NUGT Daily short-term chart


Discontinued until NUGT appears again as a QUICK-PICK

3-30-2016  No crossovers of pivot-close today..
The broad trading range, 52-70 seems to the main
dynamic here.  Watch for the Accum. Index to
turn positive to tell us when there may be an upside
breakout and a worsening of it would warn that 50's
support may not hold.

3-29-2016  NUGT ran back up towards its recent highs
and resistance on Fed Chairwoman Yellens surprisingly
Dovish comments.  Perhaps, there will not even be
a rate hike in June.  NUGT's Closing Power has turned

3-28-2016  NUGT continues to look vulnerable based on
negative Accum.Index and falling 5-dma.  A break below
would make stock look very vulnerable.  The 5-dma cannot
easily turn up. 

   But see Possible Bullish Inverted and H/S


3-24-2016    NUGT has support at 50-52 and resistance between 68 and 70.
While another rally could occur like on Friday, the bearish facts remain: its 5-dma
is falling, its Accum. Index is negative and its Closing Power is falling.  If it is
bought for a day trade, be careful.  Sell it if it drops below Friday's close of 
54.61 or on a rally back above 65.

Direxion Daily Gold Miners Bull 3X ETF (NUGT)


   4-23-2016   Talk of a June rise in interest rates boosted Dollar
   and hurt Commodities, Previous Metals, Oil/Gas, Foreign ETFs,
   China as well as major market ETFS, technology TECL, biotechs IBB
   and Semi-Conductors.  NUGT could violate its 53 support.  This
   would bearishly show that the Hawks among the FOMC members
   may win out.

   NUGT's Closing Power and 5-dma are falling.  Bearishly NUGT could
   not manage to bounce much off its lows.  It would seem its is a short at opening
   for Day Traders.  But cover if it turns positive or at close.


   4-22-2016   Hotline warned that both Gold and Silver show
   bearish NNCs by Accum. Index.  This is bearish for NUGT

    4-21-2016   Both-Up but IP21<0.  69-70 will likely be resistance again.
    Brussel's bombing will likely bring a quick test of it.


    4-18-2016   NUGT's 5-day ma turned up today.  Both its Opening
    and Closing Power are rising now.  But the Accumulation Index is
    negative.  The negative IP21 suggests that 70 will continue to act as resistance.
    There is little point in buying NUGT right now just below its resistance,
    except for very short-term trades.  Friday's backing and filling between
    66 and 70 may well give us a sense of the intra-day trading on Monday.
    I would still use previous day's close as the key basic point.  Above
    that is bullish, below that is bearish AND until there is breakout over
    70, I would only want to go long NUGT and do so when it crosses
    back above  66.32 (Friday's close.) or on a successful test of that




    4-17-2016   Today was a profit-taking day for NUGT.  The early-crossovers
    down and then back up would have produced a small-whipsaw loss.  Aggressive
    traders tomorrow, use the previous day's close as the pivot point, where above
    it the stock is bullish and below the stock is bearish.  Fridays bring unusual
    volatility to NUGT.  So, I would continue to use its crossovers to take positions
    and close out the positions at the end of the day's trading. 

    Both Opening and CLosing Power are rising, but NUGT's 5-dma seems to
    have turned down.  See in the second chart how wide its trading range is.
    This should permit some nice day trading profits for the next week.  The
    Fed's dovishness is certainly bullish as are the longer-term mvg.averages.
    So, trading long would be my preference still..

                                                   One-Day Chart


    4-16-2016  Today the Fed kept interest rates unchanged.  As a result
    NUGT crossed back above its previous day's close around 58 and
    closed near 69.  Continue to use crossover's above the previous
    day's close as a Buy and then sell near the CLose.  One could also
    do the reverse and sell short on reversals back down from early
    strength back below the pivot-point of the previous close.  Because
    the uptrend is so strong, this is riskier. 

                                                One-Day Chart
    4/15/2016  No report due to lack of time.
    4-14-2016  Today the 5-dma has turned down, the Closing Power is
    no longer considered "Bullish" and rising and a potential head/shoulders
    is appearing.  This type of pattern appeared at previous tops. 

    4-11-2016  The 5-dma has flattened to a +57%.  It is not a good idea
    to trade this on long side, considering how far it has advanced.  Selling it
    short when it crossed the previous day's close could have been justified.


    4-10-2016  Today NUGT opened at 60.84, up 2.84 from the previous
    day's close.  Our suggestion, because it is has a BOTHUP status, was to
    buy it on a positive opening, but work with a stop sell just below the
    previous day's close.  That level was never approached.  So, the Tiger|
    Day Trader would have held NUGT until the close, which was 65.89.
    There is a point at which the Opening is too far above the Opening to chase.
    Today, we would have made 5.05.  If we think of that is a measure of the
    upside potential, then I don't think we should chase a higher opening|
    tomorrow by more than, say, 4 points.  If NUGT opens up more than 4
    points, do not chase it.  Wait for a pullback nearer to the previous day's
    close and then a turn upwards. 

    If NUGT opens Friday down from Thursday's close, Buy it only when
    it rises intra-day above Friday's close.  Do this only in the first few hours
    of trading.

    NUGT is now considerably above the support of its 5-day and even
    more above its 21-dma.  In this situation, there is more downside
    vulnerability.  And recently Friday's have brought bigger than usual
    declines.  Day-trading NUGT seems safer than placing a Buy on
    weakness order.  However, one could buy at the 5-dma on a decline.
    In that case, know that it could retreat all the way down to its rising
    21-dma.  It is probably a lot safer just to not buy NUGT on weakness
    tomorrow, Friday.


    4-9-2016  A small gain would have been using the approach advocated for
    Tiger Day Traders.  NUGT opened 3 1/2 points below the previous day's close
    (57.47).  Assuming we would have bought it at 57.48, it then rose as high as 59.7
    and closed at 58.000 where small profits could have been taken.   This was enough
    to turn its CLosing Power back up.  It now is in BOTH UP mode.

    When the Opening Power and Closing Power are both rising
    (above their rising 21-dma), we may get a day when there is a
    higher opening and then a still higher close.  As a Tiger day trader trading
    in these circumstances,  buying at the opening above the
    close IS riskier, but it can still pay-off.  If it opens below the previous
    day, wait to BUY it when it turns positive for the day.  Sell at the CLose
    unless its prices go from positive to negative.

    4-8-2016   NUGT's Closing Power is no longer considered rising, but it
    also is not falling; so, I would simply Buy on crossovers above the previous day's
    Close if the Opening is weak.
  (As the Opening Power is still rising, this
    is unlikely.)  Or Sell Short if NUGT opens up tomorrow and falls below the
    previous day's low.
With the Closing Power neutral, I would not chase
    an early advance in it.  

    Day traders, today we saw one of NUGT's classic moves,
    a 10% plus more to downside and a close near the day's lows. 
    of the BOTHUP status, the best thing we would probably have done
    here is simply sell any long position taken on the positive opening
    as soon as NUGT dropped below its previous close.  Since it opened
    at 69.12 and the previous close was at 66.87, this might conceivably
    have amounted to a 2.26 loss (69.12 - 66.86).  But there were signs
    of trouble.  Gold showed a red negative Accum. divergence on its
    advance the previous day,  Silver had reached its well-tested resistance
    and NUGT rose on lower volume on the previous day.  So waiting a few
    minutes in case the opening was "false" would have paid off.  Selling
    it short when it quickly broke below its previous day's close could under
    the circumstances been entertained, too.  An especially weak closing
    is often how a BOTHUP advance by NUGT ends.  If it was sold short
    as it broke below the previous day's close, covering it near the close
    would have been quite profitable.  There was no reason a day trader
    would want to hold it over-night.  

                                       3-7-2016 Warnings


     3-7-2016    Day traders, NUGT has a BOTH UP status.
When the Opening Power and Closing Power are both rising
    (above their rising 21-dma), we are bound to get days like today,
    when there is a higher opening and then a still higher close.
    As a day trader with this vehicle, buying at the opening above the
    close IS riskier, but it can still pay-off.  As today. it opened at
    63.01 and  went down only to 62.47 (but never below its previous
    day's closing of 60.73 and then rose nicely to 69.92 before
    closing at 66.47. 

     The BOTH UP status can last a week or two.  Eventually,
     we may buy NUGT and the stock will fall not just below the
     opening but below the previous day's close.  At that point
     we will have to quickly sell at a loss then OR buy DUST. 


    3-4-2016    Day traders, we saw a Reversal Day.  Usually, we place closing
    Sell Stops just beneath the close of the reversal day.  But with so much momentum,
    I would NOT sell short.  Instead,
look for a failure of a strong new uptrend-Reversal
    Day to bring a follow-though decline.  That should be taken as a Buy.

Usually the type of reversal days we saw Friday
                         do bring declines.  But commodities, Gold
                         and foreign ETFs are the leaders now.  On this basis,
                         they should all go up next week.   And in
                         recoveries after long declines, price reversals are
                         often fake-outs.  In fact, that is how we can tell that
                         prices will go higher: the reversal days in a new bull
                         market don't bring reverses.  See how the last two
                         reversal days did not bring further declines.  Instead,
                         prices rose.
 So, a move early in the day back above
                         the close, should be used as a Buy.  A failure of the
                         Reversal Day to bring a follow-though decline should
                         be taken as a Buy.


    3-3-2016    Day traders, when both Opening and Closing Power are  rising
we expect steep vertical advances.  At the end of the move, it is the Closing
   Power which ordinarily drops first.  The opposite it true when we have a
   "BOTH-DOWN" situation.


   3-2-2016    Day traders, when NUGT's Closing Power is rising, we usually
   do well buying near the openings and selling at the close.  Here that would
   have meant buying just above the previous day's close on a successful
   early test of that and selling at the close. 

   (Day traders, when the Closing Power is falling, we have to expect weakness after the
   opening.  So, either selling short when prices drop below the previous day's
   close or selling short on an early failed rally back up to the previous day's
   close should consistently work.  Of course, if the 5-dma trend is very strong or
   very weak and confirmed by Closing Power and the Accumulation Index,
   it is usually best just to hold the positions overnight.)

   3-1-2016    Day traders, if NUGT opens considerably lower and then turns positive by moving
   above its previous day's close, it should be bought and then sold at the close.
   Vice verse, day traders should consider selling it short (or going long DUST)
   when NUGT opens a good deal higher and then drops into negative territory,
   In the latter case, day traders will want to close it out at the end of the day.
   This does not produce a trade every day, but it has been consistently profitable.

   2/12/2016  Gain = +4.20/52.57  long
   2/18/2016  Gain =  +8.40/46.32 long
   2/22/2016  Gain = +1.15/45.56 long
   2/25/2016  Gain = +2.62/56.20 long
   3/1/2016    Gain = +6.85/59.03 short

                     NUGT has broke its price-uptrend, but the steeply rising 21-day ma
                     at 46.8 should act as support.




     Price, Relative Strength,
    Closing Power, Opening Power
    Daily Volume



    Price, Relative Strength,
    Closing Power, Opening Power
    Daily Volume