Peerless Stock Market Timing
and Manipulated Emotions
revised 12/28/2010
Peerless Stock Market Timing - 1915 -
Our Peerless system of automatic Buy and Sell
on the general market takes the emotions and anxious
guesswork out of investing. Peerless is back-tested
to 1915. REAL-TIME, its signals work time and again
because they are objective. They show public emotional extremes
and they show Professional buying and selling.
Emotionally based decisions fail because they they
are predictable and necause they can be manipulated by insiders
and professionals.
Think about this. Fear and greed CAN be created artificially by
professional market makers. The sudden switch by the SEC
in mid 2007 to allowing short-selling on down-ticks was not accident.
It was lobbied for by Wall Street pros. It could not have been better
designed to give the perfect tool to market makers and hedge funds
to create an artificially exaggerared panic in 2008.
Using the automatic Peerless Buys and Sells lets you employ the lessons
of history and avoid emotions in making investment ddecisions.
See what a customer wrote us recently.
Bill - It's been nearly a year since I joined up
with the "TIGER-SOFT / PEERLESS - family".
As you know, I brought to this system an incredible
amount of skepticism. My guard was up and my filters
were muti-layered.
Reflecting back, it's been the first
time in a decade I've
been able to invest and allocate funds in a way that
reasonably makes sense and helps take the emotion out of the
game. Years of frustration, pain, and
financial loss were
spent jumping from system to system.
I am convinced that the "emotion" factor (greed / fear)
has been my greatest detriment and led to years of
horrible losses that could have been years of terrific gains -
if had I been using the PEERLESS system all along. But at
49 years old, I realize that even with the wasted years,
it's never too late to get on a track that can eventually make
the losses of the past look like a faded/far-away memory. Now
I'm on a good track! My ongoing challenge has been to ignore
the talking heads and daily market jolts and to patiently /
systematically trust the larger picture that the PEERLESS framework
projects. My 10-year goal/dream is to not just to obtain personal
comfort/security, but to be able to share generously and
ongoingly with others of greatest human need (Haiti, for example).
Thanks again for a good 2010 and wishing you and your family
a joy-filled New Year!
BB - Ohio 12/29/2010
Significant insider and Professional buying can easily be
spotted with TigerSoft.
trust research reports that are meant to hype?
trust the talking heads on TV? They are paid shils!
TigerSoft is entirely objective. It works exactly as shown below.