BUY B10    (C) May 13, 2013   William Schmidt, Ph.D.

                    Confirmed Price Breakouts above flat,
                                 well-tested resistance
                         that goes back more than 40 days

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46 Buy B10s since 1928 have averaged .117 (11.7%).  Since 1965,
           the 27 Buy B10s gained 7.7%.

           Overall, paper losses were small.  In fact, in 37% (17) of the 46 cases
           there were no paper losses at all.  The 4 biggest paper losses were
           each between 3.5% and 3.9%.   When closed out at the next Buy signal,
           there were 4 losses; each was under 0.7%.  This is a very safe signal.
           Though there can be false breakouts when the DJI breaks out above
           a well-tested, flat resistance, the presence of a Buy B10 shows that
           the internal strength indicators are sufficiently positive to prevent
           a decline of more than 3.9%.  
Should a B10 be followed by a DJI
           decline of more than 4% on a closing basis, I would mistrust the
           signal because the size of the decline with this signal has
           no precedent.

           The biggest gains occurred in the Year of Mid-Term Elections, +22.4%. 
           The following year's gains averaged only 7.0% in 8 instances.  Buy B10s

            in the first 10 days of the month were also more profitable, gaining an
            average 17.4% in 18 cases.

Returns by Size of Gain
                        No.         Pct.of Total
=>.10              19              .413
=>.05 - <.10   10              .217
=>.02 - <.05     9              .195
=>0   - <.02      4              .087
<0                      4              .087
Total                  46            1.0  (100%)

      Average Key Values of Buy B10    

Buy B10s: 1965-2013       
Number of Trades  = 27 
Avg.Gain          = .077 
Avg.Paper Loss    = .007  
Avg.LAST/21DMA    =  1.03  
Avg.Ann.Roc.      = .019 
Avg.PI            =  239.8 
AVG.PI Change     =  35.0 
AVG.Adj.PI        =  324.1 
AVG.IP21          =  .113    One case where IP21<0. 
AVG.V-I           =  23.8 
AVG.OBV-Pct       = .268 
AVG.65-dPctCh.    = .054 

     BREAKDOWN of BUY B10 TRADES: 1929-2013
No.  Date        Peerless    DJI      Pct      Paper
                 Signal               Gain     Loss    
 1   19341108      B10       97.3     .069      None
 2   19421008      B10      113.6     .254      .004
 3   19440308      B10      139.5     .176       .033
 4   19441208      B10      150.5     .09       .012
 5   19450824      B10      169.9     .172      None 
 6   19460528      B10      211.7     .004      None
 7   19480519      B10      188.3     .026      None  
 8   19490802      B10      177.6     .242      .002
 9   19500316      B10      207.9     .061      .008
 10  19521128      B10      283.7     .029      .007
 11  19540302      B10      297.5     .575      .003
 12  19550415      B10      425.5     .101      .027
 13  19560309      B10      497.8     .042       None
 14  19570611      B10      509.5     .015      .024
 15  19580203      B10      454.0     .432      .039
 16  19580502      B10      459.6     .414      .009
 17  19611114      B10      732.6     -.002      .017
 18  19621116      B10      630.9     .488      .007
 19  19640706      B10      844.2     .112      .025
 20  19650817      B10      894.3     .102      .008
 21  19650916      B10      931.2     .058      .005
 22  19670117      B10      843.67    .052      None
 23  19680930      B10      935.79    .045      None
 24  19730926      B10      949.5     .04       .002
 25  19760107      B10      898.69    .123      None
 26  19790115      B10      848.67    .044      .017
 27  19790815      B10      885.84    .0         .002
 28  19840802      B10     1166.07    .106       .002
 29  19850605      B10     1320.56    .383      .023
 30  19890112      B10     2222.32    .045       None
 31  19910131      B10     2736.39    .106       .001   
 32  19911227      B10     3101.52    .081      None
 33  19950914      B10     4801.8     .156      .02
 34  19960912      B10     5771.94    .188      None
 35  20030604      B10     9038.98    .085      None
 36  20041108      B10    10391.31    .05       .002
 37  20050304      B10    10940.85    -.003      .002
 38  20051121      B10    10820.28    .07       .009
 39  20060109      B10    11011.9     .051      None
 40  20061214      B10    12416.76     -.002     -.002
 41  20070712      B10    13861.73    .006      None
 42  20101104      B10    11434.84    .12       .038
 43  20120118      B10    12578.95    .043      None
 44  20120314      B10    13194.10    -.005      None
 45  20130122      B10    13712.21    .107      None
 46  20131113      B10    15821.63    .049      .005
Total              N0.= 45            .117      .009
        Returns by Size of Gain
               No.        Pct.of Total
=>.10          19            .413
=>.05 - <.10   10            .217
=>.02 - <.05   9             .195
=>0   - <.02   4             .087
<0             4             .087
Total          46           1.0  (100%)
        Returns by Year 
                             No.           Avg.Gain     Pct.of Total
Pres. Election Years         13            .072          .282
Year after Pres.El.Yr.       13            .097          .282
Mid-Term Election Yr.        11            .224          .239
Year before Pres.El.Yr.      9             .07           .195
              Total          46            .117          1.0  (100%)
         Returns by Month 
               No.        Avg.Gain        Pct.of Total
January        8             .071          .173
February       1             .431          .021
March          6             .14           .13
April          1             .101          .021
May            3             .147          .065
June           3             .161          .065
July           2             .059          .043
August         5             .124          .108
September      5             .094          .108
October        1             .254          .021
November       8             .108          .173
December       3             .056          .065
Total          46            .117           1.0  (100%)
   Returns by Day of Month
               No.         Avg.Gain    Pct.of Total
1-10           18            .174          .391
11-20          19            .073          .413
21-31          9             .072          .195
Total          46            .117           1.0  (100%)

                               KEY VALUES OF BUY B10s
No.           Date          Signal        DJI           Pct Gain      Paper Loss
La/ma         Annroc        PI            PI-ch         Adj.PI        IP21
VI         OBVPct        65d PctCh.
 1            341108         B10           97.3          .069          None 
 1.0287        .606          35            22.1          193.6         .086 
 11            .13           .104 
 2            421008        B10            113.6         .254          .004 
 1.044         .691          114.3         20.8          579.4          .325 
 91            .571          .053 
 3            440308        B10             139.5         .176          .033 
 1.0227        .463          110           22            587.7         .179 
 86            .361          .053 
 4            441208        B10            150.5         .09           .012 
 1.0216        .243          106.4         18.2          568.3         .134 
 91            .536          .027 
 5            450824        B10            169.9         .172           0 
 1.0382        .598          139           28.8          628.5         .139 
 69            .276          .023 
 6            460528        B10            211.7         .004            0 
 1.0264        .324          68.1          18.7          265.8         .267 
 48            .351          .131 
 7            480519        B10            188.3          .026           0 
 1.0267        .494          108.3         13.9          461.5        .211 
 138           .413          .119 
 8            490802        B10            177.6         .242          .002 
 1.0212        .652          153.3        -10.6          599.3         .33 
 137           .492          .02 
 9            500316        B10            207.9         .061          .008 
 1.0199        .345          37.8          29.7          136.9         .203 
-22            .217          .069 
 10           521128        B10             283.7         .029         .007 
 1.0335        .774          186.2         13.8          688.9         .19 
 217           .469          .034 
 11           540302        B10            297.5         .575          .003 
 1.0167        .208          63.9         -2.2           214.7         .135 
 0             .017          .074 
 12           550415        B10            425.5         .101          .027 
 1.0282        .646          109.8        -17.1          315.2         .063 
 73            .445          .064 
 13           560309        B10            497.8         .042          0 
 1.035         .66           165           49.7          524.7         .085 
 266           .218          .023 
 14           570611        B10             509.5         .015         .024 
 1.0117        .265         -31.1          13.4         -99.2          .063 
-216           .095          .08 
 15           580203        B10            454           .432          .039 
 1.0169        .251          179.9        -18            568.3         .021 
 247           .084          .042 
 16           580502        B10            459.6         .414          .009 
 1.0251        .49           141.3         30.8          446.6         .163 
 177           .314          .022 
 17           611114        B10            732.6        -.002          .017 
 1.0334        .493          86.4          12.8          251.4         .128 
 55            .324          .014 
 18           621116        B10            630.9         .488          .007 
 1.056         .864          116           32.7          322.3         .111 
 70            .148          .04 
 19           640706        B10            844.2         .112          .025 
 1.0268        .605          134.2         40            371.7         .089 
 196           .654          .028 
 20           650817        B10            894.3         .102          .008 
 1.0195        .19           88.7          8             244           0 
 38            .265         -.048 
 21           650916        B10            931.2         .058          .005 
 1.0305        .487          92.9          9.9           255.4         .05 
 27            .388          .065 
 22           670117        B10            843.67        .052          0 
 1.0461        .51           181.9         46.4          456.6         .092 
 9             .227          .084 
 23           680930        B10            935.79        .045          0 
 1.0199        .565          119.9         8.2           275.7         .09 
 12            .591          .028 
 24           730926        B10           949.5          .04           .002 
 1.0534        1.045         306           17.4          590.5         .301 
 2             .481          .092 
 25           760107        B10            898.69        .123            0 
 1.0572        1.124         286.9         35.5          530.7          .2 
 2             .547          .105 
 26           790115        B10            848.67        .044          .017 
 1.0416        .568          133           42.1          252.8         .108 
 2             .338         -.059 
 27           790815        B10            885.84        0             .002 
 1.0438        .807          232.3         49.7          441.4          .317 
 5             .477          .074 
 28           840802        B10            1166.07       .106          .002 
 1.0458        .34          -32.4          48.5          -56.7          .106 
 0             .1           -.014 
 29           850605        B10            1320.56       .383          .023 
 1.0228        .673          234.6         11.2          464.5         .125 
 15            .474          .024 
 30           890112        B10           2222.32       .045            0 
 1.0234        .454          118.7         21.4          204.2         .078 
 11            .198          .034 
 31           910131        B10           2736.39       .106            .001 
 1.0579        .58           143.2         33.6          263.5         .116 
 12            .227          .126 
 32           911227        B10            3101.52       .081            0 
 1.0574        .755          117           18.4          215.2          .078 
 6             .208          .027 
 33           950914        B10            4801.8        .156           .02 
 1.0321        .413          237.8         24.6          328.2          .08 
 14            .159          .071 
 34           960912        B10            5771.94       .174            0 
 1.0141        .261          129.1         60            165.3         .117 
 8             .259          .018 
 35           030604        B10            9038.98       .085            0 
 1.0408        .697          569.2         63            550.5         .101 
 154           .245          .153 
 36           041108        B10            10391.31      .05           .002 
 1.0374        .4            299.1        -35.3          280           .066 
 3             .137          .059 
 37           050304        B10            10940.85     -.003          .002 
 1.0165        .381          251.9         40.9          340           .093 
-15            .146          .049 
 38           051121        B10           10820.28      .07           .009 
 1.026         .685          227.9        -10            307.6         .108 
 108           .329          .025 
 39           060109        B10            11011.9       .051           0 
 1.0157        .221          376.6         95.7          346.9        -.021 
 57            .116          .067 
 40           061214        B10            12416.76     -.002         -.002 
 1.0109        .193          343.4        -30.9          316.3         .075 
 54            .265          .076 
 41           070712        B10            13861.73      .006          0 
 1.0244        .5            283.5         189.4         255.4         .035 
 25            .098          .102 
 42           101104        B10            11434.84      .12           .038 
 1.0289        .501          358.5         106.4         348.1         .112 
 4             .33           .071 
 43           120118        B10            12578.95      .043          0 
 1.0235        .69           553.5         46.5          553.5         .125 
 95            .115          .096 
 44           120314        B10            13194.1      -.005          0 
 1.0188        .295          129.3        -147.1         129.3         .069 
-24            .245          .1 
 45           130122        B10            13712.21      .107             0 
 1.0258        .411          460.6         57.3          460.6          .263 
 12            .155          .021 
 46           131113        B10            15821.63      .043           .005 
 1.015         .5            231           133            231           .179 
 6             .124          .023 

Buy B10s: 1928-2013
Number of Trades  =  46 
Avg.Gain          =  .117
Avg.Paper Loss    =  .0089 
Avg.LAST/21DMA    =  1.03 
Avg.Ann.Roc.      =  1.087 
Avg.PI            =  184.7 
AVG.PI Change     =  27.5 
AVG.Adj.PI        =  356.0 
AVG.IP21          =  .130 
AVG.V-I           =  51.7 
AVG.OBV-Pct       =  .290 
AVG.65-dPctCh.    =  .054 
Buy B10s: 1965-2013       
Number of Trades  = 27 
Avg.Gain          = .077 
Avg.Paper Loss    = .007  
Avg.LAST/21DMA    =  1.03  
Avg.Ann.Roc.      = .019 
Avg.PI            =  239.8 
AVG.PI Change     =  35.0 
AVG.Adj.PI        =  324.1 
AVG.IP21          =  .113 
AVG.V-I           =  23.8 
AVG.OBV-Pct       = .268 
AVG.65-dPctCh.    = .054 

Buy B10s: 1984-2013
Number of Trades    = 19 
Avg.Gain            = .085 
Avg.Paper Loss      = .008 
Avg.LAST/21DMA      = 1.028 
Avg.Ann.Roc.        = .026 
Avg.PI              = 264.9 
AVG.PI Change       = 38.2 
AVG.Adj.PI          = 300.2 
AVG.IP21            = .100 
AVG.V-I             = 28.7 
AVG.OBV-Pct         = .207 
AVG.65-dPctCh.=  5.93684210526316E-02 

Buy B10s: 2000-2013
Number of Trades = 5 
Avg.Gain         = .062 
Avg.Paper Loss   = .020 
Avg.LAST/21DMA   =  1.02 
Avg.Ann.Roc.     =  .1 
Avg.PI           =  346.6 
AVG.PI Change    =  39.2 
AVG.Adj.PI       =  344.5 
AVG.IP21         =  .1496 
AVG.V-I          =  18.6 
AVG.OBV-Pct      =  .194 
AVG.65-dPctCh.   =  .0622