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A Step by Step Guide
to Making Money with
TigerSoft.  It's Easy.

Our Power Ranker Software
and Peerless Stock Market Timing
Will Help, too.

William Schmidt,   Tiger Software's Creator
          (C) 2008 William Schmidt, Ph. D.    
                     All Rights Reserved.  
                OK - Where Do We Start?

To start making money. here's what you will want
         to do when you have our TigerSoft. 

        The Peerless Stock Market Timing and Power Stock Ranker
        Software are also Recommended.

        We assume you have installed our software.

1).  Bring your stock data up to date by clicking on the internet
      link that we have sent you for data.  Open and run the data links there.

2).  From the Software Menu,
Select a group of stock that matches
       your interest.  Here we will take the DJI-30.   Its stocks are
       usually more safely traded.  The volume is high.   If you have our
       Peerless System.  What is the last signal?   If it is a Buy signal,
       you can more safely be more aggressive.  If there has been a
       cluster of separate Peerless Buys, you can be much more aggressive.
       In that case, chose one of the data-downloads like

3.   Run the Power Ranker Program. if you have it. 

4.   Examine the TigerSoft listing that shows the
Results/Trading Status.
This shows the percent gains achieved this past year trading the DJI-30
stocks, in this case, with Tiger's Automatic Signals.  Run your eyes down
the "Gain" column.  Find the stocks showing the biggest gains and
note the trading
Status, Buy or Sell or new Buy! or new Sell!.
      As of 10/15/2008, this Table shows:
       Stock     Gain          Status     Close  
       ---------     -------------    ----------    --------   
       BAC       150.5%        Buy        16.42
       C              433.2%      Buy          9.52
       GM        197.5%        Sell         3.01
       JPM       109.9%       Buy       34.47

(If you do not have the Power Ranker, take a piece of paper
and go through the Tiger charts of the DJI stocks, one-by-one,
and find the stock whose gains are greatest using the automatic

5.  As you can see C (CitiGroup), shows the highest trading
returns.  But we could take any of the stocks with the highest

6.  Next look at its TigerSoft chart.   Here is the display showing
the price chart, signals and four key indicators of internal strength.

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7.                       Trading with The Trend Is Safest

It is profitable to take all the signals.  $10,000 invested in the first
Sell to Sell Short and re-investing in every Buy signal since to
close out the Short Sale and go long, too, would have gained +433.2%.
This is conservatively calculated.  It assumes that you each trade
costs $40 in commissions and slippage.

The last signal is a red Buy, but it flies in the face of a falling blue
50-day ma and bearish messages from all four indicators of
internal strength.   It also would mean Buying despite the operative
Peerless signal still being a Sell.   So, it would be safer to not take
the latest Buy, but use it only to cover the short sale from the last red Sell.

                                            Insider Trading

    Signals at the bands are usually more profitable.  But our manuals also
teach what history shows are the most reliable to way use these
internal strength measures.  They let you look for significant insider
trading.  Our website offers much discussion of insider trading.
Compare the bearish
red distribution seen in CitiGroup above and the
blue Accumulation in Waste Connections below.
                                               Trading with Buys Only

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    In a bear market and when Peerless is on a major Sell, as now, it it
much, much harder to find stocks to make money playing the "long
side".  But it can be done!  Our TigerSoft lets you readily see the returns
for any stock when short sales are not taken.  In a bear market, one
should run the Power Ranker program and look at the charts of the
stocks that are ranked "Bullish" and trade these using the Buy signals.
The opposite is also true.  Use the "Bearish" flag to find the weakest

   WCN is ranked very highly by the Tiger Power Ranker.  It is now on a
Sell, but we would consider Buying it on the next red Buy.  The software
lets you see how well only taking the Buys in this stock would have done.

The results show a 57.9% using the next day's openings to only Buy
and Sell.  Making only short sales on red Sells on the next day's
openings would have gained 41.2%. 

For more examples, go to
TigerSoft Buys/Sells

            Using Peerless Stock Market Timing's Buys and Sells
on the general market, via the DJI-30, helps in many, many ways.
You can trade general market ETFs.  You can Buy the Short Sale ETFs
in a retirement account using  the Peerless Sells to take positions
and the Buys to close out the short positions.  

          These can be selected for the leverage they provide. 
                     SPY - SP-500 Long    SH - SP-500 Short   SDS - Ultra-Short SP-500
                     DIA   - DJI-30                  DOG - DJI-30 Short  DXD - Ultra Short DJI-30
                     QQQQ - NASDAQ-100  PSO - QQQQ Short  QID - QQQQ Ultra-Short.

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                                                DXD - Ultra Short DJI-30
                           TigerSoft's Automatic Red Signals Are Shown Below.
          Use them in conjunction with the Peerless Buys and Sells.

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