wpe4.jpg (10691 bytes)              QUESTIONS
              and ANSWERS

                 Questions posed by visitors to the site
                    and Answers made by TigerSoft

Tiger Software
          Stock Market Charts and Analysis

        Highly Profitable, Time-Tested Automatic Buy and Sell Signals

               Last Updated   8/20/2009  

                       More Recent 

                         8/20/2009   from RG
          I'm considering buying the Peerless software. 
                        Could you please send me a screen shot on the program showing
                        all the buy and sell signals For this year?

                        Here is the current Peerless chart.  The biggest loss was the July 2009 Sell S10.
                        At the time, the Hotline warned that the S10's decline was not confirmed by
                        A/D Line as it was always in the past in all earlier cases, except for one case.  
                        The program should probably be adjusted for this.  But I like showing these
                        signals, as they were all done real-time.
                        The gains reflect the trades as if they were closed out on  8/19/2009 and 
                        include the bad July S10.  Even with this loss, the gains are substantial and
                        could easily have been  made trading any of the major market ETFs.

                        You already have TigerSoft.  So this will entend you data subscription by
                        3 months and also get you our nightly Hotline.

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                         8/20/2009   from JP - Florida
                        1.        Using the Tiger Tahiti system, should we buy the #1 stock as it Turns #1 .
                        or wait until end of the Quarter ?

                        I would, not wait, The back-testing was mechanical. It had to be.

                        2.        Can I use a combination of the Nasdaq -100 and Dow-30 in my portfolio of #1’s .
                       (7 total positions ) .
                        Yes.  I would do this, too,  But the testing was limited. 

                        3.        If the answer to the first question is yes , then should I stick with it
                       ( even if it loses the top spot by the end of the quarter)?

                      No. I would not.

                        4.        Your blog states that the Nasdaq could be traded for 21 month hold.
                       Should it have the same hold time as the Dow-30 stock?
                      No. I don't think so.  There is too much volatility there.
                       I would use the principle that a confirmed decline
                       below the 65-day ma should be used ofr a sell or the turning down of the 50-day ma.


                         "3 International ETFs I watch are FXI, EEM and EWZ. They are all currently bullish but I’d like to
                            ask your general advice on how to spot sudden weakness, if possible. Before this latest rally
                            they all lost significantly before rebounding. " MD (Arizona)

                                                                           Our reply.

M.D., the automatic Buys and Sells on the DJIA from our Peerless Stock Market Timing
                           test well with these
Chinese, Emerging Markets and Brazil ETFs.  Last year Peerless
                           was all you needed to know.  See this link:

                            The current charts of FXI and EEM are rated bullish in all respects. They remains on
                            red Buys.  EWZ seems unable to make a new high compared with May.  That is the
                            one I would be careful about short-term.  In general, using Peerless should help the most.

                                                        Here Are Their Charts for 2007-2008.

                            But though Peerless gets the Buys and Sells right for the DJI time after time, these
                            other markets could de-couple, I suppose, from the US markets.  In this case, I
                            would use price chart analysis - including price trendlines, key moving averages
                            and spotting price patterns PLUS TigerSoft's Closing Power trend-breaks and
                            Tiger's Accumulation Index.   When the Accumulation Index is high and the 50-day
                            ma are rising, a decline may occur after +10% plus decline and a failure of the
                            next rally to make a new high.  That is what happened in October 20007 for FXI.

                            Most important, use trend-breaks of the Closing Power, especially if the stock shows
                            lower levels of Accumulation or has a flat or falling 50-day ma.

                            Take FXI for the period 2007-2008 for example, first.
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                            Take EEM for the period 2007-2008 next.  From a short-term point of view, the
                   failure of EEM at its top to stay above its breakout at 53; then the turning down of
                   of the 21-day ma; and finally the breaks in the Closing Power uptrends all warned of
                   of a top.  The biggest breaks in price followed the turning down of the 50-day ma,
                   much eaker Accumulation Index readings, breaks in Closing Power Trends and
                  also a head and shoulders pattern.
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                              Finally look EWZ for the period 2007-2008.   Initially, the zone between
                        the rising 50-day ma and 65 day ma (not shown) act as support, not unexpectedly
                        with the Accumulation Index rising.  By June 2008, the internal weaknesses
                        had reached a breaking point.  Note the 7 month divergence between
                        prices and Closing Power, the head and shoulders pattern, the negative
                        Accumulation Index and falling Closing Power.  EWZ was about to fall by
                        two thirds in 5 months!
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                                          William Schmidt - TigerSof


                          "Sir, Send me the graph for Google, GE and MSFT (using ) TigerSoft's Automatic Trading
                           programs. With regards, V.P."  (Malaysia)

                          "In my opinion that charts demonstrate:
                                            GOOG is a hold.
                                            GE should be sold on present rally.
                                            MSFT is close to a new trading Buy."

                                          William Schmidt - TigerSoft

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        12/27/2008  "I would appreciate a forecast on Continental Airlines and Apollo...That would be great."
                             AP - Unied Kingdom)

                             CAL - The recent peaks at 20 seem a good target but a dip due to the red Sell there
                             would not be surprising.  So much depends on what happens to Crude Oil's trend.
                                   See -
Mastering Crude Oil's Roller Coaster Ride: 2006-2008
                             We have been on a Sell on Oil for months.  A rally in crude oil would seem overfue.
                             Our internal strength indicators are still rising for CAL.  But I would have you also know
                             that our TigerSoft Buys and Sells have gained 256.1% on Continetal AIrlines.  So trading
                             it has a lot of appeal, more than buying and holding.  

                             I have erased the top lines of the charts that show what the basis of the signals is and
                             their performance.  These appear with every new stock you graph with TigerSoft.
                             Get our software and you will immediately see the best trading system for the past year.
                             That system should keep  on working until there is a trend-change. 
                             APOL has broken its uptrend in Closing Power and its OBV is much lower than
                            it was on last rally to these levels.  Relative strength is good.  The short-term Buys
                            and Sells on it are very profitable. gaining almost 198,1% for the last year!
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                            I came across your web site by accident. Lots of great and quality information. 
                            Your web site requires at least a week to read and digest.   I am looking to get your
                            products but am confused as to where to start.  
                            I am an EOD swing trader, looking for good a good stock or 2 per day for a swing
                            trade (that would last for 4-5 days). What should I order ?

                            Where should I start ? AV

Each of our programs (Peerless Stock Market Timing, TigerSoft  and Power-Ranker) 
                            will help.  The overall market's biggest swings are predicted by the automatic Peerless signals.
We Have been calling Stock Market Tops and Bottoms Real-Time since 1981

Peerless Stock Market Timing - Calling All Tops and Bottoms
                                  Automatic Buy/Sells Back-Tested to 1915.

TigerSoft's automatic Buys and Sells plus our powerful internal strength indicators are
                            essential.   You asked about IPHS and BRCM.  Here below are their charts,
                            Currently, the technical picture  for IPHS is mixed because the Tiger Closing Power
                            has not turned up.  This is a volatile stock. of course, and the current best trading
                            system is based on its stregth versus the DJI, which is on a Buy.  BRCM has rising
                            intenrals and is still on a Buy.  The Closing Power works wel with it.  The Buys and
                            Sels have gained 90% over the last year.
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                         I have noticed that the Japanese yen is reaching its all time high close to 124/125
                          (as in March/April 1995).  What is your opinion about a possible blow off top in the near future ? 
Here are current TigerSoft charts Japanese Yen and that of 1995.   My advise, use a
                         break in the Closing Power to go short a modest position.  Add to it when the
                         Tiger Accumulation Index goes negative.

                                                  Japanese Yen - 2008

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                                            Japanese Yen - 1995
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6/20/2008      from CB
I am wondering if you have had a chance to check out the oil penny stocks I had given you a list
                        of at the last meeting. I am planning to invest in some of them so I would like to have your feedback
                        as to which ones seem to be the soundest. Please let me know what you think. What is the next
                        meeting date, I have a friend that would like to join."

                      :Please go to http://www.tigersoftware.com/TigerBlogs/June23-2008/index.html   I tried to answer
                       your questions there.  Meetings are the first Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday like
                       July 4th, in which case, we would have it on the second Saturday. 


7/27/2007 from DR

                   "I had called earlier today and had so many questions
                    that I thought it would be better if I sent them in
                    email form. The person who answered the call was very

Question      "Does your timing system require a data
I already have a data subscription from
                     Equis (Reutersdatalink) that is delivered in Metastock
                     format. Will that work for your software?"

Answer     No. You could put the data in by hand.  But it's too
               easy to make a mistake that way.  You will need data
               which you will want to either take from the WSJ, ID
               or our data page. Not all 7 of the required data elements
              needed are available elsewhere on-line.

                   Our data is provided for free for 3 months after the
              purchase of a Special from us, or each time a software
              module   (Peerless, TigerSoft and Power-Ranker)
              is bought.   Many people renew for a year for $150,
              because they find the updating very simple.

                  The Peerless data may be entered by hand. In the early 80's, 
             that was how we did it when we began. Besides the day's date,
             you will need to enter only 11 items.   So, it can be done by hand. 
              The data for TigerSoft, as distinguished from Peerless,
              may also be gotten from most vendors who allow you to
              put their data into an ascii format.  Use our converter
              for that purpose.  I recommend using Dial Data or TC-2000.
              Probably 85% of our customers use one or the other.

   Question:     "I have seen Vectorvest's Timing system advertising
                        showing signals for MAJOR market turns while in small
                        print stating that not all signals are shown (false
                        signals). How would your signals be different?"

    Answer:    Und vat is a vector vest?  (Sorry, I love doing accents.)
               All the major Peerless signals are presented on our sites.  They
               may easily be replicated by you, back to 1965,  with the data
               we send. Minor signals, are usually left out here.  They are for
               short-term traders and for adding to positions when a clear trend
               is established. The Tiger optimized short-term signals for a year usually
              do superbly, when traded with the basic trend as defined by the
              Peerless major signals.

  "Will the software continue to work if you decide
                         to stop selling it? Does it require a signal from
                        your network to initialize the program each time I use

     Answer:    That would be mean, turnng off all the programs as as parting
               shot.   The programs work fine in our absence.  Many customers
               tell us they have used the programs for years and years without
               any mishaps or intervention by us.   I have many, many customers
               still who bought the software 25 years ago.

     Question:   "Is your system a black-box? Or, does the literature you provide
                explain how the signals are generated so that they can be back-checked?"

   Answer:  The system is partially open. The basic concepts behind each signal
              are given in the HELP routines of the software. But the precise formulae
              are not always avaiable. The basic formulae are unchanged since 1981.
              I am writing a new book showing the back-testing to 1915.  But I will
              probably put the exact parameters into the book, just the all-important
              concelts and formulae for the indicators used.  You can replicate all the
              signals back to 1965 with the data we provide.  And you can call or
              amail for clarification.  And we offer a nightly hotline, too, for people
              who want expansion on these details on an on-going basis and because
              they travel or just want someone else to do the work.

             Excellent questions...  William Schmidt 7/30/07


 7/23/2007      ... Perhaps youcould give me your thoughts on a couple of stocks, according to your
software.I currently am a big believer in oil, so I hold HAL, OMNI and ALY.  Thoughts?
How about ZOLT and IRF?    Thanks so much!  P.W. - Dallas, TX

Tiger - I hope this helps.  This is all time permits in the way of an answer now. Note that these
charts show automatic signals based on the optimal trading system for the stock and several internal
strength indices: OBV (aggressive buying), Tiger Accumulation Index (Institutional Buying/Selling) and
Relative Strength. . 

HAL - Rises and falls with Crude Oil futures.  The 12-month high today is not confirmed by OBV
(aggressive buying) but the Accumulation Index is positive.  It has out performed DJI since March.
The red arrows are based on the top trading system for the stock for the last year.   That system has
gained 57.4% for the last year, buying, selling and selling short.

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OMNI - This appears to have formed a minor head and shoulders top within in broad
trading range.  Note that a simple 14-day Stochastic would have generated profits of +120%
for the last year.  Note how the June peak and the November peak were not confirmed
by the OBV Lines making corresponding new highs.

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ALY - Short-term traders would have made +121.5% using a 4-day Stochastic with this
stock.  The history here shows that it trends well. Hold it until it breaks the uptrendline
shown above.  It has a rounding bottom and is on a run.  The Accumulation Index readings
are favorable now.

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Questions from Singapore and Answers by Tiger Software  

>1.	I trade options, and it appears your system is ideal for Index
>options. I'm unclear whether Tiger or Peerless is more appropriate for 
>this purpose. I also note that you have recently started a Tigersoft 
>Index options package.
     Yes - for index options you want to get the Peerless programs
  that place Peerless back-tested automatic Buys and Sells on all
  charts.  You will also get the 1-year optimized buys and sells
  and all the key internal strength indicators we use.
>2.	Stocks/Currencies/Commodities - that seems to be fairly
>straighforward - Tiger software is the most suitable for this. Am I 
    Yes - as you can see from our website, our software works well
with currencies, metals and even foods.
>3.	Books and reading - I note that your index options book is not
>available on your Ebay listing. Can this be included in a package for me?
    The Peerless Index Options' book is $38.  It is available as an
on-Line book.
>4.	The software package includes downloadable data for 3 months and
>thereafter a subsription service to you. Is that correct? Any specific 
>recommendations or issues on the data service for Singapore?
    Actually, with this package you will get free data from us for 7 months.
Thereafter, we charge $150/year.  We provide a lot of data.  More than 1200
stocks, indices, currencies, metals, food commodities.  
    We include an ascii data converter.  You will be able to take many
other data vendors' data and convert them to Tiger format.  When you 
find another vendor, get them to send me an example of their data so
that I can tell you if we can convert it.
>5.	Whilst I do have a basket of stocks I track, I also note you have a
>stock ranking system that picks the best stocks or options to trade. Is 
>that part of the overall Tigersoft software or is that a separate 
     The Tiger-Power-Ranker is $295 additonal to the above mentioned Peerless/
Tiger programs.  It screens and ranks up to 1000 stocks per directory and
up to 10 different directories with one command.  In this way, you can quickly
find the stocks that are the highest Power-Ranked, most accumulated, breaking out,
pulling back to key moving averages, giving Stochastic Buy signals and much,
much more.

     Very important: Buy getting all our software, we provide you
at no cost our nightly hotline and weekly screening of all stocks.
In this way, you can see how we are using the same software and
make money at the same time.
>6.  >Choosing a basket of best stocks to trade is the most difficult part of 
>getting started in my opinion, so that would be an important part of of 
>my purchase package.
     Presently we offer data for the following groups of stocks that are 
updated each night and the Tiger-Power-Ranker program can then screen
and rank:
             Multi-purpose group - 450 leading stocks,indices, currencies
      metals and commodities.
             Oil/Gas Stocks - 300+ 
             Biotechs and Biomedical - 300+
             Housing - 35 stocks
             Gold/Silver - 35 stocks 
             Non-US ETFS - 40 country funds
             NASDAQ-100 - 100 stocks
             DJIA-30  - 30 stocks
             FTSE - 80 stocks
             HOT-STOCKS - 450+ those making new highs recently             
             LOWPRICE - 400+ stocks under $4/share
             OPTIONABLE STOCKS - 300 stocks
             FIDELITY SECTOR FUNDS - 44
>6.	Shipping to Singapore - that's not listed in the Ebay site. Hope you
>can provide information on this.
             The Software can be shipped for $10 by International
Priority Mail.  Books cost about $25/apiece.  
             I would suggest getting my books Explosive Super Stocks
and Using Tiger's Accumulation Index to Sell Short Stocks Showing Insider Selling.
($55 apiece plus $25 shipping apiece.)
>7.	Overall payment - I would be happy to wire funds to your account if
>purchasing via Ebay is not suitable for my location, but I hope you 
>will be able to keep the special prices you post on Ebay for me.
            It's easiest to pay by Visa or MC.  Just email me in several
parts your email VISA/MC number and expiration date.  The software
is sent on a CD with instructions, but it can be downloaded from our site
to save time.
>   JB - Singapore


About Peerless, I have a few questions about your software and auction.
First, your auction says both 3 or 6 months of free data, and I wanted to confirm
which one it is.

>>>>Purchase of either Peerless Stock Market Timing or TigerSoft
gives you 3 months of data free from us. Both gets you 7 months.


Also, have you started taking paypal? Your auction says you don't, but I noticed
some of your feedback mention paypal. Sending money orders can be such a pain.

>>>> Call us at 858-273-5900 and give us a VisA OR MC.

Regarding your software, I would like to know how much of it you explain.
Meaning, do you describe how you create your indicators, or is it black box?

>>>> You will need to buy the Short Selling book to learn the key formulae.
But the Help routines give to a very good idea of what each signal is based on.
You will also find this information in our Nightly Hotline, as the signals

I have been trading for over five years now, and I love the markets, and I
really enjoy learning new things. But I am not interested in just a signal
generator. Any specific information you could give me regarding disclosure
of your system would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind paying for information,
but I want to make sure it is the type of information that will help me learn
more about the markets. Thank you for your time.

>>>Ours is not a black box system if you get the Short Selling book and Peerless.
The exact parameters are not available, however. The general conditions are clear
and time-tested, real-time since 1981. For example, a B2 takes place in a
Presidential Election year as the DJI tags the lower band. (The lower band
parameters are readily determined.)

From Shawn   on 12/24/2006

Does Tiger Software work for the NYSE stocks like VLO, COP OR CVX--Oil stocks??
Thats what I trade on a daily basis... thanks

Reply - Sure does.  But sometimes keeping it simple works best.
Here are the charts you mentioned.  See how successfully simple
approaches work, likes trading range support and resistance levels, trendlines,
regression channels. even before using Tiger's Optimized Buys and
Keep It Simple, if it works!

From Mark in UK on 5/15/2006

Hello, Can you tell me the cost for shippimg to the UK?
If you have the time I would like to know what your software
did for the following stocks SIRI PKTR SBUX ..Thank you Mark

Reply: We send them international priority mail
for $9.00 This offer includes data on 80 of the
100 FTSE stks, 40 country ETFS, currencies,
commodities and about 1200 other stocks.

Below are the charts you asked for.  Note the Automatic
Buys and Sells.  But also, see if you can understand
the importance of watching the Tiger Accumulation
Index, especially when new highs are made or
attempted.  If the Accumulation Indes is Red
(negative), there is the strong likelihood that
Big Money has been tipped of by Insiders to Sell.
If this sounds too harsh, read what our site says
about such Insider Selling when it comes to finding
good short sales
.  See how useful it is to watch for
this in the current market environment with our
most important, and original, indicator.

SBUX.gif (14800 bytes)
SIRI.gif (18531 bytes)
PKTR.gif (15270 bytes)
From England on 1/22/2006.

Can you give users a way to use the Yahoo free data
on individual stocks.  And can I see the chart of Barclay's.

Reply:   Give me a few days... But know
that our programs are really set up to monitor
a universe of stocks.  It will be easier for you to use
a data source, like ours, which lets you download
many, many stocks' data at once.   Meanwhile,
here is chart of Barclay's.  I will add its symbol
to the list of stocks we provide on our site
as part of getting the TigerSoft package.

BCS.gif (25408 bytes)


From England 1/15/2006

Please show me signals on HPQ, CSCO and GM.
I trade these.

Reply - That's easy.  See below.

HPQ.gif (19832 bytes)
CSCO.gif (20341 bytes)
GM.gif (20628 bytes)

From Nataniel   11/18/2005   

Dear William,

I am interested in buying your software. A few questions, if you please:

1. I am trading with Trade Station. Do I receive the formulas so I will be able to program the models for
Trade Station? 

ANSWER: I can give you the formulae for the major indicators if you sign a non-disclosure statement.

2. What is the max drowdown for DJIA, S&P500 and NASDAQ signals?

ANSWER: This is, of course, very important.  The time it would take to compute these
for the longer term studies makes this difficult, but I have done this for the QQQQ going
back to 1999.  Please go to this link.   It will show you the paper losses trading the
QQQQ using the Peerless NASDAQ Timing Software that comes with the
TigerSoft program.

The charts for the DJI and SP-500 show the signals back to 1965 and 1970, respectively.
That should give you an idea what the biggest paper losses were.  The Peerless DJI
system, by itself, without reckoning the NASDAQ major B8 in October 1999, had its
biggest loss early in 2000, when the DJI rose nearly 20% against a major Sell S9.
The biggest losses on the Buy side are very small.  I believe there are none more
than 10%.

3. Are your models signal at the end of the trading day or in the middle of the session?

ANSWER: We base all our respults on end-of-day data.  You can put in dummy numbers
to see the effects of a new day's trading would hypotheticaly affect the results.  In addition,
we have plenty of tools for day traders who want to get projected highs and lows.

Best regards and keep your great work,



From Stephen in Perth, Australia on 10/30/2005

I am in Australia does Tigersoft only work on the Nasdaq or can I use it on the ASX
by importing metastock format data? How many years data is provided int the package for Nasdaq?


Your Metastock formatted data can be converted to an Ascii format using
Metastock and then to TigerSoft format using our software.  Once set up
with the parameters, the conversion is very quick each night.  Lots of users
do this each night.

Below is a current chart of IAF - the AberdeEn Australia Equity Fund. 
This is one of the best ways to chart the Australian Stock Market in the US.
It is already among the data that we offer each nigh
  As you can see, TigerSoft
works really well with the IAF. The gain for the past 12 months using the best
system for the last year with it is more than 48% and that includes a commission and
slippage of $40 per trade on $10000 initially invested.

A year of data for 900+ stocks is included.  There is also data for a year on 450 stocks
for the year 2000 so that you can see the topping out process and a year of data for
2002 so that you can see the bear market and bottoming process.  The NASDAQ
has data going back to 1986.

IAF.gif (19811 bytes)

From Aaron on 10/5/2005

How long do you think it should take to reach here in Canada? and do you have any information
about I can gather Canadian stock data? mostly just stocks on the TSX. Sorry about asking about more
charts but you could you give me the 1 yr chart of the Nasdaq Composite and the stock FWLT (Foster Wheel Ltd.).
Also is there way to get data for some Nasdaq or AMEX stocks that you do not provide? Thanks very much.


We send out the software by international priority mail.  It takes 3-4 days usually.
I am sending with your order the name & phone number of a broker-customer in
Vancouver.  He said he would be glad to give you some guidance on getting data
on Canadian stocks for TigerSoft.  As you can see from the write-up on our
site and elsewhere we do provide data for free for 3 months off thje internet.
You may also purchase it afterwards for $150 for a year.  Our conversion
programs will help you if you use another data vendor. 

Here are the charts you asked for.

FWLT.gif (16684 bytes)
NASD2.gif (13541 bytes)


Hi, so I can trade Canadian stocks with the software? Such as IMO (Imperial Oil)? It would be amazing
if you could show me a chart of the buy and sell signals for this stock in the last year.... Thanks very much.


That's easy to do.  I just downloaded the stock from Dial Data and here is the
result.  I added the major Buys and Sells from the Peerless DJI program.

The four best systems for trading the stock are shown by TigerSoft with
different arrows.  The Red arrows show the reversing signals for the best system. 
The top line shows that its gains were 108% over the last year.  This is
excellent for a stock that is generally not very volatile. Read the chart closely for
some other messages about internal strength.

TigerSoft will take you to new heights with added safety.  Its signals and internal strength
indicators are to be trusted.  We provide data on nearly 900 stocks for free for 3 months. 
After that you can data from us for $150 a year or $20/month.  You can also convert data
gotten from other sources to our format.  IMO is one of the stocks. 

IMO.gif (17412 bytes)


Which software will show me charts of individual stocks like
Clorox...Does this program require any other software like trade
station or esignal.

Thank you Steven


The Tootsie Roll TR chart is shown below.  The four best systems for trading the
stock are shown by TigerSoft with different arrows.  The Red arrows show the
reversing signals for the best system.  The top line shows that its gains were 30%
over the last year.  This is excellent for a stock that is generally not very volatile.
Read the chart closely for some other messages about internal strength.

TigerSoft is the program you want. Its signals and internal strength indicators are great,
as you can see. We provide data on 460 stocks for free for 3 months.  After that you can
data from us for $150 a year or $20/month.  You can also convert data gotten from
other sources to our format.  TR is one of the stocks. 

CLX is not volatile enough to be traded fruitfully by our software.  Our best system
has only gained 14% on it for the last year. It is on a Sell.  The best system is based
on the turns of its 50-day mvg,avg.  I hope this helps.  TigerSoft is very powerful
and very easy to use and interpret. What could be easier than looking at the Buy
and Sell arrows on the stocks you are interested in.

Bill - TigerSoft

TR.gif (19664 bytes)


What is difference between Peerless and Tiger?


Dear Samtel111,

Thanks for the query.  Peerless signals are based on the DJI.  It is back-tested to 1965.  Its
intermediate-term and long-term signals work best with the SP-500, fidelity funds and most stocks.
TigerSoft produces 1 year optimized Buys and Sells on everything (indices, stocks (domestic and foreign),
currencies and commodities.  TigerSoft also shows automatic BUYS and SELLS on the NASDAQ,
based on back-testing to 1986.  It excels at showing traders how to trade volatile technology stocks.
And it includes many powerful internal strength indicators.

Below are three typcial charts.  The first is from Peerless.  The second and third come from

Here is a recent chart of the DJI using Peerless:

dji.gif (13609 bytes)

Here is a recent chart of NASDAQ
NASD.gif (12197 bytes)

Here is a chart of  EBAY.
EBAY.gif (18425 bytes)



4/26/2005 from Irwan
I saw your website and have the following questions about your products:

1. Do you give STOP values in your buy and sell signals
(e.g. in "Peerless DJIA/Nasdaq Buy and Sell signals") ?
Results can be improved and trading can be made safer
using stops. We recommend their use if the stock has well-tested
support just below a point where the stock has been bought or a
well-tested resistance level just above the point where the
stock has been sold short, especially if these levels are flat
and the stock is over-extended.

2. What is the average holding period ?
The Peerless NASDAQ system started in 1986. There have been
77 positions taken, 76 trades completed. So there are about
3.8 trades a year, once every 3 months approximately. The
Peerless DJI system has been backtested to 1965. It averages
one trade every 4 months.

3. What is the average gain/loss in percentage ?
The Peerless NASDAQ system has averaged 9.85% per
completed trade. It has been short since 1/3/05 from 2152.15.
The Peerless DJI system has averaged a gain of 7.4%.
Individual stocks and indices vary widely using the
optimized Buys and Sells.  With them, one cane take
whatever trading approach one wants and trade the
vehicles that currently suit that desired holding period.

4. Is there an explanation what the signals mean e.g. B9, B12, S10?
The Software's HELP section gives you definitions and suggestions
for each signal.  The numbering system is simply a convenience.
The numbers order does not connote strength or frequency.

5. Is your software (the one you sell for $295) suitable for indexes only
or also for stocks ? Does this software also give signals for "explosive super
stocks"?  Does your software have the scan facility to search for example for
"Super stocks" ?     We have three software packages.
First, the Peerless DJI system covers only
the DJI and is backtested to 1965. It sells for $295 now.
It gives these signals automatically.  And many, many
investors have come to trust it.

Second, we offer the Peerless NASDAQ System
with automatic signals for stocks and indices. 
It is now offered at $195 (though that price is only offered
thru the end of April.  It is normally $295 also.  It comes
with a 2 week trial period.)  This is the package I call
"TigerSoft".  It includes the NASDAQ timing system,
all the Buy and Sell signals for individual stocks as well
as the optimized signals.  It does show the signals that typically
occur with an explosive super stock, like B12, B20, B24.

It does not rank and flag these conditions from a 1000
or more stocks.  That is done by our Power-Ranker
Software which is included in the full $695 package.
The full package also includes our ESP services for free for 6 months.

6. Is your software able to read Metastock files ? If not is there a
utility to convert Metastock files ? 
The latest version of Metastock files cannot be read. We
can convert ascii data to Tiger usage. Perhaps, Metastock
offers a converter of it data to ascii format. We do. In
any case, all the data on 460 stocks and indices can be
gotten from our site for 3 months for free. After that it is
$20 a month.

7. Is there a possibility for trial of the software ? We sometimes do offer a
2 week trial for the Peerless NASDAQ and TigerSoft Automatic
signaling programs for stocks, which also gives optimized signals
on whatever is graphed, stocks, indices, commodities, currencies. These
optimizations have enormous value and they are fully automatic.
Instructions are provided for their best use.  The price this way is usually

8. Is there a possibility of a trial for the ESP service? 
The ESP services, thrice weekly Hotline Bullish & Bearish
special situations and weekly reveiw of all stocks come only
with the full package (which is $695).

Thanks for the inquiry. "Try it...You'll like it"!

William Schmidt

I am interested in purchasing your product can you provide me an analysis
of JNPR, QQQQ and SMH or an overview from your system and I will
purchase the product. Appreciate your desire to help retail investors like me.
Good luck with your product Thanks VJ

First, get a sense of the market as a whole.  Our NASDAQ Peerless has
been on a Sell for some time now.  Then look at the QQQQ.   Its chart
shows it is on the verge of breaking below its nested mvg.avgs.  That would
be bearish.  The automatic Buy gives us hope for a reversal upwards here.
But it would likely be a short-term rally,  judging from the indicator giving the Buy.
(This is not shown in the chart here to protect our hard work.) Then look at
the stocks you mentioned.  I would trade them in the direction of the NASDAQ
Peerless system or if the QQQQ can quickly get back above its key support.
We provide a lot of documentation on our internal strength indicators.  These
do not look really good for SMH or JNPR at this juncture.  Hope this helps.
The software should pay for itself quickly.


2/26/2005 - from Dwariko in Australia

Hello there. I am living in Australia, would your programs
work for the ASX. Can I configure the software to take
the data from an australian data vendor. Thanks Dwariko


Great question. The TigerSoft program works really well
with the ASX. The gain for the past 12 months using the best
system is more than 60% and that includes a commission and
slippage of $40 per trade on $10000 initially invested.
I have posted the ASX chart here.

asx.gif (22157 bytes)

That data for ASX  is offered regularly on our own data site.
But after three months you can convert your own data,
if it is in ascii format,  to TIGER. I can also do a custom
conversion for you for a small fee if you like. This
software will work well with most Australian stocks
provided there is reliable data for the daily volume, opening,
high, low and close. 


2/25/2005 - from Pauline in UK
Hi, I would be grateful if you could give me some advise.
I am in the UK and currently spread trade the FTSE and DJIA short
to medium term(up to 3-4months). I have never used a charting
package as I have just used the free online charts at Bigcharts.
I'm not sure if your 2 offerings are for the same software,
or if they are different, which would be most suitable for me.
Also are they fairly easy to set up and run?           
Many thanks Pauline frrom UK

Thanks for your good questions. The two packages are different.
PEERLESS is a market timing program that gives Buy and Sell
signals on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It has been back-tested
to 1965 and over and over again has proven itself real-time,
for those trading instruments such as index futures, index funds,
index options, but also most stocks and mutual funds. The Dow Jones
average's highs and lows correspond closely to most stocks
fluctuations.  Whether you trade volatile stocks or safer blue chips,
the PEERLESS major BUYs and SELLs can add a great deal
to your winning totals.

TIGERSOFT program gives Buy and Sell signals on individual
stocks, currencies, mutual funds as well as indices. It does
so by optimizing a year's worth of data through the prism of
more than 50 different trading systems. An additional 50 systems
can be optimized with a second command. I have set up a current
chart of the BP, showing the "perpetual futures" for the BP in
US dollars. (Perpetual contracts lump in all futures' volume
but use the prices of the next contract to expire 20 days out.)

The British Pound chart shown via this link displays the Buy and Sell
arrows for a 100 different systems automatically reduced to just three.
The program also shows you the basis of the signals.

In your case, you really would be helped most by having both programs,
since you want to know what to expect of the DJIA as well as the
British Pound.  Each separate purchase gets 3 months of data for free.
So if you got both programs, you would get a half a year of data on
both items you mention and a lot more.

The software is easy to use. It is intuitive. We get few calls
asking how to use it. There is ample HELP in the software and
on-line. We provide the data. It will open your eyes up to
what indicators work best.

Please let me know if I may be of further help. 



2/24/2005 - from Joe

I have a question about your software...Is the data that needs to be entered readily available? I know I can get Open-High-Low-Close and Volume fairly easily but your ad says there are 10 figures needed and I don't konw what they could be or if I could find them. I just want to know if it can be updated manually without having to subscribe to a data service. I currently download stock data in excel.
Yes - the daily trading data for Peerless is readily available:
DJI high and low (theoretical, not actual - from WSJ or Inv.Busin.Daily)
NYSE advancing stocks
NYSE declining stocks
NYSE adv.stks' volume in millions
NYSE decl.stks volume in millions.

I would recommend also puting in any indices you may be
using, too: like NASDAQ or SP-500.Here we just need high, low, close and volume of NYSE or NASDAQ.  You can superimpose the Peerless-DJI signals on these indices.



2/19/2005 - from Mike in Phoenix

Hi Bill, I would love to see you replace the VLE slot on the short term Tiger Indexes with RUT. I am not sure how much relatence in today's market VLE has but RUT has and continues to gain a large institutional and individual investor audience. Your Thoughts? Thanks

Mike, The RUT (See Russell 2000 chart here) is great for trading and for sensing the market's direction.  I can't easily replace the Value Line in our Peerless Index data.  However, it is included among the 450-470 stocks, currencies, commodities and indices I provide nightly for $20 a month.  If you are interested in this service, please let me know.

You are right, that the RUT seems to trade more profitably and easier right now than the Value Line.  I will continue to compare them to see if that pattern continues.


2/18/2005 - from Steven in Orlando

1) Will this program generate signal us/gbp on us/eur and us/chf
2) Why 450+ stocks? Which ones does it analyze?
3) Will it analyze the entire market or just the one I select?
4) Can you email me the charts for 1999 and 2000
for the nasdaq for the year? Thank you Steven
1.) Yes - TigerSoft will graph charts of the British Pound, EuroDollar and
Swiss Franc.  The charts are based on "perpetual contract" data that
we get from Dial Data in Brooklyn.  Perpetual contracts take the trading volume for all months' contracts for the currency, but uses the high, low and close for
the monthly contract about to expire.  If you need a function written to
remake the data into the reciprocal (instead of Britsh Pound/Dollar, Dollar/BP), we can add that quickly to the stock split routine at no no charge.   These are included in the daily data we offer from this site.  Additional examples.

2) We offer 450-470 stocks, commodities, currencies and indices because
it is a manageable number that can readily be managed by us and users.
A few more can be added by your request.  If many more are desired, the TigerSoft Stock Program which includes the NASDAQ-PEERLESS does include a conversion program that lets you convert your own ascii data to our format.  If you would like to use Dial Data yourself, we provide the necessary software for $100 extra.  You will need to subscribe to Dial Data and get an "ASCI 13" account specifically earmarked for Tiger Investment Software.  They charge about $60 all markets and indices.

3) The TigerSmart Software gives signals on whatever you choose to graph,
provided you have the daily data: volume, opening, high, low, close for whatever you want tograph.  Because market timing is important, we also provide the NASDAQ-Peerless Signalling Program, which averages almost 30% a year, just buying and selling, and no short selling.

You should know that our Full TigerSoft package includes a Ranking and Flagging Program, which analyzes, optimizes and flags all the stocks you may wish to follow.  One command does it all.  You will have to place your stock data in folders that contain no more than 1000 apiece.  Using Dial Data is an easy way to do this.  TC-2000 may also be used.  Their watrch-lists and conversions are commonly used by Tiger users.

4. The charts for the NASDAQ Peerless are shown here.  Note that it take about 100 days to have enough data to produce the automatic Peerless Buy and Sell signals on the NASDAQ.  That is the reason I have had to provide four charts to cover the period 1999-2000 you requested.

   Year                           Gain made by Peerless NASDAQ  Signals Shown
   ..............................     ...................................................................................  
  NASDAQ-1998 ...             +82.4%  
   NASDAQ-1998-9...           +74% 
   NASDAQ-1999 ...             +56.3% 
   NASDAQ-1999-2000...   +149% 
   NASDAQ-2000...             +60.7%

Thanks for opportunity to provide you more information about TigerSoft.

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