![]() What's New from TigerSoft in 2009-2010? 1) Peerless Automatic Buys and Sells are now back-tested to 1928. There's a lot to learn from the 1930s. 2) TigerSoft Builds Indexes of Any Group of Stocks with Buy/Sell Signals, A/D Line, Charts of Pct of Stocks above 65-dma, and much more.. 3) TigerSoft Builds a Table showing the statuses of all stocks' Opening and CLosing Powers. 4) TigerSoft's Data Page now gives you downloadable data on A) All the Stocks whose Closing Power is making new highs and B) All the Stocks whose Closing Power is making new lows. 5) TigerSoft's Data Page now gives you downloadable data on All the Stocks best traded with Short-Term Indicators. Most made more than 100% in the last year. 6) TigerSoft flags new 5-year weekly highs and lows for 600+ stocks, mostly in the SP-500 and NASDAQ-100 and shows new weekly Buys and Sells on 5-Year Charts. Make Money. Use TigerSoft To Track Key Insider Buying and Selling in All Your Stocks www.tigersoft.com PO Box 9491 - San Diego, CA 92169 - 858-273-5900 - william_schmidt @hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
What's New from
TigerSoft? Existing owners of TigerSoft want to stay current. There are two ways of doing this. A.) For $295, we provide all the updates to the Peerless and TigerSoft plus 3 months of the Nightly Hotline and Nightly Data on 6000 stocks. B.) For $595, we provide all the updates to the Peerless and TigerSoft for a year, full documentation and 12 months of the Nightly Hotline, Nightly Data on 6000 stocks and Tiger's Bullish and Bearish Special Situations and Weekly Elite Stock Professional Report. Call us 858-273-5900 or email us william_schmidt@hotmail.com or Fill Out this Order Form Elite Stock Professional Service ("ESP") for one year. New Research All New Software Updates Data for 6000 Stocks... Nightly Hotline Bullish Special Situations Bearish Special Situations Weekly On-Line Posting of Most Highly Accumulated Stocks .... $595. ===> Order Here What's New from TigerSoft?
2) TigerSoft
Builds Indexes of Any Group
of Stocks. These Tiger-Index charts weight the stocks by volume x price, instead of by price alone, as the DJIA does. You also get automatic Buys and Sells with key TigerSoft indicators. Sample - DJIA - 7/17/2010 ![]() Charts also show the groups' A/D Line, A/D Oscillator and the P-Indicator. as well as the percentage of stocks over 65-dma. Vertical lines show where A/D Line trend-breaks occur on DJIA-30. ![]() A/D Line and A/D Line Oscillator for NASDAQ-100 Stocks ![]() |
3) TigerSoft
Builds a Table showing all
stocks' Opening and CLosing Power status. Both UP is the most bullish trading condition, until CLosing Power breaks its uptrend. Both DOWN is the most bearish trading condition, until CLosing Power breaks its downtrend. Get the sense of the current market from this: Presently, none of the DJIA-30 are either BOTHUP (bullish) or BOTHDOWN (bearish. Table does show that each day the BOTHUP condition is true for AA (Alcoa), the stock rises 1.3%. HPQ's average daily gain is 1.2% in this condition. BAC's stock is the most vulnerable when the BOTHDOWN condition is obtained. Just click on any row and "Graph" to get the Tiger graph. No stocks are bullish rated UU, BOTH UP Exclamations show a change. Opening/Closing Power Status, DAILY AVG GAINS for BOTH UP and BOTH DOWN 7/ 13/ 9- 7/ 16/ 10 C:\dowjones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol Status Both Up Both Down ------ ------ Daily Avg. Count Daily Avg. Count ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA UD .013 42 -.013 37 AXP UD! .009 72 -.013 23 BA UD .008 71 -.005 26 BAC ?D .007 38 -.016 4 CAT UD! .006 86 -.007 23 CSCO UD! .007 23 -.01 21 CVX UD .005 63 -.005 36 DD UD! .006 41 -.008 18 DIS UD! .011 26 -.01 19 GE UD .005 64 -.01 22 HD UD .005 48 -.007 27 HPQ U? .012 9 -.007 26 IBM D? .003 9 -.007 14 INTC UD .007 48 -.009 17 JNJ UD! .002 24 -.002 22 JPM UD! .004 53 -.009 24 KFT UD .005 30 -.005 21 KO U? .002 10 -.006 23 MCD U? .004 88 -.005 17 MMM UD! .004 65 -.004 15 MRK U? .004 56 -.005 6 MSFT UD .004 25 -.005 29 PFE UD .009 27 -.005 34 PG ?U .006 38 -.002 21 T ?D! .004 32 -.005 10 TRV UD .007 40 -.008 26 UTX UD! .004 62 -.004 32 VZ UD .005 37 -.005 19 WMT UD .003 49 -.004 28 XOM UD .007 17 -.008 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 Stocks in this directory 26 Stocks with Rising Openings 1 Stocks with Falling Openings 1 Stocks with Rising Closings 24 Stocks with Falling Closings 0 BOTH UP Stocks 0 BOTH DOWN Stocks |
4) TigerSoft's
Data Page now gives you downloadable data on A) All the Stocks whose Closing Power is making new highs and B) All the Stocks whose Closing Power is making new lows. Flag and rank these groups with new confidence. 20 Stocks have a Closing Power at its highs. Here is their Composite Chart. ![]() Opening/Closing Power Status, DAILY AVG GAINS for BOTH UP and BOTH DOWN 7/ 21/ 9- 7/ 16/ 10 C:\mincp (CLosing Power Making New Lows Stocks) DD = Bearishly Opening and Closing Power Falling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol Status Both Up Both Down ------ ------ Daily Avg. Count Daily Avg. Count ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA UD .013 37 -.013 36 ABAX UD .007 33 -.008 47 ABX UD .008 64 -.005 13 ACH UD .013 29 -.014 48 ADY DD .015 17 -.014 33 AEM UD .007 38 -.018 22 AHS UD .004 37 -.014 28 ALNY UD .007 25 -.012 17 AMAT UD .007 37 -.009 16 ANR UD .011 46 -.017 31 ATT UD .001 24 -.004 7 AUY UD .009 33 -.01 12 AVTR UD .011 22 -.016 14 BCRX UD .008 24 -.022 30 BKS UD .015 28 -.021 30 BMTI DD .011 19 -.025 26 BONT UD .021 90 .003 8 CBK UD .019 42 -.008 29 CDE UD .018 49 -.01 29 CENX UD .01 45 -.023 20 CFI UD .023 46 -.007 17 CFSG UD .028 15 -.009 16 CGA UD .004 10 -.002 2 CGNX UD .008 42 -.004 24 CHK UD .011 25 -.016 13 CHS UD .008 47 -.009 36 CLMS UD .01 51 -.02 37 CLWR DD .011 34 -.003 8 CME ?D .006 45 -.02 18 CML UD! .007 61 -.019 42 CNMD UD .008 30 -.016 21 COMV UD .022 25 -.016 36 CONN UD .017 46 -.025 39 CPBY UD .019 46 -.009 13 CRI UD .007 76 -.01 21 CRMT UD .011 33 -.007 31 CSKI UD .018 33 -.013 9 CTEL UD .014 74 -.016 26 CWCO UD .01 29 -.012 64 CYB UD 0 3 -.001 28 DBB UD .008 43 -.013 35 DGICA DD .008 -.008 54 DLLR UD .006 42 -.004 48 DO UD .006 34 -.01 54 DRR DD .005 46 -.007 24 EOC UD .007 26 -.008 14 ERF UD .005 56 -.011 18 ESE UD .008 29 -.012 20 EVF UD .003 41 -.012 EWC UD .005 39 -.009 6 EWT UD .005 64 -.003 38 EWW UD .005 64 -.009 11 FCX UD .008 60 -.016 12 FFIN UD .002 23 -.006 30 FORM ?D .007 50 -.014 63 FTEK UD .01 19 -.017 40 FXC UD .003 42 -.003 22 GDX UD .009 39 -.004 13 GGB UD .009 55 -.016 28 GHDX UD .008 21 -.01 28 GILD ?D .006 20 -.005 48 GLDD UD .012 36 -.023 11 GMXR UD .017 34 -.016 22 GPRE UD .021 55 -.017 25 GRS UD .019 40 -.013 27 GVA UD .007 34 -.008 64 HGRD UD .012 44 -.013 3 HK UD .011 26 -.009 20 HLX DD .012 21 -.016 37 HMA UD .009 52 -.027 17 HTH UD .003 12 -.005 30 HTR UD .003 26 -.004 4 IGT U!D .009 41 -.011 34 IMAX UD .018 46 -.001 11 ITG U!D .005 25 -.011 70 IWC UD .004 94 -.012 15 IYM UD .005 67 -.015 23 JAG UD .008 38 0 12 JCG UD .011 57 -.005 29 JCP UD .006 33 -.014 24 JLA UD .007 5 -.025 5 JSN UD .003 16 -.004 2 KBH UD .009 43 -.023 31 KBW UD .005 40 -.004 29 KGC UD .003 29 -.008 28 KSS DD .004 41 -.012 31 KWK U!D .012 55 -.016 36 KYN UD .007 35 -.001 6 LPL ?D .014 37 -.015 20 LPSN UD .012 75 -.012 12 MA ?D .006 65 -.007 31 MANT UD .006 29 -.008 40 MAS UD .008 50 -.014 32 MEDQ UD .007 28 -.003 16 MELA UD .011 18 -.006 24 MFC UD .007 32 -.01 29 MGM UD .021 59 -.018 19 MITI UD .008 35 -.017 21 MTL UD .019 79 -.029 15 MU UD .011 57 -.033 12 MYE UD! .006 19 -.012 30 NAT UD .007 39 -.007 26 NCI UD .007 32 -.008 28 NCS UD .128 38 -.025 22 NJR UD .003 33 -.003 16 NVDA UD .012 34 -.013 42 NXY UD .011 39 -.011 30 OMI UD .005 28 -.012 29 OTTR UD .003 15 -.005 28 PHD UD .004 32 .004 2 PHM DD .015 25 -.014 23 PIQ UD .004 82 -.007 43 PKI UD .008 53 -.017 9 POZN ?D .015 60 -.018 26 PRIM UD .016 16 -.012 6 PRSC UD .01 68 -.01 22 PST DD .004 17 -.003 82 PXN UD .005 56 -.007 31 QGEN UD .004 5 -.005 28 RAX UD! .011 57 -.012 18 RCL UD .012 34 -.006 14 RGLD DD .011 51 -.006 20 RHB UD .014 45 -.008 39 ROCM UD .012 11 -.006 34 RWT UD .006 41 -.011 9 RYL UD! .008 50 -.011 28 SA UD .018 37 -.017 32 SGY UD .014 41 -.019 26 SID ?D .008 67 -.01 30 SJT UD .012 56 -.01 2 SLF UD .005 47 -.008 34 SMHG UD .008 35 -.014 8 SNIC UD .022 58 -.014 9 SPIL UD .005 32 -.011 42 SRDX UD .011 31 -.006 59 SU UD .013 31 -.012 21 SURW UD .029 3 -.013 67 SWN ?D .01 57 -.014 36 SWS UD .007 15 -.011 50 TECUA UD .012 42 -.025 8 TLB UD .019 83 -.016 30 TLM UD .01 21 -.019 15 TRGL UD .027 38 -.005 14 TSRA UD .009 37 -.013 33 TTEK DD .005 21 -.011 47 TWGP UD! .009 20 -.006 25 UDRL UD! .012 28 -.013 39 UPL UD .009 51 -.012 27 URBN DD .006 78 -.014 13 V UD .006 63 -.007 26 VNDA UD .012 19 -.013 60 VRGY UD .012 33 -.012 53 VZ ?D .005 36 -.007 24 WDC UD .008 51 -.002 20 WMGI UD! .005 40 -.006 27 WWE UD .007 45 -.012 12 XME UD .009 53 -.015 19 XRM ?D .027 17 -.028 7 ZINC UD .01 50 -.031 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159 Stocks in this directory 137 Stocks with Rising Openings 12 Stocks with Falling Openings 0 Stocks with Rising Closings 159 Stocks with Falling Closings 0 BOTH UP Stocks 12 BOTH DOWN Stocks ============================================================== 158 Stocks have a Closing Power at its lows. Here is their Composite Chart. |
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5) TigerSoft's
Data Page now gives you downloadable data on All the Stocks best traded with Short-Term Indicators. There are 260 stocks in this group. They can be ranked, flagged and examined for new Red Buys and Sells each day. Buy and Sell them on their new red Buys and Sells. See samples here. 7/12/2010 Nine examples: Each has gained more than +200% for last 12 months. AIN, ARD, ATHN, ATI, ATSG, BDC, CAP, ESL, GRA, HMIN and Count the number on Buys and Sells to get know when there will be a short-term change in direction of the market. Our Hotline reports this number nightly. A plurality of these stocks on new Buys is bullish and a plurality of these stocks on new Sells is bearish. Watch the chart of this group for their signals, too. Breakouts and breakdowns show when this group starts a new trend for a while. ![]() |
6) TigerSoft
flags new 5-year weekly highs and lows for 600+ stocks, mostly in the SP-500 and NASDAQ-100 and shows new weekly Buys and Sells on 5-Year Charts. |
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