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             Peerless Stock Market Timing ---  TigerSoft Insider Trading Software -- Tiger Power Ranker
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   PEERLESS RULES                         
Foreign ETFs' Performance Thus Far in 2012 
Automatic Peerless Buys and Sells Applied to
          All Non-US ETFs and Overseas' Markets, 2011-2012

  wpeF.jpg (2072 bytes)  "Esperanto Prize" for Profitable non-US ETF Trading
Like Esperanto, Peerless is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use artificial international language
         that transcends political boundaries.   Esperanto ,  it was hoped, would grow in use and
         thereby foster peace and better international understanding.  The rise of the
         Common Market in Europe may be seen as a movement in this direction, though
         central banks now have an excessive influence on government economic policies
         there,  Meanwhile, Peerless excels at making traders profits internationally. We show
         the results by country funds below for 2011-2012. Click on some of the country links
         below and discover how profitable has been the whole period since 1996.         .

Australia  United Kingdom   Mexico   India    China   France   Germany  Russia   Brazil   South America
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          Peerless - A New Universal Language of Profitable Stock Trading:
          How is that Peerless has become so profitable with non-US ETFS, when it was originally
          designed for trading the DJI-30 and the stock market generally?

         The best answer I know of is that the
Advent of non-US ETFs traded on  the NYSE
         in 1995 have made it easier and easier for big money from Wall Street to flow in and
         out of the most important non US markets and companies.  NYSE specialists now may
         dominate and control prices for these ETFs and thereby their underlying stocks
         and the entire country markets they represent.  This is because of how easily big money
         can now be moved quickly in and out fo these smaller markets.  This has created a condition
         in which
all the world's stock markets move up and down in tandem, not independenly.  
         Local news and the thinness of the underlying stocks does make their
Volatility vary greatly,
         The leverage of the NYSE specialists and their banking affiliates has grown enormously.
         To raise new money, Wall Street must now be listened to and abided by. 

          As a populist, I can decry the loss of Sovereignty to each ccountry's people, but
          the truth remains that investors using Peerless must see this as a big opportunity. 
         We can now trade foreign ETFs in their relatively virgin markets more safely and
          also make a lot more money than trading US ETFs (Exchanged Traded Funds),
          such as for the DJIA-30 (DIA), SP-500 (SPY), NASDAQ-100 (QQQ) and Russell-2000 (IWM).
          See the Blogs I wrote last year about which countries' ETFs have performed best with
          Peerless, thus moving in synch with the DJI. .

April 27, 2011   Automatic Peerless Trading of Latin American, Brazilian and Mexican Stocks
           Using ETFs

Mexico    -   $1000 becomes $99,947 in 15 yrs.
                               Brazil - $1000 becomes  $47,094 in 10 years.
                 Latin America  $1000 becomes  $25,042 in 9 years  

                                                     PEERLESS RULES

The results is that the Peerless Rules which dates back to 1981, that
          produce automatic Buys and Sells andhave been carefully back-tested
          to 1915 on the DJI-30, now work wonderfully with nearly every countries'
          stock market and their ETFs which are traded on the NYSE.  This
          becomes clearer and clearer, each new year. The 2011-2012 Peerless/TigerSoft charts
          make this very clear.  Click on any of the country links below and on tigersoft.com
          to learn more.  I would also suggest that Peerless Rules most of the biggest
          companies that the non-US ETFs invest in.  TigerSoft is building a special DATA
          download that includes the ADRs (American Depository Receipts) for all the biggest
          stocks positions held by the the non-US ETFs.  Yahoo makes it easy to discover
          the biggest positions of each ETF. See Germany's ETF (EWG) for example here.


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      RSX (NYSE) ETF for Russian stocks show a Trading Gain of +108%
      for last 10 months buying on autmatic Peerless Buys and Selling on reversing
      Peerless Sells.  Short sales were also taken on Sells and Buys.
      The ETF itself actually declined in this period.   See the holdings below

       See the quandry of investing in RSX without Peerless.     The Peerless gain of +108% with RSX
      was the highest of any of the ETFs.  Past results do not guarantee futures success. 

the consistency of profitability by Peerless for many years should get your
      attention and inspire a lot of confidence.

Top 10 Holdings of RSX (57.64% of Total Assets)
Company Symbol % Assets
Gazprom OAO ADR OGZPY 7.95
Sberbank of Russia OJSC N/A 7.58
Rosneft Oil Company OJSC GDR ROSN 7.35
Novatek OAO GDR  http://www.novatek.ru/ NVTK 5.94
MMC Norilsk Nickel JSC ADR NILSY 5.31
Bank for Foreign Trade Vneshtorgbank JSC VTB Bank GDR VTBR 4.43
Surgutneftegas OJSC SGTZY 4.41
Gazprom Neft OJSC GZPFY 4.17
JSC Uralkali GDR URKA 3.97

           RSX - ETF for Russia and Peerless Automatic Buys and Sells
                       (The numbers are our classification system for back-testing.  They do not
                       measure the strength of the signal.  Short sales are taken, too. In some cases,
                       Year-end Dividends are not factored in.)
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                                          Non-US ETFs are Hot

             96% of foreign ETFs are above their 65-day ma.   This ranks Foreing ETFs' stocks now #1
         among the 28 industry groups TigerSoft tracks each night on the Peerless/TigerSoft Hotline.

Peerless Is Hotter

              See the Performance of the non-US ETFs in the table below.  The second column
          allows you to compare the results of trading the Peerless reversing Buys and Sell signals
         with the various NON-US ETFs and DIA, SPY, QQQ and IWM.  It suggests that instead
         of buying DIA or SPY when Peerless gives a reversing Buy, consider a set of the best
         performing ETFs that also trade well with Peerless. 
TRE-Russia and RSX stand out in
I have no custiomers in Russia presently.  So this is a virgin field
         for us "tigers".

Peerless Rules

             These "Peerless Stock Market Timing trading results are produced by TigerSoft and assume
                    1) long and short positions are being taken at the opening the day after the Buy or Sell            signal;
                    2) A reversing Buy causes shorts to be covered and long positions to be taken;
                    3) A reversing Sell causes long positions to be sold and shorts to be taken.
                    4) that $10,000 is the original investment;
                    5) all proceeds are fully reinvested in longs and shorts, on Buys and Sells;
                    4) $40 per round trip is allowed for commissions and slippage, too.  
          This seems conservative and realistic.

             Because of the success of Peerless over time with so many countries, I have translated
          the story of Peerless into Russian, German, French (France and Belgium), Spanish
          (Spain as well as Mexico), Italian and Portuguese (Brazil as well as Portugal).  I used
          a machine translator.  If you speak these languanges, have a look and feel free to
          make suggestions.  I would also be interested in helping. for a small fee, other website
          owners do what I have done.

   Russian ETF - RSX - Automatic Peerless Signals: May 2011-March 2012

           A buy and hold of RSX for the period May 2011-March 2012 approach would have lost 10.5%.
           On the other hand, using Peerless would have gained you 107.8%.  Peerless is the
           difference between a loss and a very big gain.  The difference between using Peerless and
           buying and holding was + $11830.5.  The TigerSoft/Peerless programs cost only $495. 
           A year of data from is only $150, but you get the first 7 months FREE!  It's time to
           get the real story of Peerless out there.

                                     Signal         Price       Value of Investment
           5/24/2011         Buy B11   36.49         $10,000
           6/30/2011         Sell S12    38.72         $10.611,13
           7/1/2011           Buy B12    39.01         $10531.65
           7/5/2011           Sell S9       38.95          $10515.46
           8/11/2011         Buy B12   31.74          $12461.96
           8/30/2011         Sell S9      33.44          $13129.43
           9/23/2011         Buy B11    26.09         $16015.23
           12/5/2011         Sell S9        29.44         $18021.61
           12/19/2011       Buy B13    27.03         $19550.98
            1/4/2012           Sell S15    27.38         $19804.14
            1/18/2012         Buy B10   29.13         $18538.35
            3/8/2012           end of study 32.65    $20778.00

            8 winning trades, 3 losing trades
            Biggest paper loss of Long trade = 11%
            Biggest paper loss on short sale = 6.6%

            To order Peerless and TigerSoft for $495, please go to this link or give us a call
          at 858-273-5900.   

wpe1A2.jpg (46062 bytes) Peerless and TigerSoft Special - Order here $495

Safe Peerless Investing in Foreign ETFs:  
                                France (en France)
                                Germany (Auf Deutch)
                                Italy (Parliamo l'italiano)
                                Russia (po Russki) 
                                Spain/Latin America/Mexico en Espanol)
                                Brazil (em português) 

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                Foreign ETFs' Performance Thus Far in 2012 
Automatic Peerless Buys and Sells Applied to
          All Non-US ETFs and Overseas' Markets, 2011-2012
C:\etfs       Days back= 46 
----------- RANKED BY 2012 PERFORMANCE --------------------------------------------
                     12/30/2011 - 3/8/2012 
Rank Peerless  ETF           Name                        Price          Pct.Gain    
     Pct Gain SYMBOL
---- -------- ---------------------------------       ----------    ------------ 
 1    +32.1%  TGA           TRANSGLOBE ENERGY            11.76         48%   
 2    +84.5%  TRF           TEMPLETON RUSSIA FUND        17.39         27%   
 3    +83.9%  CEE           CENTRAL EUROPEAN EQUITY FUND 35.2  
 4    +36.6%  INP           PACIFIC-ASIA ex Japan        57.65         23%  
 5   +107.8%  RSX          MKT VCTR RUSSIA S            32.65         22%  
 6    +49.2%  SGF           SINGAPORE FUND               13.33         22%  
 7     -3.4%  TF            THAI CAPITAL FUND            10.44         21% 
 8    +75.6   HAO           CLAYMORE/ALPHASHA            23.33         20%  
 9    +25.0%  IIF           MS INDIA INVESTMT FUND       16.82         20%  
 10   +66.1%  GF            NEW GERMANY FUND             14.59         19% 
 11   +21.4%  IFN           INDIA FUND     22.71         19%           3.3% 
 12   +73.8%  EWG           ISHARES MSCI GERMANY INDEX   22.87         18% 
 13   +72.9   EWZ           ISHARES MSCI BRAZIL INDEX    68.02         18% 
 14   +58.5%  JFC           J FLEMING CHINA REGION FUND  13.03
 15   +37.2%  TWN           TAIWAN FUND                  17.12         18%   
 16   +40.4   EWS           ISHAR SINGAPORE INDEX        12.76         17%  
 17   +45.0%   CH           CHILE FUND                   17.47         16% 
 18   +22.7%  CAF           MORGAN STANLEY CHINA         22.27         15%   
 19   +55.0%  ECH           ISHARES MSCI CHILE           66.66         15%  
 20   +69.1%  EEM           ISHARES MSCI EMERGING MKTS   43.81         15%    
 21   +43.8%  EWH           ISHARES MSCI HONG KONG INDEX 17.86         15%  
 22   +55.9%  EWT           ISHARES MSCI TAIWAN INDEX    13.48         15% 
 23   +48.7%  GCH           GREATER CHINA FUND           11.59         15% 
 24   +63.8%  VWO           Vanguard Emerging Markets    44.2          15% 
 ---- +32.0%  QQQ           ETF for NASDAQ-100           64.75         15%
 25   +57.6%  EWD           ISHARES MSCI SWEDEN INDEX    28.77         14%
 26   +75.8%  EWO           ISHARES MSCI AUSTRIA INDEX   16.27         14% 
 27   +98.0%  EWY           ISHARES MSCI SO KOREA INDEX  59.71         14% 
 28   +55.5%  GMF           ST SP EM AS PACIFIC E        75.7          14%
 29   +58.3%  GXC           STRK SPDR S&P CH             71.16         14%  
 30   +38.5%  IXN           ISHARES S&P GLOBAL TECHN.    67.45         14%  
 31   +62.7%  EWI           ISHARES MSCI ITALY INDEX     13.6          13% 
 32   +81.0%  EWQ           IShares MSCI France          22.25         13% 
 33   +66.5%  ILF           ISHARES S&P LATIN AMERICA 40 48.16         13% 
 34   +39.1%  JEQ           JAPAN EQUITY FUND            5.65          13% 
 35   +46.3%  PGJ            Gldn Dragon  USX China      22.22         13%  
 36   +45.8%  EWK           ISHARES MSCI BELGIUM INDEX   11.9          12%
 37   +66.6%  EWW           ISHARES MSCI MEXICO          60.25         12% 
 38   +23.0%  MXF           MEXICO FUND                  24.57         12% 
 39   +32.4%  CHN           CHINA FUND                   22.94         11%  
 40   +73.0%  FEZ           FRESCO DOW JONES EURO 50     32.88         11% 
 41   +57.2%  FXI           iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 38.81         11% 
 42   +10.8%  GRR           ASIA TIGERS FUNDS            13.43         11% 
 43   +37.0%  ITF           ISHARES S&P-TOPIX 150 INDEX  43.06         11%
 44   +31.8%  EWJ           ISHARES MSCI JAPAN INDEX     10.03         10% 
 45   +68.6%  EWM           ISHARES MSCI MALAYSIA        14.76         10%
 46   +56.2%  IEV           ISHARES S&P EUROPE 350 FUND  37.25         10%
 47   +50.5%  VGK           Vanguard European Stock      45.92         10%
 48   +36.2%  VPL           Vanguard Pacific Stock       52.61         10%
 --   +43.7%  SPY           ETF for SP-500              137.04          9% 
 --   +57.5%  IWM           ETF for Russell-2000         80.51          9% 
 50   +74.1%  EWA           ISHARES MSCI AUSTRALIA       23.2           8%   
 51   +28.2%  EWL           ISHARES MSCI SWITZERLAND     24.56          8%  
 52   +30.7%  IF            INDONESIA FUND               12.74          8%  
 53   +28.0%  JOF           JAPAN OTC EQUITY FUND         7.78          8% 
 54   +48.5%  EWC           ISHARES MSCI CANADA INDEX    28.48          7% 
 55   +46.6%  EWU           ISHARES MSCI UK INDEX        17.32          7% 
 56   +59.9%  KEF           KOREA EQUITY FUND             9.72          7% 
 --   +42.5%  DIA           DJI-30 ETF                  128.91          5%  
 57   +42.6%  IDX           Vectors INDONESIA            29.18          2% 
 58   +53.3%  EWP           ISHARES MSCI SPAIN INDEX     30.4           0%              59           IXP           ISHARES S&P GLOBAL TELECOMM  56.14          0%