Beauty Like This Should Be Shared

I wish to share some glimpses of New Mexico, one of the most beautiful
places on earth. Driving through it on the interstate at 75 mph, the beauty is missed.
The seasons cast an infinite assortment of lights upon its landscape, in a myriad
of enchanting, never-to-be-forgotten, ways.

Since childhood I have found magical the combination of blue and tan. 
At 7000 feet the skies are a very deep, deep blue and the land is a rich brown tan.

Never have I seen clouds cast spells on the land as near the Ghost Ranch, above
Abiqui in the northern New Mexico...  Years later,  I found out that this was a favorite
place of painter Georgia O'Keefe. 

Turquoise summons up the blue of the skies and imparts a special magic to the woman
wearing it in the evening.

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  (From )

I hope you enjoy this collection.

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The burning of ZOZOBRA in Santa Fe at the start of each Fall
signifies the purging of all negativity for another year..
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