1990 Head/Shoulders in SP-500 Stocks (now)

                   On July 12, 1990, Peerless gave a major reversing Sell S9.  On August 3, 1990 the
                   DJI broke its neckline support.  Note the breaking of the neckline support also
                   was a simultaneous bring of the 65-dma.  The IP21 was still positive.   Head/Shoulders
                   that were completed after July 12th in the SP-500 would have been of particular
                   interest.   There were many. 

                   The general market weakness caused by Iraq's seizure of Kuwait surprised many
                   stocks.  Most did not show red negative distribution as their head/shoulders patterns
                   were completed.
Volatile NSM fell a long way in sympathy with the market despite
                   blue Accumulation and a strong Closing Power.  This shows why Peerless is helpful.


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                233 stocks in sample.
"                       35 Stocks had at least one completed Head/shoulders.
                        1   (STI) had a Hands above Head pattern.
                        40 Head and Shoulders patterns, not counting nested multiplle H/S patterns.
                        36 of the 40 produced declines, at least, fulfilling the minimum downside objective.

                        31 of the 40 fell more than 15% below their neckline-break without making a
                        new high first.                         

                        30 produced declines of more than 15%.  18 were below 65-dma when neckline was
                        violated.   Only 8 of the 30 has an IP21 below -.04 when neckline was violated.

                                          The Biggest H/S Decliners: AET, NSM and R

                                     The Biggest,
Most Reliable Decliners: Qualified H/S Decliners

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                        If one required the IP21 to be below -.04 and prices be below the 65-day ma
                        when the H/S neckline was violated, then there would have been only the five
                        trades.   Consider these the "qualified completed  H/S". All would have been profitable.

                                    More than 15% Decline Reached

                                  IP21 when      Below 65-dma     Did initial decline   Prices:
                                 neckline           when neckline       fuldill downside    1) Breakdown
                                 violated.           violated?               objective?              2) Subseqent High
                                                                                                                     3) Subsequent Low            
                                                                                                                    1)          2)      3)
          ADM June  22      .025          
Yes                           No                            9.25     9.75       8
          APD  Aug 3       
-.116           Yes                         Yes                      13.3      -            10.75  
          NYT  July 23      
-.114           Yes                         Yes                      11.4      -             8.5
          R  July 23           
-.093            Yes                         Yes                      21.3     -             12.5
          SHW  Aug 2        
-..083            Yes                       Yes                      9.56     -             7.75 
          TAP  Aug  3        
-.192           Yes                           Yes                      11.25   13.0       9.0
          TLAB  Aug 1`       
-.257          Yes                         Yes                        .55     -            .38    

                                                 Profits when Using Closing Power To Cover

                                            Close when                CP rises                 CP breaks                 Take Profits
                                            Neckline Broken      above 21-dma        downtrend                 when 15% gain
                     APD                 13.00   8/3                  11.38    9/7/90         11.84 (much worse)     11.05 yes  (better)
                      Downsloping, asymmetirical

r                      NYT                 11.38 7/23                    9.81    9/5/90     8.88    (much better)    9.67 yes (worse)
                     Flat, classic

                     R                      20.25   8/2                   14.00    10/12/90    14.25                          17.21 yes (worse)
                     Rising, classic   
                     SHW                9.56   8/2                       8.56   9/5/90       8.06   (much better)      8.126 yes
                     Rising, Asymmetrical

                     TAP                 11.25 8/3                     12.94   8/29          12.31  (much better)    9.56  yes in November.
                     Falling,   Asymmetrical

                     TLAB              0.51    8/2                      0.44    9/ 7            0.43                              .435    yes     
                     Flat, Asymmetrical                     

                                        More than 15% Decline Reached

                                  IP21 when      Below 65-dma     Did initial decline   Prices:
                                 neckline           when neckline       fuldill downside    1) Breakdown
                                 violated.           violated?               objective?              2) Subseqent High
                                                                                                                     3) Subsequent Low            
                                                                                                                    1)          2)      3)
         ADM June  22      .025          
Yes                           No                       9.25     9.75        8
         AET   July 23      
  -.02          Yes                           No                        6.39       6.7      3.8 Big Decline
                The 6/25/90 breakdown did not occur with prices below the neckline.
                The 7/23/90 breakdown did.  It should have been sold short.
         APA  Oct  2           .077           No                          Yes                      8.15     8.2       6.0
         APD  Aug 3       
-.116           Yes                        Yes                        13.3      -          10.75
         BA Aug 2              .02            
Yes                           Yes                    26        27        19.5
         BCR June 5          -.03           
Yes                           No                          7.9       8.0       6.5
         BLL  Jan 22      
-.062            No                          Yes                            4.1      -            3.55
         BLL  Aug  3        +.298            No                          Yes                         4.05     -          3.3
         CL  Aug 2          
-.056            No                          Yes                            8.6      8.7       7.25
                                           Classic H/S and red high volume on neckline break.
         CPB July 13          .016            No                          No                         13.75   -           11.1
         FLS  June 19         .129           
Yes                            Yes                     12.5    12.6       9.5 
         GLW   June 8      
-.002           Yes                            No                         6.6      6.75       5.0
         GPC June 18         .408             No                         No                         17.6    -            15.0
         GPS  June  6          .06              
Yes                          Yes                       2.3     2.4         1.5
         GPS  Aug  3            .04              
Yes                           No                      2.05   2.1         1.6
         HNZ  Aug 3            .107           
Yes                         Yes                       22.5   23.3       19.6
         IPG  Aug  6             .116          
Yes                            Yes                       5.6     -          4.85
         JCI  July 23            .07               No                         Yes                      2.45     -           1.45   
                              A beautiful, classic H/S Top pattern here.  Waiting for the 65-dma
                              to sell short still would have worked out well.
          MYL July 26          .135          
Yes                           Yes                      3.25     -           2.1   
          NSM   June 18       .357         
Yes                             Yes                       3.5     -             1.75   Big Decline
          NYT  July 23      
-.114           Yes                            Yes                      11.4   -              8.5
          PEP  July 31           .091            No                           Yes                     12.6   13.1        10.5
          R  July 23           
-.093            Yes                        Yes                          21.3    -            12.5  Big Decline
          ROK Jjuly 25        .284            
Yes                          No                       10.7   -              8.25
          RSH  Aug  6          .167            
Yes                           Yes                     8.44     -            6.0

          SEE  July 24          .111              No                          Yes                      3.33    -             2.3          
          SHW  Aug 2        
-..083            Yes                         Yes                       9.56   -              7.75
                                      Red high volume on breakdown.
          SUN  June 18     
-.029            No                          Yes                          19       18.94      13
          TAP  Aug  3        
-.192           Yes                            Yes                      11.25   13.0        9.0
          TLAB  Aug `       
-.257          Yes                           Yes                       .55    -                 .38

           WFC   July 10      .221         
Yes                        Yes                           2.55      2.62       1.7


Failures including Failures To Reach Minimum Downside Objective

                                  IP21 when      Below 65-dma     Did initial decline   Prices
                                 neckline           when neckline       fuldill downside
                                 violated.           violated?               objective?                1)          2)      3)
          GPS  Apr 18      .122                No                         No                         2.4       
2.6       1.5 Above right shoulder.       
          HRB Aug 3       .007                No                          Yes                       5.15      5.20     4.5
No 15% decline
          HRL Aug  3 
  -.098               Yes                        Yes                        4.12     -           3.6 No 15% decline
          JNJ  April 23   .155               
Yes                        Yes                      2.42    2.65 (NH)  1.4   Stopped out.
          JNJ  Aug 21      .106               
Yes                        No                        8        9 (NH)  7.55  Stopped out.
          PCG July 9   
-.013                No                           Yes                     22.5   23.25        20.4 No 15% decline          
          PFE  Aug 23     .304                 
Yes                          No                       immediately turned up
          ITW April 18   .214                  No                         Yes                       6.1
7.2 (NH)      6
          ITW June 7      .051                  No                         Yes                       6.7
7.2 (NH)      5.0  

          One (IPG) other stock started to form a H/S, jumped to a new high and then fell sharply. 
            Presumably to run in the shorts.  It did not complete its head/shoulders pattern and
            so was not counted here.  See also the first uncompleted H/S in MYL.  It does
            not break neckline and then forms another H/S which does 6 weeks later in Aug.
            ROK also refused to complete its neckline without first making a false run
            up above the aoex of its previous right shoulder apex.  We consider the breakdown
            as completing an asymmetrical H/S. 

                        2 (GPS and PFE) failed slightly to fulfill fownside objective.
                             The GPS breakdown' close was above the rising 65-dma
                             The IP21 for GPS on the break was +.241 and for PFE it was +.313

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                   This is not counted because neckline was not violated as a H/S pattern.
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