BUY B14 - Peerless 2013 version (C) 2013 William
Schmidt, Ph.D. A Very High Daily Ratio of Advancing Stocks' Volume on the NYSE to Declining Stocks' Volume. There were 34 Buy B14s since 2013. The average gain was 8.7%. There were only 2 losses. The biggest avg. gains tended to come in the year after the Presidential Election ( 12.4% ), in June (12.4%) and from December to January. The smallest average B12 gains came in the third year of the Presidential cycle (only +5.2%), in April, May, October and November (+2.6%). Buy B14s taking place after the 20th of the month were also relatively small, averaging only 4.9%.
1/19/2006 10880.71 Gain= .064 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.00 .006 360 112 .02 -24 -.017 DJI fell to 10667 on 1/20 and then rose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/15/2006 11015.19 Gain= .012 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .996 -.435 -179 92 -.063 -317 -.104 DJI rose to 11200 and fell back to 10739.35 and rallied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/29/2007 13289.29 Gain= .035 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.004 .07 -69 139 .103 370 .209 DJI rose to 14156 and then started a bear market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/18/2007 13739.39 Gain= .001 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.033 .592 339 9 .116 48 .156 DJI rose to 14156 and then started a bear market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/28/2007 13289.45 Gain= .025 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.004 -.521 -420 92 -.092 -313 -.213 DJI rallied to upper band. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/18/2008 12392.66 Gain= .013 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.011 .042 -327 138 .088 -263 -.029 DJI rallied to upper band ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/12/2009 7170.06 Gain= .186 (using normal Peerless signals) la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .998 -1.186 -496 227 -.113 -317 -.221 DJI moved higher for 6 weeks. No paper loss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/4/2009 8426.74 Gain = .009 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.049 .667 553 -7 .115 153 .157 DJI moved to 8800 (4% higher) but fell after S9s and S8s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/15/2009 8616.21 Gain= .155 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.028 .006 177 221 .001 -50 -.11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/9/2009 10226.94 Gain= .004 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.029 .434 -47 67 .051 -157 .095 DJI moved up only 1% higher and then gave a Sell S9 It did not retreat to the lower band until January. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/10/2010 10785.14 Gain= -.035 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .998 -.229 -50 82 .055 -320 .14 DJI rallied only to resistance of falling 21-dma and fell sharply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/27/2010 10258.99 Gain= .015 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .970 -.882 -377 99 -.007 -420 -.365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/2/2010 10249.54 Gain= .016 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .982 -1.025 487 26 -.008 -476 -.435 DJI needed to retest lows before rallying to upper band. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/10/2010 10172.53 Gain= .023 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .994 -.668 -240 95 -.049 -267 -.256 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X 6/15/2010 10404.77 Gain= .0 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.029 .434 -47 67 .051 -157 .095 This signal cancelled by Sell S12 the same day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/1/2010 10269.47 Gain= .103 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .995 -.423 -41 138 .048 -171 -.189 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. Cancelled by simultaneous Sell S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/15/2011 10482.9 Gain= .007 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .995 -.423 -41 138 .048 -171 -.189 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. Cancelled by simultaneous Sell S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/29/2011 11539.25 Gain= .002 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.021 -.635 -23 170 -.032 .245 .078 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. Cancelled by simultaneous Sell S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/10/2011 11433.18 Gain= .058 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.003 .474 101 221 .104 -40 .294 DJI rallied above the upper band. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X 10/27/2011 11208.55 Gain= -.009 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.07 1.255 561 208 .172 138 .248 DJI way too overbought to trust this signal. It will be taken out in a future version of software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/28/2011 11523.01 Gain= .05 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 .974 -.688 -269 -11 -.053 -199 -.054 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. Cancelled by simultaneous Sell S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/30/2011 12045.68 Gain= .004 la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.02 .091 -70 +202 .055 -94 .075 DJI rallied to the upper band and S9/S12. Cancelled by simultaneous Sell S12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/27/2012 13075.66 Gain= open la/ma MA-ROC P-I P-Ich IP21 V-I OP21 1.023 .418 266 +14 .266 -40 -.133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 closed out cases. Avg Gain = 3.9% ======================================================================== B14s between 1965 and 2010 As a whole, these B14s are profitable more than 85% of the time. For all of them, they average gain is +10.6% at the time of the next reversal. Summer Buy B14s are particularly bullish. Overall, in 3 of the 28 cases, there were paper loss of more than 7%. In one case, January 1982, a paper loss 14% would have been reached. So, they should prove themselves by producing a further rally quickly. The necessary data for the Buy B14 signal did not become available until the end of 1965. We can try to recreate the signal using advances and declines in this period, but the signals' effectiveness in this period must be considered separately. As such, this signal did not occur in the period 1929-1941. The Buy B14 in June, July and August were clearly more potent than they were from September to March. 5 of the 7 Buy B14s between June and August gained more than 21.5%. The one Buy B14 signal in early September (the 6th) achieved a gain of 16.5%. After the 6th of September, there was only one gain of more than 20% until April. Month Number of Cases Avg. Gain ---------- -------------------------- --------------- January 5 7.5% February 0 March 5 2.9% April 2 26.9% (49.5, ,043) May 2 3.6% June 3 29.0% (30.3, 55.5, 1.2) July 1 15.5% August 3 17.4% (27.2, 21.6, 3.5) September 3 6.6% October 3 3.0% November 1 2.5% December 0 ---------------------------------------------------- 28 10.6% In 7 of 15 cases when the annualized rate of change was positive, the gains were minimal (under 2.5%) or there were losses. |
4/8/1968 884.42 1.047 .695 97 43 .042 13 .413 .043 DJI rose, reaching 922.82, then fell to lower band and rose sharply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/28/1982 864.25 1.011 -.056 -114 71 -.018 -5 .017 -.036 DJI fell to 795.47 before rallying to 865.87 and then falling back again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/17/1982 831.24 1.029 .076 -66 65 -.064 -5 -.306 .272 DJI roared ahead in new bull market. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/20/1982 869.29 1.074 .55 -1 46 -.06 -1 -.192 .216 DJI roared ahead in new bull market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/2/1987 1933.49 1.005 -.137 -161 17 .036 -19 -.25 .211 DJI roared ahead in resumed market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/5/1987 1971.32 1.024 .149 -88 73 .094 -13 -.121 .188 DJI roared ahead in resumed bull market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/31/1988 2031.12 1.021 -.007 -87 41 .024 -4 .018 .011 DJI rose to top of trading channel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/11/1990 2801.58 1.034 .314 -16 46 .085 3 .309 .06 DJI rose to 3000 and topped out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/19/2006 10880.71 1.00 .006 360 112 .02 -24 -.017 .064 DJI fell to 10667 on 1/20 and then rose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/15/2006 11015.19 .996 -.435 -179 92 -.063 -317 -.104 .012 DJI rose to 11200 and fell back to 10739.35 and rallied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/29/2007 13289.29 1.004 .07 -69 139 .103 370 .209 .035 DJI rose to 14156 and then started a bear market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/18/2007 13739.39 1.033 .592 339 9 .116 48 .156 .001 DJI rose to 14156 and then started a bear market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/28/2007 13289.45 1.004 -.521 -420 92 -.092 -313 -.213 .025 DJI rallied to upper band. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/18/2008 12392.66 1.011 .042 -327 138 .088 -263 -.029 .013 DJI rallied to upper band ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/13/2009 7170.06 .998 -1.186 -496 227 -.113 -317 -.221 .04 DJI moved higher for 6 weeks. No paper loss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/15/2009 8616.21 1.028 .006 177 221 .001 -50 -.11 .155 =========================================================================== Number of trades = 28 Avg. Gain= 10.6% Also - not closed out. 5/10/2010 10785.14 .98 -.229 -50 82 .055 -320 .139 5/27/2010 10258.99 .97 -.882 -388 99 -.007 -420 -.364 6/2/2010 10249.54 .982 -1.025 -487 26 -.008 -476 -.433 6/10/2010 10172.53 .994 -.668 -248 95 -.049 -267 -.255 |
Buy B14s: 1928-1965 It should be noted that the up and down volume betwen 1942 and 1965 was estimated based on the advances and declines each day and the NYSE volume. Date DJIA LA/MA ROC P-I P-chan. IP21(AI) V-I OPCT Gain --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/9/1942 99.7 .989 -.212 9 37 -.085 -20 -.09 -.005 DJI fell to 92.90 and then began bull market. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/7/1943 136.40 .98 -.043 41 57 -.025 12 -.048 .013 DJI rose and began bull market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/6/1944 144.4 .983 -.073 85 29 -.029 76 .037 .165 DJI rose and began bull market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/8/1945 158.9 1.002 .263 150 32 .168 179 .046 .059 DJI fell to 152.30 and then rose ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/9/1945 156.3 .985 .06 179 28 .133 242 .314 .076 DJI fell to 152.30 and then rose ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/9/1946 163.10 .956 -.293 -1 66 .012 -45 -117 .071 This was bottom. Rallied to 183.But low needed to be tested 7 months later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/15/1946 175.9 1.035 .098 30 27 .072 4 -.029 .007 This was bottom. Rallied to 183.But low needed to be tested 7 months later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/7/1947 177.10 .979 -.355 -14 33 .09 -61 -.187 -.014 DJI fell to 153.60 on 5/19/1947 and then began bull market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/9/1948 180.3 .989 .02 70 63 .11 17 .035 .033 DJI fell to 176.. on 9/27/1949 and then rallied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/6/1949 165.2 .959 -.765 -100 33 -.15 -128 -.284 .303 DJI fell to 161.60 on 6/13/1949 and then strong rally ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/6/1953 274.1 .959 -.407 4 40 -.025 -138 -.111 .495 DJI fell to 255.50 on 9/14/1953 and then strong rally ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/9/1953 263.4 .963 -.668 -88 34 -.083 -143 -.407 .555 DJI fell to 255.50 on 9/14/1953 and then strong rally ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |