wpe50.jpg (1913 bytes)      TigerSoft News Service    2/23/2012      www.tigersoft.com    
                                Other Free Tiger Blogs - http://www.tigersoft.com/Tiger-Blogs/index.htm

Not "Down Under" Now
      Australia Is on Top of The World

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                                                Australian Harlequin Opals   by William Schmidt, Ph.D. 

          Trading The Australian Stock Market with TigerSoft and
                Peerless Stock Market Timing: 2000-2012

                           Peerless Buys and Sells Gained +102% on Australian ETF - EWA
                                                           12 months ending 2/23/2012
                                         This is even better than using our Optimized Tiger system
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                   TigerSoft: Optimized Tiger System on EWA using Stochastic-14  + 67% Gain

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                          PEERLESS Buys/Sells/Short Sales and Profits Trading EWA:  
                                                         (See Charts below)   

                                      TAMING VOLATILITY  WITH PEERLESS
                                                                  2000: +38%
                                                                  2001: +31%
                                                                  2002: +5%
                                                                  2003: +44%
                                                                  2004: +31%
                                                                  2005: +11%
                                                                  2006: +66%
                                                                  2007: +77%
                                                                  2008: +187%
                                                                  2009: +103%

                                                                  2010: +43.2%
                                                               2011: +102% (see chart at top)


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         Buy and Holding Is Dangerous  See All The Peerless Real-Time Signals: 1981-2009
             Tiger Software  -    Helping Investors since 1981          Make Your Retirement Grow
Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1928-1966         
                                                                       Track Record of Major Peerless Signals
                                                                       Earlier Peerless-DJIA charts        
                                                                       7 Paths To Making 25+%/Yr. Using TigerSoft 

                                                                       Index Options             
                                                                       FOREX trading         
                                                                       Investing Longer-Term          
                                                                       Mutual Funds
                                                                       Speculative Stocks      
                                                                       Swing Trading        
                                                                       Day Trading         
                                                                       Stock Options           
                                                                       Commodity Trading

      Research on Individual Stocks upon Request:   Composite Seasonality Graph
of Any Stock for $125.
Example of historical research NEM - Newmont Mining.   Order Here.

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                                  Not "Down Under" Now
        Australia Is on Top of The World

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is its primary stock exchange   The biggest
     stocks traded on the ASX, in terms of their market capitalization, include BHP Billiton,
     Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Telstra Corporation, Rio Tinto, National Australia Bank
     and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group.   The major market index is the S&P/ASX 200.

            The first thing readers should appreciate about Australian stocks is their volatility.
       TigerSoft and Peerless signals and internal strength indicators tame that.  Here is the
       5-year weekly chart of EWA, the ETF for Australia.   As EWA approaches the previous
       but broken support at 24, we would normally expect more resistance.  Using TigerSoft
       and Peerless will be very important, now that the easy money has been made in the recovery.
       We want to be alert for a Sell.  It is not visible yet, though.  And Gold's historic breakout
       should go much higher.  See:
Tiger Blog October 6, 2009 GOLD's Breakout into All-Time High Territory Invites Comparisons with 1970s.       

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In the US, ETFs are available for most countries' stocks can be traded with ETFS,
        exchange trraded funds.  These are funds that own a number of stocks from that country.
        EWA is the ETF for Australia.  Yahoo publishes the top ten holdings of such stocks.
        Australia clearly is benefitting from the sharply up and historic rise in prices for gold
      , silver and other precious metals. 
           By the way, does anyone know how one could buy an interest in a publicly traded
        opal mine or watch the trend in prices for these.  They are one of my loves.

                TigerSoft News Service Blog - 4/29/2008 - Harlequin Black Opals ...

Apr 29, 2008 ... HARLEQUIN BLACK OPALS - By William Schmidt, Ph.D. - www.tigersoft.com. Northern lights? Fireworks? A magic mushroom trip? ...
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                                                    EWA's Top 10 Holdings 

Company Symbol % Assets
Aust & Nz Bk Grp N/A 5.31
BHP Billiton Limited N/A 15.6
Commonwealth Bank of Australia N/A 7.73
National Australia Bank Limited N/A 5.73
Wesfarmers Limited N/A 3.21
Westfield Group N/A 2.81


  TigerSoft Chart of EWA with automatic Buys
  and Sells compatible with direction of key mvg. avg.

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Peerless Chart of EWA with automatic Buys
and Sells from it Super-Imposed on EWA chart.
Peerless is a separate trading system that
we at TigerSoft invented back in 1981.
    Peerless Stock Market Timing: 1928-1966         
                         Track Record of Major Peerless Signals
                         Earlier Peerless-DJIA charts        

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TigerSoft Chart of RTP with automatic Buys
and Sells based on best trading system from among 60 that are automaticaly screened.

The gain from these signals is 783%, buying,
selling and selling short.  All the internals of the
stock are rated "bullish" by the software.

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                     TigerSoft's Ascii Conversion Program

           We don't provide Australian stock data.  We provide mainly US, Canadian and UK stock
        data nightlly.  But you can easily convery data in an ascii format obtained elsewhere
        to our TigerSoft format using a program we provide with the purchase of TigerSoft.
        Here is a source of Australian ascii data:


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    PEERLESS Buys/Sells and
    Profits Trading EWA:  
        2000: +38%     
        2001: +31%
        2002: +5%
        2003: +44%
        2004: +31%
        2005: +11%
        2006: +66%
        2007: +77%
        2008: +187%
        2009: +103%

==================================     2000: +38%  
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    2001: +31%      

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2002: +5%
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2003: +44%
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2004: +31%
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2005: +11%
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2006: +66%
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2007: +77%

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2008: +187%
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2009: +103%
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