DJI above 1.01% Band with a Positive P-I and a Negative IP21. ============================================================= In only 1 case did Peerless fail to give a Sell before the DJI fell to the lower band. There were four January peaks in the nine cases where the IP21 was below +.01 and the P-I was positive. In these four cases of January peaks, the DJI rose an additional 2.1% from December 31st before reach the top. In one case, the DJI peaked at the end of December and in four instances the DJI peaked for traders after January. S12 at top S12 at top January Peaks: 1/7/1934, 1/12/1982, 1/3/2001, 1/19/2010 (4 cases). Gain in new year: 105.9 1083.61 10945.75 10725.43 104.0 1046.54 10868.76 10428.05 ----- ------- -------- -------- 1.9/105.9 37.07 76.99 297.38 1.8% 3.4% 0.7% 2.8% avg = 2.1% if top is in January. R'd 3.8% Reached 5.2% Reached 2.5% Reached 1.7% upper band upper band. upper band. upper band. DJI LA/MA P-I IP21
1 19341228 103.2 1.016 .7 -.062 DJI peaked on 1/7/1935 @105.9 (S16/S9/S12 ) and fell to lower 1.9% band @100.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 19351231 144.1 1.016 15.9 -.132 DJI rallied until 3/4/1936 @156.7 before Peerless gave a Sell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 19821228 1058.87 1.028 17.3 -.114 DJI rallied until 1/12/1983 @1083.61 (S12). DJI then fell to lower band. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 19961230 6549.37 1.017 35.9 -.003 DJI rallied until 2/18 @7067.46 (S4,S12), DJI then fell below lower band. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 20001229 10786.85 1.013 282.7 -.023 DJI rallied until 1/3/2001 (S12)@10945.75. DJI then fell to lower band. more significantly, 2/1/2001 (S9) @10983.63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 20091228 10547.08 1.012 410.7 -.018 DJI rallied until 1/19/2010 (no Sell) @10725.43. DJI then fell 7.5% and below lower band before rallying to new highs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 20111230 12217.56 1.011 136.6 -.096 DJI rallied until 3/21/2012 (S1)@13124.62. DJI then fell to lower band. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 20131230 16504.29 1.026 79.7 -.028 DJI rallied until 12/30/2013 (S16) @16504.29. DJI then fell to below lower band. V-I here was only +9. An S16 sign warned of failure of Santa Claus rally. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 20141229 18038.23 1.016 39.6 -.013 DJI rallied until 5/19/2015 (S12) @18312.39. DJI then fell to lower band.