September Peaks Are More likely than August Peaks.

                    Historically, we are 50% likely to see a top in September than August.
                    Looking back at ball markets when the DJI pulls back more than 5%, we
                    see 13 August peaks since 1929 and 20 September peaks.  The subsequent
                    August declines are generally shallower than the September peaks.  There
                    are a few cases where Peerless did not give a Sell at the August peak.  There
                    are no such cases in September.  The DJI tends to move further from the
                    21-dma at the September peaks.  

                    August (n=13)

                            1.  8/14/1936    1.023  V= -27   No Sell
                            2.  8/13/1937    1.024                Sell S9
                            3.  8/13/1946    1.018                Already on Sells
                            4.  8/11/1952    1.018  V=-20    No Sell.  H/S later
                            5.  8/2/1956      1.017                Sell S2
                            6.  8/3/1959      1.012  V=-196  S9-V
                            7.  8/14/1973    1.039                S9
                            8.  8/25/1987    1.034                S4 next day
                            9.  8/3/1992      1.019                No Sell 5% decline
                          10,  8/6/1997      1.024                No Sell 7% decline
                          11.  8/25/1999    1.039  V=-74   S9/S12
                          12.  8/4/2011      1.031                Earlier S9
                          13.  8/2/2013       1.012               Earlier S9

                  September (N=20)
                             1.  9/3/1929      1.051               S9/S12
                             2.  9/9/1932      1.054               S12
                             3.  9/10/1935    1.038               S2
                             4.  9/18/1939    1.095               S9
                             5.  9/17/1941    1.012               S12
                             6.  9/20/1943    1.033               S2
                             7.  9/13/1951    1.027               S4
                             8.  9/20/1955    1.025               S7/S8
                             9.  9/18/1967    1.032               S2
                            10. 9/4/1975      1.026 V=-2      S9V
                            11. 9/21/1976    1.033               S1
                            12. 9/8/1978       1.019              S12
                            13. 9/21/1979    1.017              S7/S8
                            14. 9/22/1980    1.03   V=+3    No Sell 5% decline
                            15. 9/4/1986       1.032              Earlier S9
                            16. 9/14/1992     1.028 V=0      S2
                            17. 9/6/2000        1.017             S2/S4
                            18. 9/7/2004        1.027             S2
                            19. 9/18/2013      1.014             Earlier S12
                            20. 9/18/2014      1.011             S17
                            19. 9