How To Find Each Bull Market's
            Explosive Super Stocks
                Using TIGERSOFT

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     Stocks Usually Rise 100% To 2500% in Less Than A Year
     after Showing: 
           1) Intense Insider Buying from Tiger's own Accum.Index,
           2) Multiple TigerSoft Major Buys and
           3) new highs by Tiger's Professional Closing Power.

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                       Use TigerSoft and
       Memorize These Stocks' Power Pattern if
              You Want Make A Lot of Money
                      in The Stock Market

               That 2009 showed 31 cases
        was strong evidence that 2010 would be
        a very good year.

Tiger's Explosive Super Stocks
   (C) 2009, 2010 William Schmidt, Ph.D.  

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                                 Original and unique software and its documentation are offered here by its author. 
                                     TigerSoft has been serving investing professionals and members of the public since 1981.
                                             (C) 2009 William Schmidt, Ph.D, (Columbia University) - All Rights Reserved.

            TigerSoft Charts - Simple, Easy and Very Profitable!
        Contact us. We will answer these vital questions:
                                  HOW TO KNOW WHEN A BEAR MARKET IS ABOUT TO BEGIN?
                                  HOW TO FIND EXPLOSIVE SUPER STOCKS EARLY ON?
                                  ARE INSIDERS BUYING OR SELLING MY STOCK?
                                  WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TECHNICALLY TO TRADE MY STOCK?   

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TIGERSOFT STUDY OF AUGMENTED B24s: 1990-2006           

                      In 2007, we used the TC-2000 data base and studied the track record of augmented Buy B24s
                 since 1990.  Many of the stocks we saw flagged as buys at the time were no longer traded,
                 as many were bought out.  That was part of the reason they were rising.  So, the study considerably
                 under-estimates the value of TigerSoft's Power-Ranker.  In addition, the gains vary a lot from
                 year to year.  The Buys after there has been a big sell-off are both more numerous and
                 also more profitable.

    -------------- EXPLOSIVE SUPER STOCKS --------------
                          TIGER SOFT's INSIDER WATCH SYSTEM
                                        Track Record: 1990-2006

36.2%/year: 1990-2007
                         Buying Intensely Accumulated Stocks.

                                                          Buying only the most intensely accumulated stocks
                                               as flagged by Tiger-Power-Ranker and holding simply one year:

                                                                  2006         +27.7%
                                                                                        2005         +23.9%
                                                                                        2004         +40.9%

                                                                                        2003         +58.4%
                                                                                        2002         +19.0%
                                                                                        2001         + 1.0%
                                                                                        2000         +40.4%
                                                                                        1999        +175.6%
                                                                                        1998         -13.6%
                                                                                        1997          +7.3%
                                                                                        1996          +34.2%
                                                                                        1995          +37.5%
                                                                                        1994          +10.0%

                                                                  1993          +14.0%
                                                                                        1992          +56.6%
                                                                                        1991          +29.6%
                                                                                        1990          +44.7%

                                                     Yearly Gain = +36.2% per stock

                     Note: the testing we did was to see what would be the result if we simply held these
                     augmented Buy B24s for a year.  This would not normally be done  We can do better
                     using the technicques we have learned from this study.

                                        Avg.Gain      Winning Trades   Losing Trades    Gains>100%   Losses<-30%

1990             + 44.7%               3                      1                         1                    1
1991             + 29.6%              10                     4                         2                    1
1992              +56.6%               9                      4                         2                    0   also a +91.8% gain
1993              +14.0%               11                    9                         3                    1
1994              +10.0%                5                     4                         1                    1
1995              +37.5%               12                    4                         2                    2
1996               +34.2%              13                    7                         2                    0    also a +93.8% gain
1997                + 7.3%              11                    8                         0                    3     also a 91.9% and 87.3% gains
1998               -13.6%                 1                    6                         0                    1
1999              +175.6%               1                    1                         1                    0
2000                 +40.4%              4                    2                         1                    1
2001                  + 1.0%              10                  10                       0                    2
2002                  +19.0%             10                   6                        2                    3
2003                  +58.4%            38                   6                        9                     2 also 3 gains over +80% 
2004                 +40.9%             18                    7                       3                     2
2005                  +23.9%            26                    7                       2                     1
2006                   incomplete
2007                   incomplete
                           TOTALS      182 gainers  94 losses       31 big losses   21 big gainers

                         162 of the 276 trades would have been closed out profitably. 
                          Only 31 of the 276 were up more than 100% after a year.  Studying those
                          cases shows that the amount of Blue Accumulation is important, as well as
                          how much the stock has moved up from an oversold base. 

                         The glorious gains in 2009 arise from the extreme oversold condition of
                         the market.  Stock that break out of the gate first usually are the best performers.  
                         The best such stocks are not easy to buy "cheaply.",  If they do fall back, it
                         may be a trap.

                         IMPORTANT - Working with a simple 10% Stop Loss on these Explosive Super Stocks
                          raised the yearly average gain per stock to more than 55%.  Using such a stop loss would
                          have eliminated very few of the explosive stocks below.

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                          Important TigerSoft References
                                 TigerSoft's 1997 Study of Bullish Special Situations
                                 Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1915-2009
                                 TigerSoft's POWER STOCK RANKER ($395 additional

   When Should One Sell An Explosive Super Stock? 

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                          WARNING:  Many of these big gainers are boosted by stock manipulators and have little merit
                          as long-term investments.  We strongly suggest you use TigerSoft and Peerless Stock Market
                          timing to recognize when to sell.  Our books - Explosive Super Stocks and Killer Short Sales
                          offer you our analysis and methods about how to pick the best stocks and know when to sell.

                               When Should One Sell An Explosive Super Stock? 
                                 1) Watch for Peerless Major Sells on the overll market.
                                 2) Watch for false rallies to new highs with the Tiger Accumulation Index negative.
                                 3) Watch for turns down by the 50-day or 65-day ma with the Accumulation Index
                                              no longer bullishly high and consistently positve.
                                4) Watch for a falling Tiger Closing Power.

                           See our Blog
                           Bulls Should Be Able To Spot The Red Warning Flags in Over-Priced Stocks.

                          We think you will find our key TigerSoft Accumulation Index and Tiger Closing
                          Power Percent to be the best indicators you have ever worked with.  Over and over
                          the year's best performing stocks show the same characteristics.
  Insiders always
                          know first.  Bulges from TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and Closing Power Percent
                          spot light their buying. 

                          When our Peerless gives a major Buy after a long decline, use TigerSoft's
                          Power Ranker to find the new year's Explosive Super Stocks

                         Insider Trading is Rampant. 

                       TIgerSoft Turns Insider Buying and Selling  to Your Big Advantage.
                        Washington Won't Protect You.  But TigerSoft Will.

                       Intense insider Buying, as measured by TigerSoft, regularly predicts the
                       biggest gainers in the stock market, just as insider selling invariably predicts
                       the worst individual stock declines.  Look at the graphs we have provided here.
                       The TigerSoft chart's fixed-rule Buy B12s and B24s are the signals we urge
                       traders to act on.  Insiders always know!

                       EXPLOSIVE SUPER STOCKS:  Eaxh of these was detected by intense
                      insider buying as measured by TigerSoft's Accumulation Index and subsequent
                      automatic TigerSoft Buy B12 or B24.

             KIRK -  Is An "Ideal Type" - A Perfect Example Showing
                          What We Search for with TigerSoft

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2009   - 31 explosive super stocks show insider buying and major TigerSoft Buys.
              Not show here, AIXG hit 37 in November 2009.  
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             BIOS hit 9 in December 2009.   In 2010, Professionals and  Insiders both
             took profits and the stock fell back to 4.
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       There is even more insider buying with DDRX (below) and the outcome is spectacular
        when the general market turns up after March 10th, 2009.

                     DDRX was bought out at $35. This was biggest gainer between 2009
                     and early 2010.
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                             DTG     $2.00 to $51.00 in 14 Months!
                                                       This was an ideal take-off.

           DTG was waiting for the general market to stop falling in March 2009,
           to begin its own advance.     The Peerless Buy signal on March 10th was a
          green light for this classic explosive super stock.  By April 2010, ir had soared
           to 51.
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                                                        HOW TO WATCH FOR A TOP.

         The last few days of the chart shown below show a new high that it negatively unconfirmed by
          the TigerSoft Accumulation Index and a declining Closing Power.  This is bearish enough to
          justify profits be taken, especially with the often bearish month of September nearing.

          A year later  the stock had fallen to 13.

                                                                                                                                                The Top.
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                                                   ANOTHER PERFECT TAKE-OFF.

                                                                                                 FIRE peaked at 32 in October 2010
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          GMTN -  Ordinarily, we let a stock run without trying to sell it very quickly when the
          stock shows a confirmed Buy B12/B24.   But if there has been a Closing Power
          non-confirmation  of a price run to new highs and then a Closing Power uptrend-break,
          we would not be averse to taking profits.   The stock is now falling back from the
          resistance of  its falling 50-day ma.. 
(GMTN's high was not exceeded in 2009.)

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     Intra-day breaks of the rising 50-day ma are not to be used as selling points. Watch
     for reversals upwards from the rising 50-day ma as confirmations that the uptrend continues. 

    We love to buy on successful tests of the 65-dma.  Breaks in the Closing Power downtrends is
     a favorite trading technique.

                                                                                                              HF reached 10 in October 2010.
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        The stock below (IMG-L) is a classic bullish chart using TigerSoft.  A gain of 240% followed
        simply using the trend-changes of the Closing Power.  The major Buys showed this was a
        potential "explosive super stock".    TigerSoft provides the data for the FTSE
        stocks each night.   Our Tiger Software programs have a lot to offer investors
        who trade British stocks and indices.  We provide the data each night for the
        FTSE stocks.  The same principles used for trading US stocks work well for
        trading UK stocks.

            In October 2010, IMG-L (London SE) reached 440 in 2010.  See the charts below.

                                                               IMGL-L  2008-2009
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                                                                 IMGL-L  2009
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                                                              IMGL-L  2009-2010
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    KIRK reached 18+ by the end of 2009.  There was no sign of intertnal weakness at any point
    in 2009.  But at 24, the positive (blue) readings from Tiger's Accumulation Index had turned
    negative.  Professionals switched to selling. A head and shoulders pattern developed. 
    By the end of 2010, KIRK had fallen back to 11.

                                                KIRK 2009 - Bottom and Take Off/.
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                                                             KIRK 2010 - Top and Decline.

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                  KONG   - Vigilance needed.
                   16 in October was the peak.  The Blue CP uptrend was then violated.  A head and shoulders
                   pattern unfolded and the Accumulation Index bearishly turned red. KONG lost its professional
                   supporters.   It fell to 5.5 in September 2010.
  These charts can be duplicated with data from
                   the Tiger data page.

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                                                                                                                                                     Peak for 15 months
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          IFON illiustrates how quickly an explosive stock starts rising after the Buy B24 if there
          has been a bulge of insider Buying.   Red price bars show unusual volume for that day.
          The problem with low priced stocks is that often their advances fizzle out quickly.

          The second IFON chart below shows how the top was made here in the months
          following the period shown by the first chart.

           1) Typical red distribution, 2) A falling Professional-Closing Power. 3) A head and shoulders

                                                                IFON's Big Jump.

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                 Given how very positive the Accumulation Index was in this chart, the brief violations
                 of the 50-day moving average should not have been used as reasons to Sell.  Instead,
                 they proved to be traps for unwary bulls.

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                  Massive insider buying in SCLN for much of 2009. from February to July.

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     EVOL    up 2158%

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        LCAV +2138% Rally

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           TRID  up 785%

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     TRCI  up +980%

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                                          TigerSoft's 1997 Study of Bullish Special Situations

Tiger's Daily Bullish Special Situations

Table Showing Special Situation BUYS
between the 28th and 4th of Each Month
from January 2, 1997 to July 31, 1997




Date Stock Price 25-Day Change Later High Price Later High Percent Change 12/16/97 Price 12/16/97 Percent Change
1 1/28/97 EMLTF 7.125 32.9% 12.79 80% 11.3 57.9%
2 1/29/97 SEPR 23.625 0.0% 40.25 70% 39.9 68.8%
3 1/31/97 CCTVY 45.375 -2.5% 47.25 4% 36.8 -19%
4 2/3/97 JANNF 15.75 4.0% 17.00 8% 12.38 -21.4%
5 2/4/97 EMLTF 8.00 19.9% 12.79 60% 11.25 40.6%
6 3/2/97 NVAL 5.375 -14.0% 6.5 21% 5.9 10.5%
7 3/30/97 MSR 0.94 6.4% 1.43 52% 1.0 6.4%
8 3/31/97 DYA 38.13 17.4% 97.09 155% 91.8 140.6%
9 4/1/97 WDFC 26.375 6.2% 33.00 25% 27.9 5.7%
10 4/2/97 ORI 25.5 1.5% 40.25 58% 36.8 44.1%
11 4/3/97 WDFC 26.25 4.2% 32.875 25% 27.3 3.8%
12 4/28/97 SKO 20.00 20.6% 30.0 50% 20.4 1.9%
13 4/30/97 RSR 34.75 20.5% 46.0 32% 41.8 20.1%
14 5/1/97 CGN 6.688 56.1% 21.5 221% 18.8 182.2%
15 5/2/97 UTR 21.13 21.0% 42.31 100% 17.3 -18.1%
16 5/28/97 VLFG 3.94 -8.0% 5.25 33% 3.4 -14.3%
17 5/30/97 ORI 30.13 5.4% 40.00 33% 36.8 22.0%
18 6/2/97 FEI 13.25 24.5% 30.0 126% 16.4 22.6%
19 6/3/97 TEX 17.75 24.6% 25.44 43% 22.6 31.3%
20 6/4/97 FORT 45.63 19.7% 62.00 36% 60.8 33.2%
21 6/30/97 PSON 14.5 -3.3% 26.00 79% 16.0 10.3%
22 7/1/97 KUH 32.625 -4.2% 38.00 16% 35.8 9.8%
23 7/3/97 TELU 21.00 3.6% 30.00 43% 29. 38.1%
24 7/28/97 COBR 5.625 34.5% 10.88 93% 6.06 7.0%
25 7/29/97 DIN 6.375 34.5% 14.5 127% 11.9 86.3%
26 7/30/97 HTHR 13.75 26.4% 24.00 75% 19.8 43.6%
27 7/31/97 HTHR 14.125 23.0% 24.00 70% 19.8 39.8%


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    ACRT was recommended on the BUY B10/B12 breakout between $6 and $7 after our screening 8,000 stocks
on the night of 9/10/96 showed it had ideal technical conditions for purchase.  ACRT exploded upwards as you
can see from its 1997 chart shown below.   15 months later it had risen to more than $30, thus producing a profit
of more than 400%.  See


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