NEAR S9 at 2% Upper Band
with 21-dma AROC below -.25


               Near S9        DJI           la/ma        AROC          P-I           IP21
 1            19291202       241.7         1.023        -.95          -61.4          .002 
               DJI rallied from 241.7 to 262.2 on 12/10 before falling to below LB
               to 230.09 on 12/20. 
               Adding this signal here would have not changed results.       
 2            19300110       250           1.022        -.593         -56.6         -.048 
              DJI fell only back to rising 21-dma before being reversed by B4. Loss of 1.4%. 
              Adding this signal here would have not changed results. 
 3            19300826       235.5         1.022        -.274         -55            .002 
              DJI rallied from 235.5 to 245.1 before plunging.
              Adding this signal would have meant selling 1% lower and two days earlier.
 4            19340925       92.7          1.02         -.367         -76.3         -.048 
              DJI declined only to 21-dma and then took off.
              Adding this signal would not have changed results. 
 5            19380412       113.9         1.022        -1.043        -136.1        -.253
              DJI rallied from 113.9 to 118.9 before falling lower 3% band.
              Adding this signal would not have changed results. 
 6            19620709       580.8         1.023        -.449         -347.8        -.065 
              DJI rose from 580.8 to 615.5 on 8/22 before falling to 558 on 10/23.
              Adding this signal here would have not changed results.
 7            19661018       791.87        1.021        -.292         -135.2        -.103
              DJI rose from 791.87 to 820.54 on 12/22 before falling to LB, 786.35 on 12/29 
              Adding this signal here would have meant prematurely selling as there was
              a better Sell S9/S12 on 10/25 at 793.09.
 8 Bull Mkt   19870506       2342.19       1.021        -.329         -184.7        -.08 
              DJI declined directly to lower band.
              Adding this signal here would have not changed results
 9            20080722       11602.5       1.02         -.252         -352.9        -.01 
              DJI rallied from 11602.5 to 11782.35 on 8/11 and then began deep bear market.
              Adding this signal here would only have meant selling one day earlier. 
 10           20081105       9139.27       1.02         -.409         -136.8        -.051 
              DJI fell directly to 7552.29 on 11/20.
              Adding this signal here would have not changed results