Peerless Sell
S4 Sell S9 occurs when the Accumulation breaks below its 21-day ma after a rally of more than 9% from a 65-day low or 7% from a two-month low. The average gain = 9.1%. There were 33 cases since 1928. The buggest declines generally took place from the 11th to the 20th of the month, +.24 and in year of Mid-Term Elections, + .146. The smallest declines occurred in the 3rd year of the Presidential 4-Year cycle. >10% 11 >5%-9.99% 11 >2%-4.99% 8 >0%-1.99% 3 losses 0 Study just the IP21 crossings below its 21-day ma in June and July to see the importance of these months and negative readings by the V-Indicator. This is shown further below and was the subject of the 6/12/2014.
Sell after a rally of more than 9% from a 65-day low
or 7% from a two-month low
Date DJI Gain Paper Loss 10% Downside Achieved? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/5/1930 250.60 +1.3% 7% YES ....After peak 10 wks later. Leads to bear market 2/1/1934 108.50 + 4.8% none YES ....10% decline 3/27/34. 9/17/1935 133.10 + 3.8% none 4% decline 10/3/1963 10/3/1940 135.10 +11.2% none YES ....12% decline 2/14/34. Leads to bear market 10/22/47 184.40 +4.2% none YES ....10% decline 11/30/49. 9/17/51 274.10 +5.3% none 7% decline 11/8/1952 9/22/55 486 +6.3% none YES ....10% decline 10/11/55. 8/3/59 678.10 +6.0% none 9% decline 9/21/1959 Leads to bear market YES ....10% decline 2/17/60 9/11/63 740.30 +3.9% 3% 4% decline 11/22/1963 1/10/66 985.41 + 11% 1% YES ....10% decline 5/10/66 Leads to bear market 12/11/72 1036.27 + 8% 2% YES ....10% decline 3/22/72 12/22/76 984.54 +5.1% none YES ....10% decline 8/8/77 Leads to bear market 1/16/80 865.19 +2.3% 4% YES ....10% decline 3/24/80 Leads to mini-bear market 11/22/83 1275.81 +11.8% none YES ....10% decline 2/22/84 Leads to mini-bear market 8/26/87 2701.85 +5.2% none YES ....10% decline 10/14/87 Leads to bear market 1/3/90 1809.73 +7.4% none YES ....10% decline 1/29/87 2/3/94 3975.54 +7.4% none YES ....10% decline 4/4/94 Leads to bear market 1/11/2000 11511.08 +4.8% 2% YES ....10% decline 2/14/2000 Leads to bear market 9/6/2000 11310.64 +9.6% none YES ....10% decline 10/12/2000 Leads to bear market 5/17/01 11249 +22.1% none YES ....10% decline 7/11/2001 Leads to bear market 10/15/03 9803.05 -0.6% -0.6% NO - only shallow decline. 10/5/07 14066.01 +6.0% 1% YES ....10% decline 1/8/2008 Leads to bear market 4/21/2008 12825.02 +11.2% 3% YES ....10% decline 6/26/2008 Leads to bear market ========================================================== Number of trades = 23 Avg. Gain= 6.9 % There was only 1 loss. In 4 of the 23 cases the paper loss was 3% or more. The biggest paper loss was 7.% (February 1930) 9 of the 23 brought short sale gains of more than 7.3% at the time of next Peerless Buy. 16 of the 23 casaes saw declines of more than 4.7% Sell S4s Are Signals Occur Only in Certain Months of the 4-Year Presidential Cycle: Sell S4s cannot and do not occur at any time in the year. Presidential Election Years - 8 cases: January (2x), April, September (2), October and December (2) The Year after a Presidential Election Year: Signal Excludes Januaries - March 1 case: May (Why do not more Sell S4s occur in this year? Probably because this year is often weak or rallies with very strong internals, as in 2009.) Two Years after a Presidential Election Year: They can occur any month, on theory. 5 cases: January (2x) and February (3x) Three Years after a Presidential Election Year: Signal Excludes Januaries - March 10 cases: August (2x), September (5x), October (3x), November (Almost half of the signals occur in the third year of the Presidential Election, a year when rallies are common.) Normally the range of key values are: LAST/MA 1.017 to 1027 .... near upper band AnnRoc .25 to .70 ... rising IP21 -.06 to +.19 ... weak and weakening. V -68 to + 73 ... (Not much of a limiting factor.) OPMA -.02 to +.46 ... (Not much of a limiting factor.) |
Sell S4s in a Presidential Election Year. 1928, 1932, 1936... 2000, 2004, 2008. There have been 5 valid Sell S4s in a Presidential Election Year. Each brought a decline below the lower band. They averaged declines of 7.3% at the time of the next Peerless Buy. 1. 1940 10/3/40 <LB reversed by 2/28/41 B19 at 119.90 +11.2% 135.10 1.024 .262 60 .053 48 .029 ![]() 2. 1972 12/11/72 <LB paper loss of and then +8.0% gain 1036.27 1.019 .558 152 .112 2 .357 3. 1976 12/22/76 +5.1% <LB This marked top before bear market. 984.54 1.02 .354 214 .068 2 .286 4. 1980 1/16/1980 <LB +2.3% 4% Paper Loss. This marked top before bear market. 865.19 1.025 .317 67 -,016 2 .026 ![]()
5. 2000 1/11/2000 <LB
+4.8% Paper Loss 2% 8. 2012 9/21/2012 OPEN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note that a Sell S4 is not allowed in February or March in a Presidential Election year. The 4 such cases in these months are shown below. BAD 1936 2/5/36 Gain = + 1.3% 150.60 1.025 .463 77 .022 73 .017 DJI rallied to 160 on 4/3/36. Paper loss = 7%. DJI then fell below lower band. BAD 1936 3/20/1936 Gain = +5.6% 157.40 1.019 .231 -34 -.043 -269 .088 DJI rallied to 160 on 4/3/36. Paper loss of 2%. DJI then gell below lower band. BAD 1972 3/9/72 Lloss for 3 months +3.3% 942.81 1.018 .349 101 .024 1 .064 |
Sell S4s in the first year after a Presidential Election. 1929, 1933, 1937... 2001, 2005, 2009. 1 2001 5/17/01 +22.1% <LB Decline began immediately 11249 1.039 .698 327 .136 34 -.005 |
Sell S4s in the second year after a Presidential Election Year. 1930, 1934, 1938... 2002, 2006, 2010. ![]() 1 1930 2/5/30 <LB Gain = + 1.3% Paper loss = 7% 150.60 1.025 .463 77 .022 73 .017 DJI rallied to 160 on 4/3/36 and then fell below lower band. 2 1934 2/1/1934 <LB Gain = +4.8% A perfect sell at a top not given by any other Sell. 108.50 1.053 1.133 200 .013 561 .247 DJI fell 3 days later about 11% and below lower band before recovering to upper band. 1% paper loss. The S4 should probably suppress Buy Signals for 15 trading days. 3 1966 1/10/1966 <LB Gain = + 11% Called major top Reversed at 775.72 on 6/30/66 985.41 1.021 .443 37 -.01 5 .381 5 1994 2/3/1994 <LB +7.4% 10% decline started immediately. 3975.54 1.023 .588 168 .166 12 .361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All went below the lower band Avg. Gain = +6.7% |
Sell S4s are most likely to occur in the third year after a Presidential Election Year. 1931, 1935, 1939...1999, 2003, 2007. These often brought an end to the seasonal rally from the end of June in the third year after a Presidential cycle to the following May. The subsequent declines after these Sell S4s saw DJI declines below the lower band in 5 of the 10 cases. Date Gain Result DJIA CL/MA ANN. P-I IP21 V-I OPMA ROC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1935 9/17/1935 LB + 3.8% 133.10 1.027 .506 20 .04 -76 365 2. 1947 10/22/47 LB +4.2% 184.40 1.025 .424 72 .084 42 .352 ![]() 3. 1951 9/17/51 LB +5.3% 274.10 1.018 .424 96 .137 69 .298 4. 1955 9/22/55 <LB +6.3% Subsequent Buy is too soon after S4 486 1.024 . 719 94 .07 32 .419 5. 1959 8/3/59 <LB +6.0% 678.10 1.02 .418 4 .068 -196 .434 ![]() 6. 1963 9/11/63 LB +3.9% perfect for A/D Line. DJI rallies 3% more to 760 740.30 1.021 .493 78 .024 -22 .454 1963> B5? BAD BUY 7. 1983 11/22/83 <LB +11.8% 1275.81 1.028 .258 42 .044 -2 .268 ![]() 8. 1987 8/26/87 <LB +5.2% 2701.85 1.023 .824 96 .189 17 .231 9. 2000 1/11/2000 <LB +13.0% 11511.88 1.017 .302 -30 -.06 -68 .239 10. 2003 10/15/03 MA -0.6% 9803.05 1.025 .294 305 .016 -30 .026 high 11. 2007 10/5/07 <LB +6.0% DJI declined immediately. 14066 1.027 .612 270 .05 54 .259 |
From June 12, 2014
Hotline New Research: How serious would a drop by the current Accumulation Index (IP21) below its 21-day ma in the next few trading days? We can best answer that in advance. I think, by looking at similar June IP21 trendbreaks (drops below its 21-dma), paying special attention to cases where the internal strength readings are like those now, especially where the V-Indicator is negative as now. There have been 39 June IP21 breakdowns since 1929. I rate 71.8% (28) of the subsequent outcomes as being (red) bearish. By this I mean the DJi fell at least to the lower 3% band without rallying more than 5% first. More relevant, I think, there have been 20 such breakdowns with the V-I indicator in (red) negative territory. Of these 85% (17 ) were followed by bearish (red) outcomes. Nor should we worry if the DJI is as much as 1% below the 21-dma when this IP21 break occurs. We should still do some selling. There were 7 instances where the LA/MA (DJI close divided by 21-dma) was below 1.0. In 6 of the 7 cases like this, a bearish outcome followed. These cases are highlighted with Green LA/MA numbers. In one more case, that occurring in October, there followed a bearish outcome. Negative OPct IP21 cross-overs (pink) are associated with bearish outcomes in 5 of 5 cases in June and 5 of 5 in July. But negative (maroon) IP21s were not more bearish. Only 4 of 7 brought bearish outcomes in June IP21 cross-overs and 3 of 4 in July. Date LA/MA P^^ IP21 V-I OPct 65-dpct 6/12/2014 1.003 269 .114 -12 .324 .023 IP21 Breakdowns below TISI in June. Subsequent declines are shown in RED. Negative internal strength readings are shown in red. DJI below its 21-day ma are shown in pink. Date LA/MA P^^ IP21 V-I OPct 65-dpct Outcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/13/1933 1.081 1402 .111 772 .326 .805 94.8 to 88.7 and then up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/27/1933 1.057 671 .069 247 .292 .704 DJI rallied 98.7 to 108.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/20/1934 1.024 -13 -.036 -17 .265 -.015 98.3 to 85.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/24/1935 1.035 165 -.024 -76 .069 .203 DJI rallied 120 to 134.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/18/1936 1.031 233 -.058 22 .337 .01 DJI rallied 157.4 to 169.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/23/1939 1.001 81 .047 -5 .418 -.016 137.4 to 130.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/19/1942 1.018 298 .090 24 .111 .034 104.8 to 102.7 then to 108.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/4/1943 1.020 40 .085 -83 .173 .094 142.3 to 138.8 to 145.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/16/1943 .995 133 .106 -29 .291 .070 DJI rallied 139.8 to 145.8 then to 134.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/18/1945 1.00 239 .009 9 -.158 .052 166.9 to 160.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/27/1945 1.007 299 .016 28 .035 .108 168.8 to 160.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/11/1946 1.001 1 .143 -55 .228 .079 209.1 to 163.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/9/1948 1.017 375 .162 119 .354 .148 192.6 to 176.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/14/1950 1.001 17 .121 -94 .316 .099 223.3 to 197.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/27/1955 1.027 199 .062 -17 .664 .085 DJI rose 449.9 to 467.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/7/1957 1.006 -69 .035 -191 .098 .064 505.6 to 520.2 to 423.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/17/1957 1.016 -149 .024 -247 .08 .082 513.2 to 520.2 to 423.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/16/1958 1.014 441 .039 177 .188 .038 DJI rallied very strongly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 6/3/1959 1.02 13 .068 -196 .461 .084 678.1 to 616.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/16/1960 1.02 88 .012 -158 .300 .058 648.3 to 601.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/27/1960 .999 67 .030 -172 .167 .029 642.4 to 601.7 ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- 6/7/1963 .999 106 .042 -181 -.111 .081 722.4 to 688.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/12/1978 1.009 136 -.008 2 .225 .142 856.72 to 805.79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/3/1980 1.015 401 .077 3 .273 -.023 DJI rallied strongly from bear mkt bottom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/17/1980 1.027 443 .116 5 .452 .083 DJI rallied strongly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/23/1983 1.018 61 .051 1 .168 .105 1241.79 to 1189.90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/25/1986 1.01 -91 .109 -2 .089 .057 1885.05 to 1766.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 6/27/1988 1.009 259 .122 20 .154 .041 2108.46 to 1989.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/14/1989 1.004 231 .105 13 .312 .085 2503.36 to 2440.06 then up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/7/1990 1.017 295 .119 19 .230 .082 2897.93 to 2999.75 to 2365.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/7/1995 1.009 184 .124 5 .327 .116 DJI rose 4462.03 to 4732.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/26/1995 1.014 121 .114 5 .157 .113 DJI rose 4551.25 to 4732.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/23/1996 1.011 428 .086 27 .275 .114 DJI rose 7604.26 to 8259.31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 6/25/1999 .989 -45 -.012 -49 .044 .091 DJI rose 10552.55 to 11194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/12/2000 .993 85 -.022 -38 -.004 .055 10564.21 to 10376.12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 6/13/2001 .982 148 .057 -79 .189 .064 10871.62 to 8235.81 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/20/2003 1.022 476 .100 106 .54 .113 9200.75 to 8985.44 and then up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/3/2009 1.027 205 .008 -96 -.018 .282 8675.24 to 8183.17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/17/2009 .99 64 -.003 -150 -.033 .177 8497.18 to 8183.17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
July IP21 Crossovers Down 35 cases 24 bearish outcomes + 2 not shown - Date LA/MA P^^ IP21 V-I OPct 65-dpct -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/11/1929 1.042 70 -.002 -158 .581 .146 DJI rallied 343 to 381. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/30/1930 1.00 153 .084 23 .181 -.166 231.1 to 217.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/7/1931 1.016 135 0 125 -.069 -.127 145.9 - 137.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/23/1935 1.025 232 .024 13 .125 .15 DJI rallied 124.1 to 134.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/30/1937 1.022 415 .14 73 .375 .081 184 to 114.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/14/1938 1.048 986 .049 312 .221 .202 DJI rallied 135.8 to 144.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/25/1939 1.044 210 .003 63 .263 .111 143.1 to 131.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/9/1940 1.005 250 .000 30 .299 -.192 DJI rallied 121.6 to 137.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/3/1941 1.012 451 .070 51 .333 .005 DJI rallied 124 to 129.6 then to 106.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/17/1941 1.014 404 .098 68 .360 .071 127.1 to 106.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/25/1941 1.009 525 .094 86 .255 .098 128.1 to 106.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/2/1943 1.018 136 .076 -37 .183 .051 143.7 to 145.8 to 134.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/17/1944 1.003 390 .070 82 .287 .084 149.3 to 142.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/11/1947 1.037 799 .167 161 .456 .065 184.8 to 175.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/20/1947 1.010 652 .147 140 .366 .086 185.0 to 175.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/8/1952 1.013 183 .092 -10 .344 .028 274.0 to 280.3 to 263.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/28/1952 1.009 107 .104 -32 .350 .073 277.9 to 263.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/28/1954 1.014 458 .190 148 .227 .097 345.1 to 335.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/7/1955 1.029 30 .049 -170 .595 .114 460.2 to 448.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/26/1955 1.020 29 .057 -159 .412 .100 468.4 to 448.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/19/1956 1.027 309 .137 63 .558 .011 513.9 to 468.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/11/1957 1.018 -125 .012 -214 .255 .081 518.0 to 423.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/8/1958 1.011 144 .038 -39 .156 .089 DJI rallied very strongly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/11/1968 1.017 83 -.052 5 -.008 .097 922.82 to 870.37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/3/1980 1.009 267 .052 4 .361 .124 DJI rallied strongly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/22/1980 1.037 395 .042 5 .219 .214 DJI rose 927.3 to 966.72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- 7/24/1985 1.007 272 .110 5 .152 .065 1348.9 to 1298.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/25/1986 1.01 -91 .109 -2 .089 .057 1885.05 to 1766.87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/9/1987 1.013 164 .053 9 .274 .018 DJI rose 2451.21 to 2722.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/20/1987 1.014 72 .087 4 .204 .089 DJI rose 2487.72 to 2722.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/19/1988 .988 -76 .068 -14 -.104 .041 2097.26 to 1989.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/17/1990 1.032 -1 .024 -4 .354 .090 2999.75 to 2365.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/7/1997 1.021 456 .097 43 .241 .213 DJI rose 7858.49 to 8259.31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/24/2003 1.00 49 -.012 -92 -.056 .073 9112.51 to 9035.32 and then up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/10/2007 1.00 72 -.063 -100 -.01 .074 13501.70 to 14000.41 then down to 12861.47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +