December Is Seldom Bearish
Happily, the odds against the market falling significantly from 12/8 to 12/31 in a Presidential Election year are 18 to 4 if the period 1916 to 2004 is considered repesentative. In Presidential Election years, from 12/8 to 12/31 the DJI rose significantly in 13 years; it fell fell by more than a point in 4 years and in 4 years the change was a point or less. In the four cases when the DJI declined in this period (shown in red) by more than a point, the next year always produced a bear bear market. 12/8 12/31 ---------- -------- 1916 106.50 95.00 WWI approaching, Decline ended big advance. The next year brought a bear market. 1920 75.50 72.00 on going bear market. Bear market continued until August 2001 1924 113.30 120.50 1928 271.10 300.00 1932 60.10 60.30 on going bear market. 1936 180.60 179.90 bear market hit in middle of 1937. 1940 130.30 131.30 on going bear market 1944 150.50 151.90 1948 176.30 177.30 1952 283.60 291.90 1956 494.80 499.50 1960 605.10 615.90 on going bear market 1964 870.70 874.10 1968 978.24 943.75 bear market followed. 1972 1033.19 1004.21 bear market followed. 1976 963.26 985.62 bear market followed. 1980 933.70 966.30 bear market followed 1984 1163.21 1211.57 1988 2141.71 2168.57 1992 6381.94 6448.27 1996 6381.94 6448.27 2004 10494,23 10783.08 2008 |