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TIgerSoft/Peerless HOTLINE
(C) 2016 William Schmidt, Ph.D.
 Current Address  -  www.tigersoft.com/64HRL/INDEX.html
 Previous Address -

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 A Guide To Profitably Using The Tiger Nightly HOTLINE
 Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
 Peerless Buy and Sell Signals: 1928-2016
 Individual Peerless signals explained:
 Explanation of each Peerless signal. http://www.tigersoft.com/PeerInst-2012-2013/
 Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators
 Peerless Signals and DJI Charts  - version 7/4/2013
              1965  1965-6    1966   1966-7    1967    1967-8    1968   1968-9   1969      1969-70   1970   1970-1 1971
              1971-2  1972  1972-3    1973   1973-4   1974     1974-5     1975   1975-6     1976    1976-7     1977 1977-1978
              1978  1978-79     1979   1979-80   1980    1980-1   1981    1981-2   1982     1982-1983     1983    1983-1984
              1984  1984-1985 1985 1985-1986    1986  1986-1987  1987    1987-8  1988 1988-9   1989    1989-90
              1990  1990-1  1991   1991-2  1992   1992-3    1993   1993-4   1994   1994-5   1995     1995-1996   1996
              1996-7    1997   1997-8    1998    1998-1999   1999    1999-2000   2000      2000-1   2001   2001-2   2002
              2002-3    2003   2003-4    2004   2004-5     2005   2005-6    2006    2006-7    2007    2007-8    2008    2008-9
              2009      2009-10    2010    2010-11    2011    2011-12     2012     2012-2013

 Documentation for TigerSoft Automatic and Optimized Signals.
 How reliable support is the DJI's rising 200-day ma? 

 SPY Charts since 1994: Advisory Closing Power S7s, Accum. Index, 65-dma, Optimized Signals.

Previous Hotlines -  www.tigersoft.com/55HL55/INDEX.html

1/19/2016  ---> Corrections,Deeper Declines and Bear Markets since 1945.
1/21/2016  ---> High Velocity Declines since 1929
2/12/2016  ---> Presidential Elections Years and Bullish IP21 Positive Non-Confirmations at Lower Band.
2/12/2016  ---> OBV NNCs on DJI's Rally to 2.7% Upper Band when DJI's 65-dma is falling.

 Earlier Q-Answers

                  New QuickSilver Documentation (1/11/2016)

                 Our Different Signals
Better understand the difference between Peerless DJI-based signals,
                                        the one-year optimized red Signals and the fixed signals based
                                        on technical developments.

Introduction to Tiger/Peerless Buys and Sells.
Different Types of TigerSoft/Peerless CHARTS, Signals and Indicators             


Hotline and Links   - 

                     6-8-2016     We still have the Peerless Buy B11 as our active signal.
                                       But volume remains weak.  See the bearish OBV divergence
                                       from Prices in the Hourly DJI chart.  The SP-500 has now
                                       reached its well-tested resistance line and the DJI has managed
                                       to close above 18000.  I would think that there will be another
                                       small pull-back in the DJI and the SP-500.  The NASDAQ
                                       and Russell-2000 ETF, IWM, also are nearing their resistance
                                       levels, too. 

                                       Commodites have broken above a neckline in an inverted
                                       head/shoulders pattern.  Gold's strength is highly unusual.
                                       Another big move up in Gold would cause a lot of new buying and
                                       short-covering in what I call the anti-Dollar "Gang of 5".  The
                                       Fed may try to "jawbone" down these inflationary plays.  That may
                                       work with foreign ETFs and  YINN, but Oil seems to be in a solid
                                       new uptrend.  So, I would continue to hold DIA and UCO.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                           DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                           Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                           Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                                           Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                           Bullish MAXCPs          Bearish MINCPs   
(no Bearish... tonight)

                                       The last few days have seen big jumps in our "Gang of 5"
                                       anti-Dollar plays:
                                                  1) Commodities,
                                                  2) Crude Oil Stocks,
                                                  3) Gold stocks,
                                                  4) Foreign  Stocks and
                                                  5) the Chinese major stocks' ETF, YINN. 

                                       Recently they have stopped being the "Five Horsemen of
                                       a Deflationary Apocalypse".  Their rises were all a very
                                       predictable response to growing expectations that the
                                       Fed would keep rates unchanged a lot longer than previously
                                       expected.  The poor May Jobs' Report has reinforced this
Will this Inflation-Loving "Gang of 5" keep rising?

                                       I would watch Gold stocks.  Gold Stocks are the leader. 
                                       Gold turned up first and gold stocks are the strongest of "Gang of 5".
                                       If Gold stocks are any indication of what lies ahead now for this
                                       Gang of Five, then they all are likely entering a wild phase where
                                       they could go up even faster, provided Gold stocks now achieve
                                       a new breakout. 

                                       I suspect the Dollar's weakness will now cause the Fed to do or
                                       say something to try to get the "Gang of 5" to retreat.  The Fed's
                                       highest priority is usually to protect the Dollar and retrain the
                                       "Gang of 5".  You can see negative non-confirmations by the
                                      Accum. Index as YINN and Foreign Stocks have rallied to their upper band. 

  Charts of Anti-Dollar  "Gang of 5"

Gold Stocks show broadening price formation in a powerful uptrend.
A breakout would be a "green-light for the whole group.

Crude Oil remains in a strong uptrend with very positive internals and momentum.

Commodites show a very Bullish Inverted Head/Shoulders Bottom.

Foreign ETFs have reached the upper band where heavy distribution is occurring.
This is a Tiger S9 and usually bring a retreat.

YINN has reached the upper band where heavy distribution is occurring.
This is a Tiger S9 and usually bring a retreat.


                     6-7-2016     Wall Street has to like Hillary's clear victory over Sanders
                                       in the "big enchelada", California.  Still. Sanders got 43%
                                       of the vote.  The Fed would be wise to take note and not
                                       cause another big market sell-off or serious recession by
                                       raising rates prematurely, otherwise a true populist will
                                       win next time.

                                       The DJI would now need to close up 1% and the Peerless V-I
                                       would have to fall 9 to turn negative and bring on a "S9V". 
                                       A 180 point jump tomorrow seems unlikely.  Though breadth
                                       is still very positive and Down Volume keeps falling, it's not at
                                       all clear that Volume will be high enough to take the DJI
                                       much past 18000, 62 points away.  Note that the Accumulation
                                       Index stands at only +.037.  There is still a lot of big money

                                       But with Peerless operating on a Buy B11 and DIA's Closing
                                       Power still rising, I think we can expect still higher prices, all
                                       made gradually and grudgingly from the Bears, who have
                                       been unable to produce any MINCPs again tonight. 

                                       Hold DIA and UCO.  The beaten down Oil and Gas stocks
                                       are getting a good play here.  Often they get nice rallies when
                                       the rest of the market is tiring.  So, do Biotechs, but they now
                                       show a red Sell.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                                 Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   
           QUICKSilver   Short DUG.

                                               Will Donald "Blow" It?
                                       There are no cases going back more than 116 years of a Democrat
                                       succeeding a sitting Democrat in the White House, except by
                                       death (Truman in 1945) or assassination (LBJ in 1963).
                                       Al Gore could not do it in 2000, even after the fantastic stock boom
                                       of the 1990's.  Gore did not have the baggage of poor judgment
                                       or personal corruption that Hillary must overcome. But Trump
                                       could "blow" it.  He will have to learn some manners now to
                                       appeal to a much larger audience.  Can he behave inoffensively
                                       and sound responsible for even a week?  The next 5 months?
Was his boorish, iconoclastic behavior all an act to win Republican
                                       primaries?  I suspect so.
  I can't wait to hear his next big speech.   


                     6-6-2016    There is no S9V.  The DJI closed only 1.2% over the 21-day
                                      ma and the V-Indicator has turned positive at +12.  So, t
                                      current Peerless signal remains a
Buy B11
.  Bullishly, the 10-day
                                       ma of NYSE Up-Volume is rising and the ma of Down-Volume
                                       is falling.  The Closing Power for DIA is rising, too. Hold DIA.
                                       I suggested selling BBH and USD/SOXL on today's strength.
                                       Utilities again populate the 602 MAXCPs Bullish ranks more heavily
                                       than any other group.  But it cannot be said this is only a defensive
                                       rally.  There were 1214 more up than down on the NYSE.  Oil jumped
                                       as did commodities and oil stocks.  I believe this is a constructive
                                       sign; we do not want world-wide Deflation.  The market seems to
                                       agree, though the FED probably has serious doubts. 

                                       See below how bullish Crude Oil's internals are. I suggest buying it. 
                                       It might retreat a little, but look at how high its Accum. Index readings
                                       are and how its Closing Power is rising.  Professions are buying it
                                       away from the Public and overseas' sellers.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                           DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                           Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                           Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                                           Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                           Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                       Yellen spoke today and revealed a lot by saying so little.  The FED
                                       is in a quandary.  If it raises rates, it could tilt decisively down the
                                       monthly Jobs numbers and start a recession. On the other hand,
                                       commodity prices are starting to rise at a pace that gives ammunition
                                       to the Hawks.  The market certainly believes that there will be
                                       no rate hike in June and probably none in July.

                                       Usually markets do not uncertainty.  So, the rally is telling us
                                       not only is it close to certain that the Fed will do nothing in June
                                       but it approves of the Presidential candidates.  Trump is shedding
                                       much of his populist pretensions and Hillary never had them and
                                       will make Wall Street proud of her.

                                       Wall Street, in general, probably considers Hillary the better,
                                       safer, more orthodox candidate.  But it's anybody's guess if
                                       she can win.  Most of the Sanders' supporters I have talked
                                       with say they will not vote for her.  She cannot be trusted,
                                       they say.  And her judgment can be easily questioned.

What Will Market Do if Trump
                                                        Becomes Next President?  

                                       So, let's assume here for a minute that Donald Trump
                                       is going to become the next President.  How does the market
                                       react in an Election year when a Republican is going to
                                       come into the White House?  Below are the cases.

What are cases when Republican beats Democrat since 1900?
                                                   60% odds of a rally to August.  But 100% probability
                                                   of a bear market the next year based on 5 cases.

                            1920 - Bear Market because of FED tightening to end post war inflation.
                                        1921 was sharply down until August.

                            1952 -  7% May to August rally. Decline to Nov and year-end top.
                                        1953 was down 10% for 6 months.

                            1968 - Sidewise until late Summer Rally to Dec 2nd and then down hard.
                                       1969 started a bear market which did not end until mid 1970.

                            1980 - Recovery from Bunk Hunt Bear Market and July breakout followed
                                       a flat period from October to February.  Then one more rally until May 1981.
                                       That was followed by a bear market and much higher interest rates from
                                       mid 1981 to August 1982.

                           2000 - Narrowing market and sidewise DJI for 2000.
                                      Then followed a bear market in 2001 until April 2003. 

                                        Tomorrow, we can consider how the market and DJI have
                                behaved when a different Democrat becomes President.
                                This would seem more plausible is she can first show that
                                she can bear Sanders in California.  On the other hand, if
                                she were to lose to Sanders by a wide margin, that would
                                probably show even more vulnerability for her.


                     6-3-2016     The current Peerless signal remains a Buy B11. The 10-day
                                       ma of NYSE Up-Volume is rising and the ma of Down-Volume
                                       is falling.  The Closing Power for DIA is rising, too.
                                       I would continue to hold DIA, but since they have red Sell
                                       signals, I would take the modest profits in USD/SOXL
                                       and IBB unless there is big opening up.  The bleak increase
                                       in May Jobs "should" prevent the Fed from raising rates this
                                       Summer, but they may make a mistake here, just as they have
                                       all too often.  

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                                                 Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

The Bad Jobs' Report for May
                                             Will Surely Prevent Fed from Raising Rates,

but Might There Be A Recession Soon Anyway.

                                       The May Jobs report raises the specter of a recession just
                                       ahead.  Larry Kudlow's comments are worth reading about

                                       With interest rates already low, how much more can the Fed do
                                       to stimulate the economy?  Because of the Congressional gridlock
                                       and Obama's indifference to the fiscal benefits of a new Federally
                                       funded Public Works program,  there will be no new fiscal stimulus
                                       to help out a stalling national economy this year.  By next year,
                                       it may be too late.  Manufacturing is weakening and consumers
                                       are tapped out as far as credit goes,  So, what will hold the market up?
                                       Manipulated higher profits?  More exportinf of Jobs to cut costs? 
                                       More share buy-backs and monopolistic take-overs? 

   Monthly Jobs'  

   Red indicates the Number
   was below the same month
   a year earlier.

   P indicates preliminary.
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 278 316 281 183 23 82 207 181 158 4 208 171
2007 240 90 189 79 143 78 -33 -24 88 85 115 97
2008 19 -86 -78 -210 -185 -165 -209 -266 -452 -473 -769 -695
2009 -791 -703 -823 -686 -351 -470 -329 -212 -219 -200 -7 -279
2010 28 -69 163 243 522 -133 -70 -34 -52 257 123 88
2011 42 188 225 346 73 235 70 107 246 202 146 207
2012 338 257 239 75 115 87 143 190 181 132 149 243
2013 190 311 135 192 218 146 140 269 185 189 291 45
2014 187 168 272 310 213 306 232 218 286 200 331 292
2015 221 265 84 251 273 228 277 150 149 295 280 271
2016 168 233 186 123(P) 38(P)              



The Jobs Report was terrible.  Only 38,000 new jobs were created,
                                       or 73,000 if you leave out the Verizon strikers.  This marks the
                                       6-th month of the last seven that the monthly Jobs numbers were below
                                       what they were a year ago.  (Such comparisons allow for adjusting
                                       for Jobs' seasonality and the temporary boost to employment that
                                       comes most Summers.)

                                       That this is the sixth
down-month out of the last seven
                                       brings July 2007 to mind.  That is a frightening thought.  Back
                                       then breadth was lagging and we got a Peerless S9.  Any breadth
                                       deterioration now would add to the risks now.  Note in the 2007
                                       chart, there was one last rally to new highs and then two final
                                       head/shoulders tops.  Even a rise of Red 10-day Down Volume
                                       over the Blue 10-day Up Volume now could trigger a 10%+
                                       sell-off as it did in 2007.  The market needs to keep rising and
                                       appear to shrug off this Jobs' report.  Peerless says it can.  I
                                       admit to being doubtful! 

                                       Also very worrisome, is the extent to which so many Jobs and
                                       new Jobs are part-time (less than 35 hours a week. 



                     6-2-2016       Continue to hold DIA, IBB and USD.  Up volume
                                         is bullishly rising while Down volume is falling
                                         on a 10-day.  All three ETFs have rising 5-day ma
                                         and Closing Powers, too.  The market's strength
                                         for the last two weeks suggests the economy will
                                         get good news on the Jobs' front.  But too good a
                                         Jobs' report tomorrow, say, above 250,000 for May could
                                         turn out to be too good.  Such a number would likely
                                         be seized upon by Hawks who want the Fed to
                                         raise rates in June or July.

                                         The current
Buy B11 keeps pushing the DJI up
                                         towards and against the 18000 resistance.  Even
                                         though the NYSE A/D line has made new 12-month
                                         highs, the DJI's rally keeps stalling out.  Eventually,
                                         after enough failed efforts, I believe it will turn down
                                         just like the DJI did in 1976 after nine separate attempts
                                         to surpass 1000-1020. 

                                         Breadth is much better than it was in 1976, also a
                                         Presidential Election Year, but our current DJI chart
                                         shows a still extent head/shoulders and negative V-I readings.
                                         By themselves, these are warnings that the next 2% rally
                                         will probably bring another Peerless Sell.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                                        Tomorrow's Job Numbers

                                         Perhaps, the Jobs Report  tomorrow AM will somehow
                                         bring a jump in the DJI.  Eight of the last eleven months have
                                         shown falling jobs' numbers compared to the year before. 

                                         I suspect a really nice improvement from last month, in the
                                         neighborhood of 225,000-235,000 new jobs would set off
                                         a rally.  It would be a "Goldilocks" number,  not so low as
                                         to scare traders into believing a recession is closing in on us
                                         and not so high as to give the Hawks good ammunition to
                                         raise rates. 
On the other hand, another weak number,
                                         below 150,000, would be positive in the sense that it should
                                         weaken the case for a rate hike,
but it would also make
                                         the economy appear to be weakening just when the FED is
                                         about to decide to do nothing or even raise rates.
  Lastly, a
                                         really high number could bring an upside spike in the market,
                                         but then there will be 'second thoughts' about how it will
                                         make it easier for Hawks to justify a rate hike.
                                         See the monthly Jobs' table below from the Dept. of Labor.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 278 316 281 183 23 82 207 181 158 4 208 171
2007 240 90 189 79 143 78 -33 -24 88 85 115 97
2008 19 -86 -78 -210 -185 -165 -209 -266 -452 -473 -769 -695
2009 -791 -703 -823 -686 -351 -470 -329 -212 -219 -200 -7 -279
2010 28 -69 163 243 522 -133 -70 -34 -52 257 123 88
2011 42 188 225 346 73 235 70 107 246 202 146 207
2012 338 257 239 75 115 87 143 190 181 132 149 243
2013 190 311 135 192 218 146 140 269 185 189 291 45
2014 187 168 272 310 213 306 232 218 286 200 331 292
2015 221 265 84 251 273 228 277 150 149 295 280 271
2016 168 233 208(P) 160(P)                
P : preliminary



                                      The good news is the Peerless Buy signal,
                                       the rising trendline and excellent breadth.
                                       The bad news is that the DJI has stalled out
                                       on nine separate tests of 18000-18300
                                       and Volume has been low on the current


                             1976 suggests this dull, sidewise market could
                             last until the end of  the year because it is a Presidential
                             Election Year and because the NYSE A/D Line
                             is stronger than the DJI.


                     6-1-2016      I take the current
Buy B11, the continuing good
                                        breadth (There were more than 2000 up then down
                                        on NYSE today.), the fact that the  DJI closed 100
                                        points up off its lows, the continuing strength in
                                        volatile Semi-conductors and stubborn leadership
                                        by many Utilities, all to mean the DJI will go
                                        still higher this June and the Fed will not be
                                        raising rates this month. 

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                       Semi-Conductors strength now
                                       shows that speculative energies
                                       are still present to some degree.
                                       This is not entirely a defensive advance.

                                        Up Volume is now bullishly rising.  I think it
                                        is likely we will see a Sell S9V if DJI should
                                        jump up 1.6%.  I suspect this will occur on June
                                        16th when FED does not raise rates.

                                        But that is mere speculation.  As I warned last night,
                                        we still must watch the DJI.  A drop by it below 17400
                                        would probably show that insider-Professionals have
                                        learned that the FED will be raising rates, possibly despite
                                        another weak Jobs' report.

                                        The Utilities remain in uptrends and are unusually
                                        well-represented among our MAXCPs.  That shows the
                                        Doves on the Fed are still ascendant and have not yet
                                        been overcome by the Hawks.


                     5-31-2016   Different segments of the market are viewing quite
                                       differently the likelihood of a June rate hike by the FED. 
                                       Utilities and NASDAQ stocks are holding up, but the
                                       DJIA is aiming to retest 17500.

now I would still trust the good breadth and the
                                       fact that
the operative Peerless signal remains a Buy B11.  

                                       Hold DIA, IBB and USD (semi-conductors) even though
                                       the DJI's bearish head/shoulders' pattern has not been
                                       destroyed by last week's rally and a drop below 17400 would
                                       be quite bearish.  See also that the uptrend for DIA's Closing
                                       Power was violated today.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                                  Buy B11 is active Peerless Signal.
                                                  but it looks like there will have to
                                                  be another test of the rising 65-dma.             

                                        DIA's Closing Power has violated
                                        its uptrend.  This is short-term bearish
                                        for DIA.

                                                A FED Rate Hike?

                                       My sense is that a rate hike in June could easily
                                       send the market reeling: the QE bubble cannot be safely
                                       reduced without a much stronger economy and until
                                       short selling is prohibited on down-ticks.  The FED
                                       has erred before and could err again on June 15th.
                                       (Google "Blunders" and "Federal Reserve".  See for
 http://www.federalreserve.gov/boardDocs/speeches/2004/200403022/default.htm )

                                       It's a good bet, I think, that they could raise rates in June
                                       and that will send the weakening market into a downward spin.
                                       That would, in turn, seriously damage the weakest economic recovery
                                       in years. 

                                       Reading about their past mistakes is quite unnerving.
                                       See my recounting the Fed blunder of October 1931
                                       in last night's Hotline.  They have always erred on the side of
                                       fighting phantom-inflation.  What's more, historically, they
                                       are far more likely to raise rates in a Presidential Election
                                       Year when a Democrat is in the White House.

DJI Head/Shoulders Patterns Can "Trump"
                                                 Good Breadth and  Bring on Higher Interest Rates:
                                                 The Lessons of 1977 and 2001.

                                       It is important, therefore, to note that the DJI can lead the
                                       market down sometimes even when breadth is good when
                                       the  completes a head/shoulders pattern.  That was especially
                                       true in  1977 and 2001-2. 

                                       In 1977, it was the DJI's H/S and subsequent break
                                       in the NYSE A/D Line uptrend that started that year's bear
                                       market.  The DJI-30 stocks, in effect, were anticipating much higher
                                       interest rates and Carter's fiscal austerity better than the
                                       A/D Line or NASDAQ did.


                                       In 2001-2002, it was a DJI head/shoulders that was the best
                                       alert to the bear market that followed.


The operative Peerless Buy B11 tells us to continue to
                                       hold DIA.  I have also suggested IBB and USD
,  Breadth
                                       is bullish now, as the NYSE A/D Line is making new highs
                                       ahead of all the major market indexes.  Professionals
                                       are clearly net buyers, in the sense that we see many more
                                       MAXCPs than MINCPs (331 to 40) and the Tiger Closing
                                       Powers are rising for DIA, SPY, QQQ, IWM, SOXL
                                       and TECL.

                                       Volume was quite low last week, but prices still rise.
                                       This warns that there will probably not be enough buying
                                       to fuel much of a breakout.  So, I suspect this rally will
                                       reverse on a Sell S9V when the the DJI spikes above the
                                       2.3% upper band around the 21-dma.  The DJI on Friday
                                       closed 1.0% over the 21-dma but the Peerless V-Indicator
                                       stands at -95.  But for now, the 10-day ma of Blue Up-
                                       Volume has risen above the Red Down-Volume.  See these
                                       indicators in the DJI chart just below.

                                       With IBB (biotechs' ETF) and USD (Semi-conductors ETF)
                                       I would suggest watching their 5-day ma pivot points.  This
                                       means that we should sell them if they close below the QuickSilver
                                       pivot-point posted currently for the next day.  Presently,
                                       the 5-day ma for IBB is rising at an annualized rate of +222%
                                       and will turn down only if IBB closes below 266.03, more
                                       than 10-points below today's close.  For USD, the 5-dma
                                       is rising at a annualized rate of 399% and will not turn down
                                       tomorrow unless USD closes below 81.25, which would be
                                       a 5.45 decline tomorrow.

                                       Seasonality is bullish for the next ten days, but turns
                                       bearish after than.  Since 1965, the DJI has risen 56%
                                       of the time.  But after that, it turns down and shows
                                       a small average decline over the next month.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   


 Deflation's Dangers Are Long Forgotten

                                       Assuming, a typical person does not read much current news
                                       until he or she is, say, 20 years old, one would have to be 103
                                       years old now to have read much about the severe Deflation of
                                       the Depression. Therefore it is only natural that most economists,
                                       politicians and pundits discuss Inflation almost exclusively. 

                                       This partly helps explain why Janet Yellen and the Fed Governors
                                       are always talking about Inflation and predicting its imminent return
                                       to levels that will necessitate higher interest rates.  But there are
                                       of course, other reasons why they especially worry about Inflation.
                                       And if we do not understand these reasons, we will ourselves
                                       be prone to underestimate their dangerous proclivity to raise rates
                                       when they should not.

                                       First and foremost, Wall Street wants to be the financial center
                                       of the world.  To the extent that the Dollar sinks, hot International
                                       Funds go elsewhere and the Dollar ceases to be the world's biggest
                                       Reserve currency.  This is definitely not something the Big Banks
                                       that run the privately owned Fed can allow.

                                       At its extreme, inflation would also be a source of high anxiety
                                       to the Big Banks' main clients, very well-off savers and bond-holders.
                                       Hyper-Inflation would also make it very difficult for the US Treasury
                                       to borrow money.  In that event, either the super-rich would have to
                                       be taxed much more or the Gov't would soon need to print money
                                       wildly.  So class interest, pure and simple, heavily predisposes the
                                       FED to err on the side of preventing non-existent Inflation, much
                                       like now.

                                       Nowhere was this clearer that when the FED raised rates
                                       and tightened money in the middle of the Depression, all to
                                       protect the Dollar.   Arch conservative Milton Friedman makes
                                       the same point in arguing that it was the Fed that turned a normal
                                       recession into a Depression.   Here is Ben Bernanke's tribute to
                                       Not lowering rates fast enough in 1930 and then actually raising
                                       Rates in 1931 caused thousands of small banks to fail, which
                                       in turn led to hoarding, disappearance of credit and Deflation. 

                                       So, the Fed's obsession with Inflation is a recurring theme in their
                                       history.  Often this obsession has caused much hardship among
                                       stock investors, not to mention the poor folks who have been laid
                                       off from work though no fault of their own.  Given this track record,
                                       it must be surmised that the Fed will again error on the side
                                       of fighting non-existent Inflationary forces. This is exactly what
                                       they may do at their mid June FOMC meeting.

                                       So, we must watch the Closing Powers closely for the key indexes
                                       now.  This reflects the insider information that key Professionals
                                       are getting from the big member banks that control the Fed. 

                                       We also should watch our 4 horses of a Deflationary Apocalypse.
                                       Presently, 3 of 4 are all still in rising intermediate-term trends, but
                                       that could end, especially if the European Central Bank's planned
                                       purchase of 1 trillion Euros worth of mortgages is stopped or
                                       the YINN breaks down to new lows.

                                           Tiger Commodities' Index (MASTCOMO) -
                                                   55% of components are still above their 65-dma
                                           Crude Oil (UCO)
                                                   75% of Oil/Gas stocks are still above their 65-dma (MASTOILG)
                                           Tiger Foreign ETFs' Index (MASTETFS)
                                                   63% of Foreign ETFs are still above their 65-dma 
                                           YINN (ETF for biggest Chinese stocks) 
                                                    24% of Chinese stocks are still above their 65-dma 

  Why Do Gold and Silver Appear
                                                         To Be Topping Out?

                                        Gold and Silver tend to rise more when Inflation is expected.
                                        The low interest rate environment finally did bring a recovery
                                        in them this year.  But now they show bearish head/shoulders top
                                        patterns, Red Distribution and Professional Selling. 

                                        Could the apparent Gold and Silver tops be predicting a
                                        savage Deflationary turn?  Some say this is inevitable
                                        given the steady fall in US consumer buying as the Baby Boomers
                                        reach retirement and as the Rich gobble up an ever higher
                                        proportion of national wealth and income, but only use it
                                        to buy stocks and bonds, rather than spend it to keep
                                        Consumption high and the economy strong.

                                        Of course, average people are not in the market like they were
                                        in 1929.  But an artificial bubble surely exists now because
                                        of the trillions the Fed has pumped into Banks.  What will
                                        happen if the FED errors again and raises rates to protect
                                        the Dollar's prestige and international position like they did
                                        in the Fall of 1931?  At least then, the NYSE stopped allowing
                                        depressing shorting on down-ticks. 

                                        There appear to be good reasons for some caution now. 
                                        Small wonder that buying volume is low.  


Peerless is now on a Buy B11.  Hold DIA, IBB and USD. 
                                       Breadth is excellent.  The NYSE A/D Line made a 12-month
                                       high ahead of prices for any of the major indexes.  Professionals
                                       remain much more bullish than they are beaish.  The number
                                       of MAXCPs is 228 while there are only 32 MINCPs.

                                       But volume would appear to be a problem,  See how the V-I
                                       and OBV-Pct are quite negative.  If the DJI should reach a
                                       point more than 2.2% over the 21-day ma with the V-Indicator
                                       negative, we will probably get a Sell S9V (NNC) from Peerless.

DAILY DJIA Shows Rising A/D Line
                                              and falling OBV.  Most likely, the flat
                                              resistance overhead at 180250 will not
                                              breached by much.  But we are in a
                                              bullish seasonal period and volume is
                                              usually low before Memorial Day.

  Peerless is now on a Buy B11.  Hold DIA and IBB long. 
                                       Buy USD (Semi-conductors). 

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

Seasonality is bullish.  The DJI has risen 62% of the time
                                       over the next week since 1965.  Its average gain  was +0.6%
                                       in the five trading days following May 25th.  In  Presidential
                                       Election Years, the DJI does even better, rising 70% of the
                                       time and averaging a 1% gain. 

Today, the DJI closed 0.9% over the 21-day ma.  Bullishly,
                                       the NYSE A/D Line has made a new 12-month high.  This
                                       shows that the advance is carrying more than simply defensive
                                       stocks higher. 

                                       Unfortunately, the Peerless volume indicators are not so impressive. 
                                       The IP21 stands at only +.08 while the Tiger "V-I" is -94 and
                                       the "OBVPct" is -0.068.  This warns us that if the DJI closes
                                       more than 2.3% over the 21-day ma next month, we will probably
                                       get a Sell S9V (based on the VI being negative.)

So, I expect the DJI to have difficulty again getting much past the
                                       round number resistance at 18000, given the low volume.
                                       But, of course, volume and liquidity are naturally low before
                                       a three-day weekend.  Monday is Memorial Day, the day we
                                       seek to honor our countrymen who were killed in wars
                                       The market could surprise us and erupt to new highs. After all,
                                       we have no Sell now.  
See how the DJI and SP-500
                                       are now about to challenge their flat, well-tested resistance lines.
                                       Closes above these resistance lines ordinarily bring an exciting 
                                       rush of short-covering and new buying for a week or so.
                                       Thus, the excellent Breadth could be telling us to look for a breakout.
                                       But, my sense, is that  volume is probably too low for a
                                       real breakout run unless the market is willing to risk a final
                                       speculative and primarily short-covering Summer rally such as
                                       was seen just before the terrible August-September tops in 1929,
                                       1937 and 1987. That could be very dangerous when breadth finally
Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                             SP-500's Flat Well-Tested Resistance,
                                             as we like to say, "beckons for a breakout."


  Peerless is now on a Buy B11.  Hold DIA long. 
The good news is that positive breadth is expanding
                                       and Professionals are bullish many more stocks than they
                                       are bearish.  The number of MAXCP is 341 and the number
                                       of MINCPs is  only 36.
 Good shorts are hard to find. 
(MAXCPs are Closing Power new highs and MINCPs are Closing Power new lows.)

The DJI shot up 200 points past its rising 65-dma.  We might
                                       attribute some of this strength to reduced liquidity ahead of the
                                       3-day Memorial Weekend.  But the market was ready, I think,
                                       for another crack at the 18000 resistance.  The internals for the
                                       DJI were not very weak and the A/D Line just would not stay down.
                                       The A/D Line is close again to scoring another new high ahead
                                       of the DJI.  This has to be bullishly construed, just as the
                                       successful test of the rising 65-dma is.

                                       Biotechs are turning around after a sizeable decline. IBB
                                       seems a reasonably safe buy.  Semi-conductors (SOXL
                                       and the elite technology stocks in our Nifty-35 (TECL)
                                       are the likely leaders here, provided the NASDAQ
                                       can keep rising and the DJI, OEX and SP-500 can
                                       advance past the resistance of their right shoulder apexes.

                                       For the second time in three days, there were 3x more stocks
                                       up than down on the NYSE.  So, the rally holds some
                                       promise to be more than simply a defensive rally that will
                                       quickly fizzle.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                      DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                      Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                      Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                         Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                      Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                       Homebuilders jumped today.  They would probably not do
                                       this if the Fed was actually going to raise rates in June.  Gold
                                       is negatively correlated with the market.  So, I take
                                       the sharp sell-off in Gold today to be a sign that the market is less
                                       fearful and in need of a haven for capital.  Certainly, Gold
                                       was ready for some serious profit-taking.

Volume Remains Low
                                                        To Bring An Upside Breakout.

                                       The main problem now is that volume remains low.  In addition,
                                       the 10-day ma of NYSE Down Volule is still above Up-Volume and
                                       both the P-Indicator and Accumulation Index are in downtrends.

                                       We should not expect a market-takeoff based on Peerless.
                                       None of Peerless Buy B11s in the period from mid April to the
                                       end of June gained as much as 6%.  So, the likelihood is for
                                       another Peerless Sell somewhere between 18000 and 18350.

Buy B11 from Mid-April to End of June.
                                                                      Gain at time of next
                                                                      Peerless Sell.

5/8/1959      .046
                                                    5/16/1986    .058
                                                    4/23/1993    .025
                                                    4/17/2006    .046
Avg = 4.4%   

                                   On the subject of Gold's negative correlation to the market:
The value of gold ...depends on factors such as political and economic unrest,
                                                           currency fluctuations and inflationary expectations. Almost universally, those
                                                           factors that boost the gold price serve to depress the price of equities.

On the subject of >30% NEM rallies predicting bear markets
                                   in the DJIA.

                                     What Should We Make of This Year's
                                  100% Vertical Advance in Newmont Gold?

I have said that rallies in the Gold Stock NEM often
                                          predict bear markets.  Let me amend that a little.                                        
                                          A volatile stock like NEM can rally 20% or 25%
                                          and it is not very meaningful as a predictor of the DJI.
                                          And after it has dropped as much as we saw last year,
                                          it is very oversold and can bounce back a long ways.

                                          In a long bear market, like we saw in 2008-2009,
                                          gold and silver stocks were very depressed.  They
                                          were market leaders until 2011 and then fell steadily
                                          until the beginning of this year, while the DJI was
                                          mostly up.  So, a big advance by NEM after it is in
                                          a long bear market was NOT a predictor of trouble.
                                          That may save us here.                                           
But the facts remain: there are many cases where
                                          Gold' rise and an advance by NEM of more than 30%
                                          are warning signs of trouble ahead for the market.
                                          Check out rises in 1968, 1971 and 1972-3 before
                                          bear markets and Silvers explosion up in early 1980
                                          before the Bunker Hunt Bear Market of Feb-April.
                                          The 1987 example I high-lighted last week.

                                                     Other Cases:

                                                     Greenspan was spooked in January 1990 just as he was in
                                                     October 1987. 

                                                     See also that NEM rose from 32 to 43 right before Kuwait
                                                     Invasion Bear Market of 1990.

                                                     NEM rose from 34 to 46, in the period May to Sept 1997,
                                                     right before the DJI swooned 14%.

                                                     It rose from 24 to 34.5 in April '98, three months before DJI
                                                     peaked and fell 20% from July to October.

                                                     It's advance from 17 to 30 in September 1999 was a warning
                                                     of the October 1999 sell-off and the start of a much deeper bear
                                                     market starting in January 2000.

                                                     In May 2001, before the DJI dropped from 19500 to 17500,
                                                     NEM rose from 14 to 24.5.          
                                                     Same thing happened in November 2007.  NEM had just

                                                     There may a handful of false positives, but I trust what I have found
                                                     and can explain why it's reasonable to expect this "canary"
                                                     NEM to continue to work in a helpful way in predicting the market's declines. 
                                                     In our times now, the FED is trying not to care about Gold,
                                                     but I think they will be over-taken by events which NEM's and Gold's
                                                     big rises this year portend.  James Dines often wrote about how
                                                     Gold's rises spelled eventual trouble for the market.  Maybe some
                                                     of you know of him and would pass along what he said about this.


                                              Recent Hotlines

5-23-2016    The DJI could not stay above its 65-dma today.  See in the
                                       Peerless chart below see that its closed 2 points below that ma
                                       today.  Again tomorrow, I would have to go with the Buy B11
                                       provided the DJI can get back above the 65-dma.  Keep in mind that
                                       Seasonality is bullish in the week before Memorial Day
                                       (next Monday), so there is a good chance we will be able to
                                       act profitably on the Buy B11 that was shown on Friday's close.
                                       Traders, notice that the DJI will need to close 38 points above
                                       today's close to bullishly turn up its short-term 5-day ma.

                                                        Modest Risk Now.

                                       Look back at the charts of the past
Buy B11

                                       There are 7 cases where the paper losses were between
                                       1.5% and 3%,  This accords with the 44% historical probability
                                       of the DJI dropping below a head/shoulders' neckline after
                                       a Buy B11.  So, there is still a 35% to 44% chance of an additional
                                       2% decline.

                                                        Modest Gain Potential

                                       When we look back at the Buy B11s from mid-April to the
                                       end of June, we do see that the gains were modest.  So, again
                                       I would expect only a limited rally, probably back above 18000
                                       but not above 18300.

Buy B11s from Mid-April to End of June.
5/8/1959      .046
                                                    5/16/1986    .058
                                                    4/23/1993    .025
                                                    4/17/2006    .046
                                                             Avg = 4.4% 

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                   Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

Some Stock Ideas
                             Using New "TigerSmart" Optimized Red Buys

So how might we play a brief rally now?  The Bullish MAXCPs
                             are one way.  Buying the highest AI/200 stock in the DJI-30, CAT
                             would be another.  A third way, I'd like to suggest here, would be
                             be to buy the stocks giving new optimized Red Buys where the
                             trading system would have gained more than 150% for the last
                             year.  In the next few days I will do a follow-up of these.  There
                             are 11 shown below.



                   5-20-2016     Cover short in DIA and take a long position in it
provided the DJI can stay above its 65-dma
                                       tomorrow. If it cannot do this, we will have to watch to
                                       see if it can get back above its 65-dma on Tuesday
                                       and act then.

                                       Friday brought a reversing
Buy B11.  This May B11
                                       has problems and limitations.  As for the upside potential,
                                       it seems unlikely that we will see much more than a nominal new
                                       high above 18300.  This is because Buy B11s in May and
                                       June get gains only about half the size of the 10% gains
                                       that the signal typically brings. 

                                       It is important to appreciate also that the B11 gains are much
                                       smaller in a Presidential Election when the US is not in a world war.
                                       The three of these gained less than 2% on average.

                                       And there is risk, when a head/shoulders pattern is present, since
                                       the DJI breaks below the neckline (here about 17400) 44% of the time.
                                       This alone should probably get us to wait another day.  

                                       But I think we do want to reverse positions on DIA if the
                                       DJI can stay above its 65-dma.  There are bullish forces at
                                       work now. First,  we do see support coming in on each decline
                                       below 17500.  Secondly, we can guess that the FED will be
                                       most reluctant to raise interest rates if the May Jobs Report
                                       is as week as April's.  Thirdly, there ought to be a bit of a
                                       recovery before Memorial Day.  The DJI has advanced
                                       58% of the time over the next week since 1965.  The average
                                       DJI gain is 0.8% over the next two weeks. And fourthly, the
                                       Hourly DJI's OBV-Line did not confirm the recent drop to 17440.

Note the new Buy B11 on Friday.  This
                                               occurred because the DJI closed back
                                               above its 65-dma.


                   5-19-2016     Stay short DIA. There was no
Buy B11 signal today because
                                       the DJI closed below its 65-dma by too great a margin.  The
                                       presence of bearish head/shoulders patterns in the DJI and
                                       SP-500 make this market look different from the one other
                                       case where there was a Buy B11 in May, that was in
                                       when DJI was running upwards and making a string of all-time

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                   Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                          The Market Is Being Held Hostage by the FED.
                                       .  When Fiscal Policy Is Frozen in Political Stalemate,
                                          This Is What We Get!

                                       A weak rally from here may still occur.  There may be a
                                       bounce back to DJI-18000 if the the FED does not raise rates in June. 

                                       For one thing, because it is a Presidential Election Year, I think
                                       we can expect the FED to be reluctant to raise interest rates.  For
                                       another, the April Jobs' numbers showed economic growth was
                                       weakening.  To the extent, that Yellen, as a Democrat, chooses
                                       to use her influence, she can say the "consensus" of the next
                                       FOMC meeting is whatever she chooses.  Only if she is outvoted,
                                       will rates go up.

                                       So perhaps, the DJI will try to rally again to 18000 from where
                                       it sits now, close to its 65-dma.  For us, without a Buy signal from
                                       Peerless, any rally would seem to be limited.  And with the
                                       head/shoulders pattern present, there may be other bearish
                                       news which could snag the market. 

                                                             Overseas' Weakness Again

                                       As it is now, overseas' markets are all significantly below their
                                       65-dma.  This calls into question whether their turnarounds can
                                       continue.  If they do not soon recover, we could be right back in
                                       a deflationary world economy.  How long can the US hold
                                       world's economy up then.  

                                       Populism is against any more free-trade deals in this country.
                                       What if the terrible "T" word is used, namely tariffs.  If Trump
                                       or Sanders create a populist demand for tariffs, the actual passage
                                       of such tariffs could tip the already fragile World Economy into
                                       a Depression.   Many economists blame the 1930 Smoot Hawley
                                       Tariff for causing the 1930s' world-wide Depression.
                                       Let's watch the charts of all foreign ETFs, in Europe, in the
                                       Developing World, in Latin America and in China.


                   5-18-2016     Stay short DIA.  Sell any longs if they break their steep
                                       Closing Power uptrends.  Every recent rally has failed.
                                       Professionals in New York must be getting tired of seeing
                                       their efforts to support the market be quickly eclipsed
                                       by weak openings the next day. This is because Asian, European
                                       and Emerging Markets seem to have ended their recovery.
                                       The Head/Shoulders patterns in the DJIA/DIA and SP500/SPY
                                       are classic. They are flat and they are symmetrical.  A clear
                                       violation of its neckline will occur on a closing below 17400. 
                                       Such a decline would also break the DJI's 65-dma.  The minimal 
                                       DJI downside objective would then be 16900-17000.

                                       When the 65-dma is also broken simultaneously,
                                       these Head/Shoulders patterns are quite reliable. I show
                                       hundreds of these patterns in my Short Selling book.
                                       Their reliability is about 80% with stocks in all markets.

                                       What is striking now is how many of the Tiger Indexes
                                       of various sectors also show head/shoulders patterns.
                                       The history of the DJI since 1888 shows at least a hundred
                                       such top patterns.  Maybe, maybe, there are ten failures, i.e.
                                       where prices fail to fulfill their minimum downside price
                                       objective.  (See the links I posted last night to see many
                                       of these H/S patterns on the DJI.)
                                       See DJIA, DJI-20, DJI-30, Commodities, Foreign ETFs,
                                       Housing, Industrial Materials, Natural Gas, Russell-1000,
                                       Software and SP-500

  The 1987 Lessons of Gold

                                             #1  Gold Big 4-Month Rally Warns of A Big Decline in DJI.
                                             #2  Gold's New Warning: A Big Drop Today. See NEM below
                                             how its collapse in October 1987 coincided with the
                                             DJI's 33% sell-off.
                                             #3   Do Not Look to Gold To Be A Safe Haven.

 1987 Peak in Gold and Subsequent Crash

                                       Today, the leveraged Gold ETFs, NUGT and JNUG fell
                                       more than 25%!  This reminds me how NEM collapsed
                                       in 1987 just before the Crash then.  It had risen sharply
                                       beforehand.  But only when it, too, began a big sell-off
                                       did the general market go over its cliff in October. Not
                                       only that, this case suggests that Gold and Silver will
                                       not be a haven in the coming decline. 


Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                 Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                    Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

I have seen the future and it doesn't work.” Zardoz (1971)

                                        I get the feeling that Hillary, Obama, the FED
                                        and the market are all slow-walking toward the
                                        cusp of an avoidable economic debacle.  The Federal
                                        Reserve's Helicopter is not taking off again.  The
                                        dropping of a trillion dollars into the hands of
                                        Big Banks has run its course.  It is not at all clear what can
                                        hold the market up now?

                                                   Fed Is Seriously Considering Raising Interest Rates
                                                   in June, Meeting Minutes Say  By NY Times - BINYAMIN APPELBAUM
The central bank sent an unusually frank message to Wall Street, delivered
                                                   in the official account of the Fed's April meeting. "


                                        The most recent FED minutes makes it seem that they are
                                        no longer able to resist the pressures to raise interest-rates in June,
                                        even though the US economy's growth is stalled at 1%/year
                                        and does not match even the growth of population, much less
                                        meet the needs of millions not working full time.  And
                                        now we have a tightening monetary policy?!

                                        Where is the leadership?  Federal budgets barely get passed.
                                        There is fiscal paralysis.  For years, it seems, the Republican
                                        Congress continues to want to delay the starting of a
                                        much needed, massive Public Works program.  They
                                        pay no political price for that.  The President, a Milton Friedman
                                        follower from Chicago and monetarist, acts like he is too
                                        tired and too disinterested to have another spat with Congress
                                        over such a program, something that is probably our last hope
                                        to spark a real economic recovery.
                                        Sanders does not help much.  He is totally preoccupied
                                        tilting, Don Quixote-like, with the Windmills of the
                                        Democratic establishment.  He has no chance to become
                                        President but every campaign speech he makes attacking
                                        Hillary's admittedly very poor judgment and close ties with
                                        Wall Street only gives new strength to Donald Trump, the
                                        insecure, egocentric wild-man pretend-Populist. 

                                        So, I expect Trump to become the next President.  The risks
                                        from that seem enormous and obvious.  The kindest thing I can
                                        think to say is that no one has a clue what a Trump administration
                                        will do as President.  Those who run money and own big stock
                                        positions have every right to be perplexed and alarmed if the FED
                                        unplugs the leaking dam walls in June.   (Maybe, they'll

                                        The Head/Shoulders Patterns tell us something not yet apparent
                                        or visible is approaching the market and getting ready to clobber
                                        stocks.  This could be the catalyst for a steep decline.  Once
                                        the market starts melting down, new Hellicopter runs may
                                        not matter.  Who will want to borrow money to buy stocks
                                        when the big dam breaks apart.  Instead, they may just use the
                                        money to buy leveraged short-ETFs.


                   5-17-2016      Stay short DIA,  Peerless did not issue a reversing
                                        automatic Buy signal today even though the DJI closed 1.6%
                                        below the 21-day ma and the P-Indicator remains positive at +98
                                        and the current Accum. Index (IP21) is only slightly negative
                                        at -.012.

 Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                                  DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                  Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                  Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                     Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                  Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

                                                           Tomorrow - Possibly a Buy,
                                                           But Possibly A Judged Sell, too
                                                           If Both Occur, They Cancel
                                                           out Each Other.

                                        If breadth is no worse than today, it will only take a small
                                        additional decline to bring a Peerless Buy provided the
                                        DJI closes not much below its 65-dma now at 16427.
                                        However, note that a deeper decline or one on worse breadth
                                        than today will most likely not bring a Peerless Buy signal.

                                        We also have to be concerned about getting either a Tiger S5,
                                        a Peerless S10 or a judged S10 if the DJI closes decisively
                                        below the H/S neckline drawn roughly through the DJI's
                                        recent hypothetical lows, 17440. 

                                        The H/S patterns we see now in the DJIA, SP-500 and OEX
                                        as well as the Tiger Indexes of DJI, SP-500 are nearly perfectly
                                        symmetrical, flat and very easy for all chartists to spot.  Their
                                        notoriety is thus enhanced and their bearishness thus becomes
                                        more self-fulfilling.  

                                        With head/shoulders patterns, we often only later learn
                                        why they are formed, i.e. what events like invasions,
                                        missile crises, assassinations, terrorist attacks, new economic
                                        policies lie behind them,  But because Gold stocks are rising
                                        very steeply, I believe that they are screaming a message
                                        of caution for the general market.  So, stay short DIA for

Judged S10 Would Still Be Bearish.
                                        Because these recent DJI lows set up a neckline in a head/shoulders
                                        pattern that is less than 40 trading days long, we may have to
                                        judge a Sell S10 if the DJI closes clearly below 17444. 

                                        That there have been no fewer than 7 reversals back up from
                                        the neckline-support zone of  17444 to 17530, makes any decisive
                                        breakdown more dangerous.  These tests of lows here go back
                                        33 trading days. 
                                                                                 neckline lows:

                                               4/1/2016     17515
                                               4/7/2016     17444
                                               5/4/2016     17530
                                               5/6/2016     17519
                                               5/13/2016   17500
                                               5/17/2016   17450
           More Reading
about Sell S10s: Both Automatic and Judged.

Judged S10 - TigerSoft

Judged S10 Rules The results from Peerless using automatic signals are excellent. But they can be improved if one uses a judged S10. The judged Sell S10 ...

TigerSoft/Peerless Hotline

Oct 3, 2015 - 9/30/2015  The operative Peerless signal is still the Sell S14. A DJI close below the well-tested, flat support at 17000 would bes considered a judged Sell S10.



                  5-16-2016      We still have an operative Sell S2 to guide us.  Stay
                                       short DIA.

                                       In Presidential Election years this signal has averaged about
                                       a 7.2% decline in the DJI.  To reach this, the DJI will need
                                       to close near 16800.  Given the positive breadth, blue
                                       Accumulation and the rising 65-dma, such a target seems
                                       unlikely to be reached even given the DJI's head and shoulder

                                       We could cover our short in DIA if the DJI drops back towards
                                       that 17500 neckline-support.  But, I would just trust that the Peerless
                                       system will tell us when it is time to buy back DIA and
                                       go long.  This is still a very defensive market.  If that
                                       changes and volume rises more on an advance, we can
                                       then reconsider waiting for Peerless to tell us to buy
                                       again.  But right now, let's wait to cover.  Buying at the
                                       end of May often works out better.

                                       This may all be mooted since a close near 17450 will likely bring
                                       an automatic Buy B12, which is based on buying when
                                       the DJI closes at a rising 65-dma that has not been
                                       violated for 10 weeks or so.  


                                   Trading Range Peerless Sell S2s
                            in A Presidential Election Year, since 1928|
         PE = Presidential                 Gain if DJI Sold Short
         Election Year                     and this position was
                                           closed on next Peerless Buy.    
19480615  PE  S2             193.2         .05     perfect 
19481022  PE  S2             189.8         .061    perfect

19560409  PE  S2             518.5         .079    perfect 
19560802  PE  S2             521           .075    perfect 
20000425  PE  S2             11124.82      .049    perfect
20000906  PE  S2             11310.64      .095    perfect
20001030  PE  S2             10835.77      .060    Very small Paper Loss 

20040902  PE  S2             10290.28      .038    Very small Paper Loss  
                                           Avg = 7.2%  

                                       Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM  
                                                 DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                                Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                                 Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  
                                                 Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                                 Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs     

                                       Warren Buffet bet $1.1 Billion on Apples's stock 
                                       in the first quarter.  He is not prone to make bad investment
                                       decisions.  He has friends on the FED.  They must have
                                       told him that they would not be raising rates.  But now
                                       he is down about 17% on that investment already.  Was his 
                                       timing just bad?  Perhaps, tech stocks are just out of favor 
                                       temporarily and this announcement will be the catalyst that
                                       they need.  
                                       Let's keep an eye on AAPL and TECL, the leveraged
                                       ETF for techs.  Specifically, we will need to see
                                       their Closing Power downtrends be violated with
                                       them above their 65-dma.  Until that happens, I
                                       would assume the risks are judged by Professionals
                                       here to be greater than the potential rewards.    

                   AAPL           To be a false breakdown, AAPL will need to stay
                                        above its support-line shown below for a week.

                    TECL looks ready to challenge 40 again if its Closing Power can
                    break its downtrend and it can close back above its rising 65-dma.
                    A strong day tomorrow would do that.

                 Older Materials




              4-28-2016       I take the operative Peerless signal to be a Sell S2.
                                    DJI and SP-500 bulls must now fight off quickly appearing
                                    head/shoulders patterns.  Just because these are small
                                    patterns does not make them less significant.  The DJI's
                                    neckline at 17780 is important to watch now. This is
                                    50 points below the neckline support.   If that support
                                    does give way, way, I would expect the DJI next to decline
                                    to the support of its rising 65-dma.

                                    The DJI has slightly penetrated its 21-day ma.  With the
                                    current annualized rate of change of the 21-day ma now below
                                    +.07 and the current IP21 below +.07, this mvg.avg.
                                    will probably give way.  So, therefore, will the neckline
                                    at 17780.  (Key Values DJI Chart).

                                    We remain short DIA.  A retreat to the DJI's lower band
                                    near 17250 would then seem to be the most likely next
                                    scenario.  It is also possible that we will see a deeper
                                    decline, though still bounded by the broad trading range,
                                    15700-18000.  The best earlier examples of such
                                    broad trading ranges are those of  1956-1957, 1986 and 2000. 
                                    We will need to get another Peerless Buy signal to buy

The Rise of Gold Stocks
                                               Is A General Market Warning,

                                    I am also concerned by how big advances in Gold
                                    and Gold stocks can cause the FED to tighten rates.
                                    Just before the October Crash of 1987 saw NEM,
                                    a key gold stock, rise 125% in 11 weeks,  It peaked
                                    on 9/15/1987. Two weeks later we got our most famous
                                    Sell S9.  Five weeks after the Sell S9, the DJI was
                                    down 33%.

 The "Nifty-35" May Be Topping Out,

                                    One of the reasons that the DJI is declining is the
                                    fear that tech stocks will start to break down following
                                    APPL's lead the last few days.  Now at 94.83, it is
                                    nearing important support at 93.

Charts:   Peerless DJIA  Hourly DJIA  DIA  SPY  QQQ  IWM 
                                             DJI-Utilities   DJI-Rails   A/D Line-6000 Stocks
                                             Crude Oil  SOXL  TECL
                                             Major Indexes and A/D Lines.  

                Key Tiger Software ETF Charts
                                             Bullish MAXCPs   Bearish MINCPs   

The New Boom in Gold/Silver Stocks

                                    Another reason for the recent decline in blue chips and
                                    many defensive stocks is that they've simply had very
                                    good runs and now it's simply time for some profit-taking.
                                    Some of that money is being shifted to the very hot
                                    gold and silver stocks. 

                                    As you know, mining stocks declined throughout 2012,
                                    2013, 2014 and 2015.  That's a long bear market by
                                    any measure.  Since the beginning of this year, they
                                    have been springing back, 

                                    With interest rates very low, the EURO and the Dollar
                                    look suspect to "Gold-Bugs".  The mining stocks' up-trends
                                    are outstanding.  High performance funds cannot ignore
                                    them.  It has been an across-the-board mining stock rally,
                                    but it is the smaller mining stocks that are now rising the
                                    most steeply. 

                                    Because of how far they came down, I believe that they
                                    could still rise a lot more before they reach significant
                                    and over-powering resistance.  See JNUG's weekly chart
                                    below.  This is the bullish leveraged ETF for smaller miners.
                                    It is now 152,   In theory, it may not face key resistance until
                                    it reaches 600!


                                            How Darvas Would Trade Them 

                                    In 2009 and 2010, many of the same stocks also made
                                    big advances.  But there is a big differences now.
                                    In the earlier period they rose more gradually, rising up
                                    and down from a steadily rising 65-day mvg.avgs.

                                    Here they are rocketing upwards.  Traders have to
                                    use the rising 5-day ma and 10-day ma as points to buy
                                    and they must also be prepared to buy the breakout-
                                    new highs.  Such breakout-buying is hard for most
                                    people.  But it must be used when extraordinarily
                                    bullish news has excited both big money and increasing
                                    numbers of speculators who do not want to be left out
                                    of the action.  Rallies like this seldom last longer than
                                    a year.  But they can be profitably traded. 

                                    This is the type of market favored by devotees of the
                                    box system of Nicolas Darvas.  As long as the floor of
                                    each higher price-box is not closed below, folks using
                                    the original Darvas system simply stay long after buying
                                    on a breakout. See the boxes in the Daily JNUG chart
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Darvas )

                                                             Daily JNUG




The new B15's appearance is problematic mainly because
                                    of the amount of overhead resistance in the DJI and the
                                    bearish looking head and shoulders patterns that we
                                    see now in the QQQ, NASDAQ, OEX, SP-500
                                    and even the DJI.  AAPL reported poorer than
                                    expected earnings after the close today. Because
                                    of its huge size, a much lower opening by AAPL
                                    will almost certainly bring a test of these indexes
                                    necklines.  It will also mean the DJI will again test
                                    its rising 21-dma.  If these necklines are broken, I
                                    would think the DJI will have to test its lower

here is another problem with today's Buy B15.
                                    Buy B15s seldom occur in April or May.  There has been
                                    only one B15 in April.  True, that brought a big gain in 1995 and 1996. 
                                    But it also occurred after the DJI had already made a very bullish
                                    flat topped breakout into all-time high territory.  The
                                    DJI is now 3% below such a breakout.  The overhead resistance needs
                                    to be eaten up before any April or May Buy B15.

The single May B15, in 1999, did occur above resistance, but
                                    because of how late it occurred in the ordinarily bullish
                                    November-May period, it immediately brought a significant
                                    paper loss.  The DJI back fell to the lower band

                                    And there is one more problem with taking seriously this
                                    Buy B15 that we got today.  This problem arises from the
                                    market's typical behavior in a Presidential Election Year.
                                    Breakouts in April or May just do not go anywhere in
                                    these years.  One has to go back to the wild and highly
                                    speculative 1928 April and May breakouts to see them
                                    succeed.  Since then, any April or May breakouts have
                                    proven to be failures.

 So, we need to be cautious about taking this Buy B15
                                    at present.  It could succeed, I surmise.  But that would
                                    require the FED to go along with the zero-Discount rate
                                    in Europe.  We need more evidence that this is what they
                                    will do.

                                    Let's watch to see how these head/shoulders patterns
                                    play out. At present, I would stay short DIA and avoid
                                    most long positions, except for some foreign ETFs and
                                    some of the strongest oil/gas stocks among the Bullish MAXCPs.
                                    If these head/shoulders patterns are completed, they
                                    should be treated as Tiger S5s.  If the DJI completes
                                    its head/shoulders, that, too will be a Tiger Sell S5.
                                    My thinking right now is simply to change Peerless 
                                    so that Buy B15s simply cannot occur in April or May
                                    in a Presidential Election Year.

     The market is waiting.

                                    I think it is waiting to see what the European Central Bank
                                    and the Fed continue to do.   Until Professionals jump
                                    on the bearish side and DIA's Closing Power breaks its
                                    uptrend and the NYSE A/D Line breaks its steep uptrend,
                                    any decline will probably be limited.

                                    The outcome of US Presidential Primaries will probably be Hillary
                                    Clinton vs Donald Trump race.  If so, Wall Street looks to be safely
                                    in control for another four years.  That will work to hold
                                    the market up, too. Only a sudden rise in US interest rates would
                                    pose much risk to the market.  Because it's a Presidential Election
                                    Year and the FED remembers 2008, they will probably be very
                                    cautious and leave rates unchanged.






              4-26-2016       The operative signal remains a Peerless Sell S2.


                                    However,  short-term support is apparent.  The Closing Powers for DIA.
                                    SPY and QQQ are still in uptrends.  So is the NYSE A/D Line.
                                    Let's watch the QQQ now.  It could forming a little head/shoulders
                                    pattern. You may remember that we noticed a similar pattern
                                    in the Dow Jones Utilities as it tested its neckline similarly.
                                    It has not broken its support.  Fed watchers, apparently,
                                    have not decided whether there will be a June rate hike.








This is a highly reliable Sell.  2/3 of the cases have

                                            Trading Range Peerless Sell S2s
                                            in A Presidential Election Year, since 1928|
         PE = Presidential                 Gain if DJI Sold Short
         Election Year                     and this position was
                                           closed on next Peerless Buy.    
19480615  PE  S2             193.2         .05     perfect 
19481022  PE  S2             189.8         .061    perfect

19560409  PE  S2             518.5         .079    perfect 
19560802  PE  S2             521           .075    perfect 
20000425  PE  S2             11124.82      .049    perfect
20000906  PE  S2             11310.64      .095    perfect
20001030  PE  S2             10835.77      .060    Very small Paper Loss 

20040902  PE  S2             10290.28      .038    Very small Paper Loss  
                                           Avg = 7.2%  


            4-20-2016         Today brought a reversing Sell S2 from Peerless.
                                    This is a highly reliable Sell.  2/3 of the cases have
                                    occurred in a Presidential Election year.  The average
                                    decline by the DJI when reversed with a Peerless
                                    Buy is 7%. See the list of S2s further below.  S2s
                                    are based on the DJI approaching the upper band
                                    in certain months in the 4-year Presidential cycle
                                    with significantly weakening internals.


While our internals now are not negative, the DJ Utilities                                    
quickly completed a bearish-looking head and shoulders                                    
today.  Fear must be returning that the FED will raise rates                                    
in June.  See these charts further below.


                                   Peerless Sell S2s since 1928|
         PE = Presidential                 Gain if DJI Sold Short
         Election Year                     and this position was
                                           closed on next Peerless Buy.    
19321111  PE  S2             68.0          .135    perfect
19350909      S2             132.5         .033    Very small Paper Loss  
19430920      S2             141.8         .071    perfect
19480615  PE  S2             193.2         .05     perfect 
19481022  PE  S2             189.8         .061    perfect
19560409  PE  S2             518.5         .079    perfect 
19560802  PE  S2             521           .075    perfect 
19600614  PE  S2             654.8         .058    perfect
19670918      S2             938.74        .084 
19710907      S2             938.74        .103 
20000425  PE  S2             11124.82      .049   perfect
20000906  PE  S2             11310.64      .095   perfect
20001030  PE  S2             10835.77      .060   Very small Paper Loss  
20040902  PE  S2             10290.28      .038   Very small Paper Loss  
20070919      S2             13815.56      .062

20160520  PE  S2             18096.27      ----
                                         Avg = 7%




The Four Horsemen of The New Inflation

With EUROs now borrow-able very cheaply, Gold
                                                and Silver are rising very fast.  Perhaps, much too
                                                powerfully, if the US Fed decides to break away from
                                                its own cheap money policies. 
For now, the rush into
                                                mining stocks is the hottest game in town.
  Until we
                                                see clear signs of Professional Selling, continue to be
                                                represented in this group, as well as Foreign ETFs,
                                                especially LBJ and BRZUOil and Gas Stocks have
                                                also turned around.  Look at the recent jump in
                                                Commodities generally.  All we need now for a
                                                complete reversal from our four Horsemen, will
                                                be for YINN to get up past $16, its overhead resistance,
                                                just a few pennies higher.