APPLIED TO SP-500 STOCKS
  31 Years:  January 16, 1980- March 24, 2011

          (C) 2011

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     There were 62 long Peerless trades between January 1980 and 
March 24, 2011. Here they are applied to all the stocks in the 
current SP-500 that have traded continously since then, more than 200. 

     In calculating this, we superimposed our DJIA based Peerless signals 
on the back data for these SP-500 stocks.  See AA for example. 

     There were 62 trades, reversing Buy signal to next Sell, in the 31
year period.  So, on average, there were two long trades a year. 

     The average gain show in the second column is the average gain 
per trade. We have set out in heavier Blue those stocks where the average 
gain was greater than 20% (.20)per trade. Thus, each AAPL trade averaged
a gain of 22%. 

     The next column shows the percentage of Peerless long trades with a 
particular stock were profitable. We have set out in heavy green, 
those stocks where more than 80% of Peerless trades were profitable.
A high rate of success is not the best approach.  85% of the trades 
with GIS were profitable but the average gain per trade was only

      A better way to evaluate Peerless is to compare how well it did
over the 31 year period, where money is fully re-invested in the stock
with each new reversing buy signal after a Sell and compare thodr
gains, which are shown in the column second from the right, 
with the gains if one had simply held the stock over the 31 year period. 
The gains simply buying and hold for 31 years is shown in the last column
in the report below. 
     When making this comparison, note that dividends were not factored in
the gains shown Peerless trading or simply buying and holding.  Taxes 
are not considered. If one is trading in a Retirement Account, 
taxes are postponed and multiple trades would not matter.

     It was assumed that commissions and slippage amounted to 2% per
buy and sell using Peerless. As there were only 2 trades a year
on average, this is not much of a factor.

     AAPL, of course, has been a star performer in this period.  $1000
invested in it in 1980, when it went public, would have been turned
into $94,193 in 2011.  But using Peerless and fully re-investing
the proceeds with each new reversing Peerless Buy would have turned 
the $10,000 into $11,071,733. Here are the trades for AAPL.
Other big gainers were TER where $10,000 became 15873852
and DHR, where $10,000 would have become $10,701,188, 
Investing in GPS would have turned $10,000 into $4,845,748.  Huge
gains were made in home builders, LEN and PHM: $16,319,786 and
                 INVESTED IN A GIVEN STOCK: 1980 - 2011 

Stock          Avg Gain     Pct of        $1000          $1000
              per Peerless  Peerless      Originally     bought and
               Long         Trades        Invested.      held.
               Trade        Profitable    2% commission  (Dividends not 
                                           assumed per   counted.
                                           trade         A 5% dividend on $1000
                                                         re-invested would
                                                         add up to 4321 30 years
AA             .15           .69           822197        4716 
AAPL           .22           .72           11071733      94193 
ABT            .11           .72           109850        42963 
ADI            .18           .66           1314807       65945 
ADM            .11           .75           134232        19603 
ADP            .13           .77           323169        54103 
AEE            .05           .67           5293          2669 
AEP            .05           .67           4771          2123 
AET            .1            .72           64164         9464 
AFL            .17           .66           606560        218583 
AMAT           .21           .67           5341557       156288 
AMD            .25           .61           4028932       2730 
APA            .09           .59           19092         19912 
APD            .15           .82          921911        20530 
AVP            .11           .69           94848         6656 
AVY            .14           .74           404024        17627 
AXP            .17           .8            2541403       24204 
AYE            .07           .67           6611          3772 
BA             .14           .7            395751        13301 
BAC            .16           .74           961357        9708 
BAX            .1            .75           67905         11181 
BCR            .12           .75           164614        89701 
BDX            .11           .75           80020         42461 
BHI            .11           .7            62106         2435 
BK             .14           .75           340052        22876 
BLL            .12           .75           199633        52694 
BMS            .12           .79           213262        41261 
BMY            .1            .75           91532         13238 
CAG            .12           .72           180969        36688 
CAT            .13           .72           318715        18171 
CB             .14           .82           650800        34418 
CEG            .07           .66           11191         5000 
CI             .13           .77           318202        12591 
CINF           .11           .69           84922         32073 
CL             .11           .77           190094        50738 
CLX            .12           .74           186628        64760 
CMCSA          .14           .66           245354        53674 
CMI            .17           .66           1251276       27609 
CMS            .08           .74           30204         1172 
CNP            .06           .59           6487          1842 
COP            .08           .72           28584         10415 
CPB            .09           .74           49971         20335 
CSC            .14           .74           317297        15578 
CSX            .14           .77           441133        37027 
CTL            .13           .75           292624        46006 
CVS            .11           .69           107219        25018 
CVX            .06           .72           10788         11906 
D              .04           .69           4194          9283 
DD             .13           .74           307790        9646 
DE             .14           .75           698465        17694 
DHR            .2            .82          10701188      504607 
DIS            .16           .8            1165456       48663 
DNB            .1            .75           104027        45572 
DOV            .14           .77           825089        29307 
DOW            .14           .72           350853        5285 
DTE            .05           .62           5249          4219 
DUK            .06           .7            7204          8299 
ECL            .11           .79           157614        43277 
ED             .06           .64           7341          9699 
EFX            .14           .74           472706        80567 
EIX            .06           .67           9747          6605 
EK             .06           .69           5715          148 
EMR            .12           .8            293650        22086 
EQT            .1            .7            69306         39882 
ETN            .14           .7            435041        27936 
EXC            .05           .67           5188          6679 
F              .17           .69           666657        11512 
FDO            .18           .64           527735        178517 
FDX            .16           .7            757951        27904 
FE             .06           .7            7310          2996 
FLS            .14           .7            294418        11748 
FMC            .15           .82          1260060       61825 
FO             .12           .8           171113        12954 
FRX            .16           .72           768839        199102 
GAS            .05           .7            5530          3521 
GCI            .16           .61           278247        3493 
GD             .11           .75           83073         18202 
GE             .15           .8           1057352       20051 
GIS            .09           .85          43676         33743 
GLW            .18           .69           577747        11443 
GPC            .09           .75           39753         12477 
GPS            .29           .67           4845748       595135 
GR             .15           .75           641827        9354 
GT             .22           .74           2934378       2641 
GWW            .13           .82           429653        37252 
HAL            .12           .62           44746         3906 
HAS            .17           .7            501757        312297 
HBAN           .13           .67           142757        6598 
HCN            .06           .67           10040         7568 
HES            .08           .62           15175         10380 
HNZ            .1            .75           63672         23708 
HON            .13           .74           174288        7557 
HOT            .12           .67           37133         1024 
HPQ            .17           .75           1160618       27714 
HRB            .12           .74           154629        22489 
HRL            .11           .8            101689        52832 
HRS            .11           .74           95722         6496 
HST            .15           .75           494169        22973 
HSY            .11           .75           109862        64052 
HUM            .14           .74           345095        13729 
IBM            .12           .75           157335        10793 
IFF            .12           .75           209195        10658 
INTC           .17           .69           969890        61859 
IP             .12           .79           197465        3098 
IPG            .13           .61           182951        15146 
ITW            .15           .8            903497        80043 
JCI            .13           .72           224542        40960 
JCP            .12           .62           123275        6554 
JEC            .2            .74           6089005       90660 
JNJ            .11           .8            131007        42397 
JPM            .15           .75           407507        9053 
JWN            .2            .72           6154230       44719 
K              .09           .67           30442         26420 
KLAC           .19           .56           2581521       39520 
KMB            .1            .69           64847         24856 
KO             .13           .74           256114        52723 
KR             .11           .79           139282        39166 
L              .17           .75           1774866       63913 
LEG            .15           .69           546938        47252 
LEN            .26           .7            16319786      41317 
LLY            .11           .74           76431         11163 
LNC            .18           .74           983216        6504 
LOW            .17           .7            1067062       145000 
LTD            .27           .67           18366993      258770 
LUK            .18           .72           1053893       509000 
LUV            .15           .66           364902        70169 
MAS            .14           .66           284535        5168 
MAT            .15           .61           194032        12143 
MCD            .13           .77           234373        81542 
MDP            .13           .77           248478        24167 
MEE            .16           .72           363870        9719 
MHP            .13           .7            375962        24363 
MKC            .1            .69           79828         30190 
MMC            .12           .77           137427        11855 
MMM            .1            .83          133640        15436 
MO             .14           .74           403484        87406 
MRK            .13           .75           253369        19457 
MTB            .16           .74           788642        314363 
MUR            .08           .64           17396         9509 
MWV            .14           .79           464201        5395 
MYL            .21           .72           2403271       392142 
NBL            .08           .69           13145         12778 
NBR            .12           .59           17315         2948 
NEM            .07           .54           6009          3560 
NI             .03           .62           1630          3179 
NKE            .17           .74           1292943       77220 
NOC            .09           .67           23371         8769 
NSC            .13           .8            507439        22977 
NSM            .14           .58           60701         3938 
NTRS           .13           .74           264549        50199 
NU             .06           .67           7205          4345 
NUE            .17           .75           1849745       58010 
NWL            .18           .72           2130021       36056 
NYT            .12           .66           111257        5652 
OKE            .09           .7            35506         14093 
OMC            .12           .72           271641        30495 
OXY            .08           .7            21241         8519 
PBI            .11           .67           68610         12797 
PCAR           .15           .77           781351        45750 
PCG            .06           .67           5502          4280 
PEG            .06           .67           7258          5751 
PEP            .11           .83           145065        55392 
PFE            .11           .69           80503         28661 
PG             .1            .8            65897         30934 
PGN            .05           .69           5831          5669 
PGR            .15           .66           556678        356206 
PH             .15           .79           1220954       26404 
PHM            .23           .69           5318273       39361 
PKI            .13           .72           277415        8308 
PLL            .13           .64           214390        22234 
PNW            .06           .64           8593          2760 
PPG            .13           .75           300962        26157 
PPL            .06           .74           8887          5961 
PSA            .07           .69           13567         7487 
R              .14           .7            424226        8286 
RDC            .15           .72           181604        3825 
ROK            .15           .69           567991        35940 
RRD            .13           .7            297202        5650 
RSH            .14           .67           168117        6820 
S              .08           .66           18847         1354 
SCG            .05           .69           4820          6164 
SEE            .18           .72           848243        29841 
SHW            .15           .77           715892        97417 
SIAL           .12           .79           183089        81585 
SLB            .11           .64           62908         7964 
SLE            .12           .74           179416        31520 
SNA            .11           .75           152497        8723 
SO             .05           .64           5405          11214 
STJ            .17           .69           1820228       127132 
STR            .09           .74           38960         26381 
STT            .21           .77           7549965       226787 
SUN            .09           .69           33237         4552 
SWK            .14           .80          722440        14358 
SWN            .1            .62           36664         58312 
SYK            .22           .82          17021514      626020 
SYY            .12           .75           272730        127272 
TAP            .08           .59           16471         6882 
TE             .06           .74           7300          4976 
TER            .24           .72           15873852      7753 
TGT            .15           .72           719352        61044 
THC            .16           .69           250137        2988 
TJX            .18           .79           1382552       442321 
TLAB           .19           .66           970358        5090 
TMK            .14           .77           341296        46379 
TMO            .17           .74           1120830       25532 
TRV            .12           .80          265158        14495 
TSN            .21           .67           718023        90047 
TSO            .12           .58           42584         2737 
TXN            .14           .7            245569        19101 
TXT            .15           .7            510488        10219 
UNP            .1            .75           78678         13957 
USB            .15           .7            392258        61511 
UTX            .13           .77           443158        30453 
VAR            .13           .80          315710        73035 
VFC            .15           .69           398146        73637 
VIA            .18           .7            2110220       29450 
VLO            .13           .62           154243        6989 
VMC            .11           .74           172713        14977 
VNO            .13           .74           241542        78242 
WAG            .14           .67           489981        190574 
WDC            .16           .58           139567        14891 
WEC            .06           .72           8832          13577 
WFC            .15           .79           681157        39019 
WHR            .14           .69           311146        10343 
WMB            .15           .77           295078        5895 
WMT            .18           .74           2681693       456991 
WPO            .1            .72           64531         24711 
WY             .13           .75           282239        3352 
X              .14           .77           333485        4067 
XEL            .05           .69           4908          4861 
XOM            .08           .82          40678         22938 
XRX            .13           .77           120024        1128 
ZION           .12           .62           96955         12170