

                                                        DJIA Chart, Peerless Signals and Indicators

                                                 Hourly DJIA Chart does NOT show the typical DISI/OBV bearish divergence
                                                 that typically comes before a market sell-off.


                                   My judgment now is that the standing Peerless Buys tell us to expect more
                                   DJI new highs.  In addition, the Hourly DISI-OBV is in an uptrend and
                                   the NYSE A/D Line is still pointing the market higher.  Very visible, bearish
                                   Hourly DISI divergences have appeared before the last two sell-offs
                                   (July-Aug 2015 and Jan 2016). As for the A/D Line, only once, in the Fall of 1976,
                                   did a rising A/D Line like we now see now, NOT prevent an intermediate-term
                                   decline.  In other words, the strength in our NYSE A/D Line should prevent            
                                   the completion of the head/shoulders patterns we now see in the DJI and

                                   Seasonality is bullish, too. From Sept 8th to November 4th in the 16 bull market Pres.
                                   Election Years, the DJI rose no fewer than 12 times and fell only 4.  The historical odds
                                   would seem to favor higher prices in November by 3:1.

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    
                                             DIA     SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
Short-term traders, it is suggested you use our 5-dma pivot points with leveraged ETFs.
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs

                                                                                           ETFS Report

                                                              Close            Pivot-Point    5-day ma Trends

                                                  DIA     184.2  -.50       184.1              Rising
                                                  SPY     218.81 -.50      217.39            Rising                  Both OpPwr % CLPwr are rising.
                                                  QQQ   117.23  -.69     116.74           Rising                  Both Up
                                                  IWM   125.16 -.25     123.32            Rising                  Both Up
                                                  SOXL  42.14 -.19        44.16             Falling                 CLPwr is falling
                                                  TECL  46.19 -1.09      46.41             Rising                  CLPwr is rising.
                                                  FAS     31.1 -.16          30.64             Rising                  Both OpPwr % CLPwr are rising.

                                                   By November 4th, The DJI Should Be Higher.

                                   In a bull market Presidential Election Years, the market mostly rose
                                   from September 8th to September 30th and then to early November.  I have
                                   put parentheses around those years where the DJI was not in a bull market
                                   going into September of the Presidential Election Year. 

                                   Septembers rose in 9 of the 16 Presidential Election years
                                   when a bull market was active.  Only 1976 brought a significant
                                   intermediate-term correct.  From Sept 8th to November 4th in
                                   the 16 bull market Pres. Election Years, the DJI rose no fewer than
                                   12 times and fell only 4.  The historical odds favor higher prices in November
                                   by 3:1.


What happened in Sept in Pres. Election years?
           9/8          9/30       11/4
1916      94.6          103.7      106.3  UP
(1920     87.10         83.0        84.5  down On-Going Bear Market.)  
1924     101.3         103.2       103.9  up
1928     239.1         237.4       254.4  UP
(1932      77.5          71.6      61.5  DOWN! On-Going Bear Market.)
1936     169.6         167.8       180.7  UP
(1940    133.1         132.6       135.2  up_
1944     143.5         146.3       147.2  up
(1948    182.9         178.3       184.5  up) Market was correcting
1952     275.9         270.6       270.2 down  Note the Summer bearish/Shoulders' pattern.
(1956    506.8         475.3       490.5  DOWN  SUEZ Canal War)
(1960    611.4         580.1       590.8  down On-Going Bear Market.)
1964     851.9         875.4       873.8  UP
1968     921.25        935.79      946.23 up
1972     961.24        953.27      984.12 up
1976     992.94        990.19      960.44 DOWN DJI stalled out at 1000.
1980     948.31        932.42      937.2  down
1984    1212.35       1206.71     1216.65 up 
1988    2054.59       2112.91     2145.8  UP
1992    3260.59       3271.66     3223.04 down 
1996    5659.86       5882.17     6177.71 UP
(2000   11220.65      10650.92    10817.95 DOWN DJI topping out.)
(2004   10342.79      10080.27    10314.76 down )
(2008   11188.23      10850.66     9625.28 DOWN  On-Going Bear Market)
2012    13035.94      13437.13    13093.16  up




            9/7/2016         Though Peerless remains on multiple Buys, I think we still should
                                   be on guard about interest rates suddenly rising steeply.  See the Short-term
                                   Interest Rates' chart immediately below.  Bulls would not want to see a breakout
                                   in this chart or a rupture by the DJIA and the SP-500 of their recent lows and their
                                   Despite these concerns, upside price breakouts seem more likely.
                                   And such upside breakouts should set up some very good "long" trades. 
                                   IWM and TECL have already made bullish breakouts.

                                 Because Peerless remains on major Buys, we have to expect that the DJI will breakout
                                 to the upside.  In that spirit, we note that today's decline was limited and there were 773
                                 more up than down.   Again the NYSE A/D Line made a new high.  While Semiconductors
                                 declined enough to turn SOXL's 5-day ma down, we could still  be on the verge of important
                                 flat-topped breakouts by the SP-500 and SPY along with the NASDAQ and
                                 the Tiger Russell-1000 Index.  Such breakouts could likely send the
                                 market up sharply.  Volume will have to be expand for these breakouts to
                                 look real.  Watch closely to see if prices can achieve breakouts in the Indexes and
                                 ETFs listed below.   Note that breakout runs have already started for IWM and
                                 TECL.  We can hope that the other major market ETFs will follow their lead.

                                                           Close 9/7     Resistance     5-dma    Pivot Point    Closing Power
                                 SP-500                 2186.16      2190-2200      rising      2170.95         Both up
                                 SPY                        219.01     219.73-220      rising      217.38           Both up
                                 NASDAQ            5283.93      5300               rising      5213.22          Both up

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs

                                The DJIA could still be making a head/shoulders top.   If this rally were
                                to fail and the DJI were then to drop below 18250, a bearish head/shoulders
                                would be completed.  This would have to be judged as a Sell S10.

                                A sudden rise in interest rates could cause such a sell-off.  I have to note
                                that Short-Term rates are on the rise and are nearing the upper boundary
                                of their 7-month long trading range,



            9/6/2016       The real fun for stock market bulls could soon be about to begin.  Our
                                 operative Peerless BUY signals tell us to expect the DJI to make more new
                                 highs.  So does the NYSE A/D line which is streaking to new highs ahead of
                                 the DJI.  Adding to the optimism now is the sense that the 'Hawks' on the
                                 FED will not prevail, because of the August Jobs' number was lower even than
                                 the number needed to keep up with the population's growth.  The market
                                 also does not seem to care that Clinton is slipping badly in the polls.  Not so
                                 secretly, Wall Street admires billionaires like Trump.  And today, he said he
                                 would push for more military spending.  It is Hillory's  verbal war with Putin
                                 that seems reckless. 

                                 Among our Bullish MAXCPs,  Chinese internet stocks can properly be
                                 said to be the market's leaders low:   WB (133% in last 100 days), 
                                 SINA (+68%) and BABA (+30%).  Note the power behind their recent breakouts. 

                                The DJI seems in no hurray to breakout past its resistance at 18745.  That simply
                                means we must look elsewhere for purchases.  The technology ETFs, IWM and
                                leading Chinese stocks would be my picks.  Traders should close out these positions
                                if their 5-day ma turns down.

                                 Exciting breakouts and swift vertical ascents aplenty could start soon
                                 if we can get decisive breakouts now by the NASDAQ and Russell-2000 (IWM).
                                 See how close they are to getting past their flat well-tested resistance lines,
                                 shown below.  CNN was doing its bit to attract speculators; it is featuring
                                 news this morning on Amazon's new all-time high.  This is great for our TECL
                                 (3x leveraged technology) position.  TECL looks like it has achieved another
                                 bullish breakout above a short-term flat resistance.

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs
                                 The expectation that the Fed's Doves will prevail a while longer has sent Gold and
                                 Silver stocks sharply higher.  But they have reached potential apexes in right shoulders
                                 to such head/shoulders patterns.  A little caution here seems warranted.



            9/2/2016       Peerless Remains on a Buy.  The operative Peerless Buy B3,
                                 Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 keep telling us to expect more
                                 new highs by the DJI.  Friday brought the second-straight up-day,
                                 something we have not seen for more than a month.  It sent the
                                 NYSE A/D Line to a new high, way ahead of the DJI.  This is bullish.

                                             New Non-Agric Job Creation by Month (Labor Dept.)

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 278 316 281 183 23 82 207 181 158 4 208 171
2007 240 90 189 79 143 78 -33 -24 88 85 115 97
2008 19 -86 -78 -210 -185 -165 -209 -266 -452 -473 -769 -695
2009 -791 -703 -823 -686 -351 -470 -329 -212 -219 -200 -7 -279
2010 28 -69 163 243 522 -133 -70 -34 -52 257 123 88
2011 42 188 225 346 73 235 70 107 246 202 146 207
2012 338 257 239 75 115 87 143 190 181 132 149 243
2013 190 311 135 192 218 146 140 269 185 189 291 45
2014 187 168 272 310 213 306 232 218 286 200 331 292
2015 221 265 84 251 273 228 277 150 149 295 280 271
2016 168 233 186 144 24 271 275(P) 151(P)        
P : preliminary



                                 Friday's mediocre Jobs numbers and the lack of inflation "should"
                                 now prevent the FED from raising rates later this month.  So, stay long
                                 TECL (leveraged tech ETF), SOXL (leveraged Semi-Conductors),
                                 FAS (leveraged bug Banks) as long as they stay above their pivot points.

                                 For the first time in some while, all of the 7 key ETFs shown below now
                                 have rising 5-day ma.    I take the most bullish to be those whose Closing
                                 Power and Opening Power are both rising and those that do not have clearly
                                 defined overhead resistance.

                                     ETFs          9-2 Price         Pivot-Points
                                                                               (A Close Monday
                                                                               below the pivot-point
                                                                               will cause the ETF's
                                                                               5-day ma to turn down.)
                                    DIA              184.86           184.83            186 is resistance.
                                    SPY               218.37           218.36            219-220 is resistance.
                                    QQQ             117.2             116.94            120 is resistance
                                    IWM             124.51           123.7              Move past 124 would be a breakout.
                                                                                                       But there still is resistance at old high of 127 (2015)
                                                                                                       Both Opening and Closing Power are rising.
                                    SOXL           43.92               43.38            Both Opening and Closing Power are rising
                                    TECL           46.99               46.62            Both Opening and Closing Power are rising
                                    FAS              31.18               30.21            Both Opening and Closing Power are rising



Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs


                                    September's Bearish Reputation Is Completely Undeserved in
                                    Presidential Election Years apart from 2008.

                                 Many believe that Professionals come back from long Summer vacations
                                 and somehow only then decide to engage in wholesale selling, thus causing
                                 September to be a bearish month.  That seems self-contradictory.  Someone
                                 who goes away on vacation is more likely to reduce or neutralize his holdings
                                 before he goes away on vacation. 

                                 There is no denying, however, that this is the month when lots of money
                                 does come out of the market to pay sky-high tuitions.  This seems as good a reason
                                 as any I can think of to explain the normal bearishness of the market for the next
                                 four weeks.  Since 1965, the DJI has risen only 46.9% of the time and averages
                                 a drop of 0.7% over the next four weeks.  But last year, it only bided its time
                                 in a narrow consolidation before rallying strongly in October.

                                Countering negative forces affecting most Septembers, in Presidential Election years,
                                the DJI's track record at this time is very different.  It's quite bullish, as savvy traders
                                often buy in September in anticipation of a post-Presidential Election binge of buying by partisans
                                of whichever party wins. In Presidential Election years, the four weeks after September 5th
                                are actually up 79.2% of the time and the average DJI gain in this period is 1.9%.
                                This is pretty amazing, since it includes the data for 2008 when the DJI fell 11%
                                over the next month.  Leaving out 2008, the average DJI gain is about 3.2%
                                between now and October 6th. 

                                The seasonality now would be quite favorable for a rally IF this were
                                a normal Presidential Election.  Unfortunately, it definitely is not a normal
                                Presidential Election Year.  More Americans now strongly dislike both leading
                                candidates than like them!  I should add that Wall Street is definitely not "most
                                people."  The Wall Street Establishment favors Clinton.  And right now, it looks like
                                she will win. See http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/09/04/trump_is_closing_the_gap_in_national_polls_but_clinton_holds_battleground.html


            9/1/2016       Peerless Remains on a Buy.  Two of the three Jobs' Report Scenarios below
                                 should bring higher prices for the DJI.  The third, a really positive number
                                 for August, would be quite bearish for bonds, dividend stocks and probably the
                                 DJI, too.  Continue to hold SOXL, TECL and FAS rather than DIA or SPY.


                                 1. A Jobs Report this morning of more than 240,000 will probably
                                  prompt the Fed to raise rates in September, even though inflation
                                  is not at 2% yet and August Jobs' numbers are often subject to significant
                                  later revisions.  A number quite a bit over 200,000 will probably bring a brief
                                  rally which will soon fail just as others have recently.  This would be a dangerous
                                  situation,  because by inviting the FEDs to raise rates the Feds, they would
                                  be reversing the loose money policies of the last 7 years that have artificially
                                  brought about a bull market in stocks with only a limited and modest recovery
                                  in the "real economy".  Take away the bull market and we could be back in
                                  recession with much more speed than most imagine.  (Let us hope that this
                                  is not the scenario that plays out.  The presence of un-reversed Peerless
                                  Buys gives us hope that it will not be.)

                                 2. A Jobs Report for July near the expected 180,000 number will allay fears
                                 of a September rate and permit the DJI to work sidewise away from and
                                 out of its recent pattern of limited decline.  In that case, I think the operative
                                 Peerless signals will play out bullishly.

                                3. Ironically, a weak Jobs Report, under 120,000 is probably what the stock
                                and bond market would like the most.  The Peerless signals will in this scenario
                                likely be vindicated and the normally bullish seasonality that occurs in Presidential
                                Elections will unfold.

                                                   Hold SOXL, TECL and FAS

                               Presently SOXL, TECL and FAS show rising 5-day moving averages, rising
                               Closing Powers and bullish positive Accumulation.  I would prefer to hold these
                               ETFs rather than DIA's or SPY's. where the 5-day ma is still falling.

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs

                                                  LACK OF BACK-TO-BACK DJIA UP-DAYS IS BEARISH

                               The recent pattern of an up-day in the DJI not being followed by another up-day
                               for more than a month is definitely a bearish development.  Most of the big
                               market declines since 1929 showed this pattern in varying degrees as the DJI
                               topped out and the broke downward from its primary peak.

                               This is another reason for avoiding DIA and SPY atthis time.  We will have to continue
                               to watch to see if the recently support levels in the DJI, SP-500, OEX and NASDAQ
                               can hold.  If not, their bearishness will almost certainly be followed by a break in the
                               6-month NYSE A/D Line uptrend.  This would require us, I think, to then expect the DJI
                               to re-test 18000.  Without a new Peerless Sell, I still doubt if the DJI will drop further. 
                               However, the failure of the DJI to rally tomorrow would reinforce the pattern of
                               failed rallies we have been seeing this past month.  As I discussed in last night's
                               Hotline, this would be quite disconcerting.

            8/31/2016       Will Janet Yellen and The Fed Dare To Raise Interest Rates?
                                   It begins to look like the answer is "Yes".  But maybe, all the recent
                                   sellers will turn out to be wrong and there will be no rate hike before
                                   the Election.  We have to let the market's technicals guide us now.
                                   The operative Peerless Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14) have
                                   generated a nice run into all-time high territory for the DJIA, SP-500, NASDAQ,
                                   SOXL and TECL.  Their recent three-week decline has so far been quite limited
                                   and contained, given that it is caused by a growing sense that interest rates
                                   will soon be lifted by the Fed, perhaps as early as next month. 

                                   Bullishly, the NYSE A/D Line remains in an uptrend.  Seldom, does the market
                                   make a significant top without a Peerless Sell, i.e. produce a 5% or more
                                   decline.  Even more rarely does the DJI decline very far while the A/D Line
                                   is rising like now.  So, for now, I would still hold out hopes for a decent
                                   pre-Labor day rally.  Its failure to appear, on the other hand, would have to
                                   be bearishly construed especially if the OEX and NASDAQ complete their
                                   head/shoulders' patterns.

                                   We've had plenty of warning to steer clear of Utilities, Bonds and Gold Stocks:
                                   notably a rash of head/shoulders patterns in these groups, long price-uptrend breaks,
                                   negative Accumulation, violation of 65-dma and downtrending Closing Powers.
                                   Continue to avoid these groups.

                                   Using Tiger's QuickSilver 5-day ma tactics,  we have also avoided DIA and SPY
                                   We spotted their micro-head/shoulders and did not want to argue with their
                                   falling 5-dma.  I think this is still the right approach.  The Jobs numbers on Friday
                                   will probably be good, above 240,000,  That could cause DIA and SPY to
                                   briefly jump up.  But the pattern of trading for the last month has been a
                                   complete lack of follow-through for these ETFs.  The DJI has only had one
                                   instance of two straight up-days in the last month.  Professionals are using
                                   any rally to sell into.  They are in a hurry to sell.  They are unwilling to
                                   wait for a multi-day rally to sell. 
                                   (See my developing study on this:
                                                         LACK OF BACK-TO-BACK DJIA UP-DAYS IS BEARISH )

                                                          Why are some in such a hurry to get out?

                                   One could guess that insiders have learned on good authority that the FED
                                   really will raise rates soon.  These insiders want to take no chances given how
                                   artificial the whole advance since 2009 has been.  The bull market, most judge,
                                   has been dependent heavily on very low rates and unprecedented and extravagant
                                   open-market buying by the FED.  

                                   A really good Jobs number Friday AM will certainly boost the Hawks' case
                                   in the FOMC for raising rates.  This could hurt the legions of dividend stocks in
                                   in the DJI-30, OEX and SP-500.  But a Jobs Report for August above
                                   250,000 will also considerably brighten the profits' outlook for Semi-Conductors
                                   (SOXL) and technology (TECL) stocks.  So, continue to hold SOXL (and TECL)
                                   as long as their 5-day moving averages are rising.  Seldom does the FED
                                   make a meaningful decision without helping its real owners, the Big Banks. 
                                   This tendency is reflected in  FAS looking very good short-term. 

                                                     5-day ma    Close    Pivot Point    Comments
                                                      direction     8/31      for 9-1
                                      DIA       Falling        183.94    184.37           Bearish lack of up days in succession.
                                      SPY        Falling       217.38     217.7            
                                      QQQ      Falling       116.49     116.61           Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      IWM      Rising        123.23     123.31           Cl.Pwr. rising  
                                      SOXL     Rising         43.03       42.38          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising.  
                                      TECL     Rising         46.08      46.07          Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      FAS        Rising         30.92       29.42          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising. .   

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 


            8/30/2016      It's very difficult for Peerless to become bearish while the NYSE
                                  A/D Line is streaking upwards.  With some qualifications, as discussed
                                  below, I think we must stick with the Peerless major Buys.  A break
                                  in the NYSE uptrendline and a rupture of the neckline supports in
                                  the NASDAQ, OEX and Tiger Index of Bond Funds would force a

                                             A Bearish Shot Across the Bow of The USS Bull Market

                                 Today, once again the DJI could not rise for two days in a row.  It has had two
                                 successive up-days only once in the last month.  This is becoming a strain
                                 on the market as a whole.  When such market behavior has occurred after
                                 a rally in the last twenty years, it was always a very bearish warningl. 
                                 See the cases in tonight's new study: Dec 1999, Jan & Feb 2001, Aug 2001,
                                 April 2002, June 2002, June 2004, May 2008, Nov 2008, March 2015
                                 and now August 2016.

                                 As long as the NYSE A/D Line stays in an uptrend, I suspect we are still
                                safe. But now we can make out potential head/shoulders patterns on OEX
                                and NASDAQ.  Presently only SOXL and FAS still have rising 5-day moving
                                averages.  I would continue to hold them long provided they do not close below
                                their 5-day ma pivot-points, as shown below.  That would cause their 5-day ma
                                to turn down.

                                Clearly, the FED has spooked the market with talk of two interest
                                rate rises this year.  If the Jobs' numbers on Friday are above 250,000
                                and the various measures on Inflation reach the 2% Fed target, it
                                would seem that a rise in rates in September is a strong possibility.
                                I would not have thought the FED would be so politically bold, but the
                                way Gold stocks fell again today is scary, as is the head and shoulders
                                pattern now present in Tiger's Index of Bonds.


                                                    5-day ma    Close    Pivot Point    Comments
                                                    direction     8/30      for 8-31
                                      DIA       Falling        184.51    184.66          Professionals are bearish.
                                      SPY        Falling       218.00     217.85          Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      QQQ      Falling       116.56    116.80           Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      IWM      Falling       123.93     123.07          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising  
                                      SOXL     Rising         43.00       41.84          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising.  
                                      TECL     Falling        46.21       45.87          Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      FAS        Rising         30.86       29.20          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising. .   

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                      Can The Stock Market Keep Rising if Rates Go Up?

This is the big question!  I gave this answer today in an email.

My guess is rates will go up soon.  A lot
..................................depends on Jobs numbers and what is reported
..................................for inflation numbers.  Semi-conductors strength
..................................to be a sign that economy is getting stronger
..................................and Jobs number Friday will be over 240,000.
..................................for third straight month.  This would be consistent
..................................with what we see in mkt.

..................................How much money might come out of bonds and
..................................go into stocks, if business confidence and Jobs
..................................numbers are improving?

..................................Bonds can certainly go down while the stock market rises when
..................................economy is getting strong enough to push up rates
..................................or allow Fed to do same.  But this will require rising corporate
..................................profits occasioned by the better economic times.  .

.................................. A couple of weeks ago, I showed that there were
...................................a number of cases when Utilities (a surrogate for
...................................bonds) formed head/shoulders tops (as now) but
...................................market kept rising.   So, the past does show that the
...................................stock market can for a while shrug off rising interest
...................................rates and falling bond prices. 

....................................My view here is conventional.  See the article

                            Head and Shoulders has not yet been completed
                                      for Tiger Index of Bond Funds.


            8/29/2016      By itself, the low volume rally today was unconvincing.  But it almost
                                  brought another NYSE A/D Line new high.  That would be bullish.  And
                                  today's advance probably showed traders that there is enough support at
                                  18400 to bring on another test of the 18600 resistance.  A bullish, flat topped
                                  ascending triangle can now be said to be developing in the DJI.  A breakout to
                                  new highs usually follows when prices trace out such a pattern. 

                                  For such a breakout to be reliable and not bring a Peerless Sell, we
                                  will need to see volume pick up and for the P-Indicator, Accum. Index
                                  and V-Indicator improve substantially.  Still, that is what the operative
                                  Peerless Buy signals, (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14), taken
                                  together with a run into all-time high territory, argue is most likely to happen

                                  The 5-day ma are still falling for DIA and SPY.  Gold stocks could not
                                  manage much of a rebound.  Utilities and REITs are still in the shadow
                                  cast by the very vocal hawks on the FOMC.  They should be avoided.
                                  Friday's Jobs numbers will probably show another +240,000 number.
                                  That would explain the strength in the widely used Semi-Conductors and
                                  continuing weakness in dividend stocks and Bonds.

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA    
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                   Another bullish factor now is how the Big Banks are rising back towards
                                   their highs of the year.  FAS, the 3x-leveraged ETF representing financials,
                                   now shows both the Opening and Closing Power rising.   This is not the
                                   behavior I would expect if the market were about to start even a correction.
                                   FAS should be bought and held along with SOXL and TECL, at least, as
                                   long as they are above their 5-day ma pivot points. Bullishly, both their
                                   Opening and Closing Powers are rising.  I would also buy those MAXCP
                                   that are starting new runs from flag patterns.  In a market environment, where
                                   speculative excesses in individual stocks are not really much in evidence,
                                   these stocks should get increasing focus from performance-minded hedge funds in
                                   the third quarter: Consider VAR, SNPS, BPOP, RDCM, ATEN, WB and SINA.
                                   If you are looking for Bearish MINCPs to hedge with, I take the most
                                   bearish looking now to be: CONN, INSY, JJC and FAZ.

                                            Buy FAS, for a trade back to its highs, at the least.
                                            Big banks are not fazed by the prospects of higher interest
                                            rates now.  Such an eventuality will only make the Dollar stronger
                                            and make New York even more the financial center of the much
                                            of the world.


                                        Peerless Signals and Indicators on DJIA  

            8/26/2016      Still Waiting for A Pre-Labor Day Recovery.  ..

                                  Because volatility and volume should soon pick up after Labor Day,
                                  I think a case can be made that the various markets could soon move quickly
                                  and decisively away from their narrow high-level range.  Peerless and the
                                  rising A/D Line tells us the next big move will be up.  But the micro-head/shoulders
                                  in DIA and SPY and dominance of hawkish talk from the Fed suggest more
                                  downside lies ahead.   In this environment, I continue to suggest that we
                                  abide by the direction of the 5-day ma, holding only SOXL for now among the
                                  ETFs while limiting new short-term long commitments mainly to MAXCP
                                  stocks.   It appears that the market is making a fundamental shift from
                                  defensive stocks to more speculative growth and tech stocks.


                                                          Unsignalled DJI Declines

                               We still show a (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14) as the operative
                               Peerless signals.  But there is much more to consider.  First. in the past about
                               once every two or three years, the DJI has still, despite the Buys, managed
                               to retreat 5% -7% in a rising bull market.  These unsignalled declines mainly
                               occurred only after the DJI either made a top farther above the 21-day ma and so
                               had a long way to pull back when it probed for support or after the DJI quickly
                               made a bearish head/shoulders pattern to cope with unexpected bearish news.
                               (See my study of these unsignalled declines.)

                               In our present case, the top was made on August 15th with the DJI only 0.7%
                              over the 21-day ma.  Only once since 1928, did Peerless fall as much as 4.9% or
                              more from a top without a Peerless Sell signal when the DJI was this close
                              to the 21-day ma.  While it's true that the V-Indicator and OBVPct were negative
                              on August 15th, my studies show that one can not use these parameters to create
                              a reliable Peerless Sell.  Just the opposite. 

                               If divergences at the DJI's recent peak did not produce a Sell, I take it then that
                               is the presence of the head/shoulders in the DJI that is technically significant.

                               All Peerless Buys can be reversed by completed head and shoulders patterns
                               on the DJI.  See http://www.tigersoft.com/PeerInst-2012-2013/HS-SellS10/index.html
                               These patterns typically appear as the market suddenly copes with something new
                               and unexpectedly bearish.  Almost certainly, now it is the vocal aggressiveness
                               of the hawks on the FOMC that has caused the head/shoulders. 

                               As we keep pointing out, we do now see micro head/shoulders patterns in the DJI
                               and SP-500.  There is also a key high-level flat support in the NASDAQ.
                               The good news is that such micro-head/shoulders patterns in the DJI when
                               completed usually only bring tests of a rising 65-dma or lower band when they occur
                               in bull markets.  See below.

                                                           Vice-Fed Governor Fisher

                                                The Fed Is Scaring The Market Again.
                                 It Finds It Easier To Do This Than Actually Raise Rates.

                               The Fed, or at least Vice-Fed Governor Fisher, is talking seriously about two
                               rate hikes this year.  Considering how much the DJI has risen and how important
                               very low interest rates have been in the stock market boom, the market has to take
                               him seriously.  After all, he is considered a neo-Keynesian.  Fisher seems now
                               to have gathered more support in the FOMC while at the same time, Chairwoman
                              Janet Yellen's utterances appear increasingly vague and confusing.

                                     Dividend Paying Stocks, Bonds and Gold Stocks Are Hit The Hardest
                                                            by Talk of Higher Interest Rates

                               Utilities have cracked decisively below their 65-dma with their Accumulation has
                               turned negative.  After having formed their own head/shoulders patterns, this has to be
                               considered a SELL.  See also how now Bonds are on the very of breaking down.
                               This is entirely the result of the FED's hawks new boldness and the muffled
                               acquiescence of the Doves, like Yellen.  The Dollar, of course, has strengthened
                               with this talk of higher rates.  This is the main reason for Gold's weakness.

                                                  Banks Stocks Are Still in Uptrends.
                               The uptrend in FAS and the Biggest US Banks tells us that we are not
                               about to see a market crash.

                                                  Semi-Conductors Leadership

                               Is Bullish for Technology Stocks and The General Economy.  

                                                        Chinese Tech Stocks'



                               The Peerless Buys (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14) tell us that
                               the current decline will most likely not drop the DJI down 5% from its high.
                               Since 1945, only about once every 31 months, does the DJI fall 5% from its high
                               without a reliable Peerless Sell at or near the last peak.

                               Usually, a decline of 5% or more occurs when breadth is lagging the DJI.
                               a large H/S top appears and or the Accum. Index is glaringly red
                               as the DJI reaches a level 2.1% or more above the 21-dma.  None of these
                               conditions have recently appeared  

                               However, it is clear now that the DJI seems to be unable to get past the
                               (red) rising resistance line shown below.  With that resistance being taken
                               as the ceiling for any advance now, traders in the DJI are showing that they
                               want to buy closer to the 65-dma where there is then more upside potential.

                               SOXL and TECL, on the other hand, appear to have less resistance
                               overhead.  They also show better internals than the DJI.  As long as
                               their 5-day ma are rising, I would hold them in expectation of a Labor
                               Day Rally.  But further DJI weakness will hurt them.  This and the
                               fact that volume and volatility are likely to expand after Labor Day makes
                               me suggest that we simply trade long only those ETFs so long as their
                               5-day ma is rising.  

                               We do see micro-sized H/S patterns in the DIA and SPY now.  Any deeper
                               decline will violate them.   This will prpbably be bearish enough to drop them
                               back to their rising 65-dma.  But without a Peerless Sell, I would expect
                               the 65-dma to hold.   All the stocks' research I have done on head/shoulders
                               supports the same conclusion.  Head/Shoulders patterns that are completed
                               considerably above the 65-day ma can only be counted on to bring tests of
                               the 65-dma.  Deeper declines are particularly unlikely when the 65-dma momentum
                               is still strong and the Accum Index is positive.  When we look at DIA and SPY,
                               we see that their 65-dma are still rising nicely and the their Accum Indexes
                               are still positive.

                                                           More Considerations

                               Right now there are only 4 DJI-30 stocks that show their own bearish Head/Shoulders
                               patterns.  This is not enough to be scary.  In each of the last 5 DJI corrections
                               of more than 13%, no fewer than 12 or 13 of the DJI stocks had completed head/
                               shoulders before the decline could start in earnest.

                               Tomorrow at 10:00 Janet Yellen will make a speech on behalf of the FED.  It is
                               expected that she will say that keeping interest rates as low as they have been
                               runs too much risk of a speculative stock bubble, does not help the real Economy
                               and would be inflationary if the Economy were to be expanding normally.  I still doubt
                               if she will pin herself down about raising rates in September.  I think that she
                               is too cautious to do that. 

                               Gold Stocks, Utilities and the DJI have been selling off in expectation, I think,
                               that she will be more specific and definite about raising rates in September.  If
                               I am right, she will be vague and indefinite about when rates will next be raised.
                               That ought to take some of the pressure of the market and a pre-Labor day
                               rally "should" occur.

                               But to be safe, watch the 5-day mvg, averages of the pivot-points of the
                               key ETFs.  I would be long those that show rising 5-day ma and remain
                               above their pivot-points for tomorrow's close.

                                                    5-day ma    Close    Pivot Point    Comments
                                                    direction     8/25      for 8-26
                                      DIA       Falling        184.37    185.32          
                                      SPY        Falling       217.7      218.54         
                                      QQQ      Falling       116.61    117.26          Cl.Pwr is rising.
                                      IWM      Rising       123.31     122.94          Cl.Pwr is rising.  
                                      SOXL     Rising         42.35       42.22          Both Op.Pwr.& Cl.Pwr. rising.  
                                      TECL     Rising         46.07       46.10          Cl.Pwr is rising.
Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

  Watch for Head/Shoulders Patterns
                                                     in the Groups/ETFs You Trade

 The recent sell-off in Gold and Silver stocks did not come out of the
                               blue.  Many of the stocks in this hot industry group showed head/shoulders
                               tops recently.  This should have allowed traders to confidently predict a
                               test of their rising 65-dma, at the least.   See NEM and ASA below.
                              Also AEM, GG, KGC, GFI, GDX, CDE, NGD and RGLD



            8/24/2016   I keep expecting our standing Peerless Buys (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14)
                               to start a nice recovery in here.  But something negative is clearly weighing down the
                               DJIA, gold stocks (the previously strongest group) and Utilities (another previously
                               very strong group). Today, this dark shadow finally sent technology and
                               semi-conductors down.  Short-term traders must appreciate that though
                               the intermediate-term trend is still up, we could see a decline to 18000 on the
                               DJI or even a 5% drop from the recent high to 17800 if the next support
                               down at 18250 is violated.   See the research I posted here last night.   My
                               suggestion is that ETF traders should trade  long only those ETFs with a
                               rising 5-dma.  
                                          ETFs                 8/24       5-dma              IP21
                                                                   Close    Pivot Point
                                           DIA                  185.66     186.34             +.137    5-dma falling
                                           SPY                  217.85    218.86              +.184    5-dma falling
                                           QQQ                116.8      117.29              +.189    5-dma falling 
                                           IWM                123.07    122.94             +.117
                                           SOXL                 41.84    41.15               +.107    Strongest of the 6
                                           TECL                 45.89     45.97              +.132      5-dma falling 

                                Weakness tomorrow could easily complete the bearish-looking  "micro-head/shoulders
                                 in the DJI".   18250 looks like it would then be the next DJI support
                                 that will have to be tested.

                                               Look for An Increase in Volatility and Volume

                               Given the "high diving board" appearance of many of the ETFs and the tendency of
                               of volatility to pick up when their is a decisive breakout or breakdown from narrow
                               ranges like those that now govern DIA, SPY, QQQ and IWM plus the tendency of trading
                               volume to pick up after Labor Day, I recommend that traders only get or stay long
                               the ETFs below when and while their 5-day mvg.avgs. are rising.
  If their close tomorrow
                               is below the "pivot-point" shown below, it means the 5-day ma will be falling with
                               tomorrow's data.                                    

                                                                       FED GUESSING

                              We can only guess right now what is driving the market down..   My guess is that the
                               market expects the FED this weekend to announce that their (the Fed's) tools,
                               i.e. monetary policy (interest rate determinations and their own open market
                               activities) should no longer be relied on to boost the market.  These tools can stop a
                               Crash but they don't help much Main Street in a recovery or bring enough real
                               economic growth.  Easy money and quantitative easing, the argument goes, are
                               distorting investments, causing a risky inflation of stock prices and only making
                               the very rich on Wall Street even richer while the Middle Class and working
                               people's income stagnate.

                               My guess is that these well-known criticisms of the FED can no longer be pushed
                               aside.  I suspect that the FED themselves will now invoke them when they they
                               announce this weekend that rates must soon (September) be returned to more
                               normal levels barring an unforeseen drop in Jobs numbers in August.
            8/23/2016   Our Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 and the
                                seasonal strength just before Labor Day should now turn the major
                                ETFs back up.  Though the DJI sold off after opening up 100, breadth
                                remained very good and the NYSE A/D Line made another 12-month
                                high ahead of the DJI-30.  Usually we need to worry about the market
                                when the A/D Line is lagging the DJI, not so often when it is leading the

                               Right now, the DJIA is lagging our favorite ETF right now, SOXL,
                                by enough so that I would prefer to buy SOXL or QQQ.  I think we should
                                wait for the DIA's 5-day mvg.avg.. to turn up to buy it. The DJIA is being
                                held back because of concerns about what Janet Yellen will say
                                this weekend from the Fed Governors' gathering in Wyoming. 

                                It has been the FOMC's hawks that have been doing most of the talking
                                recently.  This has caused Utilities to drop more than 5% down from their
                                peak and violate their 6-month price uptrend and their 65-dms.  The same new
                                concerns about a rate hike this year have caused Gold Stocks to fall back
                                almost to their rising 65-dma. 

                               But there's probably more than Rate Hike fears at work here.  There
                               is new enthusiasm for  more speculative bonds and stocks now that the
                               Economy has been able to post two months' New Jobs' numbers over
                               250,000.   Look at how strong Junk Bonds are.  In addition, the NASDAQ's
                               "RELDJI" (relative strength vs the DJIA) is positive as it makes all-time
                               highs.  Similarly, Semi-Conductors are outperforming the DJI and today
                               SOXL made a new all-time high to match its usual companion, TECL.

                               I think we have to be buyers of SOXL and QQQ now because their 5-day ma
                               are strong and technology stocks are taking over the leadership of the market
                               from the Utilities, Gold Stocks and even the DJI.

                                    ETFs                       8/23       5-dma              IP21
                                                                   Close    Pivot Point
                                           DIA                  185.3     186.10             +.165    5-dma falling
                                           SPY                  218.97    218.37            +.267
                                           QQQ                117.56    117.26            +.216
                                           IWM                124.08    122.04            +.179
                                           SOXL                 42.95      40.26            +.243    Strongest of the 6
                                           TECL                 46.54      46.03           +.192     5-dma falling

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

 Declines of 5% or more without a Peerless Sell

 Since 1945, about 71 years, there have been only 27 cases where the DJI
                                  fell more than 5% without Peerless having given a Sell.  This means a DJI
                                  decline of 5% to 11% occurred about once every 2.6 years without Peerless
                                  giving an automatic warning.  In bull markets making new highs, like the
                                  present case, where Peerless was on a Buy, the biggest unheralded DJI declines
                                  were from tops on:

                                                         Pct Decline
                                                          at nadir.
                                        11/3/1982   7%                The previous top was 5.9% over 21-dma.
                                        10/18/1991 7.0%              The previous top was 2.3% over 21-dma.
                                         8/6/1997     7.4%             The previous top was 2.5% over 21-dma.

                                  In all but 3 of all 27 cases, the previous top before the decline was
                                  at least 1% over the 21-day ma.  Our most recent top on 8/15/2016 was
                                  only 0.7% over the 21-day ma.  Only one of 27 of the "uncalled" tops took
                                  place so close to the 21-day ma.  (The full list will be provided in a day
                                  or two.)

            8/22/2016    Our Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 and the
                                seasonal strength just before Labor Day should now turn the DJI and the major
                                ETFs back up.   It will take only a small advance tomorrow at the close to turn up
                                most of the key 5-day ma up.  A close above the key values listed below
                                will turn each up.  I'm optimistic also because of the rising HRDJI OBV-DISI
                                and the persistent strength of the A/D Line.

                                           ETFs                8/22       5-dma              IP21
                                                                    Close    Pivot Point
                                           DIA                  185.12   185.76             +.185
                                           SPY                  218.63    217.96            +.267
                                           QQQ                117.35    117.05            +.276
                                           IWM                123.22    122.4              +.187
                                           SOXL                 42.27      40.28            +.286    Strongest of the 6
                                                                    A close over 43 would be an all-time high.
                                           TECL                 46.04      46.09            +.192

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                                                     What To Buy?

                                 I would choose SOXL if it advances past 43 to an all-time high.
                                 What else will lead a rally in here?  Typically, the Bullish MAXCPs do well.
                                 So, do any stocks that give a new Red Stochastic Buy.  Looking at the
                                 individual DJI stocks, I would favor those showing the highest current
                                 Accum. Index.  MRK's IP21 is the highest at +.398.  INTC's IP21 is
                                 +.278.  Consider also buying CVX, whose AI/200 score is 192 if it can close
                                 decisively back above its 65-dma.  I would like to AAPL move to a new
                                 recovery high to destroy its micro-Head/Shoulders pattern.  

            8/19/2016     A day or two more of weakness seems likely.  Then seasonal
                                 strength should bring a rally to new highs.     

                                                        The Next Two Weeks

                                  Seasonality should bring a good rally soon into Labor Day,
                                  September 5th.  Reflecting this, since 1965, the DJI has risen
                                  59.2% of the time over the next 10 trading days.  In Presidential
                                  Election Years, the odds of a rally shift to 66.7% if the
                                  past since 1968 is taken as a guide. 

                                                       Downside Risk Seems Limited

                                 Without a Peerless Sell, the micro-head/shoulders patterns will
                                 probably not bring a DJI drop  below 18400.   Buy TECL back either
                                 when its 5-day ma turns back up or at its 43 support.


                                  Our Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14
                                  are confronting a market that seems, for now, to have lost its ability to
                                  rise with any vigor.  Part of the problem is the way both NYSE Up
                                  and Down Volume are drooping in the heat of August.
                                  The DJI will need to rise by more than 80 at its close on
                                  Monday to turn up its 5-day ma.  

                                  What's causing the subsidence and drying up of aggressive
                                  buying?  The rise in Crude Oil.  It will bring more inflation and this
                                  will strengthen the determination of the anti-inflation "hawks
                                  in the Federal Reserve.   Reflecting this, the DJI-15 (Utilities) fell back on
                                  Friday from its 65-dma resistance.  My own belief is that the FED
                                  will not raise rates this year.  It does not want to make the
                                  same mistake it did in 2008.  Utilities may hold back, though,
                                  in expectation of higher rates next year. 
                                  The NASDAQ is developing into a problem, too.  It pushed to an
                                  all-time high, but now seems stuck in a rising wedge. Its rallies
                                  have produced tops that are not rising as fast as its up-trendline.
                                  Its chart shows that a micro-head/shoulders could be forming.
                                  But the NASDAQ's Accumulation Index (IP21) now is very
                                  positive.  This should mean that there will plenty of big buyers should
                                 it fall back to the 5000 round number support.

                                  And then there are the micro-head/shoulders in the DJI, SP-500,
                                  DIA and SPY.  Micro-head/shoulders patterns are rare, but they
                                  can certainly bring declines back to a rising 65-dma.  Without a
                                  new Peerless Sell signal, it is very unlikely the DJI will fall below
                                  the support at the 3.5% lower band and the rising 65-dma.

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

History of Head/Shoulders in DIA and SPY since 1995

 There were 7 micro/mini Head/Shoulders on DIA since 1998.
                      All of these had a Peerless Sell signal first.

                                                 DIA                                                        SPY

                      1995                   N/A                                                        none   
                      1996                   N/A                                                        H/S in November aborted as prices rise above right
                                                                                                                shoulder apex
                      1997                   N/A                                                        December - very quick and shallow decline only
                      1998                   N/A                                                         Aug - Multiple Peerless Sells. Big decline.
                      1999                                                                                  May & Sept - Multiple Sells- Normal correction. 
                      2000                   Sept MACRO   H/S                          Sept -
                                                 Also Peerless Sell S4 at top.
                      2001                   June                                                      Feb - MICRO H/S & June regular H/S - Peerless Sells. Bear Mkt.
                      2002                   March MICRO  H/S                           Aug MICRO H/S - Peerless Sells. Bear Mkt.
                                                 Also Peerless Sell S15 beforel top.
                      2004                                                                                  Sept MICRO H/S - Peerless Sells. Interm. Decline.
                      2005                  March MICRO H/S                              March MICRO - Peerless Sells. Interm. Decline
                                                Also Peerless Sell S4 at top
                      2006                  May                                                       Nov - Peerless Sells. Interm. Decline
                      2007                  Oct MICRO H/S                                   Peerless Sells. Intermed. Decline
                                                Also Peerless Sell S4 at top.
                      2008                  May MICRO H/S                                 June H/S - Peerless Sells.  Bear Mkt.
                                                Also Peerless Sell S4, S9, S15 at top.
                      2009                                                                                 Aug MICRO - only shallow decline
                      2010                  April MINI H/S                                   April MINI H/S Peerless Sell.  Flash Crash
                                                Also Peerless Sell S11 before top
                      2012                  Oct H/S                                                Sept. aborted.
                      2013                  Aug H/S                                              Aug H/S  October MICRO
                      2014                  Oct/H/S                                                Nov H/S
                      2015                  June MICRO H/S                                FEB H/S & NOV H/S
                                                Also Peerless Sell S12 at top



            8/18/2016      The operative Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14
                                  tells us any decline in here will soon be followed by more new highs.
                                  The NYSE A/D Line bullishly made another new high ahead of the
                                  DJIA itself.  NYSE Down Volume keeps falling.  And now the Hourly
                                  DISI/OBV has turned up.  So has the DJI-15 (Utilities), which got back
                                  above its 65-dma.  Meanwhile Crude Oil has risen back to its 65-dma
                                  resistance but refuses to sell off.  These are all constructive signs.
                                  The past week's Hotlines present a number of studies suggesting
                                  there will be more new highs:
                                                  1) The presence of only 2 head/shoulders patterns
                                                   in the DJI-30 compared to the 12 or 13 that appeared before
                                                   intermediate-term >13.5% selloffs in 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016.
                                                  2) How well the market does each month until November
                                                  when the Democrat is about to win the Presidential Election.

                                                  3) How Semiconductors and TXN, in particular, usually top
                                                  out and show head/shoulders patterns before there is a serious
                                                  decline.  Neither is true in here yet.

                                                  4) How a completed H/S pattern in the Utilities has brought
                                                  not a decline, but significant rallies for the DJI in each of its last 3
                                                  appearances since 2009 and the Federal Reserve's  institution of "QE"
                                                  and "free money" for big banks.

                                                 5) How well the DJI does after after breaking out into all-time
                                                 high territory above well-tested flat resistance going back more than 5 months.

                                              All this is very nice, but we do not want to let healthy profits slip away.
                                              I suggest that traders close out volatile ETFs if their 5-day ma should
                                              turn down.  Therefore watch the QuickSilver 5-day ma pivot points,
                                              as posted below.  And let's also watch the short-term price patterns of
                                              the key ETFs.  These could be forming micro-H/S patterns.  After our
                                              experience with mini-H/S patterns in 2010, I think we have to be alert
                                              for such patterns and not dismiss them.  Another "flash crash" is
                                              could happen.  Perhaps, Obama's move to de-privatize prisons is an
                                              opening salvo that could adversely affect other stocks and even the
                                              market as a whole.

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                             The Market Does Not Like Sudden Changes
                                             or De-Privatizations.
  The Obama Administration
                                             has announced it will end he use of private for-profit
                                             prisons.  Might this spook the market?  CXW lost
                                             1/3 of its value today.  Might there be other
                                             moves to de-privatize that we should be looking at
                                             as short sales?   This does create a negative "buzz"
                                             for certain other stocks.  Someone on Yahoo wrote:
Are private insurers next? UNH, HUM, AET? Government
                                                  may put pressure on them since they are raising rates so high (sic)
                                                  for next years."


                                             Potential Micro-H/S Patterns have appeared.
                                             A rally tomorrow would bullishly abort them.  But
                                             a sell-off and a close below their green necklines
                                             would complete them. 

 2010 Mini-H/S in DJIA/DIA

                                         I would not be too concerned yet about the appearance of
                                         what might become micro-head/shoulders pattern in the DJI, NASDAQ,
                                         SP-500, OEX and NYSE if they should make a 10 day closing low.  The
                                         completion of such patterns would "probably" have only minor and
                                         very short-term significance.  See the potential micro-H/S pattern just above.
                                         I have circled them in pink and the neckline-supports are shown in green.
                                         It would take a sharp sell-off over the next two trading days to break their
                                         necklines.  If these necklines were broken, caution would be then required,
                                         remembering April 2010's quick mini H/S tops just after the British Pete.
                                         big spill in the Gulf of Mexico.   That brought a "flash crash" and a 13.5%

                                         2010 Flash Crash Mini H/S Patterns in DIA and SPY shown below
                                         took 18 days to form and be completed. Our micro-H/S patterns now have
                                         been traced out over only 9 days, so far.  Red Down-Day volume was
                                         also noticeably higher as the markets started down in 2010.  So, I doubt
                                         if these micro-H/S patterns will be completed or be as bearish if they are.

                                         On the other hand, a rally here would obliterate these patterns
                                         and that would be bullish.  I think this is a good time to watch and use
                                         the 5-day ma.  Declines by the major ETFs belowtheir 5-dma pivot points
                                         tomorrow should be used to take profits and Sell.  

                                         Last night, I suggested applying this rule.  That would have meant selling
                                         TECL and BRZU today.  See the pivot points on their charts.  Remember that
                                         a close below those levels on Friday will cause their 5-day ma to be falling,
                                         which in the present circumstances I would take to be a QuickSilver Sell.

                                                           8/18/2016  QuickSilver Key Values and Big ETFs

                                               ETF      Closing      5-dma             Closing      IP21     ITRS     
                                                               Price       Pivot Point      Powers                                 
                                                                               to apply
                                                                               to tomorrow's
                                              DIA         186.34       185.9              NH NC     +.19       ------          
                                              SPY         218.86       218.46            rising         +.242    -.004       
                                              QQQ       117.29       117.20            rising         +.262    +.028     
                                              IWM       122.94       122.19            rising         +.126    +.003     
                                              SOXL       41.15         39.52             rising         +.302    +.278      

                                              TECL       45.97         46.41             rising         +.181    +.153      
                                              BRZU      150.5        152.43            rising          +.11      +.555      
                                              YINN         19.19        18,19           rising           +.28      +.235      



            8/17/2016      The operative Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14
                                  remain in effect.  We should see more new highs.

                                  But the shallow short-term decline we are seeing now is apt to continue
                                  if there is not a rally tomorrow.  We can say this based on the fact that the
                                  "pivot-points" (for the 5-day ma) could easily be closed below at tomorrow's
                                  close.  A close below these pivot points will cause their 5-day ma
                                  to turn down.  Short term traders in volatile and leveraged ETFS should
                                  probably take profits in these ETFs when they close below their "5-dma
                                  pivot-points".  TECL's 6-dma did turn down today. Let's lock in profits
                                  in it.  Elsewhere, intermediate-term investors can wait to Sell when we get a
                                  a new Peerless sell signal or a head/shoulders pattern is completed in them.

                                               ETF      Closing      5-dma             Closing      IP21     ITRS      Tiger 
                                                               Price       Pivot Point      Powers                                  Signal
                                                                               to apply
                                                                               to tomorrow's
                                              DIA         186.1        186.3               NH NC     +.163     ------       Buy     
                                              SPY         218.37       218.65            rising         +.227    -.006       Buy
                                              QQQ       117.26       117.25            rising         +.282    +.027      Sell  
                                              IWM       122.04       122.07            rising         +.116    +.001      Sell
                                              SOXL       40.26         39.02             rising         +.278    +.268      Sell

                                              TECL       46.03         46.62             rising         +.212    +.161       Buy
                                              BRZU      153.41      158.42            rising          +.126    +.824       Sell
                                              YINN         18.76        18.04           rising           +.275    +.217       Buy

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                  How many head/shoulders tops typically appear
                                  among DJI-30 stocks at market tops?

                                  Presently there only 2 two such H/S patterns among DJI-30 stocks:
                                                          JNJ and VZ. 

                                  Before January 2016 top: 12 DJI stocks showed H/S patterns. 
                                  (AAPL, DIS, GS, JNJ, MMM, MSFT, NKE, UNH, UTX, V, VZ and XOM.)

                                  Before July 2015 top: 13 DJI stocks showed H/S patterns. 
                                  (BA, CAT, CSCO, CVX, DD, DIS, GS, JNJ, NKE, PG, UTX, VZ, XOM)

                                  Before July 2011 top: 12 DJI stocks showed H/S patterns. 
                                  (AAPL, AXP, BA, CAT (hands above head), HD, JPM, MMM, MRK,
                                   NKE, PFE, UNH, WMT)

                                   Before April 2010 top: 12 DJI stocks showed H/S patterns. 
                                   (CSCO, GE, HD, IBM, JNJ, JPM, KO, MCD, MSFT, PG, TRV, WFC,
                                   and see DIA's H/S top, too.)

            8/16/2016      The break in the Closing Power uptrend for DIA following its
                                  failure to confirm the recent high is bearish enough to allow
                                  the DJI to retest 18300, and DIA 183, provided DIA closes
                                  below 185.12 tomorrow and its 5-dma therefore turns down.
                                  A further shallow decline would then be called for.  But without
                                  a new Peerless Sell, I would continue to hold long positions in
                                  TECL, SOXL, LBJ, BRZU and YINN.


                                 When Peerless operates under major Buys as now

                                  (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14), there can still be
                                  DJI declines to the lower band, but they are relatively
                                  rare and we generally are better off waiting for higher prices.
                                  I think that applies now, despite the completion by the Utilities
                                  of a second head/shoulders pattern this year.  See the Utilities'
                                  H/S Top Pattern Study
further below. 

                                  Of more concern would be the appearance of a number of
                                  completed head/shoulders patterns in the DJI-30. 

                                  Presently, there are only two such H/S patterns among DJI-30 stocks:
                                  JNJ and VZ.  By contrast, before the DJI's big January sell-off this year,
                                  no fewer than 12 DJI stocks showed H/S patterns.  Look at their charts. 
                                  Except for JNJ and VZ, no others show such bearish patterns.  I think
                                  this has to be considered another bullish factor for now:  See all these
                                  Jan 2016 H/S DJI stocks: AAPL, DIS, GS, JNJ, MMM, MSFT, NKE,
                                  UNH, UTX, V, VZ and XOM.   This would make a useful study for earlier
                                  declines.  I will try to do a little more work here and start to regularly
                                  report the number of currently extant DJI H/S patterns.

                                  Stay long this market...

Charts:Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                       What happens when DJI-Utilities completes a head/shoulders
                   pattern and Peerless does not show a major Sell?

                       There have been 9 cases since 1988.  In 5 cases the DJI fell to or near
                       to the lower 3.5% band.  But in 4 cases, the DJI rallied instead of falling.
                       In the last 3 cases, when there was no Peerless Sell, the DJI rallied.
                       It is more bearish, when charts show more than one head/shoulders pattern.
                       The DJI-15 also completed a head/shoulders pattern in April.
                       ---> See all the Utilities and DJI charts since 1988 here.

         DJI-15 (Utilities) H/S Completed       DJI reaction
1 H/S Pattern completed in July 1989 --> DJI fell  3.8% below 21-dma. No Peerless sell signal.
     2 H/S Pattern completed in Aug 1992 --> DJI fell  3.5% below 21-dma. No Peerless sell signal.
     3 H/S Pattern completed in Sept 1993 --> DJI fell  2.5% below 21-dma. No Peerless sell signal.
     4 H/S Pattern completed in Nov 1995 --> DJI
rose instead of falling. No Peerless sell signal.
     5 H/S Pattern completed in June 2007 --> DJI fell  2.0% below 21-dma.  No Peerless sell signal.
     6 H/S Pattern completed in Dec 2009 --> DJI fell 4.0% below 21-dma.  No Peerless sell signal.

7 H/S Pattern completed in Aug 2012 --> DJI rose instead of falling. No Peerless sell signal.
     8 H/S Pattern completed in May 2013 --> DJI
rose instead of falling. No Peerless sell signal.
     9 H/S Pattern completed in May 2014 --> DJI
rose instead of falling. No Peerless sell signal.

                   8/15/2016      The still active Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 
                                         should continue to guide us.  But the shift away from dividend to tech
                                         stocks and the strongest of Chinese and Emerging markets intensified.
                                         Today, the DJI-15 (Utilities) closed below both its rising 65-dma and its 5%
                                         down-from-the high line.  This is a bearish sign for utilities and
                                         dividend plays, generally.  But the investment shift away from dividends
                                         to growth is long over-due and usually occurs naturally in an economic
                                         recovery.  I suspect the DJI will show some minor weakness now to reflect
                                         this shift. You can see the Hourly DJI's DISI-OBV Line is in a minor down-
                                         trend.  Fortunately, NYSE Down Volume is bullishly in its own downtrend.

                                              Utilities Have Broken Their Uptrend-line.
                                           Both Opening and Closing Power are falling.

                                                                        SOXL, TECL, YINN and BRZU
                                                                        should keep rising and should not
                                                                        be sold until Peerless gives a Sell
                                                                        or they form Head/Shoulders tops.

                                         SOXL (Semi-conductors) rose to a recovery new high above 40 and
                                         is now challenging its all-time high of  42.46 on June 1, 2015.  Since semi-conductors
                                         are such a capital intensive industry, a breakout into all-time high territory by SOXL
                                         would have to be taken as as an important vote of confidence that economic growth
                                         will increase world-wide.   The same interpretation, that there is a world-wide
                                         turnaround under way, also would explain the powerful rebound of Crude
                                         Oil up from its test of its 200-day ma.

                                         Our favorite technical pick, TECL (3x-technology ETF), closed at 48 today,
                                         up exactly 20% since its perfect, flat-topped July 13th breakout into all-time
                                         high territory.  Continue to hold both SOXL and TECL.  They trade very well
                                         with the Peerless signals.

                                         Today also brought a very big jump in some volatile and speculative Chinese
                                         stocks.  YINN has almost gotten back to 20.  Look at the beautifully
                                         bullish Chinese stock charts of WB, BABA, CQQQ and SINA.   

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   
 Bearish Stocks not posted tonight.
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                         One explanation for today's shift to NASDAQ stocks - and the NASDAQ
                                         made an all-time high today - is that the Governor of the San Francisco Fed
                                         made the case for Congress exacting automatic fiscal stimulants for
                                         when the US economy is weak and inflation is not a problem so that
                                         the FED will not have to use monetary stimulants so much.  It is surprising
                                         to hear a member of the Federal Reserve take such a Keynesian view, even
                                         to the point where he seems to be advocating a big new Public Works program.
                                         (Would this work, assuming Congress would somehow go along with it? As I
                                         see it, there are two big problems with Public Works spending, which is certainly
                                         badly needed, are, first, that it will drive up interest rates and this will hurt all
                                         those seniors who are now overloaded with low-interest bonds and dividend
                                         stocks.  AND, second, that the famous Keynesian multiplier is much smaller
                                         now, because so little manufacturing is still done in the US.   Public works
                                         spending may have more of a stimulative effect for China than America!
                                                 See ....

Monetary Policy in a Low R-star World
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco - 17 hours ago
SF Fed Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Search SF Fed ... 2016-23 | August 15, 2016


                   8/12/2016      Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 operate still.
                                         We could fuss over the low volume or how DIA's Closing Power is not
                                         above its 21-day ma, but these are not so bearish as to bring much of
                                         a decline and I think there is more potential elsewhere anyway.

                                         It does not pay to tell the DJIA or the overall market to go down
                                         after a flat-topped breakout from a 6-months or more trading range,
                                         such as we saw when the DJI cleared 18000 and then 18000 recently,
                                         which then goes into all-time high ground.  Such patterns take a long
                                         time to be built.  They normally set up really nice advances unless
                                         Peerless gives a Sell signal.  Look at the cases of  Jan 1987, Dec 1991,
                                         March 1995October 1996May 1997, Feb 1999 and see how failed breakout
                                         of Jan. 2000 was properly identified as such by Peerless Sell signals.

                                         The "talking heads" tell us August and September are bearish months
                                         and the market can go nowhere at time of year.  But, I've shown recently that
                                         when a Democrat is ahead in the Presidential Polls, as long as we are
                                         not at war or suffering an economic slow-down/melt-down, the odds are better
                                         than 2:1 that August will up, that September will be up and that October will be

                                                             The Market as "Suction-Cup Climbing Man".

                                         The market reminds me of the man using suction-cups climbing Trump Towers.
                                          It is creeping upwards despite all the bearish commentary.  As long as there
                                          is no rain in the form of Hillary pushing to breakup the big banks, to tax computer
                                          trading or to make the tax on capital gains the same as ordinary income, I expect
                                          the "suction-cup" market should continue to rise steadily if not dramatically. 

                                          I think there is a good chance that there is an international economic
                                          turn-around.  A Trump resurgence and protectionism would dampen
                                          the rises in Chinese, Brazil and Latin American stocks, as would another
                                          sell-off in Crude Oil.  But right now, there appears to be considerable upside
                                          potential in these non-US markets' stocks.   Watch also Semi-Conductors (SOXL)
                                          to see if it can make an all-time high above 42.  Our favorite TECL keeps
                                          rising, after its perfect breakout above 40.   Below I list 21 stocks/ETFs
                                          that are trading particularly well with our Peerless Buys and Sells.  Until
                                          we get a Peerless sell signal, I expect the most bullish of these to keep rising.
                                          I will post their data on Tiger's Data Page as BIGPEER.exe Monday night.

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 


     I went through 6000 and came up with the 21
shown in TABLE 2, shown further below. Each of these would have seen
an investment of $10,000 in them double to more than $20,000 being 
long only while Peerless was on a Buy signal in the last 12 months.

     Big gains are nice, of course, but, in addition, which of these 
did not produce a paper loss of more than 5% on their long positions?
Only  AMKR and  LOCK.  Since LOCK has only been traded a few years. So 
AMKR is of most interest.  It is in the strong semi-conductor field.

              Amkor Technology, Inc. provides outsourced semiconductor 
              packaging and test services in the United States and internationally. 
              Located in Tempe, AZ, the company offers turnkey packaging and 
              test services, including semiconductor wafer bumps, wafer probes, 
              wafer backgrinds, package design, packaging, and test and drop 
              shipment services.  
      As you can see below, only in 2012 was it not successfully traded with 
Peerless on the long side.  What I like about AMKR is how few large paper losses
there have been.  We compare its gains and losses to DIA later tonight. 

How well did Peerless do with AMKR for each of the last 10 years?
How consistently profitable.  What about the big paper losses?
Could they have been anticipated?  Look at the AMKR charts in the
years where the paper loss was more than 20%:  2008 (extreme bear market),
2013 and 2015.

                          Long Trades' Avg. Gain
                      using Peerless Buys and Sells.
                All trades here are taken at next day's opening.
                AMKR  max paper   DIA   max    QQQ     max       
                        loss      gain  loss   gain    loss
2005            +57.3   -19.4%    5.0%  -1.5%  13.9%  -3.5% 
2006            +45.0%  -7.0%     15.5% -2.8%  11.7%  -7.9%
2007            +37.6%  -9.7%     26.5% -3.8%  29.6%  -4.9%%
2008            +13.9%  -30.0%     9.6% -16.2%  0.4%  -19.0% 
2009           +245.5%  -9.3%     58.1% -3.4%  77.4%  -3.8%%

2010           +126.7%  -6.9%     36.9% -3.0%  62.1%  -4.1%%
2011            +17.7%  -10.6%    21.2% -5.5%  17.7%  -7.2%%
2012            -7.8%   -11.5%    17.2% -2.4%  21.4%  -3.2%%
2013            +38.7%  -26.1%    26.4% -1.4%  29.5%  -3.1%%
2013-2014      +219.3%  -4.6%     21.8% -1.4%  23.2%  -3.1%%

2014            +36.9%  -13.3%    16.4% -6.4%  26.0%  -3.6%%
2015            +12.9%  -29.6%    14.1% -1.9%  18.8%  -2.1%%
2015-2016      +132.1%  -3.2%     14.5% -2.6%  19.0%  -8.9%

Peerless Signals and Trading Gains Starting with $10000
 8/ 18/ 15- 8/ 12/ 16
Number of Symbols= 21
Symbol        $10000.       Biggest--     Gains/Losses  5% Stops-     10% Stops
------        becomes       Paper----     ------------  triggered     triggered
------        -------       Loss Pct
ADXS Long      28125         25.8          4   1         2             2 
ADXS Short     18857         8             4             1            
     combined  +474%
AGTC Long      21005         15.2          4   1         3             2 
AGTC Short     15305         19.6          4             1             1 
     combined  +231%
AMKR Long      22283         3.2           3   2         NONE         NONE
AMKR Short     13059         10.8          3   1         2             1 
     combined  +231%

ANIP Long      23488         8.1           4   1         1            
ANIP Short     13179         6.2           3   1         1            
     combined  +275%
ARWR Long      20523         6.1           3   2         1            
ARWR Short     16029         6.1           4             1            
     combined  +250%
AVP Long       23136         32.3          3   2         2             1 
AVP Short      12060         33.5          3   1         1             1 
    combined   +199% 
AXDX Long      28346         7.3           4   1         1            
AXDX Short     18724         5.1           4             1            
    combined   +445%

BCOV Long      25489         5.9           4   1         1            
BCOV Short     10941         10.1          2   2         2             1 
    combined   +180% 
BRZU Long      39748         33.3          3   2         3             1 
BRZU Short     12163         55.1          2   2         2             2 
    combined   +422%

CECO Long      24002         11            2   3         3             2 
CECO Short     12017         16.6          3   1         1             1 
    combined   +194%
CSTM Long      27656         18.9          3   2         3             3 
CSTM Short     18491         13.4          4             2             2 
    combined   +452%
CYTK Long      25958         16.8          4   1         2             1 
CYTK Short     14420         3.4           3   1         NONE          NONE 
    combined   +276%
HWAY Long      26028         15            3   2         1             1 
HWAY Short     11949         7             3   1         1            
    combined   +217%
JOY Long       22688         37.9          3   2         3             1 
JOY Short      10646         35.5          3   1         2             1 
    combined   +150% 
KTOS Long      20449         22.2          2   3         3             1 
KTOS Short     14565         6.4           3   1         2            
    combined   +211%
LOCK Long      25545         3.8           4   1         NONE         NONE
LOCK Short     13841         7.1           4             2            
    combined   +267%
LXRX Long      23331         13.6          5             2             2 
LXRX Short     14432         6             3   1         1            
    combined   +240%
NKTR Long      26264         9.5           5             1            
NKTR Short     16094         7             4             1            
    combined   +336%
NPTN Long      27974         11.5          4   1         1             1 
NPTN Short     12896         24.3          3   1         2             2 
    combined   +272%
NUS Long       21890         15.2          5             1             1 
NUS Short      13274         10.4          4             2             1 
    combined   +198%
X Long         29502         35.7          3   2         2             1 
X Short        14079         20.2          3   1         1             1 
    combined   +363% 



                  8/11/2016        Our Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14 
                                          have properly kept us long as the SP-500, NASDAQ and
                                          DJI all made all-time high closings today.  With a little more
                                          follow-through, I would say that the path of least resistance
                                          is up.

                                          Some minor profit-taking is a short-term, but it looks like there will
                                          be much more upside progress ahead.  It would be nice to see
                                          an increase in Up-Hour and Advancing Stocks' Volume. The
                                          Hourly DJI's OBV Line broke its uptrend-line today and the
                                          V-Indicator is only slightly positive.  But bullishly, there were 768
                                          more up than down on the NYSE. TECL and SOXL both rose. 

                                          Long depressed Emerging Economies' ETFs like those of Brazil and Latin
                                          America (LBJ) continued to rise, boosted no doubt by the big jump in Crude
                                          Oil prices.  Considering how beaten down ETFs like BRZU, LBJ
                                          and UBR are, they should remain exceptionally strong, certainly as long
                                          as their Closing Powers are rising and Peerless does not give a Sell signal.

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

wpe17.jpg (12845 bytes)

                      Table 1 below shows how well certain leveraged ETFs can be
                      traded on the long side, buying when Peerless gives a reversing Buy signal
                      and selling when Peerless gives a Sell Signal.  The best are

                                                       A starting $10,000
                                                    would have now become
                    BRZU   3x Brazil                     $41,266
                    UBR     2x Brazil                     $26,456
                    LBJ       Latin Amer.               $24,498
                    SOXL    Semi-Cond.                $21,217

                    What makes BRZU so interesting is how well Peerless does in the past with
                    it.   See http://tigersoft.com/BRAZIL/index.html   If the world economy is,
                    in fact, turning back upwards, as suggested by the strength we see in foreign
                    ETFs, YINN and Crude Oil. then BRZU along with UBR and LBJ could rise
                    a lot more.  We have only to look at the 5-year charts of previously depressed
                    JNUG and NUGT to see how far back upwards BRZU could still move.

                    "Long and Short"      "Long"            Short
                    2001                +78.6%                   +31.5%             +35.8%
                    2002                    +62.1%                 +8.1%            +50.0%
                    2003                 +122.8%                +124.9%            
                    2004                   +87.2%                 +63.5%           +14.5%
                    2005                   +45.6%                 +45.6%            no trades
                    2006                  +133.7%                +74.3%            +34.1%
                    2007                  +141.1%               +119.8%           +12.5%
                    2008                 +155.3%                 +18.8%           +115.0%
                    2009                 +110.2%                +108.8%             +1.0%    
                    2010                   +29.3%                  +18.5%            +9.2%
                    2011                   +87.2%                  +24.3%           +50.6%
                    2012                  data not available
                    2013                   +55.3%               
 -14.2%             +59.4%
  -29.4%                  -64.7%             +30.0%
                    2015                  +471.9%                +58.2                +258.7%
                    2015-2016         +583.2%                +367.0%          +38.5%

                                                            BRZU DAILY

                                                          BRZU WEEKLY




Table 1
   Peerless returns on Leveraged ETF Longs over 50% in last Year,
                      excluding precious metals.
Peerless Signals and Trading Gains Starting with $10000
 8/ 17/ 15- 8/ 11/ 16
Symbol        $10000.       Biggest--     Gains/Losses  5% Stops-     10% Stops
------        becomes       Paper----     ------------  triggered     triggered
------        -------       Loss Pct
BRZU Long      41266         33.3          3   2         3             1 
BRZU Short     12163         55.1          2   2         2             2 
CURE Long      16418         3.9           3   2                      
CURE Short     13606         4.1           3   1                      
DRN Long       18461         16.3          5             1             1 
DRN Short      12736         17.2          3   1         1             1 
EDC Long       17141         31.8          3   2         2             1 
EDC Short      13472         17.8          2   2         1             1 
INDL Long      16700         30.3          3   2         2             1 
INDL Short     16158         9             3   1         1            
LBJ Long       24498         27.4          3   2         3             1 
LBJ Short      12010         40            2   2         2             2 
RETL Long      18147         12            4   1         2             1 
RETL Short     13441         6.2           3   1         1            
ROM Long       15286         5.9           3   2         1            
ROM Short      13192         6.6           4             1            
SOXL Long      21217         11.2          3   2         1             1 
SOXL Short     13599         13.2          4             1             1 
TECL Long      17252         9.4           2   3         1            
TECL Short     13622         11            4             1             1 
TNA Long       18676         12.4          2   3         2             1 
TNA Short      14950         10.5          4             1             1 
TQQQ Long      16675         9.4           3   2         2            
TQQQ Short     14825         5.9           4             1            
UBR Long       26456         21.4          3   2         2             1 
UBR Short      10722         37.7          2   2         2             2 
UDOW Long      15556         7             3   2         1            
UDOW Short     12348         10.3          2   2         1             1 
UPRO Long      15335         9.8           3   2         1            
UPRO Short     12563         9.8           2   2         1            
URE Long       15116         9             5             1            
URE Short      11906         9.1           3   1         1            
URTY Long      18702         12.3          2   3         2             1 
URTY Short     14876         10.6          4             1             1 
USD Long       17395         6.5           4   1         1            
USD Short      12897         9             4             1            
UWM Long       15447         8.1           3   2         1            
UWM Short      13203         6.8           4             1            
YINN Long      15986         32.7          3   2         3             1 
YINN Short     16287         13.7          2   2         1             1 



                 8/10/2016         Our Peerless Buys (Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B14
                                          still stand.  The Hourly DJI and Utilities are now at good
                                          short-term support, but today's trading produced short-term
                                          red (optimized Tiger) Sells on IWM, MDY, SPY, VGK, XOP
                                          and YINN.  A small retreat for them would not be a bad thing.
                                          It would permit some consolidation and base-building.

                                          I have to remain bullish until Peerless gives a major Sell.

                                          Two new pieces of research support that conclusion.  First,
                                          I mentioned the importance of semi-conductors as "canaries
                                          in the coal mine", warning of trouble.  That is particularly true
                                          of Texas Instruments (TXN).  Since as far back as 1987, but
                                          probably further, TXN has marked tops for it AND the overall
                                          market by showing very timely, bearish head/shoulders patterns. 
                                          Since TXN shows none now, I think we must give it, SOXL and the market
                                          as a whole more room to run.  See the study I am developing
                                          further below.

                                          Secondly, we are now in the Presidential Election Year, of course.
                                          Since 1916, when the US was not itself at war or in a worsening
                                          Depression or Financial crisis, the market has shown a strong
                                          tendency to rally over the next three months when the Democrat
                                          running for President was far out in front of the Republican. 

                                          Like it or now, Trump keeps having problems conducting a successful
                                          campaign in search of independent voters.  His problems are mostly of
                                          his own making, but they also provide the establishment media just what they
                                          need to work him over even more.  I had thought his needless clashes
                                          with so many other people would quickly end after his Nomination.  That
                                          is not the case.  So, his poll numbers are weakening and his lack of 
                                          diplomatic and political skills appear now to be making him his own worst
                                          enemy.  Hillary Clinton is quite vulnerable, but Trump keeps turning
                                          attention away from her failings to his own.  That helps Democrats
                                          and should aid stock market bulls until November.

                                          Historically, the market seems to like Democrats in most Augusts, Septembers
                                          and Octobers up to the Presidential Election.  My new research on this topic
                                          suggests we should not sell yet.  If there is a retreat,  it will probably end up
                                          being only a constructive, sidewise consolidation as the market sets up for
                                          a rally into November.  This, at least, was the case in 1916, 1936, 1940, 1964
                                          and 19962012 was the main exception.

                                             Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                     (TXN) FORMS A BEARISH TOP PATTERN.

                  Before nearly every big DJI decline since 1987, TXN formed either a bearish
                  head/shoulders top pattern or a "hands above the head" speculative top.
                  All these charts will be shown tomorrow night.  This was true before the
                  January 2016 general market sell-off.  See chart below.  That we still do
                  not see a top developing in TXN should give us some faith that still higher
                  prices lie ahead for the general market. 

                   1987    Head/Shoulders 
                   1989    early Head/Shoulders
                   1990    "hands above the head" speculative top.
                   1997    Head/Shoulders
                   1998    Head/Shoulders
                   Jan 2000  Head/Shoulders
                   2000    Head/Shoulders
                   2002    Head/Shoulders
                   2007    Head/Shoulders
                   2008    Head/Shoulders
                   2010    Flat - DJI high not confirmed
                   2011    Head/Shoulders
                   Aug 2015    already falling
                   Jan 2016  Head/Shoulders

                           WHEN DEMS WIN WHITE HOUSE: 1916-2012.

                                                                    (All DJI charts)

            DJI Chart              Aug        Sept         Oct          Nov             Aug 10    Nov 7      Background
           1916  377 vs 254   up           up            up            flat                98.10      107.2      US not at war.
           1932  472 vs 59     up           flat           down       down            69.4          64.6       Depression worsening
           1936  523 vs 8       flat          up            up            down           168.8       188.3      Depression not worsening.
           1940  449 vs 82     up           flat           up            down           126.4       137.8      US not at war.
           1944  432 vs 99     down      up            flat           up                145.7       147.9      US at war.

           1948  303 vs 189   down      flat           up            down           180          178.4      Dewey expected to win  
           1964  486 vs 52     up           up            flat           down           829.4       876.9      US not at war.
           1976  297 vs 240   flat          down       up             up                999.43     943.07   Economic Stagnation.
           1996  379 vs 159   flat          up            up             up               5681         6206      Bull Market
           2008  365 vs 173   flat          down       down       down          11734        8943       Depression worsening

           2012  332 vs 206   up           up           down        down          13208       12933     Economic Stagnation.
                                         5 up        6 up        6 up          3 up               6 up
                                         2 down   2 down    3 down     7 down          5 down
                  8-9-2016       See Hotline here.              

                  8-8-2016       Our Peerless Buys
(Buy B3, Buy B19, Buy B20 and Buy-B1 
                                        still stand.  Though the DJI slipped back a little, there were
                                        more up than down and the Hourly DISI/OBV trend is still rising, too.
                                        The DIA's Closing Power's trend is no longer up, but this indicator
                                        is decidedly pointing higher for the OEX, SPY, QQQ, IWM, TECL,
                                        SOXL, IBB and FAS.  Also making recovery highs today were
                                        the foreign ETFs, Brazil, emerging markets and YINN.

                                        I doubt if a turn downwards now by the DJI or the Utilities will stop
                                        the general movement higher.  There are enough periods when
                                        the DJ-15 falls while the DJI-30 rises , so that I think we should not
                                        place too much emphasis on it.  See Utilities since 1988 study.

                                        Generally speaking, Wall Street is probably pleased that Trump
                                        is dropping in the recent polls.  I also continue to believe that the
                                        FED will not raise rates until November, after the Presidential

Charts:  Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA    DIA     NetIDOSC for DJI-30
                                             SPY  QQQ   IWM 

                                             DJI-Utilities  REITS  A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             SOXL  TECL   IBB    FAS   Crude Oil 
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                             Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs    Bearish MINCPs
                                    Charts of Key ETFs 

                                        The Peerless Buys and Sells have worked well for most of the
                                        last year.  "It's important to do nothing if nothing needs to be done"
                                        (JFK, the conservative.)

                                            Tiger Index of Stocks                 Peerless Signals' Gain
                                                                                                 since Oct 28, 2015
                                                                                                 (Buying and Selling Short
                                                                                                 at opening the day after
                                                                                                 a reversing Peerless signal)

                                            DJI-30                                         50.9%
                                            OEX-100                                     51.1% 
                                            QQQ-100                                    48.2%
                                            SP-500                                        44.3%
                                            RUSS-1000                                 46.7% 
                                            BIG BANKS                               91.0%
                                            BIOTECHS                               106.2%
                                            COMMODITIES                   only +12.5%
                                            FOREIGN ETFS                       136.6%
                                            GOLD                                      only 15.1%
                                            NIFTY-35                                    54.7%
                                            OIL STOCKS                          only 14.0%

                                            FAS                                            +117% 
                                            IBB                                               +63.4%
                                            SOXL                                         +195.8%
                                            TECL                                         +143.3%
                                            TNA                                           +190.8%

                              Tiger says to sell SOXL.  Peerless does not say to sell it yet.
                              42.6 is its 5-year high.  See second weekly chart below.  We
                              should get back there on this advance.

        Weekly Resistance on SOXL                
