Tracking the Trillions

           There have been Ten (10)  5:1 Adv:Dec Buy B4s since the March bottom
           when the Fed announced they would put trillions in buying corporate
           bonds.  This is comparable to the March-May period of 2009, the May to
           August period in 2010 and the August to December period in 2011.  Each
           would have been a good time to buy stocks.  

FIVE2ONE.GIF (11693 bytes)

           A "5:1" daily ratio of advances to declines is generally bullish.  All such occurrences
           since 1965 are shown below.   They are marked as Buy B4s.  Since 2006 and expecially
           since 2009 they have started to appear in bunches.  I believe these bunches are a direct result
           of the FED support.   They represent Wall Street appreciation for how bullish FED RESERVE
           "Quantitative Easing" subsidies have been since 2008.  Since March 2020, the Wall Street
           buying respresents the confidence and bullishness born from the FEDs announcement that
           they will be buying trillions of Dollars worth of Corporate Bonds, high and medium grade.
           It will be shown later that individual "5:1 Buy B4s" are especially reliable when the DJI is above
           its 65-dma and we see a positive P-I and a positive OBV-Pct.

           It is significant that "5:1 Buy B4s" are scarce before 2006.  For example, there were no "5:1"
           days from March 1994 to December 2005.  So, it seems fair to hypothesize that they are the
           product of  computerized buy programs which is armed with the knowledge that the FED is
           committed to "back-stopping the market" with vast amounts of money.  An isolated "5:1 Buy B4
           can occur for many reasons, but a series of them such as we see in 2020 is almost certainly a
           direct result of FED intervention. 

           Another thing to note, and this will be shown in detail later on, these 5:1 Buys often occurred
           right at significant market bottoms.  In fact, you will see that these "Bugle-Call Buy B4s/B12s
           take place when the adv:decline or the up/down volume ratios are much higher.  More on this
           in my new Peerless book.

           First, see below the "5:1 Buy B4s" since 2006.  After that, see all the 5:1 Buy B4s since 1965.
           We start there because earlier breadth and volume is not so reliably reported.

B4-06.GIF (11317 bytes)

B4-0708.GIF (13284 bytes)
B4-08.GIF (12399 bytes)
B4-09.GIF (11518 bytes)
TO10.GIF (12120 bytes)
FED2011.GIF (11487 bytes)
TO1112.GIF (12130 bytes)
FED12.GIF (10741 bytes)
2013FED13.GIF (10103 bytes)


2014FED14.GIF (10175 bytes)
2015FED15.GIF (10744 bytes)
FED1516.GIF (11337 bytes)
2016FED16.GIF (9647 bytes)
FED1617.GIF (9361 bytes)

FED1718.GIF (9099 bytes)
2018 FED18.GIF (10058 bytes)
FED1819.GIF (9792 bytes)
2019FED19.GIF (9151 bytes)

TOF518.GIF (15453 bytes)