Tiger Software 858-273-5900
The most important PEERLESS sell signal is our "SELL S9" |
The market then went into a broad trading range. The tops were called perfectly - real-time. The July 1990 top showed a perfect S9. Six months later and 380 points lower, PEERLESS gave another BUY B12, out most bullish general market signal. The DJI typically rallies more than 25% after a B12. There have been 14 cases since 1965. This launched the bull market of 1991-1993.
DJI: 1994-1995 The chart below shows the 1994 October S9 and the start of bull market early in 1995. Note the major B15 overrode the March 1995 S9 and told us to expect much higher prices. The average DJI gain after a major BUY B15 is 8.7% at the time of the next major SELL S9.
Where Is The US Stock Market Headed Next? Get PEERLESS Stock Market Timing Software for $495 Peerless Software includes: (1) Windows-based Peerless Stock Market Timing Software to place automatic buy and sell signals on charts of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, exactly like those shown in the charts above. (2) The self-updating automatic signals' track record for major and minor signals, which is built into the software. HELP routines easily let you learn the historical significance of all signals. A 270 page manual lets you study the market's history since 1965 from the PEERLESS perspective. (3) Historical back data since 1987. (4) TIGER's communications software to ride on the back of ProComm for Windows to get new data from TIGER BBS or Dial Data. Now would be a good time for investors and traders to apply the lessons of PEERLESS. Order Peerless Stock Market Timing Software today. More information about Peerless Stock Market Timing Software