Sell S5s:
12/13/2013 Peerless (C)
2013 William Schmidt, Ph.D.
DJI new high clearly unconfirmed by P-Indicator
at upper band from May to July in any year.
19300402 S5 285.3 .398
19340619 S5 99 .124
19390605 S5 137.1 .031
19460529 S5 212.5 .232
19500612 S5 228.4 .091
19560404 S5 518.7 .079
19760621 S5 1007.45 .047
19780606 S5 866.51 .05
19840501 S5 1182.89 .081
19860602 S5 1861.95 .022
19880408 S5 2090.19 .028
19910603 S5 3035.33 .04
19920421 S5 3348.61 .028
19990706 S5 11135.12 .091
20070716 S5 13950.98 .047
20110503 S5 12807.51 .051
20130715 S5 15484.26 .038
no. = 17 Avg. = .087
3 6 8 0 0
PE 5 .053
PE +1 1 .038
PE +2 6 .153
PE +3 5 .052
January 0 -
February 0 -
March 0 -
April 4 .133
May 3 .051
June 7 .036
July 7 .058
August 0 ----
September 0 ----
October 0 ----
November 0 ----
December 0 ----
1-10 10 .087
11-20 4 .075
21-31 3 .102
DJI new high clearly unconfirmed by P-Indicator
at upper band from May to July in any year.
4/7/2013 (C) 2013 William Schmidt, Ph.D.
Sell S5's occur on new highs near the
upper band that are seriously unconfirmed
by the P-Indicator. Look at the charts for these signals below. You will see
that the
P-Indicator was less than half the levels of their 45 day highs. Note also that
they can only occur from May to July 20th. This rule is caused by the fact that
were two potential Sells S5s after the 21st of July which failed badly.
As refined here, they have been profitable, reliable and without large paper losses.
The biggest paper loss was only 2.5%. 7 of the 12 had no paper losses. A number
of them occurred at important tops, May 1946, June 1950, July 1990, July 2007,
and May 2011.
In all cases, the P-Indicator declined from its readings the day before on the day of the
The annualized momentum of the 21-day ma must not be over +.57. The highest
Indicator since 1965, when this indicator could first be calculated, was only +5.
I would not trust a Sell S5 with a V-Indicator above, say, +40 now.
The highest time-adjusted P-I among the Sell S5s was +251. If a Sell S5 should
with the adjusted P-I above +260, I would discard the signal. While the IP21, OPct
65-day Pct Change indicators have a wide range when all years are considered, the
puts limits on them in the third year after the Presidential Election because of the
that the market may be extraordinarily strong into mid-Summer, at least, as in 1935,
1943, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1971, 1975, 1983, 1987, 1995, 2003 and 2011. July
Sell S5s in a Presidential Election year should not be allowed because of this
possibility unless the V -Indicator was negative, which was true in July 1999
and July 2007. 
Sell S5s: 1929-2013
6 /19/1934 Also an S9.
12.4% none
1.033 .473
9 -7 52
.128 -.037
6 /5/1939 3rd Year of Presidential cycle.
3.8% 2.2%
1.027 .465
42 -7 195
.347 -.072
There should be a new Buy B? at
lower band at end of June. This is often a reversal time upwards.
5/29/1946 An S4 occurred two weeks later. Remarkably, right at top!
23.2% none
1.029 .329
64 -4
highest highest highest
6/12/1950 228.4 5.0% gain. 1% paper loss. Not a reversing signal
Remarkably, right at top!
none 1.027
33 -3
6/21/1976 1007.45 Also an S2. DJI declined to lower band.
4.0% 0.7% 1.031
28 -3 52
6/6/1978 866.51
An S8 followed a week later. DJI declined to lower band. Remarkably, right at top!
1.028 .53
88 -2 183
6/2/1986 1861.95 An S9 occurred a few days
earlier. DJI fell below lower band to support.
1.031 .556
51 -8
99 .135
7/19/90 2993.81 Also an S9.
DJI declined below lower band. Remarkably, right at top!
none 1.027
0 -16 0
.406 .076
6/3/91 3035.33
3rd Year of Presidential
none 1.035
80 -13
148 .135
As for reversing this signal,
compare this with the 7/22/1975 case where buying at lower band
was premature. Buying late in
August would be consistent with expecting a rally going into Labor Day.
7/6/99 11135.12 An S9
and a S11 also occurred here. 3rd
Year of Presidential cycle.
7.1% 0.6%
1.034 .371
58 -43 57
.171 .116
7/16/07 13950.98
3rd Year of
Presidential cycle.
Remarkably, right at top!
4.7% 0.4%
.349 88
-105 79
- .003 -60 .086
There were also S9 and an S5 and S8.
.351 221 -169 205
.008 -96
(12) 23807.51 Also Sell S9.
3rd Year of
Presidential cycle.
Remarkably, right at top!
4.4% gain. 1% paper loss. This was a reversing signal. DJI declined below lower band.
.412 113 -99 113 .154
Below are some near Sell S5s. These were
eliminated, each for the
of reasons given:
X 1 6/17/1935 year before election
P = 34 or P**|= 194 (too
65 day pct up was .184 (too
X 2 7/24/1935 year before election
P= 34 or P**= 193 (too high)
65-day up pcr was up .115 (too high)
X 3 6/29/1954 (a bad time to sell, right before July 4th!)
P= 37 or P^^= 125
65-day up pct = .112 (high)
X 4 6/7/1955 year before election
P = 40 or P^^= 116
65-day upp pct = .034
la/ma = 1.028 not close enough to upper band in bullish year before Presidential
election and
the DJI up over 65 days. If it were down over 65 days, the dangerous bullishness
would not be
there and the DJI could be a little further below the upper band, as in the case in 1938.
X 5 7/22/1958 (late July is a problem
-- too close to Labor Day rally. )
P= 63
or P**= 63
65-day up pct = .092