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Serving All Investors since 1981. 
    www.tigersoft.com/Intro/index.html     10/26/2014

                                          Tiger Software 1981-2014       858-273-5900                                      
                         (C) 2015    william_schmidt@hotmail.com     William Schmidt, Ph.D.

          Author: William Schmidt, Ph.D. (Columbia University)  About Us   33 Yrs Market Expierience.
        Tiger Software   858-273-5900     PO Box 22784   San Diego, CA 92192   
        Email william_schmidt@hotmail.com     Visit out www.tigersoft.com for more information.  

       Welcome      Unsolicited Testimonials     Place Orders here.
Email us for appointment to discuss how we can help your trading.  william_schmidt@hotmail.com     

                  Let's Turn Wall Street's Advantage
                              To Your Advantage.


Wall Street is getting rich in part because
                            (1) Insider Trading is poorly regulated,
                            (2) because stocks are usually manipulated up and down by Professionals
                            (3) and because enough people even on The Street don't know even half
                                 what I'm going to show you,
                                         (1) how to use the patterns in stock market history
                                         to spot major tops and bottoms,
                                         (2) how to spot insider buying and selling, in the largest sense,
                                         (3) how to spot Professional (as opposed to Public) switches from
                                         net buying to selling and
                                         (4) the most reliable and powerful price chart patterns.

There is a vast and widening divide between Wall Street and Main Street. 
                       This is obvious.  Understanding how Wall Street can go up so much while
                       the Real Economy is still weak is very important to understand.  Don't think
                       the economic headlines will tell you whether Wall Street will go or down.
                       Wall Street is where the money and power are.  So, you must protect your
                       economic well-being with an understanding of how Wall Street really works
                       and runs things.  TigerSoft will help you do exactly that so that you can
                       economically survive and profit in the roller-coaster economy that lies
                       ahead.  While Wall Street rules, jobs go overseas and real wages stagnate.

           Wall Street is where the money is.           
             Don't be a victim of the next Wall Stret bubble.
             Do not trust Wall Street's PR, its stock brokers or the corporate media's PR..
             Spot for yourself when the Bull Market runs out of steam,  .
             No more fairy tales.  Understand how US Economy really works.

             Beat Wall Street at Its Own Game!  Learn how today.

              1) Learn History's Lessons from our Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2015
              2) The Tiger Trend Is Your Friend.
              3) The Explosive Super Stocks
              4) The Stocks Insiders and Professionals Are Selling Make Good Short Sales and Good Hedges.
              5) How To See When Professionals have switched sides, bearish to bullish and vice verse.
                     ---> Watch the Insiders with TigerSoft.  Buy the stocks they are buying...
                     ---> Watch the Insiders with TigerSoft.  Sell the stocks they are selling...
                     --->Time These Stocks with Tiger's Professionals' Closing Power and Tiger's Automatic Buys.
                     --->Think for yourself.  Don't trust Wall Street, Washington or the talking heads on TV.  
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                        Investing and Trading Software for XP compatible computers
                                      Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1928-2015 

                                                   History repeats when you know what to look for.
                                                   Our Automatic Buys and Sells will help any trader,
                                                   experienced or not.

                                                   Peerless Buys and Sells are superimposed on any chart.
                                                   They have long excelled with Finance and Brokerage stocks
                                                   as well as most major market and sector ETFs, excepting
                                                   Gold and Oil/Gas. 

                                      TigerSoft Measures of Insider, Professional and Public Buying/Selling
                                                   Insider trading is very poorly policed. 
                                                   So we watch the Professionals.  They know.  We follow the
                                                   money and do what they do.  They make lots of money. 
                                                   And so do Tiger users.

                                                   By contrast, the Public and Overseas Traders are far more
                                                   likely to be wrong, especially at turns. 
                                                   Still when we spot Insiders and Professionals are net
                                                   Buyers and the The Public in agreement, prices go up much faster.
                                                   This we call the very bullish (if usually brief) "BOTH UP" condition.

                                     We also use mechanically produced Buys and Sells.  Every TigerSoft chart
                                                   instantly back-tests to 60 different trading systems to find the
                                                   best for the stock you have chosen.  Then we ask the computer to
                                                   show us the best technically and Buys and Sells.

                                      TigerSoft Power Ranker saves you lot of time.  Let Tiger find the
                                      most bullish and bearish stocks,  as measured by Tiger Indicators of Insider Buying,
                                      Professional Buying and Public Buying

                       We also offer a
                                      Nightly on-Line on Hotline with charts, up-to-date narrative on the market
                                      and new research.

                                      Nightly Data on 6000+ stocks, ETFs and Indexes....

                                      E-Books:    Peerless Stock Market Timing:1915-2015,
                                      Options' Trading in OEX and S&P,
                                      Explosive Super Stocks,
                                      Killer Short Sales,
                                      Blue Chips from Tahiti,
                                      Professional Trading vs Public Trading,
                                      Most Egregious Insider Trading Cases Ignored By SEC.